Class QName

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class QName extends Object implements Serializable

QName represents a qualified name as defined in the XML specifications: XML Schema Part2: Datatypes specification, Namespaces in XML.

The value of a QName contains a Namespace URI, local part and prefix.

The prefix is included in QName to retain lexical information when present in an XML input source. The prefix is NOT used in QName.equals(Object) or to compute the QName.hashCode(). Equality and the hash code are defined using only the Namespace URI and local part.

If not specified, the Namespace URI is set to XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI. If not specified, the prefix is set to XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX.

QName is immutable.

See Also:
  • Constructor Summary Link icon

    QName(String localPart)
    QName constructor specifying the local part.
    QName(String namespaceURI, String localPart)
    QName constructor specifying the Namespace URI and local part.
    QName(String namespaceURI, String localPart, String prefix)
    QName constructor specifying the Namespace URI, local part and prefix.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    final boolean
    equals(Object objectToTest)
    Test this QName for equality with another Object.
    Get the local part of this QName.
    Get the Namespace URI of this QName.
    Get the prefix of this QName.
    final int
    Generate the hash code for this QName.
    Returns the string representation of this QName.
    static QName
    valueOf(String qNameAsString)
    Returns a QName from its string representation.

    Methods declared in class Object Link icon

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getNamespaceURI Link icon

      public String getNamespaceURI()

      Get the Namespace URI of this QName.

      Namespace URI of this QName
    • getLocalPart Link icon

      public String getLocalPart()

      Get the local part of this QName.

      local part of this QName
    • getPrefix Link icon

      public String getPrefix()

      Get the prefix of this QName.

      The prefix assigned to a QName might NOT be valid in a different context. For example, a QName may be assigned a prefix in the context of parsing a document but that prefix may be invalid in the context of a different document.

      prefix of this QName
    • equals Link icon

      public final boolean equals(Object objectToTest)

      Test this QName for equality with another Object.

      If the Object to be tested is not a QName or is null, then this method returns false.

      Two QNames are considered equal if and only if both the Namespace URI and local part are equal. This method uses String.equals() to check equality of the Namespace URI and local part. The prefix is NOT used to determine equality.

      This method satisfies the general contract of Object.equals(Object)

      equals in class Object
      objectToTest - the Object to test for equality with this QName
      true if the given Object is equal to this QName else false
      See Also:
    • hashCode Link icon

      public final int hashCode()

      Generate the hash code for this QName.

      The hash code is calculated using both the Namespace URI and the local part of the QName. The prefix is NOT used to calculate the hash code.

      This method satisfies the general contract of Object.hashCode().

      hashCode in class Object
      hash code for this QName Object
      See Also:
    • toString Link icon

      public String toString()
      Returns the string representation of this QName. The format is:
      If NamespaceURI is null, only LocalPart is returned.
      toString in class Object
      API Note:
      The Prefix is not returned in the string representation.
      the string representation of this QName
    • valueOf Link icon

      public static QName valueOf(String qNameAsString)
      Returns a QName from its string representation. The string representation must be in the format returned by toString():
      Since the Prefix is not represented in the string form, it will be set to XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX.
      API Note:
      This method does not perform full validation of the resulting QName. The NamespaceURI is not validated as a URI reference. The LocalPart is not validated as a NCName as specified in Namespaces in XML.
      qNameAsString - the string representation of the QName
      a QName from its string representation
      IllegalArgumentException - if qNameAsString is null or malformed
      See Also: