Interface SnippetTree

All Superinterfaces:
DocTree, InlineTagTree

public interface SnippetTree extends InlineTagTree
A tree node for an @snippet inline tag.
    {@snippet :

    {@snippet attributes}

    {@snippet attributes :
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getAttributes Link icon

      List<? extends DocTree> getAttributes()
      Returns the list of the attributes of the @snippet tag.
      the list of the attributes
    • getBody Link icon

      TextTree getBody()
      Returns the body of the @snippet tag, or null if there is no body.
      API Note:
      An instance of SnippetTree with an empty body differs from an instance of SnippetTree with no body. If a tag has no body, then calling this method returns null. If a tag has an empty body, then this method returns a TextTree whose TextTree.getBody() returns an empty string.
      the body of the tag, or null if there is no body