Interface Scope

public interface Scope
Interface for determining locally available program elements, such as local variables and imports. Upon creation, a Scope is associated with a given program position; for example, a tree node. This position may be used to infer an enclosing method and/or class.

A Scope does not itself contain the details of the elements corresponding to the parameters, methods and fields of the methods and classes containing its position. However, these elements can be determined from the enclosing elements.

Scopes may be contained in an enclosing scope. The outermost scope contains those elements available via "star import" declarations; the scope within that contains the top level elements of the compilation unit, including any named imports.

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getEnclosingScope Link icon

      Scope getEnclosingScope()
      Returns the enclosing scope.
      the enclosing scope
    • getEnclosingClass Link icon

      TypeElement getEnclosingClass()
      Returns the innermost type element containing the position of this scope.
      the innermost enclosing type element
    • getEnclosingMethod Link icon

      ExecutableElement getEnclosingMethod()
      Returns the innermost executable element containing the position of this scope.
      the innermost enclosing method declaration
    • getLocalElements Link icon

      Iterable<? extends Element> getLocalElements()
      Returns the elements directly contained in this scope.
      the elements contained in this scope