Class TaskEvent


public final class TaskEvent extends Object
Provides details about work that has been done by the JDK Java Compiler, javac.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • TaskEvent Link icon

      public TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind)
      Creates a task event for a given kind. The source file, compilation unit and type element are all set to null.
      kind - the kind of the event
    • TaskEvent Link icon

      public TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind, JavaFileObject sourceFile)
      Creates a task event for a given kind and source file. The compilation unit and type element are both set to null.
      kind - the kind of the event
      sourceFile - the source file
    • TaskEvent Link icon

      public TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind, CompilationUnitTree unit)
      Creates a task event for a given kind and compilation unit. The source file is set from the compilation unit, and the type element is set to null.
      kind - the kind of the event
      unit - the compilation unit
    • TaskEvent Link icon

      public TaskEvent(TaskEvent.Kind kind, CompilationUnitTree unit, TypeElement clazz)
      Creates a task event for a given kind, compilation unit and type element. The source file is set from the compilation unit.
      kind - the kind of the event
      unit - the compilation unit
      clazz - the type element
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getKind Link icon

      public TaskEvent.Kind getKind()
      Returns the kind for this event.
      the kind
    • getSourceFile Link icon

      public JavaFileObject getSourceFile()
      Returns the source file for this event. May be null.
      the source file
    • getCompilationUnit Link icon

      public CompilationUnitTree getCompilationUnit()
      Returns the compilation unit for this event. May be null.
      the compilation unit
    • getTypeElement Link icon

      public TypeElement getTypeElement()
      Returns the type element for this event. May be null.
      the type element