Class TreeSelectionEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TreeSelectionEvent extends EventObject
An event that characterizes a change in the current selection. The change is based on any number of paths. TreeSelectionListeners will generally query the source of the event for the new selected status of each potentially changed row.

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage of all JavaBeans has been added to the java.beans package. Please see XMLEncoder.

See Also:
  • Field Details Link icon

    • paths Link icon

      protected TreePath[] paths
      Paths this event represents.
    • areNew Link icon

      protected boolean[] areNew
      For each path identifies if that path is in fact new.
    • oldLeadSelectionPath Link icon

      protected TreePath oldLeadSelectionPath
      leadSelectionPath before the paths changed, may be null.
    • newLeadSelectionPath Link icon

      protected TreePath newLeadSelectionPath
      leadSelectionPath after the paths changed, may be null.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • TreeSelectionEvent Link icon

      public TreeSelectionEvent(Object source, TreePath[] paths, boolean[] areNew, TreePath oldLeadSelectionPath, TreePath newLeadSelectionPath)
      Represents a change in the selection of a TreeSelectionModel. paths identifies the paths that have been either added or removed from the selection.
      source - source of event
      paths - the paths that have changed in the selection
      areNew - a boolean array indicating whether the paths in paths are new to the selection
      oldLeadSelectionPath - the previous lead selection path
      newLeadSelectionPath - the new lead selection path
    • TreeSelectionEvent Link icon

      public TreeSelectionEvent(Object source, TreePath path, boolean isNew, TreePath oldLeadSelectionPath, TreePath newLeadSelectionPath)
      Represents a change in the selection of a TreeSelectionModel. path identifies the path that has been either added or removed from the selection.
      source - source of event
      path - the path that has changed in the selection
      isNew - whether or not the path is new to the selection, false means path was removed from the selection.
      oldLeadSelectionPath - the previous lead selection path
      newLeadSelectionPath - the new lead selection path
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getPaths Link icon

      public TreePath[] getPaths()
      Returns the paths that have been added or removed from the selection.
      copy of the array of TreePath objects for this event.
    • getPath Link icon

      public TreePath getPath()
      Returns the first path element.
      the first TreePath element represented by this event
    • isAddedPath Link icon

      public boolean isAddedPath()
      Returns whether the path identified by getPath was added to the selection. A return value of true indicates the path identified by getPath was added to the selection. A return value of false indicates getPath was selected, but is no longer selected.
      true if getPath was added to the selection, false otherwise
    • isAddedPath Link icon

      public boolean isAddedPath(TreePath path)
      Returns whether the specified path was added to the selection. A return value of true indicates the path identified by path was added to the selection. A return value of false indicates path is no longer selected. This method is only valid for the paths returned from getPaths(); invoking with a path not included in getPaths() throws an IllegalArgumentException.
      path - the path to test
      true if path was added to the selection, false otherwise
      IllegalArgumentException - if path is not contained in getPaths
      See Also:
    • isAddedPath Link icon

      public boolean isAddedPath(int index)
      Returns whether the path at getPaths()[index] was added to the selection. A return value of true indicates the path was added to the selection. A return value of false indicates the path is no longer selected.
      index - the index of the path to test
      true if the path was added to the selection, false otherwise
      IllegalArgumentException - if index is outside the range of getPaths
      See Also:
    • getOldLeadSelectionPath Link icon

      public TreePath getOldLeadSelectionPath()
      Returns the path that was previously the lead path.
      a TreePath containing the old lead selection path
    • getNewLeadSelectionPath Link icon

      public TreePath getNewLeadSelectionPath()
      Returns the current lead path.
      a TreePath containing the new lead selection path
    • cloneWithSource Link icon

      public Object cloneWithSource(Object newSource)
      Returns a copy of the receiver, but with the source being newSource.
      newSource - source of event
      an Object which is a copy of this event with the source being the newSource provided