Class StandardEmitterMBean

All Implemented Interfaces:
DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, NotificationEmitter

public class StandardEmitterMBean extends StandardMBean implements NotificationEmitter

An MBean whose management interface is determined by reflection on a Java interface, and that emits notifications.

The following example shows how to use the public constructor StandardEmitterMBean(implementation, mbeanInterface, emitter) to create an MBean emitting notifications with any implementation class name Impl, with a management interface defined (as for current Standard MBeans) by any interface Intf, and with any implementation of the interface NotificationEmitter. The example uses the class NotificationBroadcasterSupport as an implementation of the interface NotificationEmitter.

     MBeanServer mbs;
     final String[] types = new String[] {"","sun.disc.alarm"};
     final MBeanNotificationInfo info = new MBeanNotificationInfo(
                                          "Notification about disc info.");
     final NotificationEmitter emitter =
                    new NotificationBroadcasterSupport(info);

     final Intf impl = new Impl(...);
     final Object mbean = new StandardEmitterMBean(
                                     impl, Intf.class, emitter);
     mbs.registerMBean(mbean, objectName);
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • StandardEmitterMBean

      public <T> StandardEmitterMBean(T implementation, Class<T> mbeanInterface, NotificationEmitter emitter)

      Make an MBean whose management interface is specified by mbeanInterface, with the given implementation and where notifications are handled by the given NotificationEmitter. The resultant MBean implements the NotificationEmitter interface by forwarding its methods to emitter. It is legal and useful for implementation and emitter to be the same object.

      If emitter is an instance of NotificationBroadcasterSupport then the MBean's sendNotification method will call emitter.sendNotification.

      The array returned by getNotificationInfo() on the new MBean is a copy of the array returned by emitter.getNotificationInfo() at the time of construction. If the array returned by emitter.getNotificationInfo() later changes, that will have no effect on this object's getNotificationInfo().

      Type Parameters:
      T - the implementation type of the MBean
      implementation - the implementation of the MBean interface.
      mbeanInterface - a Standard MBean interface.
      emitter - the object that will handle notifications.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the mbeanInterface does not follow JMX design patterns for Management Interfaces, or if the given implementation does not implement the specified interface, or if emitter is null.
    • StandardEmitterMBean

      public <T> StandardEmitterMBean(T implementation, Class<T> mbeanInterface, boolean isMXBean, NotificationEmitter emitter)

      Make an MBean whose management interface is specified by mbeanInterface, with the given implementation and where notifications are handled by the given NotificationEmitter. This constructor can be used to make either Standard MBeans or MXBeans. The resultant MBean implements the NotificationEmitter interface by forwarding its methods to emitter. It is legal and useful for implementation and emitter to be the same object.

      If emitter is an instance of NotificationBroadcasterSupport then the MBean's sendNotification method will call emitter.sendNotification.

      The array returned by getNotificationInfo() on the new MBean is a copy of the array returned by emitter.getNotificationInfo() at the time of construction. If the array returned by emitter.getNotificationInfo() later changes, that will have no effect on this object's getNotificationInfo().

      Type Parameters:
      T - the implementation type of the MBean
      implementation - the implementation of the MBean interface.
      mbeanInterface - a Standard MBean interface.
      isMXBean - If true, the mbeanInterface parameter names an MXBean interface and the resultant MBean is an MXBean.
      emitter - the object that will handle notifications.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the mbeanInterface does not follow JMX design patterns for Management Interfaces, or if the given implementation does not implement the specified interface, or if emitter is null.
    • StandardEmitterMBean

      protected StandardEmitterMBean(Class<?> mbeanInterface, NotificationEmitter emitter)

      Make an MBean whose management interface is specified by mbeanInterface, and where notifications are handled by the given NotificationEmitter. The resultant MBean implements the NotificationEmitter interface by forwarding its methods to emitter.

      If emitter is an instance of NotificationBroadcasterSupport then the MBean's sendNotification method will call emitter.sendNotification.

      The array returned by getNotificationInfo() on the new MBean is a copy of the array returned by emitter.getNotificationInfo() at the time of construction. If the array returned by emitter.getNotificationInfo() later changes, that will have no effect on this object's getNotificationInfo().

      This constructor must be called from a subclass that implements the given mbeanInterface.

      mbeanInterface - a StandardMBean interface.
      emitter - the object that will handle notifications.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the mbeanInterface does not follow JMX design patterns for Management Interfaces, or if this does not implement the specified interface, or if emitter is null.
    • StandardEmitterMBean

      protected StandardEmitterMBean(Class<?> mbeanInterface, boolean isMXBean, NotificationEmitter emitter)

      Make an MBean whose management interface is specified by mbeanInterface, and where notifications are handled by the given NotificationEmitter. This constructor can be used to make either Standard MBeans or MXBeans. The resultant MBean implements the NotificationEmitter interface by forwarding its methods to emitter.

      If emitter is an instance of NotificationBroadcasterSupport then the MBean's sendNotification method will call emitter.sendNotification.

      The array returned by getNotificationInfo() on the new MBean is a copy of the array returned by emitter.getNotificationInfo() at the time of construction. If the array returned by emitter.getNotificationInfo() later changes, that will have no effect on this object's getNotificationInfo().

      This constructor must be called from a subclass that implements the given mbeanInterface.

      mbeanInterface - a StandardMBean interface.
      isMXBean - If true, the mbeanInterface parameter names an MXBean interface and the resultant MBean is an MXBean.
      emitter - the object that will handle notifications.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the mbeanInterface does not follow JMX design patterns for Management Interfaces, or if this does not implement the specified interface, or if emitter is null.
  • Method Details