Interface JMXConnector

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JMXConnector extends Closeable

The client end of a JMX API connector. An object of this type can be used to establish a connection to a connector server.

A newly-created object of this type is unconnected. Its connect method must be called before it can be used. However, objects created by JMXConnectorFactory.connect are already connected.

  • Field Details


      static final String CREDENTIALS

      Name of the attribute that specifies the credentials to send to the connector server during connection. The value associated with this attribute, if any, is a serializable object of an appropriate type for the server's JMXAuthenticator.

      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • connect

      void connect() throws IOException

      Establishes the connection to the connector server. This method is equivalent to connect(null).

      IOException - if the connection could not be made because of a communication problem.
      SecurityException - if the connection could not be made for security reasons.
    • connect

      void connect(Map<String,?> env) throws IOException

      Establishes the connection to the connector server.

      If connect has already been called successfully on this object, calling it again has no effect. If, however, close() was called after connect, the new connect will throw an IOException.

      Otherwise, either connect has never been called on this object, or it has been called but produced an exception. Then calling connect will attempt to establish a connection to the connector server.

      env - the properties of the connection. Properties in this map override properties in the map specified when the JMXConnector was created, if any. This parameter can be null, which is equivalent to an empty map.
      IOException - if the connection could not be made because of a communication problem.
      SecurityException - if the connection could not be made for security reasons.
    • getMBeanServerConnection

      MBeanServerConnection getMBeanServerConnection() throws IOException

      Returns an MBeanServerConnection object representing a remote MBean server. For a given JMXConnector, two successful calls to this method will usually return the same MBeanServerConnection object, though this is not required.

      For each method in the returned MBeanServerConnection, calling the method causes the corresponding method to be called in the remote MBean server. The value returned by the MBean server method is the value returned to the client. If the MBean server method produces an Exception, the same Exception is seen by the client. If the MBean server method, or the attempt to call it, produces an Error, the Error is wrapped in a JMXServerErrorException, which is seen by the client.

      an object that implements the MBeanServerConnection interface by forwarding its methods to the remote MBean server.
      IOException - if a valid MBeanServerConnection cannot be created, for instance because the connection to the remote MBean server has not yet been established (with the connect method), or it has been closed, or it has broken.
    • getMBeanServerConnection

      @Deprecated(since="21", forRemoval=true) default MBeanServerConnection getMBeanServerConnection(Subject delegationSubject) throws IOException
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      This method supported the legacy Subject Delegation feature, which has been removed. There is no replacement.

      When delegationSubject is null, calling his method is equivalent to calling getMBeanServerConnection().

      Implementation Requirements:
      The default implementation of this method throws UnsupportedOperationException if delegationSubject is non-null. Otherwise it calls getMBeanServerConnection().
      delegationSubject - must be null.
      an object that implements the MBeanServerConnection interface by forwarding its methods to the remote MBean server.
      IOException - if a valid MBeanServerConnection cannot be created, for instance because the connection to the remote MBean server has not yet been established (with the connect method), or it has been closed, or it has broken.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if delegationSubject is non-null.
    • close

      void close() throws IOException

      Closes the client connection to its server. Any ongoing or new request using the MBeanServerConnection returned by getMBeanServerConnection() will get an IOException.

      If close has already been called successfully on this object, calling it again has no effect. If close has never been called, or if it was called but produced an exception, an attempt will be made to close the connection. This attempt can succeed, in which case close will return normally, or it can generate an exception.

      Closing a connection is a potentially slow operation. For example, if the server has crashed, the close operation might have to wait for a network protocol timeout. Callers that do not want to block in a close operation should do it in a separate thread.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      IOException - if the connection cannot be closed cleanly. If this exception is thrown, it is not known whether the server end of the connection has been cleanly closed.
    • addConnectionNotificationListener

      void addConnectionNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback)

      Adds a listener to be informed of changes in connection status. The listener will receive notifications of type JMXConnectionNotification. An implementation can send other types of notifications too.

      Any number of listeners can be added with this method. The same listener can be added more than once with the same or different values for the filter and handback. There is no special treatment of a duplicate entry. For example, if a listener is registered twice with no filter, then its handleNotification method will be called twice for each notification.

      listener - a listener to receive connection status notifications.
      filter - a filter to select which notifications are to be delivered to the listener, or null if all notifications are to be delivered.
      handback - an object to be given to the listener along with each notification. Can be null.
      NullPointerException - if listener is null.
      See Also:
    • removeConnectionNotificationListener

      void removeConnectionNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener) throws ListenerNotFoundException

      Removes a listener from the list to be informed of changes in status. The listener must previously have been added. If there is more than one matching listener, all are removed.

      listener - a listener to receive connection status notifications.
      NullPointerException - if listener is null.
      ListenerNotFoundException - if the listener is not registered with this JMXConnector.
      See Also:
    • removeConnectionNotificationListener

      void removeConnectionNotificationListener(NotificationListener l, NotificationFilter f, Object handback) throws ListenerNotFoundException

      Removes a listener from the list to be informed of changes in status. The listener must previously have been added with the same three parameters. If there is more than one matching listener, only one is removed.

      l - a listener to receive connection status notifications.
      f - a filter to select which notifications are to be delivered to the listener. Can be null.
      handback - an object to be given to the listener along with each notification. Can be null.
      ListenerNotFoundException - if the listener is not registered with this JMXConnector, or is not registered with the given filter and handback.
      See Also:
    • getConnectionId

      String getConnectionId() throws IOException

      Gets this connection's ID from the connector server. For a given connector server, every connection will have a unique id which does not change during the lifetime of the connection.

      the unique ID of this connection. This is the same as the ID that the connector server includes in its JMXConnectionNotifications. The package description describes the conventions for connection IDs.
      IOException - if the connection ID cannot be obtained, for instance because the connection is closed or broken.