Class SourceCodeAnalysis.QualifiedNames

Enclosing class:

public static final class SourceCodeAnalysis.QualifiedNames extends Object
List of possible qualified names.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getNames Link icon

      public List<String> getNames()
      Known qualified names for the given simple name in the original code.
      known qualified names
    • getSimpleNameLength Link icon

      public int getSimpleNameLength()
      The length of the simple name in the original code for which the qualified names where gathered.
      the length of the simple name; -1 if there is no name immediately left to the cursor for which the candidates could be computed
    • isUpToDate Link icon

      public boolean isUpToDate()
      Indicates whether the result is based on up-to-date data. The listQualifiedNames method may return before the classpath is fully inspected, in which case this method will return false. If the result is based on a fully inspected classpath, this method will return true.
      true if the result is based on up-to-date data; otherwise false
    • isResolvable Link icon

      public boolean isResolvable()
      Indicates whether the given simple name in the original code refers to a resolvable element.
      true if the given simple name in the original code refers to a resolvable element; otherwise false