Interface ExecutionEnv

public interface ExecutionEnv
Functionality made available to a pluggable JShell execution engine. It is provided to the execution engine by the core JShell implementation.

This interface is designed to provide the access to core JShell functionality needed to implement ExecutionControl.

See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • userIn Link icon

      InputStream userIn()
      Returns the user's input stream.
      the user's input stream
    • userOut Link icon

      PrintStream userOut()
      Returns the user's output stream.
      the user's output stream
    • userErr Link icon

      PrintStream userErr()
      Returns the user's error stream.
      the user's error stream
    • extraRemoteVMOptions Link icon

      List<String> extraRemoteVMOptions()
      Returns the additional VM options to be used when launching the remote JVM. This is advice to the execution engine.

      Note: an execution engine need not launch a remote JVM.

      the additional options with which to launch the remote JVM
    • closeDown Link icon

      void closeDown()
      Reports that the execution engine has shutdown.
    • console Link icon

      default Optional<JShellConsole> console()
      Returns the JShellConsole that should be used by the execution engine, or null if none.

      Note: an execution engine may not support JShellConsole.

      Implementation Requirements:
      The default implementation of this method returns an empty Optional.
      returns console, or an empty Optional if none, never null