Interface GarbageCollectorMXBean

All Superinterfaces:
GarbageCollectorMXBean, MemoryManagerMXBean, PlatformManagedObject

public interface GarbageCollectorMXBean extends GarbageCollectorMXBean
Platform-specific management interface for a garbage collector which performs collections in cycles.

This platform extension is only available to the garbage collection implementation that supports this extension.

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getLastGcInfo Link icon

      GcInfo getLastGcInfo()
      Returns the GC information about the most recent GC. This method returns a GcInfo. If no GC information is available, null is returned. The collector-specific attributes, if any, can be obtained via the CompositeData interface.

      MBeanServer access: The mapped type of GcInfo is CompositeData with attributes specified in GcInfo.

      a GcInfo object representing the most GC information; or null if no GC information available.