Class VMOption


public class VMOption extends Object
Information about a VM option including its value and where the value came from which is referred as its origin.

Each VM option has a default value. A VM option can be set at VM creation time typically as a command line argument to the launcher or an argument passed to the VM created using the JNI invocation interface. In addition, a VM option may be set via an environment variable or a configuration file. A VM option can also be set dynamically via a management interface after the VM was started. A VMOption contains the value of a VM option and the origin of that value at the time this VMOption object was constructed. The value of the VM option may be changed after the VMOption object was constructed,

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • VMOption Link icon

      public VMOption(String name, String value, boolean writeable, VMOption.Origin origin)
      Constructs a VMOption.
      name - Name of a VM option.
      value - Value of a VM option.
      writeable - true if a VM option can be set dynamically, or false otherwise.
      origin - where the value of a VM option came from.
      NullPointerException - if the name or value is null
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getName Link icon

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of this VM option.
      the name of this VM option.
    • getValue Link icon

      public String getValue()
      Returns the value of this VM option at the time when this VMOption was created. The value could have been changed.
      the value of the VM option at the time when this VMOption was created.
    • getOrigin Link icon

      public VMOption.Origin getOrigin()
      Returns the origin of the value of this VM option. That is, where the value of this VM option came from.
      where the value of this VM option came from.
    • isWriteable Link icon

      public boolean isWriteable()
      Tests if this VM option is writeable. If this VM option is writeable, it can be set by the HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean.setVMOption method.
      true if this VM option is writeable; false otherwise.
    • from Link icon

      public static VMOption from(CompositeData cd)
      Returns a VMOption object represented by the given CompositeData. The given CompositeData must contain the following attributes:
      Attribute Name Type
      name java.lang.String
      value java.lang.String
      origin java.lang.String
      writeable java.lang.Boolean
      cd - CompositeData representing a VMOption
      a VMOption object represented by cd if cd is not null; null otherwise.
      IllegalArgumentException - if cd does not represent a VMOption with the attributes described above.