Interface NotificationHandler<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the object attached to the receive operation
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface NotificationHandler<T>
A handler for consuming notifications from the SCTP stack.

The SCTP channels defined in this package allow a notification handler to be specified to consume notifications from the SCTP stack. When a notification is received the handleNotification method of the handler is invoked to handle that notification.

Additionally, an attachment object can be attached to the receive operation to provide context when consuming the notification. The attachment is important for cases where a state-less NotificationHandler is used to consume the result of many receive operations.

Handler implementations are encouraged to extend the AbstractNotificationHandler class which implements this interface and provide notification specific methods. However, an API should generally use this handler interface as the type for parameters, return type, etc. rather than the abstract class.

  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    handleNotification(Notification notification, T attachment)
    Invoked when a notification is received from the SCTP stack.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • handleNotification Link icon

      HandlerResult handleNotification(Notification notification, T attachment)
      Invoked when a notification is received from the SCTP stack.
      notification - The notification
      attachment - The object attached to the receive operation when it was initiated.
      The handler result