Interface CertPathChecker

All Known Implementing Classes:
PKIXCertPathChecker, PKIXRevocationChecker

public interface CertPathChecker

Performs one or more checks on each Certificate of a CertPath.

A CertPathChecker implementation is typically created to extend a certification path validation algorithm. For example, an implementation may check for and process a critical private extension of each certificate in a certification path.

  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Performs the check(s) on the specified certificate using its internal state.
    init(boolean forward)
    Initializes the internal state of this CertPathChecker.
    Indicates if forward checking is supported.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • init Link icon

      void init(boolean forward) throws CertPathValidatorException
      Initializes the internal state of this CertPathChecker.

      The forward flag specifies the order that certificates will be passed to the check method (forward or reverse).

      forward - the order that certificates are presented to the check method. If true, certificates are presented from target to trust anchor (forward); if false, from trust anchor to target (reverse).
      CertPathValidatorException - if this CertPathChecker is unable to check certificates in the specified order
    • isForwardCheckingSupported Link icon

      boolean isForwardCheckingSupported()
      Indicates if forward checking is supported. Forward checking refers to the ability of the CertPathChecker to perform its checks when certificates are presented to the check method in the forward direction (from target to trust anchor).
      true if forward checking is supported, false otherwise
    • check Link icon

      void check(Certificate cert) throws CertPathValidatorException
      Performs the check(s) on the specified certificate using its internal state. The certificates are presented in the order specified by the init method.
      cert - the Certificate to be checked
      CertPathValidatorException - if the specified certificate does not pass the check