Class SSLEngineResult


public class SSLEngineResult extends Object
An encapsulation of the result state produced by SSLEngine I/O calls.

A SSLEngine provides a means for establishing secure communication sessions between two peers. SSLEngine operations typically consume bytes from an input buffer and produce bytes in an output buffer. This class provides operational result values describing the state of the SSLEngine, including indications of what operations are needed to finish an ongoing handshake. Lastly, it reports the number of bytes consumed and produced as a result of this operation.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • SSLEngineResult Link icon

      public SSLEngineResult(SSLEngineResult.Status status, SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus handshakeStatus, int bytesConsumed, int bytesProduced)
      Initializes a new instance of this class.
      status - the return value of the operation.
      handshakeStatus - the current handshaking status.
      bytesConsumed - the number of bytes consumed from the source ByteBuffer
      bytesProduced - the number of bytes placed into the destination ByteBuffer
      IllegalArgumentException - if the status or handshakeStatus arguments are null, or if bytesConsumed or bytesProduced is negative.
    • SSLEngineResult Link icon

      public SSLEngineResult(SSLEngineResult.Status status, SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus handshakeStatus, int bytesConsumed, int bytesProduced, long sequenceNumber)
      Initializes a new instance of this class.
      status - the return value of the operation.
      handshakeStatus - the current handshaking status.
      bytesConsumed - the number of bytes consumed from the source ByteBuffer
      bytesProduced - the number of bytes placed into the destination ByteBuffer
      sequenceNumber - the sequence number (unsigned long) of the produced or consumed SSL/TLS/DTLS record, or -1L if no record produced or consumed
      IllegalArgumentException - if the status or handshakeStatus arguments are null, or if bytesConsumed or bytesProduced is negative
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getStatus Link icon

      public final SSLEngineResult.Status getStatus()
      Gets the return value of this SSLEngine operation.
      the return value
    • getHandshakeStatus Link icon

      public final SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus getHandshakeStatus()
      Gets the handshake status of this SSLEngine operation.
      the handshake status
    • bytesConsumed Link icon

      public final int bytesConsumed()
      Returns the number of bytes consumed from the input buffer.
      the number of bytes consumed.
    • bytesProduced Link icon

      public final int bytesProduced()
      Returns the number of bytes written to the output buffer.
      the number of bytes produced
    • sequenceNumber Link icon

      public final long sequenceNumber()
      Returns the sequence number of the produced or consumed SSL/TLS/DTLS record (optional operation).
      API Note:
      Note that sequence number is an unsigned long and cannot exceed -1L. It is desired to use the unsigned long comparing mode for comparison of unsigned long values (see also Long.compareUnsigned()).

      For DTLS protocols, the first 16 bits of the sequence number is a counter value (epoch) that is incremented on every cipher state change. The remaining 48 bits on the right side of the sequence number represents the sequence of the record, which is maintained separately for each epoch.

      Implementation Note:
      It is recommended that providers should never allow the sequence number incremented to -1L. If the sequence number is close to wrapping, renegotiate should be requested, otherwise the connection should be closed immediately. This should be carried on automatically by the underlying implementation.
      the sequence number of the produced or consumed SSL/TLS/DTLS record; or -1L if no record is produced or consumed, or this operation is not supported by the underlying provider
      See Also:
    • toString Link icon

      public String toString()
      Returns a String representation of this object.
      toString in class Object
      a string representation of the object