Interface SSLSessionContext

public interface SSLSessionContext
A SSLSessionContext represents a set of SSLSessions associated with a single entity. For example, it could be associated with a server or client who participates in many sessions concurrently.

Not all environments will contain session contexts. For example, stateless session resumption.

Session contexts may not contain all sessions. For example, stateless sessions are not stored in the session context.

There are SSLSessionContext parameters that affect how sessions are stored:

  • Sessions can be set to expire after a specified time limit.
  • The number of sessions that can be stored in context can be limited.
A session can be retrieved based on its session id, and all session id's in a SSLSessionContext can be listed.
See Also:
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an Enumeration of all known session id's grouped under this SSLSessionContext.
    getSession(byte[] sessionId)
    Returns the SSLSession bound to the specified session id.
    Returns the size of the cache used for storing SSLSession objects grouped under this SSLSessionContext.
    Returns the timeout limit of SSLSession objects grouped under this SSLSessionContext.
    Sets the size of the cache used for storing SSLSession objects grouped under this SSLSessionContext.
    setSessionTimeout(int seconds)
    Sets the timeout limit for SSLSession objects grouped under this SSLSessionContext.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getSession Link icon

      SSLSession getSession(byte[] sessionId)
      Returns the SSLSession bound to the specified session id.
      sessionId - the Session identifier
      the SSLSession or null if the specified session id does not refer to a valid SSLSession.
      NullPointerException - if sessionId is null.
    • getIds Link icon

      Enumeration<byte[]> getIds()
      Returns an Enumeration of all known session id's grouped under this SSLSessionContext.

      Session contexts may not contain all sessions. For example, stateless sessions are not stored in the session context.

      an enumeration of all the Session id's
    • setSessionTimeout Link icon

      void setSessionTimeout(int seconds)
      Sets the timeout limit for SSLSession objects grouped under this SSLSessionContext.

      If the timeout limit is set to 't' seconds, a session exceeds the timeout limit 't' seconds after its creation time. When the timeout limit is exceeded for a session, the SSLSession object is invalidated and future connections cannot resume or rejoin the session. A check for sessions exceeding the timeout is made immediately whenever the timeout limit is changed for this SSLSessionContext.

      API Note:
      Note that the JDK Implementation uses default values for both the session cache size and timeout. See getSessionCacheSize and getSessionTimeout for more information. Applications should consider their performance requirements and override the defaults if necessary.
      seconds - the new session timeout limit in seconds; zero means there is no limit.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the timeout specified is < 0.
      See Also:
    • getSessionTimeout Link icon

      int getSessionTimeout()
      Returns the timeout limit of SSLSession objects grouped under this SSLSessionContext.

      If the timeout limit is set to 't' seconds, a session exceeds the timeout limit 't' seconds after its creation time. When the timeout limit is exceeded for a session, the SSLSession object is invalidated and future connections cannot resume or rejoin the session. A check for sessions exceeding the timeout limit is made immediately whenever the timeout limit is changed for this SSLSessionContext.

      Implementation Note:
      The JDK implementation returns the session timeout as set by the setSessionTimeout method, or if not set, a default value of 86400 seconds (24 hours).
      the session timeout limit in seconds; zero means there is no limit.
      See Also:
    • setSessionCacheSize Link icon

      void setSessionCacheSize(int size)
      Sets the size of the cache used for storing SSLSession objects grouped under this SSLSessionContext.
      API Note:
      Note that the JDK Implementation uses default values for both the session cache size and timeout. See getSessionCacheSize and getSessionTimeout for more information. Applications should consider their performance requirements and override the defaults if necessary.
      size - the new session cache size limit; zero means there is no limit.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified size is < 0.
      See Also:
    • getSessionCacheSize Link icon

      int getSessionCacheSize()
      Returns the size of the cache used for storing SSLSession objects grouped under this SSLSessionContext.
      Implementation Note:
      The JDK implementation returns the cache size as set by the setSessionCacheSize method, or if not set, the value of the system property. If neither is set, it returns a default value of 20480.
      size of the session cache; zero means there is no size limit.
      See Also: