Class SerialJavaObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class SerialJavaObject extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable
A serializable mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL JAVA_OBJECT value. Assuming the Java object implements the Serializable interface, this class simply wraps the serialization process.

If however, the serialization is not possible because the Java object is not immediately serializable, this class will attempt to serialize all non-static members to permit the object state to be serialized. Static or transient fields cannot be serialized; an attempt to serialize them will result in a SerialException object being thrown.

Thread safety Link icon

A SerialJavaObject is not safe for use by multiple concurrent threads. If a SerialJavaObject is to be used by more than one thread then access to the SerialJavaObject should be controlled by appropriate synchronization.
See Also:
  • Constructor Summary Link icon

    Constructor for SerialJavaObject helper class.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a clone of this SerialJavaObject.
    Compares this SerialJavaObject to the specified object.
    Returns an array of Field objects that contains each field of the object that this helper class is serializing.
    Returns an Object that is a copy of this SerialJavaObject object.
    Returns a hash code for this SerialJavaObject.

    Methods declared in class java.lang.Object Link icon

    finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • SerialJavaObject Link icon

      public SerialJavaObject(Object obj) throws SerialException
      Constructor for SerialJavaObject helper class.
      obj - the Java Object to be serialized
      SerialException - if the object is found not to be serializable
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getObject Link icon

      public Object getObject() throws SerialException
      Returns an Object that is a copy of this SerialJavaObject object.
      a copy of this SerialJavaObject object as an Object in the Java programming language
      SerialException - if the instance is corrupt
    • getFields Link icon

      public Field[] getFields() throws SerialException
      Returns an array of Field objects that contains each field of the object that this helper class is serializing.
      an array of Field objects
      SerialException - if an error is encountered accessing the serialized object
      SecurityException - If a security manager, s, is present and the caller's class loader is not the same as or an ancestor of the class loader for the class of the object being serialized and invocation of s.checkPackageAccess() denies access to the package of that class.
      See Also:
    • equals Link icon

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Compares this SerialJavaObject to the specified object. The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is a SerialJavaObject object that is identical to this object
      equals in class Object
      o - The object to compare this SerialJavaObject against
      true if the given object represents a SerialJavaObject equivalent to this SerialJavaObject, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • hashCode Link icon

      public int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code for this SerialJavaObject. The hash code for a SerialJavaObject object is taken as the hash code of the Object it stores
      hashCode in class Object
      a hash code value for this object.
      See Also:
    • clone Link icon

      public Object clone()
      Returns a clone of this SerialJavaObject.
      clone in class Object
      a clone of this SerialJavaObject
      See Also: