Uses of Class

Packages that use SerialException
Provides utility classes to allow serializable mappings between SQL types and data types in the Java programming language.
  • Uses of SerialException in javax.sql.rowset.serial Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a new array that is a copy of this SerialArray object.
    SerialArray.getArray(long index, int count)
    Returns a new array that is a copy of a slice of this SerialArray object, starting with the element at the given index and containing the given number of consecutive elements.
    SerialArray.getArray(long index, int count, Map<String,Class<?>> map)
    Returns a new array that is a copy of a slice of this SerialArray object, starting with the element at the given index and containing the given number of consecutive elements.
    SerialArray.getArray(Map<String,Class<?>> map)
    Returns a new array that is a copy of this SerialArray object, using the given type map for the custom mapping of each element when the elements are SQL UDTs.
    Retrieves the CLOB value designated by this SerialClob object as an ascii stream.
    Retrieves an array of Object values containing the attributes of the SQL structured type that this SerialStruct object represents.
    SerialStruct.getAttributes(Map<String,Class<?>> map)
    Retrieves the attributes for the SQL structured type that this SerialStruct represents as an array of Object values, using the given type map for custom mapping if appropriate.
    Retrieves the SQL type of the elements in this SerialArray object.
    Retrieves the DBMS-specific type name for the elements in this SerialArray object.
    Returns a string describing the base type name of the Ref.
    Returns this SerialBlob object as an input stream.
    SerialBlob.getBytes(long pos, int length)
    Copies the specified number of bytes, starting at the given position, from this SerialBlob object to another array of bytes.
    Returns this SerialClob object's data as a stream of Unicode characters.
    Returns a new URL that is a copy of this SerialDatalink object.
    Returns an array of Field objects that contains each field of the object that this helper class is serializing.
    Returns an Object that is a copy of this SerialJavaObject object.
    Returns an Object representing the SQL structured type to which this SerialRef object refers.
    SerialRef.getObject(Map<String,Class<?>> map)
    Returns an Object representing the SQL structured type to which this SerialRef object refers.
    Retrieves a ResultSet object that contains all of the elements in the ARRAY value that this SerialArray object represents.
    SerialArray.getResultSet(long index, int count)
    Retrieves a ResultSet object holding the elements of the subarray that starts at index index and contains up to count successive elements.
    SerialArray.getResultSet(long index, int count, Map<String,Class<?>> map)
    Retrieves a result set holding the elements of the subarray that starts at Retrieves a ResultSet object that contains a subarray of the elements in this SerialArray object, starting at index index and containing up to count successive elements.
    SerialArray.getResultSet(Map<String,Class<?>> map)
    Retrieves a ResultSet object that contains all of the elements of the SQL ARRAY value represented by this SerialArray object.
    Retrieves the SQL type name for this SerialStruct object.
    SerialClob.getSubString(long pos, int length)
    Returns a copy of the substring contained in this SerialClob object, starting at the given position and continuing for the specified number or characters.
    Retrieves the number of bytes in this SerialBlob object's array of bytes.
    Retrieves the number of characters in this SerialClob object's array of characters.
    SerialBlob.position(byte[] pattern, long start)
    Returns the position in this SerialBlob object where the given pattern of bytes begins, starting the search at the specified position.
    SerialBlob.position(Blob pattern, long start)
    Returns the position in this SerialBlob object where the given Blob object begins, starting the search at the specified position.
    SerialClob.position(String searchStr, long start)
    Returns the position in this SerialClob object where the given String object begins, starting the search at the specified position.
    SerialClob.position(Clob searchStr, long start)
    Returns the position in this SerialClob object where the given Clob signature begins, starting the search at the specified position.
    SerialClob.setAsciiStream(long pos)
    Retrieves a stream to be used to write Ascii characters to the CLOB value that this SerialClob object represents, starting at position pos.
    SerialBlob.setBinaryStream(long pos)
    Retrieves a stream that can be used to write to the BLOB value that this Blob object represents.
    SerialBlob.setBytes(long pos, byte[] bytes)
    Writes the given array of bytes to the BLOB value that this Blob object represents, starting at position pos, and returns the number of bytes written.
    SerialBlob.setBytes(long pos, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
    Writes all or part of the given byte array to the BLOB value that this Blob object represents and returns the number of bytes written.
    SerialClob.setCharacterStream(long pos)
    Retrieves a stream to be used to write a stream of Unicode characters to the CLOB value that this SerialClob object represents, at position pos.
    SerialRef.setObject(Object obj)
    Sets the SQL structured type that this SerialRef object references to the given Object object.
    SerialClob.setString(long pos, String str)
    Writes the given Java String to the CLOB value that this SerialClob object represents, at the position pos.
    SerialClob.setString(long pos, String str, int offset, int length)
    Writes len characters of str, starting at character offset, to the CLOB value that this Clob represents.
    SerialBlob.truncate(long length)
    Truncates the BLOB value that this Blob object represents to be len bytes in length.
    SerialClob.truncate(long length)
    Truncates the CLOB value that this SerialClob object represents so that it has a length of len characters.
    Constructors in javax.sql.rowset.serial that throw SerialException
    Constructs a new SerialArray object from the given Array object.
    SerialArray(Array array, Map<String,Class<?>> map)
    Constructs a new SerialArray object from the given Array object, using the given type map for the custom mapping of each element when the elements are SQL UDTs.
    SerialBlob(byte[] b)
    Constructs a SerialBlob object that is a serialized version of the given byte array.
    Constructs a SerialBlob object that is a serialized version of the given Blob object.
    SerialClob(char[] ch)
    Constructs a SerialClob object that is a serialized version of the given char array.
    Constructs a SerialClob object that is a serialized version of the given Clob object.
    Constructs a new SerialDatalink object from the given object.
    Constructor for SerialJavaObject helper class.
    Constructs a SerialRef object from the given Ref object.
    Constructs a SerialStruct object from the given SQLData object, using the given type map to custom map it to a class in the Java programming language.
    Constructs a SerialStruct object from the given Struct object, using the given java.util.Map object for custom mapping the SQL structured type or any of its attributes that are SQL structured types.