Interface ShardingKeyBuilder

public interface ShardingKeyBuilder
A builder created from a DataSource or XADataSource object, used to create a ShardingKey with sub-keys of supported data types. Implementations must support JDBCType.VARCHAR and may also support additional data types.

The following example illustrates the use of ShardingKeyBuilder to create a ShardingKey:


     DataSource ds = new MyDataSource();
     ShardingKey shardingKey = ds.createShardingKeyBuilder()
                           .subkey("abc", JDBCType.VARCHAR)
                           .subkey(94002, JDBCType.INTEGER)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an instance of the object defined by this builder.
    subkey(Object subkey, SQLType subkeyType)
    This method will be called to add a subkey into a Sharding Key object being built.
  • Method Details

    • subkey

      ShardingKeyBuilder subkey(Object subkey, SQLType subkeyType)
      This method will be called to add a subkey into a Sharding Key object being built. The order in which subkey method is called is important as it indicates the order of placement of the subkey within the Sharding Key.
      subkey - contains the object that needs to be part of shard sub key
      subkeyType - sub-key data type of type java.sql.SQLType
      this builder object
    • build

      ShardingKey build() throws SQLException
      Returns an instance of the object defined by this builder.
      The built object
      SQLException - If an error occurs building the object