Interface XMLStreamWriter

public interface XMLStreamWriter
The XMLStreamWriter interface specifies how to write XML. The XMLStreamWriter does not perform well formedness checking on its input. However the writeCharacters method is required to escape &, < and > For attribute values the writeAttribute method will escape the above characters plus " to ensure that all character content and attribute values are well formed. Each NAMESPACE and ATTRIBUTE must be individually written.
XML Namespaces, and write method behaviour
Method isRepairingNamespaces == true isRepairingNamespaces == false
namespaceURI bound namespaceURI unbound namespaceURI bound namespaceURI unbound
writeAttribute(namespaceURI, localName, value) prefix:localName="value" [1] xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI" {generated}:localName="value" prefix:localName="value" [1] XMLStreamException
writeAttribute(prefix, namespaceURI, localName, value) bound to same prefix:
prefix:localName="value" [1]

bound to different prefix:
xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI" {generated}:localName="value"
xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI" prefix:localName="value" [3] bound to same prefix:
prefix:localName="value" [1][2]

bound to different prefix:
xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI" prefix:localName="value" [2][5]
writeStartElement(namespaceURI, localName)

writeEmptyElement(namespaceURI, localName)
<prefix:localName> [1] <{generated}:localName xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI"> prefix:localName> [1] XMLStreamException
writeStartElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)

writeEmptyElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)
bound to same prefix:
<prefix:localName> [1]

bound to different prefix:
<{generated}:localName xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI">
<prefix:localName xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI"> [4] bound to same prefix:
<prefix:localName> [1]

bound to different prefix:
  • [1] if namespaceURI == default Namespace URI, then no prefix is written
  • [2] if prefix == "" || null && namespaceURI == "", then no prefix or Namespace declaration is generated or written
  • [3] if prefix == "" || null, then a prefix is randomly generated
  • [4] if prefix == "" || null, then it is treated as the default Namespace and no prefix is generated or written, an xmlns declaration is generated and written if the namespaceURI is unbound
  • [5] if prefix == "" || null, then it is treated as an invalid attempt to define the default Namespace and an XMLStreamException is thrown
See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • writeStartElement Link icon

      void writeStartElement(String localName) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes a start tag to the output. All writeStartElement methods open a new scope in the internal namespace context. Writing the corresponding EndElement causes the scope to be closed.
      localName - local name of the tag, may not be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeStartElement Link icon

      void writeStartElement(String namespaceURI, String localName) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes a start tag to the output
      namespaceURI - the namespaceURI of the prefix to use, may not be null
      localName - local name of the tag, may not be null
      XMLStreamException - if the namespace URI has not been bound to a prefix and has not been set to true
    • writeStartElement Link icon

      void writeStartElement(String prefix, String localName, String namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes a start tag to the output
      prefix - the prefix of the tag, may not be null
      localName - local name of the tag, may not be null
      namespaceURI - the uri to bind the prefix to, may not be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeEmptyElement Link icon

      void writeEmptyElement(String namespaceURI, String localName) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes an empty element tag to the output
      namespaceURI - the uri to bind the tag to, may not be null
      localName - local name of the tag, may not be null
      XMLStreamException - if the namespace URI has not been bound to a prefix and has not been set to true
    • writeEmptyElement Link icon

      void writeEmptyElement(String prefix, String localName, String namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes an empty element tag to the output
      prefix - the prefix of the tag, may not be null
      localName - local name of the tag, may not be null
      namespaceURI - the uri to bind the tag to, may not be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeEmptyElement Link icon

      void writeEmptyElement(String localName) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes an empty element tag to the output
      localName - local name of the tag, may not be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeEndElement Link icon

      void writeEndElement() throws XMLStreamException
      Writes an end tag to the output relying on the internal state of the writer to determine the prefix and local name of the event.
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeEndDocument Link icon

      void writeEndDocument() throws XMLStreamException
      Closes any start tags and writes corresponding end tags.
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • close Link icon

      void close() throws XMLStreamException
      Close this writer and free any resources associated with the writer. This must not close the underlying output stream.
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • flush Link icon

      void flush() throws XMLStreamException
      Write any cached data to the underlying output mechanism.
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeAttribute Link icon

      void writeAttribute(String localName, String value) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes an attribute to the output stream without a prefix.
      localName - the local name of the attribute
      value - the value of the attribute
      IllegalStateException - if the current state does not allow Attribute writing
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeAttribute Link icon

      void writeAttribute(String prefix, String namespaceURI, String localName, String value) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes an attribute to the output stream
      prefix - the prefix for this attribute
      namespaceURI - the uri of the prefix for this attribute
      localName - the local name of the attribute
      value - the value of the attribute
      IllegalStateException - if the current state does not allow Attribute writing
      XMLStreamException - if the namespace URI has not been bound to a prefix and has not been set to true
    • writeAttribute Link icon

      void writeAttribute(String namespaceURI, String localName, String value) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes an attribute to the output stream
      namespaceURI - the uri of the prefix for this attribute
      localName - the local name of the attribute
      value - the value of the attribute
      IllegalStateException - if the current state does not allow Attribute writing
      XMLStreamException - if the namespace URI has not been bound to a prefix and has not been set to true
    • writeNamespace Link icon

      void writeNamespace(String prefix, String namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes a namespace to the output stream If the prefix argument to this method is the empty string, "xmlns", or null this method will delegate to writeDefaultNamespace
      prefix - the prefix to bind this namespace to
      namespaceURI - the uri to bind the prefix to
      IllegalStateException - if the current state does not allow Namespace writing
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeDefaultNamespace Link icon

      void writeDefaultNamespace(String namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes the default namespace to the stream
      namespaceURI - the uri to bind the default namespace to
      IllegalStateException - if the current state does not allow Namespace writing
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeComment Link icon

      void writeComment(String data) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes an xml comment with the data enclosed
      data - the data contained in the comment, may be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeProcessingInstruction Link icon

      void writeProcessingInstruction(String target) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes a processing instruction
      target - the target of the processing instruction, may not be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeProcessingInstruction Link icon

      void writeProcessingInstruction(String target, String data) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes a processing instruction
      target - the target of the processing instruction, may not be null
      data - the data contained in the processing instruction, may not be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeCData Link icon

      void writeCData(String data) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes a CData section
      data - the data contained in the CData Section, may not be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeDTD Link icon

      void writeDTD(String dtd) throws XMLStreamException
      Write a DTD section. This string represents the entire doctypedecl production from the XML 1.0 specification.
      dtd - the DTD to be written
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeEntityRef Link icon

      void writeEntityRef(String name) throws XMLStreamException
      Writes an entity reference
      name - the name of the entity
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeStartDocument Link icon

      void writeStartDocument() throws XMLStreamException
      Write the XML Declaration. Defaults the XML version to 1.0, and the encoding to utf-8
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeStartDocument Link icon

      void writeStartDocument(String version) throws XMLStreamException
      Write the XML Declaration. Defaults the XML version to 1.0
      version - version of the xml document
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeStartDocument Link icon

      void writeStartDocument(String encoding, String version) throws XMLStreamException
      Write the XML Declaration. Note that the encoding parameter does not set the actual encoding of the underlying output. That must be set when the instance of the XMLStreamWriter is created using the XMLOutputFactory
      encoding - encoding of the xml declaration
      version - version of the xml document
      XMLStreamException - If given encoding does not match encoding of the underlying stream
    • writeCharacters Link icon

      void writeCharacters(String text) throws XMLStreamException
      Write text to the output
      text - the value to write
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • writeCharacters Link icon

      void writeCharacters(char[] text, int start, int len) throws XMLStreamException
      Write text to the output
      text - the value to write
      start - the starting position in the array
      len - the number of characters to write
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • getPrefix Link icon

      String getPrefix(String uri) throws XMLStreamException
      Gets the prefix the uri is bound to.
      uri - the uri the prefix is bound to
      the prefix or null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • setPrefix Link icon

      void setPrefix(String prefix, String uri) throws XMLStreamException
      Sets the prefix the uri is bound to. This prefix is bound in the scope of the current START_ELEMENT / END_ELEMENT pair. If this method is called before a START_ELEMENT has been written the prefix is bound in the root scope.
      prefix - the prefix to bind to the uri, may not be null
      uri - the uri to bind to the prefix, may be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • setDefaultNamespace Link icon

      void setDefaultNamespace(String uri) throws XMLStreamException
      Binds a URI to the default namespace This URI is bound in the scope of the current START_ELEMENT / END_ELEMENT pair. If this method is called before a START_ELEMENT has been written the uri is bound in the root scope.
      uri - the uri to bind to the default namespace, may be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • setNamespaceContext Link icon

      void setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext context) throws XMLStreamException
      Sets the current namespace context for prefix and uri bindings. This context becomes the root namespace context for writing and will replace the current root namespace context. Subsequent calls to setPrefix and setDefaultNamespace will bind namespaces using the context passed to the method as the root context for resolving namespaces. This method may only be called once at the start of the document. It does not cause the namespaces to be declared. If a namespace URI to prefix mapping is found in the namespace context it is treated as declared and the prefix may be used by the StreamWriter.
      context - the namespace context to use for this writer, may not be null
      XMLStreamException - if an error occurs
    • getNamespaceContext Link icon

      NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext()
      Returns the current namespace context.
      the current NamespaceContext
    • getProperty Link icon

      Object getProperty(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Get the value of a feature/property from the underlying implementation
      name - The name of the property, may not be null
      The value of the property
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property is not supported
      NullPointerException - if the name is null