Class TIFFImageWriteParam

  extended byjavax.imageio.IIOParam
      extended byjavax.imageio.ImageWriteParam

public class TIFFImageWriteParam
extends ImageWriteParam

A subclass of ImageWriteParam allowing control over the TIFF writing process. The set of innately supported compression types is listed in the following table:

Supported Compression Types
Compression Type Description Reference
CCITT RLE Modified Huffman compression TIFF 6.0 Specification, Section 10
CCITT T.4 CCITT T.4 bilevel encoding/Group 3 facsimile compression TIFF 6.0 Specification, Section 11
CCITT T.6 CCITT T.6 bilevel encoding/Group 4 facsimile compression TIFF 6.0 Specification, Section 11
LZW LZW compression TIFF 6.0 Specification, Section 13
JPEG "New" JPEG-in-TIFF compression TIFF Technical Note #2
ZLib "Deflate/Inflate" compression (see note following this table) Adobe Photoshop® TIFF Technical Notes (PDF)
PackBits Byte-oriented, run length compression TIFF 6.0 Specification, Section 9
Deflate "Zip-in-TIFF" compression (see note following this table) ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification, DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification
EXIF JPEG EXIF-specific JPEG compression (see note following this table) EXIF 2.2 Specification (PDF), section 4.5.5, "Basic Structure of Thumbnail Data"

Old-style JPEG compression as described in section 22 of the TIFF 6.0 Specification is not supported.

The CCITT compression types are applicable to bilevel (1-bit) images only. The JPEG compression type is applicable to byte grayscale (1-band) and RGB (3-band) images only.

ZLib and Deflate compression are identical except for the value of the TIFF Compression field: for ZLib the Compression field has value 8 whereas for Deflate it has value 32946 (0x80b2). In both cases each image segment (strip or tile) is written as a single complete zlib data stream.

"EXIF JPEG" is a compression type used when writing the contents of an APP1 EXIF marker segment for inclusion in a JPEG native image metadata tree. The contents appended to the output when this compression type is used are a function of whether an empty or non-empty image is written. If the image is empty, then a TIFF IFD adhering to the specification of a compressed EXIF primary IFD is appended. If the image is non-empty, then a complete IFD and image adhering to the specification of a compressed EXIF thumbnail IFD and image are appended. Note that the data of the empty image may not later be appended using the pixel replacement capability of the TIFF writer.

If ZLib/Deflate or JPEG compression is used, the compression quality may be set. For ZLib/Deflate the supplied floating point quality value is rescaled to the range [1, 9] and truncated to an integer to derive the Deflate compression level. For JPEG the floating point quality value is passed directly to the JPEG writer plug-in which interprets it in the usual way.

The canWriteTiles and canWriteCompressed methods will return true; the canOffsetTiles and canWriteProgressive methods will return false.

If tiles are being written, then each of their dimensions will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 16 per the TIFF specification. If JPEG-in-TIFF compression is being used, and tiles are being written each tile dimension will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 8 times the JPEG minimum coded unit (MCU) in that dimension. If JPEG-in-TIFF compression is being used and strips are being written, the number of rows per strip is rounded to a multiple of 8 times the maximum MCU over both dimensions.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
canOffsetTiles, canWriteCompressed, canWriteProgressive, canWriteTiles, compressionMode, compressionQuality, compressionType, compressionTypes, locale, MODE_COPY_FROM_METADATA, MODE_DEFAULT, MODE_DISABLED, MODE_EXPLICIT, preferredTileSizes, progressiveMode, tileGridXOffset, tileGridYOffset, tileHeight, tileWidth, tilingMode, tilingSet
Fields inherited from class javax.imageio.IIOParam
controller, defaultController, destinationOffset, destinationType, sourceBands, sourceRegion, sourceXSubsampling, sourceYSubsampling, subsamplingXOffset, subsamplingYOffset
Constructor Summary
TIFFImageWriteParam(Locale locale)
          Constructs a TIFFImageWriteParam instance for a given Locale.
Method Summary
 TIFFColorConverter getColorConverter()
          Returns the current TIFFColorConverter object that will be used to perform color conversion when writing the image, or null if none is set.
 int getPhotometricInterpretation()
          Returns the current value that will be written to the Photometricinterpretation tag.
 TIFFCompressor getTIFFCompressor()
          Returns the TIFFCompressor that is currently set to be used by the ImageWriter to encode each image strip or tile, or null if none has been set.
 boolean isCompressionLossless()
 void setColorConverter(TIFFColorConverter colorConverter, int photometricInterpretation)
          Sets the TIFFColorConverter object describing the color space to which the input data should be converted for storage in the input stream.
 void setTIFFCompressor(TIFFCompressor compressor)
          Sets the TIFFCompressor object to be used by the ImageWriter to encode each image strip or tile.
 void unsetColorConverter()
          Removes any currently set ColorConverter object and PhotometricInterpretation tag value.
Methods inherited from class javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
canOffsetTiles, canWriteCompressed, canWriteProgressive, canWriteTiles, getBitRate, getCompressionMode, getCompressionQuality, getCompressionQualityDescriptions, getCompressionQualityValues, getCompressionType, getCompressionTypes, getLocale, getLocalizedCompressionTypeName, getPreferredTileSizes, getProgressiveMode, getTileGridXOffset, getTileGridYOffset, getTileHeight, getTileWidth, getTilingMode, setCompressionMode, setCompressionQuality, setCompressionType, setProgressiveMode, setTiling, setTilingMode, unsetCompression, unsetTiling
Methods inherited from class javax.imageio.IIOParam
activateController, getController, getDefaultController, getDestinationOffset, getDestinationType, getSourceBands, getSourceRegion, getSourceXSubsampling, getSourceYSubsampling, getSubsamplingXOffset, getSubsamplingYOffset, hasController, setController, setDestinationOffset, setDestinationType, setSourceBands, setSourceRegion, setSourceSubsampling
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TIFFImageWriteParam(Locale locale)
Constructs a TIFFImageWriteParam instance for a given Locale.

locale - the Locale for which messages should be localized.
Method Detail


public boolean isCompressionLossless()


public void setTIFFCompressor(TIFFCompressor compressor)
Sets the TIFFCompressor object to be used by the ImageWriter to encode each image strip or tile. A value of null allows the writer to choose its own TIFFCompressor.

Note that invoking this method is not sufficient to set the compression type: setCompressionType() must be invoked explicitly for this purpose. The following code illustrates the correct procedure:

 TIFFImageWriteParam writeParam;
 TIFFCompressor compressor;
If compressionType is set to a value different from that supported by the TIFFCompressor then the compressor object will not be used.

If the compression type supported by the supplied TIFFCompressor is not among those in compressionTypes, then it will be appended to this array after removing any previously appended compression type. If compressor is null this will also cause any previously appended type to be removed from the array.

compressor - the TIFFCompressor to be used for encoding, or null to allow the writer to choose its own.
IllegalStateException - if the compression mode is not MODE_EXPLICIT.
See Also:


public TIFFCompressor getTIFFCompressor()
Returns the TIFFCompressor that is currently set to be used by the ImageWriter to encode each image strip or tile, or null if none has been set.

compressor the TIFFCompressor to be used for encoding, or null if none has been set (allowing the writer to choose its own).
IllegalStateException - if the compression mode is not MODE_EXPLICIT.
See Also:


public void setColorConverter(TIFFColorConverter colorConverter,
                              int photometricInterpretation)
Sets the TIFFColorConverter object describing the color space to which the input data should be converted for storage in the input stream. In addition, the value to be written to the PhotometricInterpretation tag is supplied.

colorConverter - a TIFFColorConverter object, or null.
photometricInterpretation - the value to be written to the PhotometricInterpretation tag in the root IFD.
See Also:
getColorConverter(), getPhotometricInterpretation()


public TIFFColorConverter getColorConverter()
Returns the current TIFFColorConverter object that will be used to perform color conversion when writing the image, or null if none is set.

a TIFFColorConverter object, or null.
See Also:
setColorConverter(TIFFColorConverter, int)


public int getPhotometricInterpretation()
Returns the current value that will be written to the Photometricinterpretation tag. This method should only be called if a value has been set using the setColorConverter method.

an int to be used as the value of the PhotometricInterpretation tag.
IllegalStateException - if no value is set.
See Also:
setColorConverter(TIFFColorConverter, int)


public void unsetColorConverter()
Removes any currently set ColorConverter object and PhotometricInterpretation tag value.

See Also:
setColorConverter(TIFFColorConverter, int)