
Interface Summary
ImageDecodeParam An empty (marker) interface to be implemented by all image decoder parameter classes.
ImageDecoder An interface describing objects that transform an InputStream into a BufferedImage or Raster.
ImageEncodeParam An empty (marker) interface to be implemented by all image encoder parameter classes.
ImageEncoder An interface describing objects that transform a BufferedImage or Raster into an OutputStream.
StreamSegmentMapper An interface for use with the SegmentedSeekableStream class.

Class Summary
BMPEncodeParam An instance of ImageEncodeParam for encoding images in the BMP format.
ByteArraySeekableStream A subclass of SeekableStream that takes input from an array of bytes.
FileCacheSeekableStream A subclass of SeekableStream that may be used to wrap a regular InputStream.
FileSeekableStream A subclass of SeekableStream that takes its input from a File or RandomAccessFile.
ForwardSeekableStream A subclass of SeekableStream that may be used to wrap a regular InputStream efficiently.
FPXDecodeParam An instance of ImageDecodeParam for decoding images in the FlashPIX format.
ImageCodec An abstract class allowing the creation of image decoders and encoders.
ImageDecoderImpl A partial implementation of the ImageDecoder interface useful for subclassing.
ImageEncoderImpl A partial implementation of the ImageEncoder interface useful for subclassing.
JPEGDecodeParam An instance of ImageDecodeParam for decoding images in the JPEG format.
JPEGEncodeParam A class which encapsulates the most common functionality required for the parameters to a Jpeg encode operation.
MemoryCacheSeekableStream A subclass of SeekableStream that may be used to wrap a regular InputStream.
PNGDecodeParam An instance of ImageDecodeParam for decoding images in the PNG format.
PNGEncodeParam An instance of ImageEncodeParam for encoding images in the PNG format.
PNGSuggestedPaletteEntry A class representing the fields of a PNG suggested palette entry.
PNMEncodeParam An instance of ImageEncodeParam for encoding images in the PNM format.
SeekableOutputStream An OutputStream which can seek to an arbitrary offset.
SeekableStream An abstract subclass of that allows seeking within the input, similar to the RandomAccessFile class.
SegmentedSeekableStream A SegmentedSeekableStream provides a view of a subset of another SeekableStream consiting of a series of segments with given starting positions in the source stream and lengths.
StreamSegment A utility class representing a segment within a stream as a long starting position and an int length.
TIFFDecodeParam An instance of ImageDecodeParam for decoding images in the TIFF format.
TIFFDirectory A class representing an Image File Directory (IFD) from a TIFF 6.0 stream.
TIFFEncodeParam An instance of ImageEncodeParam for encoding images in the TIFF format.
TIFFField A class representing a field in a TIFF 6.0 Image File Directory.