OpenJDK 23 Early Access Build Test Results Archive

Build 27 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8767 5 0 1 8773 3
hotspot 6434 32 0 0 6466 32
langtools 4053 0 0 0 4053 0
Build 26 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8768 5 0 1 8774 12
hotspot 6443 19 0 1 6463 49
langtools 4053 0 0 0 4053 10
Build 25 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8762 5 0 1 8768 4
hotspot 6407 43 0 1 6451 39
langtools 4043 0 0 0 4043 6
Build 24 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8758 6 0 1 8765 108
hotspot 6420 26 0 0 6446 39
langtools 4037 0 0 0 4037 15
Build 23 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8656 96 0 2 8754 104
hotspot 6407 27 0 0 6434 29
langtools 4026 0 0 0 4026 1
Build 22 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8742 4 0 1 8747 6
hotspot 6394 35 0 0 6429 42
langtools 4025 0 0 0 4025 3
Build 21 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8738 3 0 1 8742 16
hotspot 6386 37 0 2 6425 64
langtools 4022 0 0 0 4022 9
Build 18 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8732 3 0 1 8736 7
hotspot 6372 29 0 0 6401 28
langtools 4019 0 0 0 4019 2
Build 17 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8733 4 0 1 8738 5
hotspot 6377 19 0 1 6397 29
langtools 4017 0 0 0 4017 0
Build 16 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8734 3 0 0 8737 18
hotspot 6357 33 0 0 6390 35
langtools 4017 0 0 0 4017 3
Build 15 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8717 2 0 14 8733 6
hotspot 6364 23 0 0 6387 52
langtools 4014 0 0 0 4014 4
Build 14 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8711 2 0 14 8727 18
hotspot 6370 24 0 0 6394 68
langtools 4010 0 0 0 4010 0
Build 13 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8717 4 0 1 8722 8
hotspot 6366 25 0 2 6393 28
langtools 4010 0 0 0 4010 0
Build 12 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8725 4 0 1 8730 7
hotspot 6364 24 0 0 6388 51
langtools 4010 0 0 0 4010 1
Build 11 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8720 4 0 1 8725 6
hotspot 6341 23 0 1 6365 29
langtools 4011 0 0 0 4011 0
Build 10 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8714 6 0 1 8721 3
hotspot 6330 34 0 1 6365 39
langtools 4011 0 0 0 4011 1
Build 9 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8711 6 0 1 8718 9
hotspot 6331 30 0 0 6361 31
langtools 4010 0 0 0 4010 1
Build 8 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8704 8 0 1 8713 8
hotspot 6326 28 0 1 6355 28
langtools 4009 0 0 0 4009 10
Build 7 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8708 3 0 1 8712 9
hotspot 6324 28 0 1 6353 32
langtools 4001 0 0 0 4001 2
Build 6 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8699 4 0 1 8704 21
hotspot 6328 24 0 0 6352 38
langtools 3999 0 0 0 3999 0
Build 5 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8698 5 0 0 8703 10
hotspot 6315 27 0 1 6343 36
langtools 3999 0 0 0 3999 0
Build 4 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8698 5 0 1 8704 4
hotspot 6308 23 0 0 6331 20
langtools 3999 0 0 0 3999 0
Build 3 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8696 6 0 1 8703 2
hotspot 6310 21 0 0 6331 26
langtools 3999 0 0 0 3999 1
Build 2 Passed Failed* Not Run** Error Summary Diff
jdk 8694 6 0 1 8701 6
hotspot 6300 26 0 0 6326 26
langtools 3998 0 0 0 3998


1) * Known Issues
2) ** Results do not include test results for awt, swing and 2d.
    Recommendations for executing awt, swing and 2d tests can be seen in Known Issues
3) Results Archive

Created on: Fri Jun 28 08:57:00 GMT 2024