Uses of Interface

Packages that use TermStatsDictionary
com.sun.labs.minion.indexer.dictionary Provides the classes that implement the dictionaries used by the indexer and the retrieval engine. 
com.sun.labs.minion.indexer.partition Provides the classes that implement the partitions of the indexer. 

Uses of TermStatsDictionary in com.sun.labs.minion.indexer.dictionary

Classes in com.sun.labs.minion.indexer.dictionary that implement TermStatsDictionary
 class CachedTermStatsDictionary
 class UncachedTermStatsDictionary

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.indexer.dictionary that return TermStatsDictionary
 TermStatsDictionary TermStatsFactory.getDictionary( df)
          Gets an appropriate term stats dictionary, given the configuration.

Uses of TermStatsDictionary in com.sun.labs.minion.indexer.partition

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.indexer.partition that return TermStatsDictionary
 TermStatsDictionary PartitionManager.getTermStatsDict()
          Gets the term statisitics dictionary for this index

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.indexer.partition with parameters of type TermStatsDictionary
 void DocumentVectorLengths.calculateLengths(DiskPartition p, TermStatsDictionary gts, boolean adjustStats)
          Calculates a set of document vector lengths from a partition using a global set of term statistics.