Class TreeTableView.TreeTableViewFocusModel<S>

Type Parameters:
S - the type of the TreeItem instances used in this TreeTableView
Enclosing class:

public static class TreeTableView.TreeTableViewFocusModel<S> extends TableFocusModel<TreeItem<S>,TreeTableColumn<S,?>>
A FocusModel with additional functionality to support the requirements of a TableView control.
JavaFX 8.0
See Also:
  • Property Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TreeTableViewFocusModel

      public TreeTableViewFocusModel(TreeTableView<S> treeTableView)
      Creates a default TableViewFocusModel instance that will be used to manage focus of the provided TableView control.
      treeTableView - The tableView upon which this focus model operates.
      NullPointerException - The TableView argument can not be null.
  • Method Details

    • getItemCount

      protected int getItemCount()
      Returns the number of items in the data model that underpins the control. An example would be that a ListView focus model would likely return listView.getItems().size(). The valid range of focusable indices is between 0 and whatever is returned by this method.
      Specified by:
      getItemCount in class FocusModel<TreeItem<S>>
      the number of items in the data model that underpins the control
    • getModelItem

      protected TreeItem<S> getModelItem(int index)
      Returns the item at the given index. An example using ListView would be listView.getItems().get(index).
      Specified by:
      getModelItem in class FocusModel<TreeItem<S>>
      index - The index of the item that is requested from the underlying data model.
      Returns null if the index is out of bounds, or an element of type T that is related to the given index.
    • focusedCellProperty

      public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TreeTablePosition<S,?>> focusedCellProperty()
      The position of the current item in the TableView which has the focus.
      the focusedCell property
      See Also:
    • getFocusedCell

      public final TreeTablePosition<S,?> getFocusedCell()
      Gets the value of the focusedCell property.
      Property description:
      The position of the current item in the TableView which has the focus.
      the value of the focusedCell property
      See Also:
    • focus

      public void focus(int row, TreeTableColumn<S,?> column)
      Causes the item at the given index to receive the focus.
      Specified by:
      focus in class TableFocusModel<TreeItem<S>,TreeTableColumn<S,?>>
      row - The row index of the item to give focus to.
      column - The column of the item to give focus to. Can be null.
    • focus

      public void focus(TreeTablePosition<S,?> pos)
      Convenience method for setting focus on a particular row or cell using a TablePosition.
      pos - The table position where focus should be set.
    • isFocused

      public boolean isFocused(int row, TreeTableColumn<S,?> column)
      Tests whether the row / cell at the given location currently has the focus within the TableView.
      Specified by:
      isFocused in class TableFocusModel<TreeItem<S>,TreeTableColumn<S,?>>
      row - the row
      column - the column
      true if the row / cell at the given location currently has the focus within the UI control
    • focus

      public void focus(int index)
      Causes the item at the given index to receive the focus. This does not cause the current selection to change. Updates the focusedItem and focusedIndex properties such that focusedIndex = -1 unless
      0 <= index < model size
      focus in class FocusModel<TreeItem<S>>
      index - The index of the item to get focus.
    • focusAboveCell

      public void focusAboveCell()
      Attempts to move focus to the cell above the currently focused cell.
      Specified by:
      focusAboveCell in class TableFocusModel<TreeItem<S>,TreeTableColumn<S,?>>
    • focusBelowCell

      public void focusBelowCell()
      Attempts to move focus to the cell below the currently focused cell.
      Specified by:
      focusBelowCell in class TableFocusModel<TreeItem<S>,TreeTableColumn<S,?>>
    • focusLeftCell

      public void focusLeftCell()
      Attempts to move focus to the cell to the left of the currently focused cell.
      Specified by:
      focusLeftCell in class TableFocusModel<TreeItem<S>,TreeTableColumn<S,?>>
    • focusRightCell

      public void focusRightCell()
      Attempts to move focus to the cell to the right of the the currently focused cell.
      Specified by:
      focusRightCell in class TableFocusModel<TreeItem<S>,TreeTableColumn<S,?>>