Module javafx.base

Class LongProperty

All Implemented Interfaces:
NumberExpression, Observable, Property<Number>, ReadOnlyProperty<Number>, ObservableLongValue, ObservableNumberValue, ObservableValue<Number>, WritableLongValue, WritableNumberValue, WritableValue<Number>
Direct Known Subclasses:
JavaBeanLongProperty, LongPropertyBase

public abstract class LongProperty extends ReadOnlyLongProperty implements Property<Number>, WritableLongValue
This class defines a Property wrapping a long value.

The value of a LongProperty can be get and set with ObservableLongValue.get(), LongExpression.getValue(), WritableLongValue.set(long), and setValue(Number).

A property can be bound and unbound unidirectional with Property.bind(ObservableValue) and Property.unbind(). Bidirectional bindings can be created and removed with bindBidirectional(Property) and unbindBidirectional(Property).

The context of a LongProperty can be read with ReadOnlyProperty.getBean() and ReadOnlyProperty.getName().

Note: setting or binding this property to a null value will set the property to "0.0". See setValue(java.lang.Number).

JavaFX 2.0
See Also: