Module javafx.base
Package javafx.event

Class Event

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActionEvent, CheckBoxTreeItem.TreeModificationEvent, DialogEvent, InputEvent, ListView.EditEvent, MediaErrorEvent, ScrollToEvent, SortEvent, TableColumn.CellEditEvent, TransformChangedEvent, TransitionEvent, TreeItem.TreeModificationEvent, TreeTableColumn.CellEditEvent, TreeTableView.EditEvent, TreeView.EditEvent, WebErrorEvent, WebEvent, WindowEvent, WorkerStateEvent

public class Event extends EventObject implements Cloneable
Base class for FX events. Each FX event has associated an event source, event target and an event type. The event source specifies for an event handler the object on which that handler has been registered and which sent the event to it. The event target defines the path through which the event will travel when posted. The event type provides additional classification to events of the same Event class.
JavaFX 2.0
See Also: