Module javafx.base
Package javafx.event

Class EventType<T extends Event>

Type Parameters:
T - the event class to which this type applies
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class EventType<T extends Event> extends Object implements Serializable
This class represents a specific event type associated with an Event.

Event types form a hierarchy with the ROOT (equals to Event.ANY) as its root. This is useful in event filter / handler registration where a single event filter / handler can be registered to a super event type and will be receiving its sub type events as well. Note that you cannot construct two different EventType objects with the same name and parent.

Note about deserialization: All EventTypes that are going to be deserialized (e.g. as part of Event deserialization), need to exist at the time of deserialization. Deserialization of EventType will not create new EventType objects.

JavaFX 2.0
See Also: