Class XYChart<X,Y>

Type Parameters:
X - the X axis value type
Y - the Y axis value type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Styleable, EventTarget
Direct Known Subclasses:
AreaChart, BarChart, BubbleChart, LineChart, ScatterChart, StackedAreaChart, StackedBarChart

public abstract class XYChart<X,Y> extends Chart
Chart base class for all 2 axis charts. It is responsible for drawing the two axes and the plot content. It contains a list of all content in the plot and implementations of XYChart can add nodes to this list that need to be rendered.

It is possible to install Tooltips on data items / symbols. For example the following code snippet installs Tooltip on the 1st data item.

  XYChart.Data item = ( XYChart.Data)series.getData().get(0);
  Tooltip.install(item.getNode(), new Tooltip("Symbol-0"));
JavaFX 2.0