Class TreeTableRowSkin<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the item contained within the row
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TreeTableRowSkin<T> extends TableRowSkinBase<TreeItem<T>,TreeTableRow<T>,TreeTableCell<T,?>>
Default skin implementation for the TreeTableRow control.
See Also:
  • Property Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TreeTableRowSkin

      public TreeTableRowSkin(TreeTableRow<T> control)
      Creates a new TreeTableRowSkin instance, installing the necessary child nodes into the Control children list, as well as the necessary input mappings for handling key, mouse, etc events.
      control - The control that this skin should be installed onto.
  • Method Details

    • setIndent

      public final void setIndent(double value)
      Sets the value of the indent property.
      Property description:
      The amount of space to multiply by the treeItem.level to get the left margin for this tree cell. This is settable from CSS
      value - the value for the indent property
      See Also:
    • getIndent

      public final double getIndent()
      Gets the value of the indent property.
      Property description:
      The amount of space to multiply by the treeItem.level to get the left margin for this tree cell. This is settable from CSS
      the value of the indent property
      See Also:
    • indentProperty

      public final DoubleProperty indentProperty()
      The amount of space to multiply by the treeItem.level to get the left margin for this tree cell. This is settable from CSS
      the indent property
      See Also:
    • createCell

      protected TreeTableCell<T,?> createCell(TableColumnBase tcb)
      Creates a new cell instance that is suitable for representing the given table column instance.
      Specified by:
      createCell in class TableRowSkinBase<TreeItem<T>,TreeTableRow<T>,TreeTableCell<T,?>>
      tcb - the table column
      the created cell
    • getVisibleLeafColumns

      protected ObservableList<TreeTableColumn<T,?>> getVisibleLeafColumns()
      Returns an unmodifiable list containing the currently visible leaf columns.
      Specified by:
      getVisibleLeafColumns in class TableRowSkinBase<TreeItem<T>,TreeTableRow<T>,TreeTableCell<T,?>>
      the list of visible leaf columns
    • updateCell

      protected void updateCell(TreeTableCell<T,?> cell, TreeTableRow<T> row)
      A method to allow the given cell to be told that it is a member of the given row. How this is implemented is dependent on the actual cell implementation.
      Specified by:
      updateCell in class TableRowSkinBase<TreeItem<T>,TreeTableRow<T>,TreeTableCell<T,?>>
      cell - The cell for which we want to inform it of its owner row.
      row - The row which will be set on the given cell.
    • getTableColumn

      protected TreeTableColumn<T,?> getTableColumn(TreeTableCell cell)
      Returns the TableColumnBase instance for the given cell instance.
      Specified by:
      getTableColumn in class TableRowSkinBase<TreeItem<T>,TreeTableRow<T>,TreeTableCell<T,?>>
      cell - The cell for which a TableColumn is desired.
      the table column
    • getClassCssMetaData

      public static List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable,?>> getClassCssMetaData()
      Returns the CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the CssMetaData of its superclasses.
      the CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the CssMetaData of its superclasses