Interface Skin<C extends Skinnable>

Type Parameters:
C - A subtype of Skinnable that the Skin represents. This allows for Skin implementation to access the Skinnable implementation, which is usually a Control implementation.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AccordionSkin, ButtonBarSkin, ButtonSkin, CellSkinBase, CheckBoxSkin, ChoiceBoxSkin, ColorPickerSkin, ComboBoxBaseSkin, ComboBoxListViewSkin, ComboBoxPopupControl, ContextMenuSkin, DateCellSkin, DatePickerSkin, HTMLEditorSkin, HyperlinkSkin, LabeledSkinBase, LabelSkin, ListCellSkin, ListViewSkin, MenuBarSkin, MenuButtonSkin, MenuButtonSkinBase, PaginationSkin, ProgressBarSkin, ProgressIndicatorSkin, RadioButtonSkin, ScrollBarSkin, ScrollPaneSkin, SeparatorSkin, SkinBase, SliderSkin, SpinnerSkin, SplitMenuButtonSkin, SplitPaneSkin, TableCellSkin, TableCellSkinBase, TableRowSkin, TableRowSkinBase, TableViewSkin, TableViewSkinBase, TabPaneSkin, TextAreaSkin, TextFieldSkin, TextInputControlSkin, TitledPaneSkin, ToggleButtonSkin, ToolBarSkin, TooltipSkin, TreeCellSkin, TreeTableCellSkin, TreeTableRowSkin, TreeTableViewSkin, TreeViewSkin, VirtualContainerBase

public interface Skin<C extends Skinnable>
An interface for defining the visual representation of user interface controls.

A Skin implementation should generally avoid modifying its control outside of install() method. The life cycle of a Skin implementation is as follows:

  • instantiation
  • configuration, such as passing of dependencies and parameters
  • when the skin is set on a Skinnable:
    • uninstalling of the old skin via its dispose() method
    • installing of the new skin via install()
JavaFX 2.0