Class TouchPoint

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class TouchPoint extends Object implements Serializable
Touch point represents a single point of a multi-touch action, typically one finger touching a screen. It is contained in TouchEvent.

The touch point has its coordinates, state (see TouchPoint.State) and ID. The ID is sequential number of this touch point unique in scope of a single multi-touch gesture.

Each touch point is by default delivered to a single node during its whole trajectory - to the node on which it was pressed. There is a grabbing API to modify this behavior. The above means that when touch point is pressed, it is automatically grabbed by the top-most node on the press coordinates. Any time during the gesture grab() and ungrab() methods can be used to alter the event delivery target. When grabbed by a different node, it will next time be targeted to it; when ungrabbed, it will be always targeted to the top-most node on the current location.

JavaFX 2.2
See Also: