Module javafx.swing

Package javafx.embed.swing

package javafx.embed.swing

Defines APIs for the JavaFX / Swing interop support included with the JavaFX UI toolkit, including SwingNode (for embedding Swing inside a JavaFX application) and JFXPanel (for embedding JavaFX inside a Swing application).

The JFXPanel class defines a lightweight Swing component, which accepts and renders an instance of Scene and forwards all input events from Swing to the attached JavaFX scene. The SwingNode class is used to embed a Swing content into a JavaFX application. The content to be displayed is specified with the SwingNode.setContent method that accepts an instance of a Swing JComponent. The hierarchy of components contained in the JComponent instance should not contain any heavyweight components, otherwise SwingNode may fail to paint it. The content gets repainted automatically. All the input and focus events are forwarded to the JComponent instance.