Package javafx.scene

Class Scene

All Implemented Interfaces:

@DefaultProperty("root") public class Scene extends Object implements EventTarget
The JavaFX Scene class is the container for all content in a scene graph. The background of the scene is filled as specified by the fill property.

The application must specify the root Node for the scene graph by setting the root property. If a Group is used as the root, the contents of the scene graph will be clipped by the scene's width and height and changes to the scene's size (if user resizes the stage) will not alter the layout of the scene graph. If a resizable node (layout Region or Control) is set as the root, then the root's size will track the scene's size, causing the contents to be relayed out as necessary.

The scene's size may be initialized by the application during construction. If no size is specified, the scene will automatically compute its initial size based on the preferred size of its content. If only one dimension is specified, the other dimension is computed using the specified dimension, respecting content bias of a root.

An application may request depth buffer support or scene anti-aliasing support at the creation of a Scene. A scene with only 2D shapes and without any 3D transforms does not need a depth buffer nor scene anti-aliasing support. A scene containing 3D shapes or 2D shapes with 3D transforms may use depth buffer support for proper depth sorted rendering; to avoid depth fighting (also known as Z fighting), disable depth testing on 2D shapes that have no 3D transforms. See depthTest for more information. A scene with 3D shapes may enable scene anti-aliasing to improve its rendering quality.

The depthBuffer and antiAliasing flags are conditional features. With the respective default values of: false and SceneAntialiasing.DISABLED. See ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D for more information.

A default headlight will be added to a scene that contains one or more Shape3D nodes, but no light nodes. This light source is a Color.WHITE PointLight placed at the camera position.

A Scene may be created and modified on any thread until it is attached to a Window that is showing. After that, it must be modified only on the JavaFX Application Thread. Note that Scene is not thread-safe; modifying a Scene on multiple threads at the same time will lead to unpredictable results and must be avoided.

The JavaFX Application Thread is created as part of the startup process for the JavaFX runtime. See the Application class and the Platform.startup(Runnable) method for more information.


import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.paint.*;
import javafx.scene.shape.*;

Group root = new Group();
Scene s = new Scene(root, 300, 300, Color.BLACK);

Rectangle r = new Rectangle(25,25,250,250);

JavaFX 2.0