Interface ObjectFactoryBuilder

public interface ObjectFactoryBuilder
This interface represents a builder that creates object factories.

The JNDI framework allows for object implementations to be loaded in dynamically via object factories. For example, when looking up a printer bound in the name space, if the print service binds printer names to References, the printer Reference could be used to create a printer object, so that the caller of lookup can directly operate on the printer object after the lookup. An ObjectFactory is responsible for creating objects of a specific type. JNDI uses a default policy for using and loading object factories. You can override this default policy by calling NamingManager.setObjectFactoryBuilder() with an ObjectFactoryBuilder, which contains the program-defined way of creating/loading object factories. Any ObjectFactoryBuilder implementation must implement this interface that for creating object factories.

See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • createObjectFactory Link icon

      ObjectFactory createObjectFactory(Object obj, Hashtable<?,?> environment) throws NamingException
      Creates a new object factory using the environment supplied.

      The environment parameter is owned by the caller. The implementation will not modify the object or keep a reference to it, although it may keep a reference to a clone or copy.

      obj - The possibly null object for which to create a factory.
      environment - Environment to use when creating the factory. Can be null.
      A non-null new instance of an ObjectFactory.
      NamingException - If an object factory cannot be created.