Class ButtonBar

All Implemented Interfaces:
Styleable, EventTarget, Skinnable

public class ButtonBar extends Control
A ButtonBar is essentially a HBox, with the additional functionality for operating system specific button placement. In other words, any Node may be annotated (via the setButtonData(Node, ButtonData) method, placed inside a ButtonBar (via the getButtons() list), and will then be positioned relative to all other nodes in the button list based on their annotations, as well as the overarching button order specified for the ButtonBar.

Uniform button sizing

By default all buttons are uniformly sized in a ButtonBar, meaning that all buttons take the width of the widest button. It is possible to opt-out of this on a per-button basis, but calling the setButtonUniformSize(Node, boolean) method with a boolean value of false.

If a button is excluded from uniform sizing, it is both excluded from being resized away from its preferred size, and also excluded from the measuring process, so its size will not influence the maximum size calculated for all buttons in the ButtonBar.


Because a ButtonBar comes with built-in support for Windows, Mac OS and Linux, there are three screenshots shown below, with the same buttons laid out on each of the three operating systems.


Mac OS:


Code Samples

Instantiating and using the ButtonBar is simple, simply do the following:

 // Create the ButtonBar instance
 ButtonBar buttonBar = new ButtonBar();

 // Create the buttons to go into the ButtonBar
 Button yesButton = new Button("Yes");
 ButtonBar.setButtonData(yesButton, ButtonData.YES);

 Button noButton = new Button("No");
 ButtonBar.setButtonData(noButton, ButtonData.NO);

 // Add buttons to the ButtonBar
 buttonBar.getButtons().addAll(yesButton, noButton);

The code sample above will position the Yes and No buttons relative to the users operating system. This means that on Windows and Linux the Yes button will come before the No button, whereas on Mac OS it'll be No and then Yes.

In most cases the OS-specific layout is the best choice, but in cases where you want a custom layout, this is achieved be modifying the button order property. These are cryptic-looking strings that are shorthand representations for the button order. The built-in orders for Windows, Mac OS and Linux are:

ButtonBar Layout Table
Operating System Button Order

You should refer to the ButtonBar.ButtonData enumeration for a description of what each of these characters mean. However, if your ButtonBar only consisted of ButtonBar.ButtonData.YES and ButtonBar.ButtonData.NO buttons, you always wanted the yes buttons before the no buttons, and you wanted the buttons to be right-aligned, you could do the following:

 // Create the ButtonBar instance
 ButtonBar buttonBar = new ButtonBar();

 // Set the custom button order
JavaFX 8u40
See Also: