Class Control

All Implemented Interfaces:
Styleable, EventTarget, Skinnable
Direct Known Subclasses:
Accordion, ButtonBar, ChoiceBox, ComboBoxBase, HTMLEditor, Labeled, ListView, MenuBar, Pagination, ProgressIndicator, ScrollBar, ScrollPane, Separator, Slider, Spinner, SplitPane, TableView, TabPane, TextInputControl, ToolBar, TreeTableView, TreeView

public abstract class Control extends Region implements Skinnable
Base class for all user interface controls. A "Control" is a node in the scene graph which can be manipulated by the user. Controls provide additional variables and behaviors beyond those of Node to support common user interactions in a manner which is consistent and predictable for the user.

Additionally, controls support explicit skinning to make it easy to leverage the functionality of a control while customizing its appearance.

See specific Control subclasses for information on how to use individual types of controls.

Most controls have their focusTraversable property set to true by default, however read-only controls such as Label and ProgressIndicator, and some controls that are containers ScrollPane and ToolBar do not. Consult individual control documentation for details.

JavaFX 2.0