Class TableView.ResizeFeatures<S>

Type Parameters:
S - the type of the objects contained within the TableView items list
Enclosing class:

public static class TableView.ResizeFeatures<S> extends ResizeFeaturesBase<S>
An immutable wrapper class for use in the TableView column resize functionality.
JavaFX 2.0
  • Constructor Details

    • ResizeFeatures

      public ResizeFeatures(TableView<S> table, TableColumn<S,?> column, Double delta)
      Creates an instance of this class, with the provided TableView, TableColumn and delta values being set and stored in this immutable instance.
      table - The TableView upon which the resize operation is occurring.
      column - The column upon which the resize is occurring, or null if this ResizeFeatures instance is being created as a result of a TableView resize operation.
      delta - The amount of horizontal space added or removed in the resize operation.
  • Method Details

    • getColumn

      public TableColumn<S,?> getColumn()
      Returns the column upon which the resize is occurring, or null if this ResizeFeatures instance was created as a result of a TableView resize operation.
      getColumn in class ResizeFeaturesBase<S>
      the column upon which the resize is occurring
    • getTable

      public TableView<S> getTable()
      Returns the TableView upon which the resize operation is occurring.
      the TableView
    • getTableControl

      public Control getTableControl()
      Description copied from class: ResizeFeaturesBase
      Returns the associated TreeView or TreeTableView control.
      Specified by:
      getTableControl in class ResizeFeaturesBase<S>
      the control in which the resize is occurring
    • getContentWidth

      public double getContentWidth()
      Description copied from class: ResizeFeaturesBase
      Returns the width of the area available for columns.
      Specified by:
      getContentWidth in class ResizeFeaturesBase<S>
      the width availabe for columns