Class MouseDragEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public final class MouseDragEvent extends MouseEvent
Mouse drag events are delivered to potential gesture targets during full press-drag-release gestures. The difference among different gesture types is described at MouseEvent.

Full press-drag-release gesture can be started by calling startFullDrag() (on a node or scene) inside of a DRAG_DETECTED event handler. This call activates delivering of MouseDragEvents to the nodes that are under cursor during the dragging gesture.

When you drag a node, it's still under cursor, so it is considered being a potential gesture target during the whole gesture. If you need to drag a node to a different node and let the other node know about it, you need to ensure that the nodes under the dragged node are picked as the potential gesture targets. You can achieve this by calling setMouseTransparent(true) on the dragged node in a MOUSE_PRESSED handler and returning it back to false in a MOUSE_RELEASED handler. This way the nodes under the dragged node will receive the MouseDragEvents, while all the MouseEvents will still be delivered to the (currently mouse transparent) gesture source.

The entered/exited events behave similarly to mouse entered/exited events, please see MouseEvent overview.

JavaFX 2.1
See Also: