Class SwipeEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public final class SwipeEvent extends GestureEvent
Swipe event indicates that user performed a swipe gesture such as dragging a finger in one direction on touch screen.

Unlike some other gestures, the swipe gesture is not continual - the whole gesture produces only one event. The event is delivered to the top-most node picked on the gesture coordinates.

The swipe gesture has four types according to the movement direction. The gesture can be performed by any number of touch points, the number is provided by getTouchCount() method.

Note that swipe and scroll gestures are not exclusive. A single touch screen action can result in both gestures being delivered.

Note that the capability to produce swipes is dependent on the used input devices and underlying platform's capabilities and settings (especially without touch-screen user's possibilities of producing swipes are significantly reduced).

As all gestures, swipe can be direct (performed directly at the concrete coordinates as on touch screen - the center of the gesture is used as gesture coordinates) or indirect (performed indirectly as on track pad - the mouse cursor location is usually used as the gesture coordinates in this case).

JavaFX 2.2
See Also: