Uses of Interface

Packages that use Result
com.sun.labs.minion Provides the API for interacting with the Minion Search Engine. 
com.sun.labs.minion.clustering Provides document clustering functionality. 
com.sun.labs.minion.retrieval Provides the query evaluation capabilities for Minion. 
com.sun.labs.minion.test Provides test classes and utilities for indexing and querying. 

Uses of Result in com.sun.labs.minion

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion that return Result
 Result ResultsCluster.getMostCentralResult()
          Get the result closest to the centroid of this cluster.

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion that return types with arguments of type Result
 java.util.List<Result> ResultSet.getAllResults(boolean sorted)
          Gets all of the query results in the set.
 java.util.List<Result> ResultSet.getAllResults(boolean sorted, ResultsFilter rf)
          Gets all of the query results in the set.
 java.util.List<Result> ResultSet.getResults(int start, int n)
          Gets a subset of the query results stored in this set.
 java.util.List<Result> ResultSet.getResults(int start, int n, ResultsFilter rf)
          Gets a subset of the query results stored in this set.

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion with parameters of type Result
 double Result.getDistance(Result r, java.lang.String name)
          Gets the distance between this result and another based on a named feature vector value.

Uses of Result in com.sun.labs.minion.clustering

Fields in com.sun.labs.minion.clustering declared as Result
protected  Result ClusterElement.r
          The actual result that this element represents.

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.clustering that return Result
 Result ResultsClusterImpl.getMostCentralResult()

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.clustering that return types with arguments of type Result
 java.util.List<Result> ResultsClusterImpl.getResultList()

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.clustering with parameters of type Result
protected  void ResultsClusterImpl.add(Result r, double d)
protected  void ResultsClusterImpl.add(Result r, double[] point)
          Adds a result to this cluster where the result is represented using the given point.
protected  void ResultsClusterImpl.add(Result r, java.lang.String field)
          Adds a result to this cluster when the distance value to use for the result is stored in a field in the result.

Constructors in com.sun.labs.minion.clustering with parameters of type Result
ClusterElement(Result r, double[] point)
          Creates a ClusterElement

Uses of Result in com.sun.labs.minion.lexmorph.disambiguation

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.lexmorph.disambiguation with parameters of type Result
 Sense Supervised.disambiguate(Result r)
          Disambiguates a particular context using these senses.

Method parameters in com.sun.labs.minion.lexmorph.disambiguation with type arguments of type Result
 void Supervised.init(java.lang.String term, java.lang.String field, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<Result>> clusters, int totalCount, int maxFeat)

Constructor parameters in com.sun.labs.minion.lexmorph.disambiguation with type arguments of type Result
Supervised(java.lang.String term, java.lang.String field, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<Result>> clusters, int totalCount, int maxFeat)

Uses of Result in com.sun.labs.minion.retrieval

Classes in com.sun.labs.minion.retrieval that implement Result
 class ResultImpl

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.retrieval that return types with arguments of type Result
 java.util.List<Result> ResultSetImpl.getAllResults(boolean sorted)
          Gets all of the query results in the set.
 java.util.List<Result> ResultSetImpl.getAllResults(boolean sorted, ResultsFilter rf)
          Gets all of the query results in the set.
 java.util.List<Result> ResultSetImpl.getResults(int start, int n)
          Gets a subset of the query results stored in this set.
 java.util.List<Result> ResultSetImpl.getResults(int start, int n, ResultsFilter rf)
          Gets a subset of the query results stored in this set.
 java.util.List<Result> ResultSetImpl.getResultsForScoredField(int start, int n, java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.String scoreField)
          Gets the results from this result set ranked using a score field that is associated with another field.

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.retrieval with parameters of type Result
 int ResultImpl.compareTo(Result o)
 double ResultImpl.getDistance(Result r, java.lang.String name)
          Gets the distance between this result and another based on a named feature vector value.

Uses of Result in com.sun.labs.minion.test

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.test that return types with arguments of type Result

Methods in com.sun.labs.minion.test with parameters of type Result
protected  void QueryTest.DisplaySpec.displayPassages(Result r)
          Displays the passages associated with a given result.
 void QueryTest.DisplaySpec.format(Result r)
          Format a result.
 void QueryTest.DisplaySpec.format(java.lang.String prefix, Result r)
          Format a result.
 double CrossIndexDV.reflex(Result r, java.lang.String key)