Class ComboBoxTableCell<S,T>

Type Parameters:
S - The type of the TableView generic type
T - The type of the elements contained within the TableColumn.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Styleable, EventTarget, Skinnable

public class ComboBoxTableCell<S,T> extends TableCell<S,T>
A class containing a TableCell implementation that draws a ComboBox node inside the cell.

By default, the ComboBoxTableCell is rendered as a Label when not being edited, and as a ComboBox when in editing mode. The ComboBox will, by default, stretch to fill the entire table cell.

To create a ComboBoxTableCell, it is necessary to provide zero or more items that will be shown to the user when the ComboBox menu is showing. These items must be of the same type as the TableColumn.

JavaFX 2.2