Class TableCell<S,T>

Type Parameters:
S - The type of the TableView generic type (i.e. S == TableView<S>). This should also match with the first generic type in TableColumn.
T - The type of the item contained within the Cell.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Styleable, EventTarget, Skinnable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CheckBoxTableCell, ChoiceBoxTableCell, ComboBoxTableCell, ProgressBarTableCell, TextFieldTableCell

public class TableCell<S,T> extends IndexedCell<T>
Represents a single row/column intersection in a TableView. To represent this intersection, a TableCell contains an index property, as well as a tableColumn property. In addition, a TableCell instance knows what TableRow it exists in.

A note about selection: A TableCell visually shows it is selected when two conditions are met:

  1. The TableSelectionModel.isSelected(int, TableColumnBase) method returns true for the row / column that this cell represents, and
  2. The cell selection mode property is set to true (to represent that it is allowable to select individual cells (and not just rows of cells)).
JavaFX 2.0
See Also: