Uses of Class
Packages that use ObjectProperty
Provides the set of classes for ease of use transition based animations.
The package
defines read-only
properties and writable properties, plus a number of implementations.Provides various classes that act as adapters between a regular Java Bean
property and a corresponding
.Provides JavaFX collections that wrap and transform (for example, sort
or filter) other JavaFX collections.
Provides the set of classes for javafx.concurrent.
Provides API for making properties styleable via CSS and for supporting
pseudo-class state.
Provides the public classes for the JavaFX Printing API.
Provides the core set of base
classes for the JavaFX Scene Graph API.
The JavaFX User Interface provides a set of chart components that
are a very convenient way for data visualization.
The JavaFX User Interface Controls (UI Controls or just Controls) are
specialized Nodes in the JavaFX Scenegraph especially suited for reuse in
many different application contexts.
package is where all cell-related
classes are located, other than the core classes such as
, IndexedCell
, TreeCell
and TableCell
.The package is where the skin classes, typically
one for each UI control, are located
Provides the set of classes for attaching graphical filter effects to JavaFX Scene Graph Nodes.
Provides the set of classes for loading and displaying images.
Provides classes to support user interface layout.
Provides the set of classes for integrating audio and video into Java FX
Provides the set of classes for colors and gradients used to fill shapes and
backgrounds when rendering the scene graph.
Provides the set of 2D classes for defining and performing operations on
objects related to two-dimensional geometry.
Provides the set of classes for fonts and renderable Text Node.
Provides the set of convenient classes to perform rotating, scaling,
shearing, and translation transformations for
objects.This package provides means for loading and displaying Web content.
Provides the top-level container classes for JavaFX content.
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.animation
Methods in javafx.animation that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<Point3D> RotateTransition.axisProperty()
Specifies the axis of rotation for thisRotateTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Duration> Animation.delayProperty()
Delays the start of an ObjectProperty
<Duration> FadeTransition.durationProperty()
The duration of thisFadeTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Duration> FillTransition.durationProperty()
The duration of thisFillTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Duration> PathTransition.durationProperty()
The duration of thisTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Duration> PauseTransition.durationProperty()
The duration of thisTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Duration> RotateTransition.durationProperty()
The duration of thisRotateTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Duration> ScaleTransition.durationProperty()
The duration of thisScaleTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Duration> StrokeTransition.durationProperty()
The duration of thisStrokeTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Duration> TranslateTransition.durationProperty()
The duration of thisTranslateTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Color> FillTransition.fromValueProperty()
Specifies the start color value for thisFillTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Color> StrokeTransition.fromValueProperty()
Specifies the start color value for thisStrokeTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Interpolator> Transition.interpolatorProperty()
Controls the timing for acceleration and deceleration at eachTransition ObjectProperty
<Node> FadeTransition.nodeProperty()
The target node of thisTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Node> ParallelTransition.nodeProperty()
final ObjectProperty
<Node> PathTransition.nodeProperty()
The target node of thisPathTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Node> RotateTransition.nodeProperty()
The target node of thisRotateTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Node> ScaleTransition.nodeProperty()
The target node of thisScaleTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Node> SequentialTransition.nodeProperty()
final ObjectProperty
<Node> TranslateTransition.nodeProperty()
The target node of thisTranslateTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> Animation.onFinishedProperty()
The action to be executed at the conclusion of thisAnimation
Specifies the upright orientation ofnode
along thepath
.final ObjectProperty
<Shape> PathTransition.pathProperty()
The shape on which outline the node should be ObjectProperty
<Shape> FillTransition.shapeProperty()
The target shape of thisFillTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Shape> StrokeTransition.shapeProperty()
The target shape of thisStrokeTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Color> FillTransition.toValueProperty()
Specifies the stop color value for thisFillTransition
.final ObjectProperty
<Color> StrokeTransition.toValueProperty()
Specifies the stop color value for thisStrokeTransition
. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in
Subclasses of ObjectProperty in javafx.beans.propertyModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The classObjectPropertyBase
is the base class for a property wrapping an arbitraryObject
This class provides a convenient class to define read-only properties.class
This class provides a full implementation of aProperty
wrapping an arbitraryObject
.Methods in that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBooleanProperty.asObject()
Creates anObjectProperty
that holds the value of thisBooleanProperty
Creates anObjectProperty
that bidirectionally bound to thisDoubleProperty
Creates anObjectProperty
that bidirectionally bound to thisFloatProperty
Creates anObjectProperty
that bidirectionally bound to thisIntegerProperty
Creates anObjectProperty
that bidirectionally bound to thisLongProperty
. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in
Subclasses of ObjectProperty in and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
provides an adapter between a regular Java Bean property of typeT
and a JavaFXObjectProperty<T>
. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.collections.transformation
Methods in javafx.collections.transformation that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<Comparator<? super E>> SortedList.comparatorProperty()
The comparator that denotes the order of this ObjectProperty
<Predicate<? super E>> FilteredList.predicateProperty()
The predicate that will match the elements that will be in this FilteredList. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.concurrent
Methods in javafx.concurrent that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<Callback<ScheduledService<?>, Duration>> ScheduledService.backoffStrategyProperty()
Computes the amount of time to add to the period on each ObjectProperty
<Duration> ScheduledService.delayProperty()
The initial delay between when the ScheduledService is first started, and when it will begin ObjectProperty
<Executor> Service.executorProperty()
The executor to use for running this ObjectProperty
<Duration> ScheduledService.maximumCumulativePeriodProperty()
The maximum allowed value for the cumulativePeriod.Service.onCancelledProperty()
The onCancelled event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the CANCELLED state.Task.onCancelledProperty()
The onCancelled event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the CANCELLED state.Service.onFailedProperty()
The onFailed event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the FAILED state.Task.onFailedProperty()
The onFailed event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the FAILED state.Service.onReadyProperty()
The onReady event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the READY state.Service.onRunningProperty()
The onRunning event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the RUNNING state.Task.onRunningProperty()
The onRunning event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the RUNNING state.Service.onScheduledProperty()
The onSchedule event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the SCHEDULED state.Task.onScheduledProperty()
The onSchedule event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the SCHEDULED state.Service.onSucceededProperty()
The onSucceeded event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the SUCCEEDED state.Task.onSucceededProperty()
The onSucceeded event handler is called whenever the Task state transitions to the SUCCEEDED ObjectProperty
<Duration> ScheduledService.periodProperty()
The minimum amount of time to allow between the start of the last run and the start of the next run. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.css
Subclasses of ObjectProperty in javafx.cssModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class extendsSimpleObjectProperty
and provides a full implementation of aStyleableProperty
This class extendsObjectPropertyBase
and provides a partial implementation of aStyleableProperty
. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.print
Methods in javafx.print that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<Collation> JobSettings.collationProperty()
Property representing an instance ofCollation
.final ObjectProperty
<PageLayout> JobSettings.pageLayoutProperty()
Property representing an instance ofPageLayout
.final ObjectProperty
whose value represents the job pages to print as an array of ObjectProperty
<PaperSource> JobSettings.paperSourceProperty()
Property representing an instance ofPaperSource
.final ObjectProperty
<PrintColor> JobSettings.printColorProperty()
Property representing an instance ofPrintColor
.final ObjectProperty
<Printer> PrinterJob.printerProperty()
Property representing thePrinter
for this ObjectProperty
<PrintQuality> JobSettings.printQualityProperty()
Property representing an instance ofPrintQuality
.final ObjectProperty
<PrintResolution> JobSettings.printResolutionProperty()
Property representing an instance ofPrintResolution
.final ObjectProperty
<PrintSides> JobSettings.printSidesProperty()
Property representing an instance ofPrintSides
. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene
Methods in javafx.scene that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<String> Node.accessibleHelpProperty()
The accessible help text for thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<String> The role description of thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<AccessibleRole> Node.accessibleRoleProperty()
The accessible role for thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<String> Node.accessibleTextProperty()
The accessible text for thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<BlendMode> Node.blendModeProperty()
used to blend this individual node into the scene behind ObjectProperty
<CacheHint> Node.cacheHintProperty()
Additional hint for controlling bitmap ObjectProperty
<Camera> Scene.cameraProperty()
Specifies the type of camera use for rendering thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<Camera> SubScene.cameraProperty()
Specifies the type of camera use for rendering thisSubScene
.final ObjectProperty
<Node> Node.clipProperty()
Specifies aNode
to use to define the clipping shape for this ObjectProperty
<Color> LightBase.colorProperty()
Specifies the color of light ObjectProperty
<Cursor> Node.cursorProperty()
Defines the mouse cursor for thisNode
and ObjectProperty
<Cursor> Scene.cursorProperty()
Defines the mouse cursor for thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<DepthTest> Node.depthTestProperty()
Indicates whether depth testing is used when rendering this ObjectProperty
<Point3D> DirectionalLight.directionProperty()
The direction vector of the directional ObjectProperty
<Point3D> SpotLight.directionProperty()
The direction vector of the ObjectProperty
<Effect> Node.effectProperty()
Specifies an effect to apply to thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventDispatcher> Node.eventDispatcherProperty()
Specifies the event dispatcher for this ObjectProperty
<EventDispatcher> Scene.eventDispatcherProperty()
Specifies the event dispatcher for this ObjectProperty
<Paint> Scene.fillProperty()
Defines the background fill of thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<Paint> SubScene.fillProperty()
Defines the background fill of thisSubScene
Property holding ObjectProperty
<NodeOrientation> Node.nodeOrientationProperty()
Node orientation describes the flow of visual data within a ObjectProperty
<NodeOrientation> Scene.nodeOrientationProperty()
Node orientation describes the flow of visual data within a ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ContextMenuEvent>> Defines a function to be called when a context menu has been requested on thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ContextMenuEvent>> Scene.onContextMenuRequestedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Node.onDragDetectedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when drag gesture has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Scene.onDragDetectedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when drag gesture has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super DragEvent>> Node.onDragDoneProperty()
Defines a function to be called when thisNode
is a drag and drop gesture source after its data has been dropped on a drop ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super DragEvent>> Scene.onDragDoneProperty()
Defines a function to be called when thisScene
is a drag and drop gesture source after its data has been dropped on a drop ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super DragEvent>> Node.onDragDroppedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when the mouse button is released on thisNode
during drag and drop ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super DragEvent>> Scene.onDragDroppedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when the mouse button is released on thisScene
during drag and drop ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super DragEvent>> Node.onDragEnteredProperty()
Defines a function to be called when drag gesture enters thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super DragEvent>> Scene.onDragEnteredProperty()
Defines a function to be called when drag gesture enters thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super DragEvent>> Node.onDragExitedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when drag gesture exits thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super DragEvent>> Scene.onDragExitedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when drag gesture exits thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super DragEvent>> Node.onDragOverProperty()
Defines a function to be called when drag gesture progresses within thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super DragEvent>> Scene.onDragOverProperty()
Defines a function to be called when drag gesture progresses within thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super InputMethodEvent>> Defines a function to be called when thisNode
has input focus and the input method text has ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super InputMethodEvent>> Scene.onInputMethodTextChangedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when thisNode
has input focus and the input method text has ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super KeyEvent>> Node.onKeyPressedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when thisNode
or its childNode
has input focus and a key has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super KeyEvent>> Scene.onKeyPressedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when someNode
of thisScene
has input focus and a key has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super KeyEvent>> Node.onKeyReleasedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when thisNode
or its childNode
has input focus and a key has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super KeyEvent>> Scene.onKeyReleasedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when someNode
of thisScene
has input focus and a key has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super KeyEvent>> Node.onKeyTypedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when thisNode
or its childNode
has input focus and a key has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super KeyEvent>> Scene.onKeyTypedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when someNode
of thisScene
has input focus and a key has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Node.onMouseClickedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Scene.onMouseClickedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseDragEvent>> Node.onMouseDragEnteredProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture enters thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseDragEvent>> Scene.onMouseDragEnteredProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture enters thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseDragEvent>> Node.onMouseDragExitedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture leaves thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseDragEvent>> Scene.onMouseDragExitedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture exits thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Node.onMouseDraggedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a mouse button is pressed on thisNode
and then ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Scene.onMouseDraggedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a mouse button is pressed on thisScene
and then ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseDragEvent>> Node.onMouseDragOverProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture progresses within thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseDragEvent>> Scene.onMouseDragOverProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture progresses within thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseDragEvent>> Node.onMouseDragReleasedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture ends (by releasing mouse button) within thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseDragEvent>> Scene.onMouseDragReleasedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a full press-drag-release gesture ends within thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Node.onMouseEnteredProperty()
Defines a function to be called when the mouse enters thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Scene.onMouseEnteredProperty()
Defines a function to be called when the mouse enters thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Node.onMouseExitedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when the mouse exits thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Scene.onMouseExitedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when the mouse exits thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Node.onMouseMovedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when mouse cursor moves within thisNode
but no buttons have been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Scene.onMouseMovedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when mouse cursor moves within thisScene
but no buttons have been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Node.onMousePressedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been pressed on thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Scene.onMousePressedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been pressed on thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Node.onMouseReleasedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been released on thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super MouseEvent>> Scene.onMouseReleasedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a mouse button has been released on thisScene
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super RotateEvent>> Node.onRotateProperty()
Defines a function to be called when user performs a rotation ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super RotateEvent>> Scene.onRotateProperty()
Defines a function to be called when user performs a rotating ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super RotateEvent>> Node.onRotationFinishedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a rotation gesture ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super RotateEvent>> Scene.onRotationFinishedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a rotating gesture ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super RotateEvent>> Node.onRotationStartedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a rotation gesture is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super RotateEvent>> Scene.onRotationStartedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a rotating gesture is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ScrollEvent>> Node.onScrollFinishedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a scrolling gesture ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ScrollEvent>> Scene.onScrollFinishedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a scrolling gesture ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ScrollEvent>> Node.onScrollProperty()
Defines a function to be called when user performs a scrolling ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ScrollEvent>> Scene.onScrollProperty()
Defines a function to be called when user performs a scrolling ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ScrollEvent>> Node.onScrollStartedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a scrolling gesture is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ScrollEvent>> Scene.onScrollStartedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a scrolling gesture is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super SwipeEvent>> Node.onSwipeDownProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a downward swipe gesture centered over this node ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super SwipeEvent>> Scene.onSwipeDownProperty()
Defines a function to be called when an downward swipe gesture happens in this ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super SwipeEvent>> Node.onSwipeLeftProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a leftward swipe gesture centered over this node ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super SwipeEvent>> Scene.onSwipeLeftProperty()
Defines a function to be called when an leftward swipe gesture happens in this ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super SwipeEvent>> Node.onSwipeRightProperty()
Defines a function to be called when an rightward swipe gesture centered over this node ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super SwipeEvent>> Scene.onSwipeRightProperty()
Defines a function to be called when an rightward swipe gesture happens in this ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super SwipeEvent>> Node.onSwipeUpProperty()
Defines a function to be called when an upward swipe gesture centered over this node ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super SwipeEvent>> Scene.onSwipeUpProperty()
Defines a function to be called when an upward swipe gesture happens in this ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super TouchEvent>> Node.onTouchMovedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a touch point is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super TouchEvent>> Scene.onTouchMovedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a touch point is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super TouchEvent>> Node.onTouchPressedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a new touch point is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super TouchEvent>> Scene.onTouchPressedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a new touch point is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super TouchEvent>> Node.onTouchReleasedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a touch point is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super TouchEvent>> Scene.onTouchReleasedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a new touch point is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super TouchEvent>> Node.onTouchStationaryProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a touch point stays pressed and ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super TouchEvent>> Scene.onTouchStationaryProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a touch point stays pressed and ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ZoomEvent>> Node.onZoomFinishedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a zooming gesture ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ZoomEvent>> Scene.onZoomFinishedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a zooming gesture ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ZoomEvent>> Node.onZoomProperty()
Defines a function to be called when user performs a zooming ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ZoomEvent>> Scene.onZoomProperty()
Defines a function to be called when user performs a zooming ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ZoomEvent>> Node.onZoomStartedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a zooming gesture is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super ZoomEvent>> Scene.onZoomStartedProperty()
Defines a function to be called when a zooming gesture is ObjectProperty
<Parent> Scene.rootProperty()
Defines the rootNode
of the scene ObjectProperty
<Parent> SubScene.rootProperty()
Defines the rootNode
of theSubScene
scene ObjectProperty
<Point3D> Node.rotationAxisProperty()
Defines the axis of rotation of thisNode
.final ObjectProperty
<String> Scene.userAgentStylesheetProperty()
Gets the userAgentStylesheet ObjectProperty
<String> SubScene.userAgentStylesheetProperty()
Gets the userAgentStylesheet property. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.chart
Methods in javafx.scene.chart that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLineChart.axisSortingPolicyProperty()
Indicates whether the data passed to LineChart should be sorted by natural order of one of the axes.protected final ObjectProperty
<Object> XYChart.currentDisplayedExtraValueProperty
(XYChart.Data<X, Y> item) The current displayed extra value property.protected final ObjectProperty
<X> XYChart.currentDisplayedXValueProperty
(XYChart.Data<X, Y> item) The current displayed data value property that is plotted on X axis.protected final ObjectProperty
<Y> XYChart.currentDisplayedYValueProperty
(XYChart.Data<X, Y> item) The current displayed data value property that is plotted on Y axis.PieChart.dataProperty()
PieCharts datafinal ObjectProperty
<ObservableList<XYChart.Series<X, Y>>> XYChart.dataProperty()
XYCharts datafinal ObjectProperty
<ObservableList<XYChart.Data<X, Y>>> XYChart.Series.dataProperty()
ObservableList of data items that make up this seriesfinal ObjectProperty
<Object> XYChart.Data.extraValueProperty()
The generic data value to be plotted in any way the chart ObjectProperty
<String> Axis.labelProperty()
The axis labelprotected final ObjectProperty
<Node> Chart.legendProperty()
The node to display as the ObjectProperty
<Side> Chart.legendSideProperty()
The side of the chart where the legend should be displayedfinal ObjectProperty
<Node> XYChart.Data.nodeProperty()
The node to display for this data ObjectProperty
<Node> XYChart.Series.nodeProperty()
The node to display for this ObjectProperty
<Side> Axis.sideProperty()
The side of the plot which this axis is being drawn onfinal ObjectProperty
<Paint> Axis.tickLabelFillProperty()
The fill for all tick labelsfinal ObjectProperty
<Font> Axis.tickLabelFontProperty()
The font for all tick labelsfinal ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ValueAxis.tickLabelFormatterProperty()
StringConverter used to format tick mark ObjectProperty
<Side> Chart.titleSideProperty()
The side of the chart where the title is displayedfinal ObjectProperty
<X> XYChart.Data.XValueProperty()
The generic data value to be plotted on the X ObjectProperty
<Y> XYChart.Data.YValueProperty()
The generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.control
Methods in javafx.scene.control that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<KeyCombination> MenuItem.acceleratorProperty()
The accelerator property enables accessing the associated action in one ObjectProperty
<Alert.AlertType> Alert.alertTypeProperty()
When creating an Alert instance, users must pass in anAlert.AlertType
enumeration ObjectProperty
<Pos> Labeled.alignmentProperty()
Specifies how the text and graphic within the Labeled should be aligned when there is empty space within the ObjectProperty
<Pos> TextField.alignmentProperty()
Specifies how the text should be aligned when there is empty space within the ObjectProperty
<ListCell<T>> ComboBox.buttonCellProperty()
The button cell is used to render what is shown in the ComboBox 'button' area.ComboBox.cellFactoryProperty()
Providing a custom cell factory allows for complete customization of the rendering of items in the ComboBox.ListView.cellFactoryProperty()
Setting a custom cell factory has the effect of deferring all cell creation, allowing for total customization of the ObjectProperty
<Callback<TableColumn<S, T>, TableCell<S, T>>> TableColumn.cellFactoryProperty()
The cell factory for all cells in this ObjectProperty
<Callback<TreeTableColumn<S, T>, TreeTableCell<S, T>>> TreeTableColumn.cellFactoryProperty()
The cell factory for all cells in this column.TreeView.cellFactoryProperty()
Represents the cell factory that will be used for creating TreeCells, which are used to represent items in the TreeView.TableColumn.cellValueFactoryProperty()
The cell value factory needs to be set to specify how to populate all cells within a single TableColumn.TreeTableColumn.cellValueFactoryProperty()
The cell value factory needs to be set to specify how to populate all cells within a single ObjectProperty
<Chronology> DatePicker.chronologyProperty()
The calendar system used for parsing, displaying, and choosing dates in the DatePicker control.TableView.columnResizePolicyProperty()
Called when the user completes a column-resize operation.TreeTableView.columnResizePolicyProperty()
This is the function called when the user completes a column-resize ObjectProperty
<Comparator<T>> TableColumnBase.comparatorProperty()
Comparator function used when sorting this table ObjectProperty
<ContentDisplay> Labeled.contentDisplayProperty()
Specifies the positioning of the graphic relative to the ObjectProperty
<ContentDisplay> Tooltip.contentDisplayProperty()
Specifies the positioning of the graphic relative to the ObjectProperty
<Node> CustomMenuItem.contentProperty()
The node to display within this ObjectProperty
<Node> DialogPane.contentProperty()
Property representing the content area of the ObjectProperty
<Node> ScrollPane.contentProperty()
The node used as the content of this ObjectProperty
<Node> Tab.contentProperty()
The content associated with the ObjectProperty
<Node> TitledPane.contentProperty()
The content of the ObjectProperty
<ContextMenu> Control.contextMenuProperty()
The ContextMenu to show for this ObjectProperty
<ContextMenu> Tab.contextMenuProperty()
The context menu associated with the ObjectProperty
<ContextMenu> TableColumnBase.contextMenuProperty()
This menu will be shown whenever the user right clicks within the header area of this ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ChoiceBox.converterProperty()
Allows a way to specify how to represent objects in the items ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ComboBox.converterProperty()
final ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<LocalDate>> DatePicker.converterProperty()
Converts the input text to an object of type LocalDate and vice ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> SpinnerValueFactory.converterProperty()
final ObjectProperty
<Callback<DatePicker, DateCell>> DatePicker.dayCellFactoryProperty()
A custom cell factory can be provided to customize individual day cells in the DatePicker ObjectProperty
<DialogPane> Dialog.dialogPaneProperty()
The root node of the dialog, theDialogPane
contains all visual elements shown in the ObjectProperty
<Node> TreeCell.disclosureNodeProperty()
The disclosure node is commonly seen represented as a triangle that rotates on screen to indicate whether or not the TreeItem that it is placed beside is expanded or ObjectProperty
<Node> TreeTableRow.disclosureNodeProperty()
The disclosure node is commonly seen represented as a triangle that rotates on screen to indicate whether or not the TreeItem that it is placed beside is expanded or ObjectProperty
<Node> DialogPane.expandableContentProperty()
A property that represents the dialog expandable content ObjectProperty
<TitledPane> Accordion.expandedPaneProperty()
The expanded TitledPane in the ObjectProperty
<FocusModel<T>> ListView.focusModelProperty()
The FocusModel provides the API through which it is possible to both get and set the focus on a single item within a ListView.TableView.focusModelProperty()
Represents the currently-installedTableView.TableViewFocusModel
for this TableView.TreeTableView.focusModelProperty()
The FocusModel provides the API through which it is possible to control focus on zero or one rows of the ObjectProperty
<FocusModel<TreeItem<T>>> TreeView.focusModelProperty()
The FocusModel provides the API through which it is possible to control focus on zero or one rows of the ObjectProperty
<Font> Labeled.fontProperty()
The default font to use for text in the ObjectProperty
<Font> TextInputControl.fontProperty()
The default font to use for text in the ObjectProperty
<Font> Tooltip.fontProperty()
The default font to use for text in the ObjectProperty
<Node> Dialog.graphicProperty()
The dialog graphic, presented either in the header, if one is showing, or to the left of thecontent
.final ObjectProperty
<Node> DialogPane.graphicProperty()
The dialog graphic, presented either in the header, if one is showing, or to the left of thecontent
.final ObjectProperty
<Node> Labeled.graphicProperty()
An optional icon for the ObjectProperty
<Node> MenuItem.graphicProperty()
An optional graphic for theMenuItem
.final ObjectProperty
<Node> Tab.graphicProperty()
The graphic in the ObjectProperty
<Node> TableColumnBase.graphicProperty()
The graphic to show in the table column to allow the user to indicate graphically what is in the ObjectProperty
<Node> Tooltip.graphicProperty()
An optional icon for the ObjectProperty
<Node> TreeItem.graphicProperty()
The node that is generally shown to the left of the value ObjectProperty
<HPos> Separator.halignmentProperty()
For vertical separators, specifies the horizontal position of the separator line within the separator control's space.ScrollPane.hbarPolicyProperty()
Specifies the policy for showing the horizontal scroll ObjectProperty
<Node> DialogPane.headerProperty()
Property representing the header area of the dialog ObjectProperty
<Duration> Tooltip.hideDelayProperty()
The duration in which to continue showing the tooltip after the mouse has left the ObjectProperty
<Duration> Spinner.initialDelayProperty()
The duration that the mouse has to be pressed on an arrow button before the next value ObjectProperty
<T> Cell.itemProperty()
The data value associated with this ObjectProperty
<ObservableList<T>> ChoiceBox.itemsProperty()
The items to display in the choice ObjectProperty
<ObservableList<T>> ComboBox.itemsProperty()
The list of items to show within the ComboBox ObjectProperty
<ObservableList<T>> ListView.itemsProperty()
The underlying data model for the ObjectProperty
<ObservableList<T>> SpinnerValueFactory.ListSpinnerValueFactory.itemsProperty()
The underlying data model for the ObjectProperty
<ObservableList<S>> TableView.itemsProperty()
The underlying data model for the ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<Double>> Slider.labelFormatterProperty()
A function for formatting the label for a major ObjectProperty
<Node> Label.labelForProperty()
A Label can act as a label for a different Control or ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> ButtonBase.onActionProperty()
The button's action, which is invoked whenever the button is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> ChoiceBox.onActionProperty()
The ChoiceBox action, which is invoked whenever the ChoiceBoxvalue
property is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> ComboBoxBase.onActionProperty()
The ComboBox action, which is invoked whenever the ComboBoxvalue
property is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> ContextMenu.onActionProperty()
Callback function to be informed when an item contained within thisContextMenu
has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> MenuItem.onActionProperty()
The action, which is invoked whenever the MenuItem is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ActionEvent>> TextField.onActionProperty()
The action handler associated with this text field, ornull
if no action handler is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> Tab.onClosedProperty()
The event handler that is associated with the tab when the tab is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<DialogEvent>> Dialog.onCloseRequestProperty()
Called when there is an external request to close thisDialog
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> Tab.onCloseRequestProperty()
Called when there is an external request to close thisTab
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ListView.EditEvent<T>>> ListView.onEditCancelProperty()
This event handler will be fired when the user cancels editing a cell.TableColumn.onEditCancelProperty()
This event handler will be fired when the user cancels editing a cell.TreeTableColumn.onEditCancelProperty()
This event handler will be fired when the user cancels editing a ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<TreeView.EditEvent<T>>> TreeView.onEditCancelProperty()
This event handler will be fired when the user cancels editing a ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ListView.EditEvent<T>>> ListView.onEditCommitProperty()
This property is used when the user performs an action that should result in their editing input being persisted.TableColumn.onEditCommitProperty()
This event handler will be fired when the user successfully commits their editing.TreeTableColumn.onEditCommitProperty()
This event handler will be fired when the user successfully commits their ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<TreeView.EditEvent<T>>> TreeView.onEditCommitProperty()
This property is used when the user performs an action that should result in their editing input being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ListView.EditEvent<T>>> ListView.onEditStartProperty()
This event handler will be fired when the user successfully initiates editing.TableColumn.onEditStartProperty()
This event handler will be fired when the user successfully initiates editing.TreeTableColumn.onEditStartProperty()
This event handler will be fired when the user successfully initiates ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<TreeView.EditEvent<T>>> TreeView.onEditStartProperty()
This event handler will be fired when the user successfully initiates ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> ChoiceBox.onHiddenProperty()
Called just after theChoiceBox
popup has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> ComboBoxBase.onHiddenProperty()
Called just after theComboBoxBase
popup/display has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<DialogEvent>> Dialog.onHiddenProperty()
Called just after the Dialog has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> Menu.onHiddenProperty()
Called just after theContextMenu
has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> MenuButton.onHiddenProperty()
Called just after theContextMenu
has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> ChoiceBox.onHidingProperty()
Called just prior to theChoiceBox
popup being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> ComboBoxBase.onHidingProperty()
Called just prior to theComboBox
popup/display being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<DialogEvent>> Dialog.onHidingProperty()
Called just prior to the Dialog being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> Menu.onHidingProperty()
Called just prior to theContextMenu
being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> MenuButton.onHidingProperty()
Called just prior to theContextMenu
being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> MenuItem.onMenuValidationProperty()
The event handler that is associated with invocation of an accelerator for a ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ScrollToEvent<TableColumn<S, ?>>>> TableView.onScrollToColumnProperty()
Called when there's a request to scroll a column into view usingTableView.scrollToColumn(TableColumn)
final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ScrollToEvent<TreeTableColumn<S, ?>>>> TreeTableView.onScrollToColumnProperty()
Called when there's a request to scroll a column into view usingTreeTableView.scrollToColumn(TreeTableColumn)
final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ScrollToEvent<Integer>>> ListView.onScrollToProperty()
Called when there's a request to scroll an index into view usingListView.scrollTo(int)
final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ScrollToEvent<Integer>>> TableView.onScrollToProperty()
Called when there's a request to scroll an index into view usingTableView.scrollTo(int)
final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<ScrollToEvent<Integer>>> TreeTableView.onScrollToProperty()
Called when there's a request to scroll an index into view usingTreeTableView.scrollTo(int)
Called when there's a request to scroll an index into view usingTreeView.scrollTo(int)
final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> The event handler that is associated with a selection on the ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> ChoiceBox.onShowingProperty()
Called just prior to theChoiceBox
popup being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> ComboBoxBase.onShowingProperty()
Called just prior to theComboBoxBase
popup/display being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<DialogEvent>> Dialog.onShowingProperty()
Called just prior to the Dialog being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> Menu.onShowingProperty()
Called just prior to theContextMenu
being shown, even if the menu has no items to ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> MenuButton.onShowingProperty()
Called just prior to theContextMenu
being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> ChoiceBox.onShownProperty()
Called just after theChoiceBox
popup is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> ComboBoxBase.onShownProperty()
Called just after theComboBoxBase
popup/display is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<DialogEvent>> Dialog.onShownProperty()
Called just after the Dialog is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> Menu.onShownProperty()
Called just after theContextMenu
is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> MenuButton.onShownProperty()
Called just after theContextMenu
is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<SortEvent<TableView<S>>>> TableView.onSortProperty()
Called when there's a request to sort the ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<SortEvent<TreeTableView<S>>>> TreeTableView.onSortProperty()
Called when there's a request to sort the ObjectProperty
<Orientation> ListView.orientationProperty()
The orientation of theListView
- this can either be horizontal or ObjectProperty
<Orientation> ScrollBar.orientationProperty()
final ObjectProperty
<Orientation> Separator.orientationProperty()
The orientation of theSeparator
can either be horizontal or ObjectProperty
<Orientation> Slider.orientationProperty()
The orientation of theSlider
can either be horizontal or ObjectProperty
<Orientation> SplitPane.orientationProperty()
The orientation for the ObjectProperty
<Orientation> ToolBar.orientationProperty()
The orientation of theToolBar
- this can either be horizontal or ObjectProperty
<Callback<Integer, Node>> Pagination.pageFactoryProperty()
The pageFactory callback function that is called when a page has been selected by the application or the ObjectProperty
<Node> ComboBox.placeholderProperty()
This Node is shown to the user when the ComboBox has no content to ObjectProperty
<Node> ListView.placeholderProperty()
to show to the user when theListView
has no content to ObjectProperty
<Node> TableView.placeholderProperty()
This Node is shown to the user when the table has no content to ObjectProperty
<Node> TreeTableView.placeholderProperty()
This Node is shown to the user when the table has no content to ObjectProperty
<Side> MenuButton.popupSideProperty()
Indicates on which side theContextMenu
should open in relation to the ObjectProperty
<Duration> Spinner.repeatDelayProperty()
The duration that the mouse has to be pressed for each successive step after the first value ObjectProperty
<Callback<ButtonType, R>> Dialog.resultConverterProperty()
API to convert theButtonType
that the user clicked on into a result that can be returned via theresult ObjectProperty
<R> Dialog.resultProperty()
A property representing what has been returned from the ObjectProperty
<TreeItem<S>> TreeTableView.rootProperty()
Property representing the root node of the ObjectProperty
<TreeItem<T>> TreeView.rootProperty()
Property representing the root node of the TreeView.TableView.rowFactoryProperty()
A function which produces a ObjectProperty
<Callback<TreeTableView<S>, TreeTableRow<S>>> TreeTableView.rowFactoryProperty()
A function which produces a ObjectProperty
<SingleSelectionModel<T>> ChoiceBox.selectionModelProperty()
The selection model for the ObjectProperty
<SingleSelectionModel<T>> ComboBox.selectionModelProperty()
The selection model for the ObjectProperty
<MultipleSelectionModel<T>> ListView.selectionModelProperty()
The SelectionModel provides the API through which it is possible to select single or multiple items within a ListView, as well as inspect which items have been selected by the user.TableView.selectionModelProperty()
The SelectionModel provides the API through which it is possible to select single or multiple items within a TableView, as well as inspect which items have been selected by the ObjectProperty
<SingleSelectionModel<Tab>> TabPane.selectionModelProperty()
The selection model used for selecting tabs.TreeTableView.selectionModelProperty()
The SelectionModel provides the API through which it is possible to select single or multiple items within a TreeTableView, as well as inspect which rows have been selected by the ObjectProperty
<MultipleSelectionModel<TreeItem<T>>> TreeView.selectionModelProperty()
The SelectionModel provides the API through which it is possible to select single or multiple items within a TreeView, as well as inspect which rows have been selected by the ObjectProperty
<SelectionMode> MultipleSelectionModel.selectionModeProperty()
Specifies the selection mode to use in this selection ObjectProperty
<Duration> Tooltip.showDelayProperty()
The delay between the mouse entering the hovered node and when the associated tooltip will be shown to the ObjectProperty
<Duration> Tooltip.showDurationProperty()
The duration that the tooltip should remain showing for until it is no longer visible to the ObjectProperty
<Side> TabPane.sideProperty()
The position to place the tabs in thisTabPane
.final ObjectProperty
<Skin<?>> Control.skinProperty()
Skin is responsible for rendering thisControl
.final ObjectProperty
<Skin<?>> PopupControl.skinProperty()
Skin is responsible for rendering thisPopupControl
<Skin<?>> Skinnable.skinProperty()
responsible for rendering thisSkinnable
.final ObjectProperty
<TreeSortMode> TreeTableView.sortModeProperty()
Specifies the sort mode to use when sorting the contents of this TreeTableView, should any columns be specified in thesort order ObjectProperty
<Node> TableColumnBase.sortNodeProperty()
The node to use as the "sort arrow", shown to the user in situations where the table column is part of the sort ObjectProperty
<Callback<TableView<S>, Boolean>> TableView.sortPolicyProperty()
The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TableView should be ObjectProperty
<Callback<TreeTableView<S>, Boolean>> TreeTableView.sortPolicyProperty()
The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TreeTableView should be performed.TableColumn.sortTypeProperty()
Used to state whether this column, if it is part of a sort order (seeTableView.getSortOrder()
for more details), should be sorted in ascending or descending order.TreeTableColumn.sortTypeProperty()
Used to state whether this column, if it is part of a sort order (seeTreeTableView.getSortOrder()
for more details), should be sorted in ascending or descending order.TabPane.tabClosingPolicyProperty()
Specifies how theTabPane
handles tab closing from an end-user's perspective.TabPane.tabDragPolicyProperty()
The drag policy for the ObjectProperty
<TextAlignment> Labeled.textAlignmentProperty()
Specifies the behavior for lines of text when text is ObjectProperty
<TextAlignment> Tooltip.textAlignmentProperty()
Specifies the behavior for lines of text when text is ObjectProperty
<Paint> Labeled.textFillProperty()
used to fill the ObjectProperty
<TextFormatter<?>> TextInputControl.textFormatterProperty()
The property contains currently attachedTextFormatter
.final ObjectProperty
<OverrunStyle> Labeled.textOverrunProperty()
Specifies the behavior to use if the text of theLabeled
exceeds the available space for rendering the ObjectProperty
<OverrunStyle> Tooltip.textOverrunProperty()
Specifies the behavior to use if the text of theTooltip
exceeds the available space for rendering the ObjectProperty
<ToggleGroup> RadioMenuItem.toggleGroupProperty()
Represents theToggleGroup
that this RadioMenuItem belongs to.Toggle.toggleGroupProperty()
to which thisToggle ObjectProperty
<ToggleGroup> ToggleButton.toggleGroupProperty()
to which thisToggleButton ObjectProperty
<Tooltip> Control.tooltipProperty()
The ToolTip for this ObjectProperty
<Tooltip> Tab.tooltipProperty()
The tooltip associated with this ObjectProperty
<TreeTableColumn<S, ?>> TreeTableView.treeColumnProperty()
Property that represents which column should have the disclosure node shown in it (that is, the column with the arrow).final ObjectProperty
<VPos> Separator.valignmentProperty()
For horizontal separators, specifies the vertical alignment of the separator line within the separator control's ObjectProperty
<SpinnerValueFactory<T>> Spinner.valueFactoryProperty()
The value factory is the model behind the JavaFX Spinner control - without a value factory installed a Spinner is ObjectProperty
<T> ChoiceBox.valueProperty()
The value of this ChoiceBox is defined as the selected item in the ChoiceBox selection ObjectProperty
<T> ComboBoxBase.valueProperty()
The value of this ComboBox is defined as the selected item if the input is not editable, or if it is editable, the most recent user action: either the value input by the user, or the last selected ObjectProperty
<T> SpinnerValueFactory.valueProperty()
Represents the current value of the SpinnerValueFactory, or null if no value has been ObjectProperty
<V> TextFormatter.valueProperty()
The current value for this ObjectProperty
<T> TreeItem.valueProperty()
A property representing the application-specific data contained within this TreeItem.ScrollPane.vbarPolicyProperty()
Specifies the policy for showing the vertical scroll ObjectProperty
<Bounds> ScrollPane.viewportBoundsProperty()
The actual Bounds of the ScrollPane Viewport. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.control.cell
Methods in javafx.scene.control.cell that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> CheckBoxListCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> CheckBoxTableCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<TreeItem<T>>> CheckBoxTreeCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> CheckBoxTreeTableCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ChoiceBoxListCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ChoiceBoxTableCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ChoiceBoxTreeCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ComboBoxListCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ComboBoxTableCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ComboBoxTreeCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> ComboBoxTreeTableCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> TextFieldListCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> TextFieldTableCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> TextFieldTreeCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<StringConverter<T>> TextFieldTreeTableCell.converterProperty()
TheStringConverter ObjectProperty
<Callback<T, ObservableValue<Boolean>>> CheckBoxListCell.selectedStateCallbackProperty()
Property representing theCallback
that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on ObjectProperty
<Callback<Integer, ObservableValue<Boolean>>> CheckBoxTableCell.selectedStateCallbackProperty()
Property representing theCallback
that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on ObjectProperty
<Callback<TreeItem<T>, ObservableValue<Boolean>>> CheckBoxTreeCell.selectedStateCallbackProperty()
Property representing theCallback
that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on ObjectProperty
<Callback<Integer, ObservableValue<Boolean>>> CheckBoxTreeTableCell.selectedStateCallbackProperty()
Property representing theCallback
that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on screen. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in
Methods in that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<Callback<VirtualFlow<T>, T>> VirtualFlow.cellFactoryProperty()
Setting a custom cell factory has the effect of deferring all cell creation, allowing for total customization of the ObjectProperty
<Pos> MenuBarSkin.containerAlignmentProperty()
Specifies the alignment of the menu buttons inside the MenuBar (by default it is Pos.TOP_LEFT).protected ObjectProperty
<Node> TableRowSkinBase.graphicProperty()
Returns the graphic to draw on the inside of the disclosure node.protected final ObjectProperty
<Paint> TextInputControlSkin.highlightFillProperty()
The fill to use for the text when highlighted.protected final ObjectProperty
<Paint> TextInputControlSkin.highlightTextFillProperty()
The fillPaint
used for the foreground of selected text.protected final ObjectProperty
<Paint> TextInputControlSkin.promptTextFillProperty()
The fillPaint
used for the foreground of prompt text.protected final ObjectProperty
<Paint> TextInputControlSkin.textFillProperty()
The fill to use for the text under normal conditions -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.effect
Methods in javafx.scene.effect that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<BlurType> DropShadow.blurTypeProperty()
The algorithm used to blur the ObjectProperty
<BlurType> InnerShadow.blurTypeProperty()
The algorithm used to blur the ObjectProperty
<BlurType> Shadow.blurTypeProperty()
The algorithm used to blur the ObjectProperty
<Effect> Blend.bottomInputProperty()
The bottom input for thisBlend ObjectProperty
<Effect> Lighting.bumpInputProperty()
The optional bump map ObjectProperty
<Color> DropShadow.colorProperty()
The shadowColor
.final ObjectProperty
<Color> InnerShadow.colorProperty()
The shadowColor
.final ObjectProperty
<Color> Light.colorProperty()
The color of the light ObjectProperty
<Color> Shadow.colorProperty()
The shadowColor
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> Lighting.contentInputProperty()
The content input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> Bloom.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> BoxBlur.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> ColorAdjust.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> DisplacementMap.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> DropShadow.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> GaussianBlur.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> Glow.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> InnerShadow.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> MotionBlur.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> PerspectiveTransform.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> Reflection.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> SepiaTone.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> Shadow.inputProperty()
The input for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<Light> Lighting.lightProperty()
The light source for thisLighting ObjectProperty
<FloatMap> DisplacementMap.mapDataProperty()
The map data for thisEffect
.final ObjectProperty
<BlendMode> Blend.modeProperty()
used to blend the two inputs ObjectProperty
<Paint> ColorInput.paintProperty()
used to flood the ObjectProperty
<Image> ImageInput.sourceProperty()
The sourceImage
.final ObjectProperty
<Effect> Blend.topInputProperty()
The top input for thisBlend
operation. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.image
Methods in javafx.scene.image that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<Image> ImageView.imageProperty()
to be painted by thisImageView
.final ObjectProperty
<Rectangle2D> ImageView.viewportProperty()
The rectangular viewport into the image. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.layout
Methods in javafx.scene.layout that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<Pos> FlowPane.alignmentProperty()
The overall alignment of the flowpane's content within its width and ObjectProperty
<Pos> GridPane.alignmentProperty()
The alignment of the grid within the gridpane's width and ObjectProperty
<Pos> HBox.alignmentProperty()
The overall alignment of children within the hbox's width and ObjectProperty
<Pos> StackPane.alignmentProperty()
The default alignment of children within the stackpane's width and ObjectProperty
<Pos> TilePane.alignmentProperty()
The overall alignment of the tilepane's content within its width and ObjectProperty
<Pos> VBox.alignmentProperty()
The overall alignment of children within the vbox's width and ObjectProperty
<Background> Region.backgroundProperty()
The background of the Region, which is made up of zero or more BackgroundFills, and zero or more ObjectProperty
<Border> Region.borderProperty()
The border of the Region, which is made up of zero or more BorderStrokes, and zero or more ObjectProperty
<Node> BorderPane.bottomProperty()
The node placed on the bottom edge of this border ObjectProperty
<Node> BorderPane.centerProperty()
The node placed in the center of this border ObjectProperty
<HPos> FlowPane.columnHalignmentProperty()
The horizontal alignment of nodes within each column of a vertical ObjectProperty
<HPos> ColumnConstraints.halignmentProperty()
The horizontal alignment for the ObjectProperty
<Priority> ColumnConstraints.hgrowProperty()
The horizontal grow priority for the ObjectProperty
<Node> BorderPane.leftProperty()
The node placed on the left edge of this border ObjectProperty
<Insets> Region.opaqueInsetsProperty()
Defines the area of the region within which completely opaque pixels are ObjectProperty
<Orientation> FlowPane.orientationProperty()
The orientation of this ObjectProperty
<Orientation> TilePane.orientationProperty()
The orientation of this ObjectProperty
<Insets> Region.paddingProperty()
The top, right, bottom, and left padding around the region's ObjectProperty
<Node> BorderPane.rightProperty()
The node placed on the right edge of this border ObjectProperty
<VPos> FlowPane.rowValignmentProperty()
The vertical alignment of nodes within each row of a horizontal ObjectProperty
<Shape> Region.shapeProperty()
When specified, theShape
will cause the region to be rendered as the specified shape rather than as a rounded ObjectProperty
<Pos> TilePane.tileAlignmentProperty()
The default alignment of each child within its ObjectProperty
<Node> BorderPane.topProperty()
The node placed on the top edge of this border ObjectProperty
<VPos> RowConstraints.valignmentProperty()
The vertical alignment for the ObjectProperty
<Priority> RowConstraints.vgrowProperty()
The vertical grow priority for the row. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in
Methods in that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMediaPlayer.audioSpectrumListenerProperty()
A listener for audio spectrum ObjectProperty
<MediaPlayer> MediaView.mediaPlayerProperty()
whose output will be handled by this view.MediaPlayer.onEndOfMediaProperty()
Event handler invoked when the playercurrentTime
Event handler called when an error occurs.MediaPlayer.onErrorProperty()
Event handler invoked when an error occurs.MediaView.onErrorProperty()
Event handler to be invoked whenever an error occurs on thisMediaView
Event handler invoked when the status changes toHALTED
Event handler invoked when the playercurrentTime
reaches a media marker.MediaPlayer.onPausedProperty()
Event handler invoked when the status changes toPAUSED
Event handler invoked when the status changes toPLAYING
Event handler invoked when the status changes toREADY
Event handler invoked when the playercurrentTime
and will be repeating.MediaPlayer.onStalledProperty()
Event handler invoked when the status changes toSTALLED
Event handler invoked when the status changes toSTOPPED
The time offset where media should start playing, or restart from when repeating.MediaPlayer.stopTimeProperty()
The time offset where media should stop playing or restart when ObjectProperty
<Rectangle2D> MediaView.viewportProperty()
Specifies a rectangular viewport into the media frame. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.paint
Methods in javafx.scene.paint that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<Image> PhongMaterial.bumpMapProperty()
The bump map of thisPhongMaterial
, which is a normal map stored as an RGB ObjectProperty
<Color> PhongMaterial.diffuseColorProperty()
The diffuse color of thisPhongMaterial
.final ObjectProperty
<Image> PhongMaterial.diffuseMapProperty()
The diffuse map of thisPhongMaterial
.final ObjectProperty
<Image> PhongMaterial.selfIlluminationMapProperty()
The self illumination map of thisPhongMaterial
.final ObjectProperty
<Color> PhongMaterial.specularColorProperty()
The specular color of thisPhongMaterial
.final ObjectProperty
<Image> PhongMaterial.specularMapProperty()
The specular map of thisPhongMaterial
. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.shape
Methods in javafx.scene.shape that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<CullFace> Shape3D.cullFaceProperty()
Defines the cullFace thisShape3D
.final ObjectProperty
<DrawMode> Shape3D.drawModeProperty()
Defines the draw mode used to render thisShape3D
.final ObjectProperty
<Paint> Shape.fillProperty()
Defines parameters to fill the interior of anShape
using the settings of thePaint ObjectProperty
<FillRule> Path.fillRuleProperty()
Defines the filling rule constant for determining the interior of the ObjectProperty
<FillRule> SVGPath.fillRuleProperty()
Defines the filling rule constant for determining the interior of the ObjectProperty
<Material> Shape3D.materialProperty()
Defines the material thisShape3D
.final ObjectProperty
<Mesh> MeshView.meshProperty()
Specifies the 3D mesh data of thisMeshView
.final ObjectProperty
<StrokeLineCap> Shape.strokeLineCapProperty()
The end cap style of thisShape
as one of the following values that define possible end cap styles:StrokeLineCap.BUTT
, andStrokeLineCap.SQUARE
.final ObjectProperty
<StrokeLineJoin> Shape.strokeLineJoinProperty()
Defines the decoration applied where path segments ObjectProperty
<Paint> Shape.strokeProperty()
Defines parameters of a stroke that is drawn around the outline of aShape
using the settings of the specifiedPaint
.final ObjectProperty
<StrokeType> Shape.strokeTypeProperty()
Defines the direction (inside, centered, or outside) that the strokeWidth is applied to the boundary of the ObjectProperty
<ArcType> Arc.typeProperty()
final ObjectProperty
<VertexFormat> TriangleMesh.vertexFormatProperty()
Specifies the vertex format of thisTriangleMesh
, one ofVertexFormat.POINT_TEXCOORD
. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.text
Methods in javafx.scene.text that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<TextBoundsType> Text.boundsTypeProperty()
Determines how the bounds of the text node are ObjectProperty
<Font> Text.fontProperty()
Defines the font of ObjectProperty
<FontSmoothingType> Text.fontSmoothingTypeProperty()
Specifies a requested font smoothing type: gray or ObjectProperty
<Paint> Text.selectionFillProperty()
The fill color of selected ObjectProperty
<TextAlignment> Text.textAlignmentProperty()
Defines horizontal text alignment in the bounding ObjectProperty
<TextAlignment> TextFlow.textAlignmentProperty()
Defines horizontal text ObjectProperty
<VPos> Text.textOriginProperty()
Defines the origin of text coordinate system in local coordinates. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.transform
Methods in javafx.scene.transform that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<Point3D> Rotate.axisProperty()
Defines the axis of rotation at the pivot ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<? super TransformChangedEvent>> Transform.onTransformChangedProperty()
The onTransformChanged event handler is called whenever the transform changes any of its parameters. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.scene.web
Methods in javafx.scene.web that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal ObjectProperty
<Callback<String, Boolean>> WebEngine.confirmHandlerProperty()
handler ObjectProperty
<Callback<PopupFeatures, WebEngine>> WebEngine.createPopupHandlerProperty()
JavaScript popup handler ObjectProperty
<FontSmoothingType> WebView.fontSmoothingTypeProperty()
Specifies a requested font smoothing type : gray or ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<WebEvent<String>>> WebEngine.onAlertProperty()
handler ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<WebErrorEvent>> WebEngine.onErrorProperty()
The event handler called when an error ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<WebEvent<Rectangle2D>>> WebEngine.onResizedProperty()
JavaScript window resize handler ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<WebEvent<String>>> WebEngine.onStatusChangedProperty()
JavaScript status handler ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<WebEvent<Boolean>>> WebEngine.onVisibilityChangedProperty()
JavaScript window visibility handler ObjectProperty
<Color> WebView.pageFillProperty()
Specifies the background color of the web ObjectProperty
<Callback<PromptData, String>> WebEngine.promptHandlerProperty()
handler ObjectProperty
<File> WebEngine.userDataDirectoryProperty()
Specifies the directory to be used by thisWebEngine
to store local user data. -
Uses of ObjectProperty in javafx.stage
Methods in javafx.stage that return ObjectPropertyModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPopupWindow.anchorLocationProperty()
Specifies the popup anchor point which is used in popup ObjectProperty
<EventDispatcher> Window.eventDispatcherProperty()
Specifies the event dispatcher for this ObjectProperty
<String> Stage.fullScreenExitHintProperty()
Specifies the text to show when a user enters full screen mode, usually used to indicate the way a user should go about exiting out of full screen ObjectProperty
<KeyCombination> Stage.fullScreenExitKeyProperty()
Get the property for the Full Screen exit key ObjectProperty
<File> DirectoryChooser.initialDirectoryProperty()
The initial directory for the displayed ObjectProperty
<File> FileChooser.initialDirectoryProperty()
The initial directory for the displayed file ObjectProperty
<String> FileChooser.initialFileNameProperty()
The initial file name for the displayed ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<Event>> PopupWindow.onAutoHideProperty()
Called after autoHide is ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<WindowEvent>> Window.onCloseRequestProperty()
Called when there is an external request to close thisWindow
.final ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<WindowEvent>> Window.onHiddenProperty()
Called just after the Window has been ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<WindowEvent>> Window.onHidingProperty()
Called just prior to the Window being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<WindowEvent>> Window.onShowingProperty()
Called just prior to the Window being ObjectProperty
<EventHandler<WindowEvent>> Window.onShownProperty()
Called just after the Window is shown.FileChooser.selectedExtensionFilterProperty()
This property is used to pre-select the extension filter for the next displayed dialog and to read the user-selected extension filter from the dismissed dialog.