Class TableViewSkinBase<M,S,C extends Control,I extends IndexedCell<M>,TC extends TableColumnBase<S,?>>

Type Parameters:
M - The type of the item stored in each row (for TableView, this is the type of the items list, and for TreeTableView, this is the type of the TreeItem).
S - The type of the item, as represented by the selection model (for TableView, this is, again, the type of the items list, and for TreeTableView, this is TreeItem typed to the same type as M).
C - The type of the virtualised control (e.g TableView, TreeTableView)
I - The type of cell used by this virtualised control (e.g. TableRow, TreeTableRow)
TC - The type of TableColumnBase used by this virtualised control (e.g. TableColumn, TreeTableColumn)
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
TableViewSkin, TreeTableViewSkin

public abstract class TableViewSkinBase<M,S,C extends Control,I extends IndexedCell<M>,TC extends TableColumnBase<S,?>> extends VirtualContainerBase<C,I>
TableViewSkinBase is the base skin class used by controls such as TableView and TreeTableView (the concrete classes are TableViewSkin and TreeTableViewSkin, respectively).
See Also: