Package javafx.stage

Class PopupWindow

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Popup, PopupControl

public abstract class PopupWindow extends Window
PopupWindow is the parent for a variety of different types of popup based windows including Popup and Tooltip and ContextMenu.

A PopupWindow is a secondary window which has no window decorations or title bar. It doesn't show up in the OS as a top-level window. It is typically used for tool tip like notification, drop down boxes, menus, and so forth.

The PopupWindow cannot be shown without an owner. PopupWindows require that an owner window exist in order to be shown. However, it is possible to create a PopupWindow ahead of time and simply set the owner (or change the owner) before first being made visible. Attempting to change the owner while the PopupWindow is visible will result in an IllegalStateException.

The PopupWindow encapsulates much of the behavior and functionality common to popups, such as the ability to close when the "esc" key is pressed, or the ability to hide all child popup windows whenever this window is hidden. These abilities can be enabled or disabled via properties.

JavaFX 2.0