Package javafx.stage

Class Window

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
PopupWindow, Stage

public class Window extends Object implements EventTarget
A top level window within which a scene is hosted, and with which the user interacts. A Window might be a Stage, PopupWindow, or other such top level window.

Window objects must be constructed and modified on the JavaFX Application Thread.

The JavaFX Application Thread is created as part of the startup process for the JavaFX runtime. See the Application class and the Platform.startup(Runnable) method for more information.

Some Window properties are read-only, even though they have corresponding set methods, because they can be changed externally by the underlying platform, and therefore must not be bindable. Further, these properties might be ignored on some platforms, depending on whether or not there is a window manager and how it is configured. For example, a tiling window manager might ignore the x and y properties, or treat them as hints, placing the window in a location of its choosing.

JavaFX 2.0