All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Restricted Methods|Serialized Form|System Properties
- 1.0 SerialArray - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.serial
- Section
- 10.0 SQLOutputImpl - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.serial
- Section
- 2.0 SerialBlob - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.serial
- Section
- 2.0 Service Provider Interface Architecture - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.spi
- Section
- 2.0 Setting Properties - Search tag in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
- Section
- 2.0 Standard RowSet Definitions - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset
- Section
- 2.1 State 1 - Outputting a WebRowSet Object to XML - Search tag in interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet
- Section
- 2.2 State 2 - Deleting a Row - Search tag in interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet
- Section
- 2.3 State 3 - Inserting a Row - Search tag in interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet
- Section
- 2.4 State 4 - Modifying a Row - Search tag in interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet
- Section
- 3.0 Sample Usage - Search tag in interface javax.sql.rowset.JoinRowSet
- Section
- 3.0 SerialClob - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.serial
- Section
- 3.0 Setting the Command and Its Parameters - Search tag in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
- Section
- 3.0 SyncProvider Implementer's Guide - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.spi
- Section
- 5.0 SerialDatalink - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.serial
- Section
- 5.0 SyncProvider Constants - Search tag in class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncProvider
- Section
- 6.0 SerialJavaObject - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.serial
- Section
- 7.0 Scrolling and Updating - Search tag in interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
- Section
- 7.0 SerialRef - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.serial
- Section
- 8.0 SerialStruct - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.serial
- Section
- 9.0 Setting Properties - Search tag in interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
- Section
- 9.0 SQLInputImpl - Search tag in package javax.sql.rowset.serial
- Section
- S - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <s>
- S_128_BIT - Enum constant in enum class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorShape
Shape of length 128 bits
- S_256_BIT - Enum constant in enum class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorShape
Shape of length 256 bits
- S_512_BIT - Enum constant in enum class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorShape
Shape of length 512 bits
- S_64_BIT - Enum constant in enum class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorShape
Shape of length 64 bits
- S_Max_BIT - Enum constant in enum class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorShape
Shape of maximum length supported on the platform
- S_RESIZE_CURSOR - Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
The south-resize cursor type.
- S_RESIZE_CURSOR - Static variable in class java.awt.Frame
- S2B - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators
. - S2D - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators
. - S2F - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators
. - S2I - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators
. - S2L - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators
. - SADDLE_STITCH - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Finishings
Bind the document(s) with one or more staples (wire stitches) along the middle fold.
- Safety and thread-confinement - Search tag in interface java.lang.foreign.Arena
- Section
- Safety considerations - Search tag in interface java.lang.foreign.Linker
- Section
- SafeVarargs - Annotation Interface in java.lang
A programmer assertion that the body of the annotated method or constructor does not perform potentially unsafe operations on its varargs parameter.
- saload() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.CodeBuilderPREVIEW
Generate an instruction to load a short from an array
- SALOAD - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.OpcodePREVIEW
Load short from array
- SALOAD - Static variable in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassFilePREVIEW
The integer value used to encode the SALOAD instruction.
- SAMARITAN - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Samaritan".
- SAMARITAN - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Samaritan" Unicode character block.
- sameFile(URL) - Method in class
Compares two URLs, excluding the fragment component.
- sameFile(URL, URL) - Method in class
Compare two urls to see whether they refer to the same file, i.e., having the same protocol, host, port, and path.
- SAMP - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <samp>
- SAMPLE_FORMAT_FLOATING_POINT - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.BaselineTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SampleFormat" tag.
- SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INTEGER - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.BaselineTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SampleFormat" tag.
- SAMPLE_FORMAT_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.BaselineTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SampleFormat" tag.
- SAMPLE_FORMAT_UNSIGNED_INTEGER - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.BaselineTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SampleFormat" tag.
- SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type
Represents a control that changes the sample rate of audio playback.
- sampleModel - Variable in class java.awt.image.Raster
The SampleModel that describes how pixels from this Raster are stored in the DataBuffer.
- sampleModel - Variable in class javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier
to be used as a prototype. - SampleModel - Class in java.awt.image
This abstract class defines an interface for extracting samples of pixels in an image.
- SampleModel(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Constructs a SampleModel with the specified parameters.
- sampleModelTranslateX - Variable in class java.awt.image.Raster
The X translation from the coordinate space of the Raster's SampleModel to that of the Raster.
- sampleModelTranslateY - Variable in class java.awt.image.Raster
The Y translation from the coordinate space of the Raster's SampleModel to that of the Raster.
- sampleRate - Variable in class javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat
The number of samples played or recorded per second, for sounds that have this format.
- sampleSizeInBits - Variable in class javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat
The number of bits in each sample of a sound that has this format.
- SANS_SERIF - Static variable in class java.awt.Font
A String constant for the canonical family name of the logical font "SansSerif".
- Sasl - Class in
A static class for creating SASL clients and servers.
- SaslClient - Interface in
Performs SASL authentication as a client.
- SaslClientFactory - Interface in
An interface for creating instances of
. - SaslException - Exception Class in
This class represents an error that has occurred when using SASL.
- SaslException() - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance of
. - SaslException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance of
with a detailed message. - SaslException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance of
with a detailed message and a root exception. - SASL Overview - Search tag in package
- Section
- SaslServer - Interface in
Performs SASL authentication as a server.
- SaslServerFactory - Interface in
An interface for creating instances of
. - sastore() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.CodeBuilderPREVIEW
Generate an instruction to store into a short array
- SASTORE - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.OpcodePREVIEW
Store into short array
- SASTORE - Static variable in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassFilePREVIEW
The integer value used to encode the SASTORE instruction.
- SATURATION_HIGH - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "Saturation" tag.
- SATURATION_LOW - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "Saturation" tag.
- SATURATION_NORMAL - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "Saturation" tag.
- SATURDAY - Enum constant in enum class java.time.DayOfWeek
The singleton instance for the day-of-week of Saturday.
- SATURDAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the
field indicating Saturday. - SAURASHTRA - Enum constant in enum class java.awt.font.NumericShaper.Range
The Saurashtra range with the Saurashtra digits.
- SAURASHTRA - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Saurashtra".
- SAURASHTRA - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Saurashtra" Unicode character block.
- save(ObjectOutputStream, String, EventListener) - Static method in class java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster
Saves a Serializable listener chain to a serialization stream.
- save(OutputStream, String) - Method in class java.util.Properties
Deprecated.This method does not throw an IOException if an I/O error occurs while saving the property list. The preferred way to save a properties list is via the
store(OutputStream out, String comments)
method or thestoreToXML(OutputStream os, String comment)
method. - SAVE - Static variable in class java.awt.FileDialog
This constant value indicates that the purpose of the file dialog window is to locate a file to which to write.
- SAVE_DIALOG - Static variable in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Type value indicating that the
supports a "Save" file operation. - SAVE_FILE - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.A file saving event.
- saveButtonMnemonic - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Save button mnemonic
- saveButtonText - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Save button text
- saveButtonToolTipText - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Save button tool tip text
- saveComposedText(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Saves composed text around the specified position.
- saveInternal(ObjectOutputStream, String) - Method in class java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster
Serialization support.
- Savepoint - Interface in java.sql
The representation of a savepoint, which is a point within the current transaction that can be referenced from the
method. - Saving and restoring Graphics State - Search tag in package java.awt
- Section
- SAX2 Standard Feature Flags - Search tag in package org.xml.sax
- Section
- SAX2 Standard Handler and Property IDs - Search tag in package org.xml.sax
- Section
- SAXException - Exception Class in org.xml.sax
Encapsulate a general SAX error or warning.
- SAXException() - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXException
Create a new SAXException.
- SAXException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXException
Create a new SAXException wrapping an existing exception.
- SAXException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXException
Create a new SAXException.
- SAXException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXException
Create a new SAXException from an existing exception.
- SAXNotRecognizedException - Exception Class in org.xml.sax
Exception class for an unrecognized identifier.
- SAXNotRecognizedException() - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException
Default constructor.
- SAXNotRecognizedException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException
Construct a new exception with the given message.
- SAXNotSupportedException - Exception Class in org.xml.sax
Exception class for an unsupported operation.
- SAXNotSupportedException() - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException
Construct a new exception with no message.
- SAXNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException
Construct a new exception with the given message.
- SAXParseException - Exception Class in org.xml.sax
Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning.
- SAXParseException(String, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
Create a new SAXParseException.
- SAXParseException(String, String, String, int, int, Exception) - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
Create a new SAXParseException with an embedded exception.
- SAXParseException(String, Locator) - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
Create a new SAXParseException from a message and a Locator.
- SAXParseException(String, Locator, Exception) - Constructor for exception class org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
Wrap an existing exception in a SAXParseException.
- SAXParser - Class in javax.xml.parsers
Defines the API that wraps an
implementation class. - SAXParser() - Constructor for class javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser
Protected constructor to prevent instantiation.
- SAXParserFactory - Class in javax.xml.parsers
Defines a factory API that enables applications to configure and obtain a SAX based parser to parse XML documents.
- SAXParserFactory() - Constructor for class javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
Protected constructor to force use of
. - SAXResult - Class in javax.xml.transform.sax
Acts as an holder for a transformation Result.
- SAXResult() - Constructor for class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult
Zero-argument default constructor.
- SAXResult(ContentHandler) - Constructor for class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult
Create a SAXResult that targets a SAX2
. - SAXSource - Class in javax.xml.transform.sax
Acts as an holder for SAX-style Source.
- SAXSource() - Constructor for class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
Zero-argument default constructor.
- SAXSource(InputSource) - Constructor for class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
Create a
, using a SAXInputSource
. - SAXSource(XMLReader, InputSource) - Constructor for class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
Create a
, using anXMLReader
and a SAX InputSource. - SAXTransformerFactory - Class in javax.xml.transform.sax
This class extends TransformerFactory to provide SAX-specific factory methods.
- SAXTransformerFactory() - Constructor for class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory
The default constructor is protected on purpose.
- SC_BLOCK_DATA - Static variable in interface
Bit mask for ObjectStreamClass flag.
- SC_ENUM - Static variable in interface
Bit mask for ObjectStreamClass flag.
- SC_EXTERNALIZABLE - Static variable in interface
Bit mask for ObjectStreamClass flag.
- SC_SERIALIZABLE - Static variable in interface
Bit mask for ObjectStreamClass flag.
- SC_WRITE_METHOD - Static variable in interface
Bit mask for ObjectStreamClass flag.
- scalb(double, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
× 2scaleFactor
rounded as if performed by a single correctly rounded floating-point multiply. - scalb(double, int) - Static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
× 2scaleFactor
rounded as if performed by a single correctly rounded floating-point multiply. - scalb(float, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
× 2scaleFactor
rounded as if performed by a single correctly rounded floating-point multiply. - scalb(float, int) - Static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
× 2scaleFactor
rounded as if performed by a single correctly rounded floating-point multiply. - scale() - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns the scale of this
. - scale(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Concatenates this transform with a scaling transformation.
- scale(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Concatenates the current
with a scaling transformation Subsequent rendering is resized according to the specified scaling factors relative to the previous scaling. - scale(long, long) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout
offset + (byteSize() * index)
. - scale(Spring, float) - Static method in class javax.swing.Spring
Returns a spring whose minimum, preferred, maximum and value properties are each multiples of the properties of the argument spring,
. - SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING - Static variable in class java.awt.Image
Use the Area Averaging image scaling algorithm.
- SCALE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class java.awt.Image
Use the default image-scaling algorithm.
- SCALE_FAST - Static variable in class java.awt.Image
Choose an image-scaling algorithm that gives higher priority to scaling speed than smoothness of the scaled image.
- SCALE_REPLICATE - Static variable in class java.awt.Image
Use the image scaling algorithm embodied in the
class. - SCALE_SMOOTH - Static variable in class java.awt.Image
Choose an image-scaling algorithm that gives higher priority to image smoothness than scaling speed.
- scaleByPowerOfTen(int) - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns a BigDecimal whose numerical value is equal to (
* 10n). - scaleHandle() - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout
Returns a method handle that can be used to invoke
MemoryLayout.scale(long, long)
on this layout. - scan(DocTree, P) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.DocTreePathScanner
Scans a single node.
- scan(DocTree, P) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.DocTreeScanner
Scans a single node.
- scan(Tree, P) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner
Scans a single node.
- scan(Tree, P) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.TreeScanner
Scans a single node.
- scan(DocTreePath, P) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.DocTreePathScanner
Scans a tree from a position identified by a tree path.
- scan(TreePath, P) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner
Scans a tree from a position identified by a TreePath.
- scan(Iterable<? extends DocTree>, P) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.DocTreeScanner
Scans a sequence of nodes.
- scan(Iterable<? extends Tree>, P) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.TreeScanner
Scans a sequence of nodes.
- scan(Iterable<? extends Element>, P) - Method in class javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6
Iterates over the given elements and calls
scan(Element, P)
on each one. - scan(Supplier<R>, BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R>) - Static method in class
Returns a Gatherer that performs a Prefix Scan -- an incremental accumulation -- using the provided functions.
- scan(Element) - Method in class javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6
Convenience method equivalent to
v.scan(e, null)
. - scan(Element, P) - Method in class javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6
Processes an element by calling
e.accept(this, p)
; this method may be overridden by subclasses. - scanForPlugins() - Static method in class javax.imageio.ImageIO
Scans for plug-ins on the application class path, loads their service provider classes, and registers a service provider instance for each one found with the
. - scanlineStride - Variable in class java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel
Line stride (in data array elements) of the region of image data described by this ComponentSampleModel.
- Scanner - Class in java.util
A simple text scanner which can parse primitive types and strings using regular expressions.
- Scanner(File) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified file. - Scanner(File, String) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified file. - Scanner(File, Charset) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified file. - Scanner(InputStream) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified input stream. - Scanner(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified input stream. - Scanner(InputStream, Charset) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified input stream. - Scanner(Readable) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified source. - Scanner(String) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified string. - Scanner(ReadableByteChannel) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified channel. - Scanner(ReadableByteChannel, String) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified channel. - Scanner(ReadableByteChannel, Charset) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified channel. - Scanner(Path) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified file. - Scanner(Path, String) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified file. - Scanner(Path, Charset) - Constructor for class java.util.Scanner
Constructs a new
that produces values scanned from the specified file. - ScatteringByteChannel - Interface in java.nio.channels
A channel that can read bytes into a sequence of buffers.
- SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE_LANDSCAPE - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SceneCaptureType" tag.
- SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE_NIGHT_SCENE - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SceneCaptureType" tag.
- SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE_PORTRAIT - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SceneCaptureType" tag.
- SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE_STANDARD - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SceneCaptureType" tag.
- SCENE_TYPE_DSC - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SceneType" tag.
- schedule(Runnable, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
Submits a one-shot task that becomes enabled after the given delay.
- schedule(Runnable, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
- schedule(Callable<V>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
Submits a value-returning one-shot task that becomes enabled after the given delay.
- schedule(Callable<V>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
- schedule(TimerTask, long) - Method in class java.util.Timer
Schedules the specified task for execution after the specified delay.
- schedule(TimerTask, long, long) - Method in class java.util.Timer
Schedules the specified task for repeated fixed-delay execution, beginning after the specified delay.
- schedule(TimerTask, Date) - Method in class java.util.Timer
Schedules the specified task for execution at the specified time.
- schedule(TimerTask, Date, long) - Method in class java.util.Timer
Schedules the specified task for repeated fixed-delay execution, beginning at the specified time.
- scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
Submits a periodic action that becomes enabled first after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given period; that is, executions will commence after
, theninitialDelay + period
, theninitialDelay + 2 * period
, and so on. - scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Submits a periodic action that becomes enabled first after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given period; that is, executions will commence after
, theninitialDelay + period
, theninitialDelay + 2 * period
, and so on. - scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask, long, long) - Method in class java.util.Timer
Schedules the specified task for repeated fixed-rate execution, beginning after the specified delay.
- scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask, Date, long) - Method in class java.util.Timer
Schedules the specified task for repeated fixed-rate execution, beginning at the specified time.
- scheduledExecutionTime() - Method in class java.util.TimerTask
Returns the scheduled execution time of the most recent actual execution of this task.
- ScheduledExecutorService - Interface in java.util.concurrent
that can schedule commands to run after a given delay, or to execute periodically. - ScheduledFuture<V> - Interface in java.util.concurrent
A delayed result-bearing action that can be cancelled.
- ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor - Class in java.util.concurrent
that can additionally schedule commands to run after a given delay, or to execute periodically. - ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(int) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Creates a new
with the given core pool size. - ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(int, RejectedExecutionHandler) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Creates a new
with the given initial parameters. - ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(int, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Creates a new
with the given initial parameters. - ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(int, ThreadFactory, RejectedExecutionHandler) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Creates a new
with the given initial parameters. - scheduleStart(Duration) - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Starts this recording after a delay.
- scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
Submits a periodic action that becomes enabled first after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given delay between the termination of one execution and the commencement of the next.
- scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Submits a periodic action that becomes enabled first after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given delay between the termination of one execution and the commencement of the next.
- Schema - Class in javax.xml.validation
Immutable in-memory representation of grammar.
- Schema() - Constructor for class javax.xml.validation.Schema
Constructor for the derived class.
- SCHEMA_SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet
The URL for the XML Schema definition file that defines the XML tags and their valid values for a
implementation. - SchemaFactory - Search tag in module java.xml
- Section
- SchemaFactory - Search tag in module java.xml
- Section
- SchemaFactory - Class in javax.xml.validation
Factory that creates
objects. - SchemaFactory() - Constructor for class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory
Constructor for derived classes.
- SchemaFactoryConfigurationError - Exception Class in javax.xml.validation
Thrown when a problem with configuration with the Schema Factories exists.
- SchemaFactoryConfigurationError() - Constructor for exception class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactoryConfigurationError
Create a new
with no detail message. - SchemaFactoryConfigurationError(String) - Constructor for exception class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactoryConfigurationError
Create a new
with theString
specified as an error message. - SchemaFactoryConfigurationError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactoryConfigurationError
Create a new
with the givenThrowable
base cause and detail message. - SchemaFactoryConfigurationError(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactoryConfigurationError
Create a new
with the givenThrowable
base cause. - SchemaFactoryLoader - Class in javax.xml.validation
Factory that creates
. - SchemaFactoryLoader() - Constructor for class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactoryLoader
A do-nothing constructor.
- Schema Language - Search tag in class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory
- Section
- SchemaViolationException - Exception Class in
This exception is thrown when a method in some ways violates the schema.
- SchemaViolationException() - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance of SchemaViolationException.
- SchemaViolationException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new instance of SchemaViolationException using the explanation supplied.
- SCIENTIFIC - Enum constant in enum class java.util.Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm
Format the
in computerized scientific notation. - Scientific Notation - Search tag in class java.text.DecimalFormat
- Section
- scope() - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.Arena
Returns the arena scope.
- scope() - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Returns the scope associated with this memory segment.
- Scope - Interface in com.sun.source.tree
Interface for determining locally available program elements, such as local variables and imports.
- ScopedValue<T>PREVIEW - Class in java.lang
A value that may be safely and efficiently shared to methods without using method parameters.
- ScopedValue.CarrierPREVIEW - Class in java.lang
A mapping of scoped values, as keys, to values.
- Scoped values as capabilities - Search tag in class java.lang.ScopedValue
- Section
- screenAboutToSleep(ScreenSleepEvent) - Method in interface java.awt.desktop.ScreenSleepListener
Called when the system displays have entered power save sleep.
- screenAwoke(ScreenSleepEvent) - Method in interface java.awt.desktop.ScreenSleepListener
Called when the system displays have awoken from power save sleep.
- ScreenSleepEvent - Class in java.awt.desktop
Event sent when the displays attached to the system enter and exit power save sleep.
- ScreenSleepEvent() - Constructor for class java.awt.desktop.ScreenSleepEvent
Constructs a
. - ScreenSleepListener - Interface in java.awt.desktop
Implementors receive notification when the displays attached to the system have entered power save sleep.
- SCRIPT - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <script>
- ScriptContext - Interface in javax.script
The interface whose implementing classes are used to connect Script Engines with objects, such as scoped Bindings, in hosting applications.
- ScriptEngine - Interface in javax.script
is the fundamental interface whose methods must be fully functional in every implementation of this specification. - ScriptEngineFactory - Interface in javax.script
is used to describe and instantiateScriptEngines
. - ScriptEngineManager - Class in javax.script
implements a discovery and instantiation mechanism forScriptEngine
classes and also maintains a collection of key/value pairs storing state shared by all engines created by the Manager. - ScriptEngineManager() - Constructor for class javax.script.ScriptEngineManager
The effect of calling this constructor is the same as calling
. - ScriptEngineManager(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class javax.script.ScriptEngineManager
This constructor loads the implementations of
visible to the givenClassLoader
using the service provider mechanism.
If loader isnull
, the script engine factories that are bundled with the platform are loaded. - ScriptException - Exception Class in javax.script
The generic
class for the Scripting APIs. - ScriptException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class javax.script.ScriptException
Creates a
wrapping anException
thrown by an underlying interpreter. - ScriptException(String) - Constructor for exception class javax.script.ScriptException
Creates a
with a String to be used in its message. - ScriptException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class javax.script.ScriptException
Creates a
with message, filename and linenumber to be used in error messages. - ScriptException(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for exception class javax.script.ScriptException
constructor specifying message, filename, line number and column number. - SCROLL_ABSOLUTE - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.The user has moved the bubble (thumb) in a scroll bar, moving to an "absolute" position, rather than to an offset from the last position.
- SCROLL_BAR - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole
An object usually used to allow a user to incrementally view a large amount of data.
- SCROLL_BAR - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
ScrollBar region.
- SCROLL_BAR_THUMB - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
Thumb of the ScrollBar.
- SCROLL_BAR_TRACK - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
Track of the ScrollBar.
- SCROLL_BEGIN - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.The scroll begin event.
- SCROLL_DOWN - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup
The direction of scrolling down.
- SCROLL_END - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.The scroll end event.
- SCROLL_LINE_DOWN - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.The user has activated the line down area of a scroll bar.
- SCROLL_LINE_UP - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.The user has activated the line up area of a scroll bar.
- SCROLL_LOCK - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.The Scroll Lock key, a non-ASCII action key.
- SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.The user has activated the page down area of a scroll bar.
- SCROLL_PAGE_UP - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.The user has activated the page up area of a scroll bar.
- SCROLL_PANE - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole
An object that allows a user to incrementally view a large amount of information.
- SCROLL_PANE - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
ScrollPane region.
- SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT - Static variable in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Tab layout policy for providing a subset of available tabs when all the tabs will not fit within a single run.
- SCROLL_UP - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup
The direction of scrolling up.
- Scrollable - Interface in javax.swing
An interface that provides information to a scrolling container like JScrollPane.
- scrollbar - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The color rendered for the background of scrollbars.
- scrollbar - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
- scrollBar - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI.ComponentHandler
ScrollBar that is being adjusted.
- Scrollbar - Class in java.awt
class embodies a scroll bar, a familiar user-interface object. - Scrollbar() - Constructor for class java.awt.Scrollbar
Constructs a new vertical scroll bar.
- Scrollbar(int) - Constructor for class java.awt.Scrollbar
Constructs a new scroll bar with the specified orientation.
- Scrollbar(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class java.awt.Scrollbar
Constructs a new scroll bar with the specified orientation, initial value, visible amount, and minimum and maximum values.
- ScrollBar(int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JScrollPane.ScrollBar
Creates a scrollbar with the specified orientation.
- SCROLLBAR - Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
The array index for the
system color. - Scrollbar.AccessibleAWTScrollBar - Class in java.awt
This class implements accessibility support for the
class. - SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS - Static variable in class java.awt.ScrollPane
Specifies that horizontal/vertical scrollbars should always be shown regardless of the respective sizes of the scrollpane and child.
- SCROLLBARS_AS_NEEDED - Static variable in class java.awt.ScrollPane
Specifies that horizontal/vertical scrollbar should be shown only when the size of the child exceeds the size of the scrollpane in the horizontal/vertical dimension.
- SCROLLBARS_BOTH - Static variable in class java.awt.TextArea
Create and display both vertical and horizontal scrollbars.
- SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL_ONLY - Static variable in class java.awt.TextArea
Create and display horizontal scrollbar only.
- SCROLLBARS_NEVER - Static variable in class java.awt.ScrollPane
Specifies that horizontal/vertical scrollbars should never be shown regardless of the respective sizes of the scrollpane and child.
- SCROLLBARS_NONE - Static variable in class java.awt.TextArea
Do not create or display any scrollbars for the text area.
- SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY - Static variable in class java.awt.TextArea
Create and display vertical scrollbar only.
- ScrollBarUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf
Pluggable look and feel interface for JScrollBar.
- ScrollBarUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.ScrollBarUI
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- scrollBarWidth - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
Hint as to what width (when vertical) or height (when horizontal) should be.
- scrollBarWidth - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalScrollBarUI
The width of the scroll bar.
- scrollByBlock(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
Scrolls by block.
- scrollByBlock(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
Scrolls by block.
- scrollByUnit(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
Scrolls by unit.
- scrollByUnit(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
Scrolls by unit.
- scrollDirection - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup
The direction of scrolling.
- scrollDueToClickInTrack(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
This function is called when a mousePressed was detected in the track, not in the thumb.
- scroller - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup
This protected field is implementation specific.
- SCROLLING - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
Attribute "scrolling"
- scrollListener - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
Scroll listener
- scrollListener - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
Scroll listener
- ScrollListener() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.ScrollListener
Constructs a
. - ScrollListener() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI.ScrollListener
Constructs a
- ScrollListener(int, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.ScrollListener
Constructs a
. - ScrollListener(int, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI.ScrollListener
Constructs a
- scrollpane - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI
The instance of
. - ScrollPane - Class in java.awt
A container class which implements automatic horizontal and/or vertical scrolling for a single child component.
- ScrollPane() - Constructor for class java.awt.ScrollPane
Create a new scrollpane container with a scrollbar display policy of "as needed".
- ScrollPane(int) - Constructor for class java.awt.ScrollPane
Create a new scrollpane container.
- ScrollPane.AccessibleAWTScrollPane - Class in java.awt
This class implements accessibility support for the
class. - ScrollPaneAdjustable - Class in java.awt
This class represents the state of a horizontal or vertical scrollbar of a
. - ScrollPaneBorder() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalBorders.ScrollPaneBorder
Constructs a
. - ScrollPaneConstants - Interface in javax.swing
Constants used with the JScrollPane component.
- ScrollPaneLayout - Class in javax.swing
The layout manager used by
. - ScrollPaneLayout() - Constructor for class javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
Constructs a
. - ScrollPaneLayout.UIResource - Class in javax.swing
The UI resource version of
. - ScrollPaneUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf
Pluggable look and feel interface for JScrollPane.
- ScrollPaneUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.ScrollPaneUI
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- scrollPathToVisible(TreePath) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Makes sure all the path components in path are expanded (except for the last path component) and scrolls so that the node identified by the path is displayed.
- scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Forwards the
message to theJComponent
's parent. - scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextField
Scrolls the field left or right.
- scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle) - Method in class javax.swing.JViewport
Scrolls the view so that
within the view becomes visible. - scrollRowToVisible(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Scrolls the item identified by row until it is displayed.
- SCROLLS_ON_EXPAND_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JTree
Bound property name for
. - scrollsOnExpand - Variable in class javax.swing.JTree
If true, when a node is expanded, as many of the descendants are scrolled to be visible.
- scrollTimer - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
Scroll timer
- scrollTimer - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
Scroll timer
- scrollToReference(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JEditorPane
Scrolls the view to the given reference location (that is, the value returned by the
method for the URL being displayed). - scrollUnderway - Variable in class javax.swing.JViewport
flag is used for components likeJList
. - SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS - Static variable in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOptions
Enables or disables message fragmentation.
- SCTP_EXPLICIT_COMPLETE - Static variable in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOptions
Enables or disables explicit message completion.
- SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE - Static variable in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOptions
Fragmented interleave controls how the presentation of messages occur for the message receiver.
- SCTP_INIT_MAXSTREAMS - Static variable in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOptions
The maximum number of streams requested by the local endpoint during association initialization.
- SCTP_NODELAY - Static variable in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOptions
Enables or disables a Nagle-like algorithm.
- SCTP_PRIMARY_ADDR - Static variable in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOptions
Requests that the local SCTP stack use the given peer address as the association primary.
- SCTP_SET_PEER_PRIMARY_ADDR - Static variable in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOptions
Requests that the peer mark the enclosed address as the association primary.
- SctpChannel - Class in com.sun.nio.sctp
A selectable channel for message-oriented connected SCTP sockets.
- SctpChannel(SelectorProvider) - Constructor for class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpChannel
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- SctpMultiChannel - Class in com.sun.nio.sctp
A selectable channel for message-oriented SCTP sockets.
- SctpMultiChannel(SelectorProvider) - Constructor for class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpMultiChannel
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- SctpServerChannel - Class in com.sun.nio.sctp
A selectable channel for message-oriented listening SCTP sockets.
- SctpServerChannel(SelectorProvider) - Constructor for class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpServerChannel
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- SctpSocketOption<T> - Interface in com.sun.nio.sctp
A socket option associated with an SCTP channel.
- SctpStandardSocketOptions - Class in com.sun.nio.sctp
SCTP channels supports the socket options defined by this class (as well as those listed in the particular channel class) and may support additional Implementation specific socket options.
- SctpStandardSocketOptions.InitMaxStreams - Class in com.sun.nio.sctp
This class is used to set the maximum number of inbound/outbound streams used by the local endpoint during association initialization.
- SDATA - Static variable in interface javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTDConstants
The DTD constant corresponds to SDATA
- SE_RESIZE_CURSOR - Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
The south-east-resize cursor type.
- SE_RESIZE_CURSOR - Static variable in class java.awt.Frame
Deprecated.replaced by
. - SEALED - Enum constant in enum class javax.lang.model.element.Modifier
The modifier
- SEALED - Static variable in class java.util.jar.Attributes.Name
object forSealed
manifest attribute used for sealing. - SealedObject - Class in javax.crypto
This class enables a programmer to create an object and protect its confidentiality with a cryptographic algorithm.
- SealedObject(Serializable, Cipher) - Constructor for class javax.crypto.SealedObject
Constructs a
from anySerializable
object. - SealedObject(SealedObject) - Constructor for class javax.crypto.SealedObject
Constructs a
object from the passed-inSealedObject
. - search(long, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends U>) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
Returns a non-null result from applying the given search function on each (key, value), or null if none.
- search(Object) - Method in class java.util.Stack
Returns the 1-based position where an object is on this stack.
- search(String, String, Object[], SearchControls) - Method in interface
Searches in the named context or object for entries that satisfy the given search filter.
- search(String, String, Object[], SearchControls) - Method in class
- search(String, String, SearchControls) - Method in interface
Searches in the named context or object for entries that satisfy the given search filter.
- search(String, String, SearchControls) - Method in class
- search(String, Attributes) - Method in interface
Searches in a single context for objects that contain a specified set of attributes.
- search(String, Attributes) - Method in class
- search(String, Attributes, String[]) - Method in interface
Searches in a single context for objects that contain a specified set of attributes, and retrieves selected attributes.
- search(String, Attributes, String[]) - Method in class
- search(Name, String, Object[], SearchControls) - Method in interface
Searches in the named context or object for entries that satisfy the given search filter.
- search(Name, String, Object[], SearchControls) - Method in class
- search(Name, String, SearchControls) - Method in interface
Searches in the named context or object for entries that satisfy the given search filter.
- search(Name, String, SearchControls) - Method in class
- search(Name, Attributes) - Method in interface
Searches in a single context for objects that contain a specified set of attributes.
- search(Name, Attributes) - Method in class
- search(Name, Attributes, String[]) - Method in interface
Searches in a single context for objects that contain a specified set of attributes, and retrieves selected attributes.
- search(Name, Attributes, String[]) - Method in class
- Search Algorithm for Properties - Search tag in interface javax.naming.Context
- Section
- SearchControls - Class in
This class encapsulates factors that determine scope of search and what gets returned as a result of the search.
- SearchControls() - Constructor for class
Constructs a search constraints using defaults.
- SearchControls(int, long, int, String[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a search constraints using arguments.
- searchEntries(long, Function<Map.Entry<K, V>, ? extends U>) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
Returns a non-null result from applying the given search function on each entry, or null if none.
- Searches - Search tag in package
- Section
- searchKeys(long, Function<? super K, ? extends U>) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
Returns a non-null result from applying the given search function on each key, or null if none.
- Search Order - Search tag in interface javax.xml.catalog.CatalogResolver
- Section
- SearchResult - Class in
This class represents an item in the NamingEnumeration returned as a result of the methods.
- SearchResult(String, Object, Attributes) - Constructor for class
Constructs a search result using the result's name, its bound object, and its attributes.
- SearchResult(String, Object, Attributes, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a search result using the result's name, its bound object, and its attributes, and whether the name is relative.
- SearchResult(String, String, Object, Attributes) - Constructor for class
Constructs a search result using the result's name, its class name, its bound object, and its attributes.
- SearchResult(String, String, Object, Attributes, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a search result using the result's name, its class name, its bound object, its attributes, and whether the name is relative.
- searchValues(long, Function<? super V, ? extends U>) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
Returns a non-null result from applying the given search function on each value, or null if none.
- SECOND - Static variable in class java.text.DateFormat.Field
Constant identifying the second field.
- SECOND - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Field number for
indicating the second within the minute. - SECOND_FIELD - Static variable in class java.text.DateFormat
Useful constant for SECOND field alignment.
- SECOND_OF_DAY - Enum constant in enum class java.time.temporal.ChronoField
The second-of-day.
- SECOND_OF_MINUTE - Enum constant in enum class java.time.temporal.ChronoField
The second-of-minute.
- SECONDARY - Static variable in class java.text.Collator
Collator strength value.
- Secondary Colors - Search tag in package javax.swing.plaf.nimbus
- Section
- SecondaryLoop - Interface in java.awt
A helper interface to run the nested event loop.
- secondaryOrder(int) - Static method in class java.text.CollationElementIterator
Return the secondary component of a collation element.
- secondaryTypeKind() - Method in enum class java.lang.classfile.OpcodePREVIEW
Returns secondary type kind for instructions operating with two types, or null otherwise.
- SECONDS - Enum constant in enum class java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
Unit that represents the concept of a second.
- SECONDS - Enum constant in enum class java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
Time unit representing one second.
- SECONDS - Static variable in class javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstants
A constant that represents the seconds field.
- SECONDS - Static variable in annotation interface jdk.jfr.Timespan
Unit for seconds.
- SECRET - Enum constant in enum class
Type for secret keys.
- SECRET_KEY - Static variable in class javax.crypto.Cipher
Constant used to indicate the to-be-unwrapped key is a "secret key".
- SecretKey - Interface in javax.crypto
A secret (symmetric) key.
- SecretKeyEntry(SecretKey) - Constructor for class
Constructs a
with aSecretKey
. - SecretKeyEntry(SecretKey, Set<KeyStore.Entry.Attribute>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a
with aSecretKey
and associated entry attributes. - SecretKeyFactory - Class in javax.crypto
This class represents a factory for secret keys.
- SecretKeyFactory(SecretKeyFactorySpi, Provider, String) - Constructor for class javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory
Creates a
object. - SecretKeyFactorySpi - Class in javax.crypto
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the
class. - SecretKeyFactorySpi() - Constructor for class javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactorySpi
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- SecretKeySpec - Class in javax.crypto.spec
This class specifies a secret key in a provider-independent fashion.
- SecretKeySpec(byte[], int, int, String) - Constructor for class javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
Constructs a secret key from the given byte array, using the first
bytes ofkey
, starting atoffset
inclusive. - SecretKeySpec(byte[], String) - Constructor for class javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
Constructs a secret key from the given byte array.
- secretSize() - Method in class javax.crypto.KEM.Decapsulator
Returns the size of the shared secret.
- secretSize() - Method in class javax.crypto.KEM.Encapsulator
Returns the size of the shared secret.
- SectionElement() - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.SectionElement
Creates a new SectionElement.
- SectionElementName - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Name of elements used to hold sections (lines/paragraphs).
- SECURE_RANDOM - Enum constant in enum class
Cryptographic random number generator
- SecureCacheResponse - Class in
Represents a cache response originally retrieved through secure means, such as TLS.
- SecureCacheResponse() - Constructor for class
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- SecureClassLoader - Class in
This class extends
with additional support for defining classes with an associated code source and permissions which are retrieved by the system policy by default. - SecureClassLoader() - Constructor for class
Creates a new
using the default parent class loader for delegation. - SecureClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
using the specified parent class loader for delegation. - SecureClassLoader(String, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
of the specified name and using the specified parent class loader for delegation. - SecureDirectoryStream<T> - Interface in java.nio.file
that defines operations on files that are located relative to an open directory. - SecureLookupSupplier - Class in jdk.dynalink
Provides security-checked access to a
object. - SecureLookupSupplier(MethodHandles.Lookup) - Constructor for class jdk.dynalink.SecureLookupSupplier
Creates a new secure lookup supplier, securing the passed lookup.
- SecureRandom - Class in
This class provides a cryptographically strong random number generator (RNG).
- SecureRandom() - Constructor for class
Constructs a secure random number generator (RNG) implementing the default random number algorithm.
- SecureRandom(byte[]) - Constructor for class
Constructs a secure random number generator (RNG) implementing the default random number algorithm.
- SecureRandom(SecureRandomSpi, Provider) - Constructor for class
Creates a
object. - SecureRandomParameters - Interface in
A marker interface for parameters used in various
methods. - SecureRandomSpi - Class in
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the
class. - SecureRandomSpi() - Constructor for class
Constructor without a parameter.
- SecureRandomSpi(SecureRandomParameters) - Constructor for class
Constructor with a parameter.
- security() - Method in class java.lang.Runtime.Version
Deprecated.As of Java SE 10, the third element of a version number is not the security level but the update-release counter, incremented for every update release. Use the
method in preference to this method. For compatibility, this method returns the value of the update element, or zero if it is absent. - Security - Search tag in class java.util.ServiceLoader
- Section
- Security - Search tag in package java.awt
- Section
- Security - Class in
This class centralizes all security properties and common security methods.
- SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface javax.naming.Context
Constant that holds the name of the environment property for specifying the security level to use.
- SECURITY_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in interface javax.naming.Context
Constant that holds the name of the environment property for specifying the credentials of the principal for authenticating the caller to the service.
- SECURITY_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in interface javax.naming.Context
Constant that holds the name of the environment property for specifying the identity of the principal for authenticating the caller to the service.
- SECURITY_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface javax.naming.Context
Constant that holds the name of the environment property for specifying the security protocol to use.
- SecurityException - Exception Class in java.lang
Thrown by the security manager to indicate a security violation.
- SecurityException() - Constructor for exception class java.lang.SecurityException
Constructs a
with no detail message. - SecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.lang.SecurityException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - SecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.lang.SecurityException
Creates a
with the specified detail message and cause. - SecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.lang.SecurityException
Creates a
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message ofcause
). - SecurityManager - Class in java.lang
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.The Security Manager is deprecated and subject to removal in a future release. There is no replacement for the Security Manager. See JEP 411 for discussion and alternatives.
- SecurityManager() - Constructor for class java.lang.SecurityManager
Deprecated.Constructs a new
. - Security manager interactions - Search tag in class java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup
- Section
- SecurityPermission - Class in
This class is for security permissions.
- SecurityPermission(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
with the specified name. - SecurityPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
object with the specified name. - SEE - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing an@see
tag. - seek(long) - Method in class
Sets the file-pointer offset, measured from the beginning of this file, at which the next read or write occurs.
- seek(long) - Method in class
Sets the current stream position and resets the bit offset to 0.
- seek(long) - Method in class
Sets the current stream position and resets the bit offset to 0.
- seek(long) - Method in interface
Sets the current stream position to the desired location.
- seek(long) - Method in class
- SeekableByteChannel - Interface in java.nio.channels
A byte channel that maintains a current position and allows the position to be changed.
- seekForwardOnly - Variable in class javax.imageio.ImageReader
if the current input source has been marked as allowing only forward seeking bysetInput
. - SeeTree - Interface in com.sun.source.doctree
A tree node for an
block tag. - SEG_CLOSE - Static variable in interface java.awt.geom.PathIterator
The segment type constant that specifies that the preceding subpath should be closed by appending a line segment back to the point corresponding to the most recent SEG_MOVETO.
- SEG_CUBICTO - Static variable in interface java.awt.geom.PathIterator
The segment type constant for the set of 3 points that specify a cubic parametric curve to be drawn from the most recently specified point.
- SEG_LINETO - Static variable in interface java.awt.geom.PathIterator
The segment type constant for a point that specifies the end point of a line to be drawn from the most recently specified point.
- SEG_MOVETO - Static variable in interface java.awt.geom.PathIterator
The segment type constant for a point that specifies the starting location for a new subpath.
- SEG_QUADTO - Static variable in interface java.awt.geom.PathIterator
The segment type constant for the pair of points that specify a quadratic parametric curve to be drawn from the most recently specified point.
- Segment - Class in javax.swing.text
A segment of a character array representing a fragment of text.
- Segment() - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.Segment
Creates a new segment.
- Segment(char[], int, int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.Segment
Creates a new segment referring to an existing array.
- SegmentAllocator - Interface in java.lang.foreign
An object that may be used to allocate memory segments.
- select() - Method in class java.nio.channels.Selector
Selects a set of keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations.
- select() - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
Select the contents of the text area.
- select() - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
Select the contents of the
. - select(int) - Method in class java.awt.Choice
Sets the selected item in this
menu to be the item at the specified position. - select(int) - Method in class java.awt.List
Selects the item at the specified index in the scrolling list.
- select(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
Selects the text between the specified start and end positions.
- select(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Selects the text between the specified start and end positions.
- select(long) - Method in class java.nio.channels.Selector
Selects a set of keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations.
- select(MemoryLayout.PathElement...) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout
Returns the layout selected from the provided path, where the initial layout in the path is this layout.
- select(String) - Method in class java.awt.Choice
Sets the selected item in this
menu to be the item whose name is equal to the specified string. - select(URI) - Method in class
Selects all the applicable proxies based on the protocol to access the resource with and a destination address to access the resource at.
- select(Consumer<SelectionKey>) - Method in class java.nio.channels.Selector
Selects and performs an action on the keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations.
- select(Consumer<SelectionKey>, long) - Method in class java.nio.channels.Selector
Selects and performs an action on the keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations.
- select(KeyInfo, KeySelector.Purpose, AlgorithmMethod, XMLCryptoContext) - Method in class javax.xml.crypto.KeySelector
Attempts to find a key that satisfies the specified constraints.
- SELECT - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <select>
- SELECT_LIST_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class java.sql.PseudoColumnUsage
The pseudo/hidden column may only be used in a SELECT list.
- SELECTABLE - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleState
Indicates this object is the child of an object that allows its children to be selected, and that this child is one of those children that can be selected.
- SelectableChannel - Class in java.nio.channels
A channel that can be multiplexed via a
. - SelectableChannel() - Constructor for class java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- selectAdjacentRunTab(int, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Selects an adjacent run of tabs.
- selectAll() - Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
Selects all the text in this text component.
- selectAll() - Method in interface javax.swing.ComboBoxEditor
Ask the editor to start editing and to select everything
- selectAll() - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Selects all rows, columns, and cells in the table.
- selectAll() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxEditor
- selectAll() - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Selects all the text in the
. - selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList
Causes every selected item in the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Causes every child of the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleSelection
Causes every child of the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox
Causes every child of the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList
Causes every selected item in the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class javax.swing.JMenu.AccessibleJMenu
Normally causes every selected item in the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuBar.AccessibleJMenuBar
Normally causes every selected item in the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable
Causes every child of the object to be selected, but only if the
supports multiple selections, and if individual cell selection is enabled. - selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
Causes every selected item in the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAccessibleSelection() - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree
Causes every selected item in the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections.
- selectAllAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for selecting the entire document
- selectBestTextFlavor(DataFlavor[]) - Static method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
Selects the best text
from an array ofDataFlavor
s. - selectColor - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalButtonUI
The color of the selected button.
- selectColor - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalRadioButtonUI
The color of the selected radio button.
- selectColor - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTabbedPaneUI
The color of the selected pane.
- selectColor - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalToggleButtonUI
The color of a selected button.
- selectContent(AttributeSet) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLWriter
Writes out the content of the SELECT form element.
- selected - Variable in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Is the value currently selected.
- SELECTED - Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
This state-change value indicates that an item was selected.
- SELECTED - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleState
Indicates this object is the child of an object that allows its children to be selected, and that this child is one of those children that has been selected.
- SELECTED - Static variable in class javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Identifies the "selected" bit in the bitmask, which indicates that the button has been selected.
- SELECTED - Static variable in interface javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthConstants
Indicates the region is selected.
- SELECTED - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
Attribute "selected"
- SELECTED_CONVERTED_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT - Static variable in class
Constant for the default highlight for selected converted text.
- SELECTED_FILE_CHANGED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Identifies change in user's single-file selection.
- SELECTED_FILES_CHANGED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Identifies change in user's multiple-file selection.
- SELECTED_ICON_CHANGED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Identifies a change to the icon used when the button has been selected.
- SELECTED_KEY - Static variable in interface javax.swing.Action
The key used for storing a
that corresponds to the selected state. - SELECTED_RAW_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT - Static variable in class
Constant for the default highlight for selected raw text.
- selectedItemChanged() - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
This protected method is implementation specific.
- selectedItemReminder - Variable in class javax.swing.JComboBox
This protected field is implementation specific.
- selectedKeys() - Method in class java.nio.channels.Selector
Returns this selector's selected-key set.
- selectedRun - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Selected run
- selectedTabPadInsets - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Selected tab insets
- selectedTextColor - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
The color of a selected text.
- selectedTitleColor - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
The color of a selected title.
- selectFrame(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JDesktopPane
Selects the next
in this desktop pane. - selectFrom(Vector<E>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.Vector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector
. - selectFrom(Vector<E>, VectorMask<E>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.Vector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector, under the control of a mask.
- selectFrom(Vector<Byte>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector
. - selectFrom(Vector<Byte>, VectorMask<Byte>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector, under the control of a mask.
- selectFrom(Vector<Double>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector
. - selectFrom(Vector<Double>, VectorMask<Double>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector, under the control of a mask.
- selectFrom(Vector<Float>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector
. - selectFrom(Vector<Float>, VectorMask<Float>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector, under the control of a mask.
- selectFrom(Vector<Integer>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector
. - selectFrom(Vector<Integer>, VectorMask<Integer>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector, under the control of a mask.
- selectFrom(Vector<Long>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector
. - selectFrom(Vector<Long>, VectorMask<Long>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector, under the control of a mask.
- selectFrom(Vector<Short>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector
. - selectFrom(Vector<Short>, VectorMask<Short>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector, under the control of a mask.
- selectHighlight - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTabbedPaneUI
The color of the highlight.
- selectInitialValue() - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Requests that the initial value be selected, which will set focus to the initial value.
- selectInitialValue(JOptionPane) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI
If inputComponent is non-null, the focus is requested on that, otherwise request focus on the default value
- selectInitialValue(JOptionPane) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiOptionPaneUI
Invokes the
method on each UI handled by this object. - selectInitialValue(JOptionPane) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.OptionPaneUI
Requests the component representing the default value to have focus.
- selectInputMethod(Locale) - Method in class
Attempts to select an input method or keyboard layout that supports the given locale, and returns a value indicating whether such an input method or keyboard layout has been successfully selected.
- selection - Variable in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Paths that are currently selected.
- Selection - Search tag in class java.nio.channels.Selector
- Section
- SELECTION - Static variable in class java.awt.JobAttributes.DefaultSelectionType
instance to use for specifying that the current selection should be printed. - SELECTION_MODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Property name for selectionMode.
- SELECTION_MODEL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
The selection model property name.
- SELECTION_MODEL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JTree
Bound property name for selectionModel.
- SELECTION_VALUES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Bound property name for
. - selectionBackground - Variable in class javax.swing.JTable
The background color of selected cells.
- selectionBackground - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
The color of the selection background.
- selectionBackwardAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for extending the selection by moving the caret logically backward one position.
- selectionBeginAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the
for moving the caret to the beginning of the document. - selectionBeginLineAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the
for moving the caret to the beginning of a line, extending the selection. - selectionBeginParagraphAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the
for moving the caret to the beginning of a paragraph, extending the selection. - selectionBeginWordAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the
for moving the caret to the beginning of a word, extending the selection. - selectionDownAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for moving the caret logically downward one position, extending the selection.
- selectionEndAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the end of the document.
- selectionEndLineAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the
for moving the caret to the end of a line, extending the selection. - selectionEndParagraphAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the
for moving the caret to the end of a paragraph, extending the selection. - selectionEndWordAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for moving the caret to the end of a word, extending the selection.
- selectionForeground - Variable in class javax.swing.JTable
The foreground color of selected cells.
- selectionForeground - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI
The color of the selection foreground.
- selectionForKey(char, ComboBoxModel<?>) - Method in interface javax.swing.JComboBox.KeySelectionManager
and the model, returns the row that should become selected. - selectionForwardAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for extending the selection by moving the caret logically forward one position.
- selectionHtmlFlavor - Static variable in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
Represents a piece of an HTML markup.
- SelectionKey - Class in java.nio.channels
A token representing the registration of a
with aSelector
. - SelectionKey() - Constructor for class java.nio.channels.SelectionKey
Constructs an instance of this class.
- SelectionListener() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI.SelectionListener
Constructs a
. - selectionMode - Variable in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- selectionModel - Variable in class javax.swing.JTable
of the table, used to keep track of row selections. - selectionModel - Variable in class javax.swing.JTree
Models the set of selected nodes in this tree.
- selectionModel - Variable in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
Model for keeping track of column selections
- selectionModelChanged - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI
The bit relates to selection model changed property.
- SelectionModelPropertyChangeHandler() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI.SelectionModelPropertyChangeHandler
Constructs a
. - selectionNextWordAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the
for moving the selection to the beginning of the next word, extending the selection. - Selection operations that add to the selected-key set - Search tag in class java.nio.channels.Selector
- Section
- Selection operations that perform an action on selected keys - Search tag in class java.nio.channels.Selector
- Section
- selectionPreviousWordAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the
for moving the selection to the beginning of the previous word, extending the selection. - selectionRedirector - Variable in class javax.swing.JTree
Creates a new event and passed it off the
. - selectionUpAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for moving the caret logically upward one position, extending the selection.
- selectionValues - Variable in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Array of values the user can choose from.
- selectLineAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for selecting a line around the caret.
- selectNextIndex() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI
Selected the previous row and force it to be visible.
- selectNextPossibleValue() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Selects the next item in the list.
- selectNextTab(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Selects the next tab.
- selectNextTabInRun(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Selects the next tab in the run.
- selectNode(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Select a node and its contents
- selectNodeContents(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Select the contents within a node
- selectNow() - Method in class java.nio.channels.Selector
Selects a set of keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations.
- selectNow(Consumer<SelectionKey>) - Method in class java.nio.channels.Selector
Selects and performs an action on the keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations.
- selector() - Method in class java.nio.channels.SelectionKey
Returns the selector for which this key was created.
- Selector - Class in java.nio.channels
A multiplexor of
objects. - Selector() - Constructor for class java.nio.channels.Selector
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- SelectorProvider - Class in java.nio.channels.spi
Service-provider class for selectors and selectable channels.
- SelectorProvider() - Constructor for class java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- selectParagraphAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for selecting a paragraph around the caret.
- selectPathForEvent(TreePath, MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Messaged to update the selection based on a
over a particular row. - selectPreviousIndex() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI
Selected the previous row and force it to be visible.
- selectPreviousPossibleValue() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Selects the previous item in the list.
- selectPreviousTab(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Selects the previous tab.
- selectPreviousTabInRun(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Selects the previous tab in the run.
- selectText(int, int) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleEditableText
Selects the text between two indices.
- selectText(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSpinner.AccessibleJSpinner
Selects the text between two indices.
- selectText(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent
Selects the text between two indices.
- selectWithKeyChar(char) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Selects the list item that corresponds to the specified keyboard character and returns true, if there is an item corresponding to that character.
- selectWordAction - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit
Name of the Action for selecting a word around the caret.
- Semaphore - Class in java.util.concurrent
A counting semaphore.
- Semaphore(int) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.Semaphore
Creates a
with the given number of permits and nonfair fairness setting. - Semaphore(int, boolean) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.Semaphore
Creates a
with the given number of permits and the given fairness setting. - semi-monotonic - Search tag in class java.lang.Math
- send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class
Sends a datagram packet from this socket.
- send(DatagramPacket) - Method in class
Sends a datagram packet.
- send(DatagramPacket, byte) - Method in class
Deprecated.Use the following code or its equivalent instead:
...... int ttl = mcastSocket.getOption(StandardSocketOptions.IP_MULTICAST_TTL); mcastSocket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, newttl); mcastSocket.send(p); mcastSocket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, ttl); ......
- send(HttpRequest, HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in class
Sends the given request using this client, blocking if necessary to get the response.
- send(ByteBuffer, MessageInfo) - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpChannel
Sends a message via this channel.
- send(ByteBuffer, MessageInfo) - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpMultiChannel
Sends a message via this channel.
- send(ByteBuffer, SocketAddress) - Method in class java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel
Sends a datagram via this channel.
- send(MidiMessage, long) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Receiver
Sends a MIDI message and time-stamp to this receiver.
- sendAsync(HttpRequest, HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in class
Sends the given request asynchronously using this client with the given response body handler.
- sendAsync(HttpRequest, HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>, HttpResponse.PushPromiseHandler<T>) - Method in class
Sends the given request asynchronously using this client with the given response body handler and push promise handler.
- sendAttributeChangeNotification(AttributeChangeNotification) - Method in interface
Sends an attributeChangeNotification which is passed in to the registered attributeChangeNotification listeners on the ModelMBean.
- sendAttributeChangeNotification(AttributeChangeNotification) - Method in class
- sendAttributeChangeNotification(Attribute, Attribute) - Method in interface
Sends an attributeChangeNotification which contains the old value and new value for the attribute to the registered AttributeChangeNotification listeners on the ModelMBean.
- sendAttributeChangeNotification(Attribute, Attribute) - Method in class
- sendBinary(ByteBuffer, boolean) - Method in interface
Sends binary data with bytes from the given buffer.
- sendClose(int, String) - Method in interface
Initiates an orderly closure of this WebSocket's output by sending a Close message with the given status code and the reason.
- SendFailedNotification - Class in com.sun.nio.sctp
Notification emitted when a send failed notification has been received.
- SendFailedNotification() - Constructor for class com.sun.nio.sctp.SendFailedNotification
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- sendNotification(String) - Method in interface
Sends a Notification which contains the text string that is passed in to the registered Notification listeners on the ModelMBean.
- sendNotification(String) - Method in class
- sendNotification(Notification) - Method in class
Enables the MBean server to send a notification.
- sendNotification(Notification) - Method in interface
Sends a Notification which is passed in to the registered Notification listeners on the ModelMBean as a jmx.modelmbean.generic notification.
- sendNotification(Notification) - Method in class
- sendNotification(Notification) - Method in class
Sends a notification.
- sendNotification(Notification) - Method in class
Sends a notification.
- sendPing(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface
Sends a Ping message with bytes from the given buffer.
- sendPong(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface
Sends a Pong message with bytes from the given buffer.
- sendRelationCreationNotification(String) - Method in class
Sends a notification (RelationNotification) for a relation creation.
- sendRelationCreationNotification(String) - Method in interface
Sends a notification (RelationNotification) for a relation creation.
- sendRelationRemovalNotification(String, List<ObjectName>) - Method in class
Sends a notification (RelationNotification) for a relation removal.
- sendRelationRemovalNotification(String, List<ObjectName>) - Method in interface
Sends a notification (RelationNotification) for a relation removal.
- sendResponseHeaders(int, long) - Method in class
Starts sending the response back to the client using the current set of response headers and the numeric response code as specified in this method.
- sendRoleUpdateNotification(String, Role, List<ObjectName>) - Method in class
Sends a notification (RelationNotification) for a role update in the given relation.
- sendRoleUpdateNotification(String, Role, List<ObjectName>) - Method in interface
Sends a notification (RelationNotification) for a role update in the given relation.
- sendText(CharSequence, boolean) - Method in interface
Sends textual data with characters from the given character sequence.
- sendUrgentData(int) - Method in class
Send one byte of urgent data on the socket.
- sendUrgentData(int) - Method in class
Send one byte of urgent data on the socket.
- SENSING_METHOD_COLOR_SEQUENTIAL_AREA_SENSOR - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SensingMethod" tag.
- SENSING_METHOD_COLOR_SEQUENTIAL_LINEAR_SENSOR - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SensingMethod" tag.
- SENSING_METHOD_NOT_DEFINED - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SensingMethod" tag.
- SENSING_METHOD_ONE_CHIP_COLOR_AREA_SENSOR - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SensingMethod" tag.
- SENSING_METHOD_THREE_CHIP_COLOR_AREA_SENSOR - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SensingMethod" tag.
- SENSING_METHOD_TRILINEAR_SENSOR - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SensingMethod" tag.
- SENSING_METHOD_TWO_CHIP_COLOR_AREA_SENSOR - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SensingMethod" tag.
- SENTENCE - Static variable in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleText
Constant used to indicate that the part of the text that should be retrieved is a sentence.
- SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES - Static variable in class java.awt.JobAttributes.MultipleDocumentHandlingType
instance to use for specifying that the job should be divided into separate, collated copies. - SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_COLLATED_COPIES - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.MultipleDocumentHandling
Separate documents collated copies -- see above for further information.
- SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES - Static variable in class java.awt.JobAttributes.MultipleDocumentHandlingType
instance to use for specifying that the job should be divided into separate, uncollated copies. - SEPARATE_DOCUMENTS_UNCOLLATED_COPIES - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.MultipleDocumentHandling
Separate documents uncollated copies -- see above for further information.
- separator - Static variable in class
The system-dependent default name-separator character, represented as a string for convenience.
- Separator() - Constructor for class javax.swing.JPopupMenu.Separator
Constructs a popup menu-specific Separator.
- Separator() - Constructor for class javax.swing.JToolBar.Separator
Creates a new toolbar separator with the default size as defined by the current look and feel.
- Separator(Dimension) - Constructor for class javax.swing.JToolBar.Separator
Creates a new toolbar separator with the specified size.
- SEPARATOR - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole
An object usually contained in a menu to provide a visual and logical separation of the contents in a menu.
- SEPARATOR - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
Separator region.
- separatorChar - Static variable in class
The system-dependent default name-separator character.
- Separators - Search tag in package javax.swing.plaf.synth
- Section
- SeparatorUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf
Pluggable look and feel interface for JSeparator.
- SeparatorUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.SeparatorUI
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- SEPTEMBER - Enum constant in enum class java.time.Month
The singleton instance for the month of September with 30 days.
- SEPTEMBER - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the
field indicating the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. - SEPTEMBER - Static variable in class javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstants
Value for ninth month of year.
- Sequence - Class in javax.sound.midi
is a data structure containing musical information (often an entire song or composition) that can be played back by aSequencer
object. - Sequence(float, int) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.Sequence
Constructs a new MIDI sequence with the specified timing division type and timing resolution.
- Sequence(float, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.Sequence
Constructs a new MIDI sequence with the specified timing division type, timing resolution, and number of tracks.
- sequenceComplete(ImageReader) - Method in interface javax.imageio.event.IIOReadProgressListener
Reports that a sequence of read operations has completed.
- SequencedCollection<E> - Interface in java.util
A collection that has a well-defined encounter order, that supports operations at both ends, and that is reversible.
- sequencedEntrySet() - Method in class java.util.LinkedHashMap
Returns a
view of this map'sentrySet
. - sequencedEntrySet() - Method in interface java.util.SequencedMap
Returns a
view of this map'sentrySet
. - sequencedKeySet() - Method in class java.util.LinkedHashMap
Returns a
view of this map'skeySet
. - sequencedKeySet() - Method in interface java.util.SequencedMap
Returns a
view of this map'skeySet
. - SequencedMap<K,
V> - Interface in java.util -
A Map that has a well-defined encounter order, that supports operations at both ends, and that is reversible.
- SequencedSet<E> - Interface in java.util
A collection that is both a
and aSet
. - sequencedValues() - Method in class java.util.LinkedHashMap
Returns a
view of this map'svalues
collection. - sequencedValues() - Method in interface java.util.SequencedMap
Returns a
view of this map'svalues
collection. - sequenceElement() - Static method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout.PathElement
Returns an open path element that selects an unspecified element layout in a sequence layout.
- sequenceElement(long) - Static method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout.PathElement
Returns a path element which selects the element layout at the specified index in a sequence layout.
- sequenceElement(long, long) - Static method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout.PathElement
Returns an open path element that selects the element layout in a range of positions in a sequence layout.
- SequenceInputStream - Class in
represents the logical concatenation of other input streams. - SequenceInputStream(InputStream, InputStream) - Constructor for class
Initializes a newly created
by remembering the two arguments, which will be read in order, firsts1
and thens2
, to provide the bytes to be read from thisSequenceInputStream
. - SequenceInputStream(Enumeration<? extends InputStream>) - Constructor for class
Initializes a newly created
by remembering the argument, which must be anEnumeration
that produces objects whose run-time type isInputStream
. - sequenceLayout(long, MemoryLayout) - Static method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout
Creates a sequence layout with the given element layout and element count.
- SequenceLayout - Interface in java.lang.foreign
A compound layout that denotes a homogeneous repetition of a given element layout.
- sequenceNumber() - Method in class
Returns the sequence number of the produced or consumed SSL/TLS/DTLS record (optional operation).
- Sequencer - Interface in javax.sound.midi
A hardware or software device that plays back a MIDI
is known as a sequencer. - Sequencer.SyncMode - Class in javax.sound.midi
object represents one of the ways in which a MIDI sequencer's notion of time can be synchronized with a master or slave device. - sequenceStarted(ImageReader, int) - Method in interface javax.imageio.event.IIOReadProgressListener
Reports that a sequence of read operations is beginning.
- sequential() - Method in interface
Returns an equivalent stream that is sequential.
- Serial - Annotation Interface in
Indicates that an annotated field or method is part of the serialization mechanism defined by the Java Object Serialization Specification.
- SERIAL - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing an@serial
tag. - SERIAL_DATA - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing an@serialData
tag. - SERIAL_FIELD - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing an@serialField
tag. - SERIAL_FILTER_PATTERN - Static variable in class
This attribute defines a pattern from which to create a
that will be used when deserializing objects sent to theJMXConnectorServer
by any client. - SERIAL_FILTER_PERMISSION - Static variable in interface
Enable setting the system-wide serial filter.
- SerialArray - Class in javax.sql.rowset.serial
A serialized version of an
object, which is the mapping in the Java programming language of an SQLARRAY
value. - SerialArray(Array) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialArray
Constructs a new
object from the givenArray
object. - SerialArray(Array, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialArray
Constructs a new
object from the givenArray
object, using the given type map for the custom mapping of each element when the elements are SQL UDTs. - SerialBlob - Class in javax.sql.rowset.serial
A serialized mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL
value. - SerialBlob(byte[]) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob
Constructs a
object that is a serialized version of the givenbyte
array. - SerialBlob(Blob) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob
Constructs a
object that is a serialized version of the givenBlob
object. - serialClass() - Method in interface
The class of an object being deserialized.
- SerialClob - Class in javax.sql.rowset.serial
A serialized mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL
value. - SerialClob(char[]) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob
Constructs a
object that is a serialized version of the givenchar
array. - SerialClob(Clob) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob
Constructs a
object that is a serialized version of the givenClob
object. - SerialDatalink - Class in javax.sql.rowset.serial
A serialized mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL
value. - SerialDatalink(URL) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialDatalink
Constructs a new
object from the
object. - SerialDataTree - Interface in com.sun.source.doctree
A tree node for an
block tag. - SerialException - Exception Class in javax.sql.rowset.serial
Indicates and an error with the serialization or de-serialization of SQL types such as
in addition to SQL types such asDATALINK and JAVAOBJECT
- SerialException() - Constructor for exception class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialException
Creates a new
without a message. - SerialException(String) - Constructor for exception class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialException
Creates a new
with the specified message. - SerialFieldTree - Interface in com.sun.source.doctree
A tree node for an
block tag. - Serializability of Collections - Search tag in interface java.util.Collection
- Section
- serializable - Variable in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
The number of instances of a serializable
. - Serializable - Interface in
Serializability of a class is enabled by the class implementing the interface.
- SerializablePermission - Class in
This class is for Serializable permissions.
- SerializablePermission(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SerializablePermission with the specified name.
- SerializablePermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SerializablePermission object with the specified name.
- Serialization - Search tag in class java.awt.Component
- Section
- Serialization - Search tag in class java.time.ZoneId
- Section
- Serialization - Search tag in class java.util.Locale
- Section
- serialize(ObjectOutputStream, Collection<?>) - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Used by writeObject to serialize a Collection.
- SERIALIZE_ERR - Static variable in exception class
If an attempt was made to serialize a
and the processing has been stopped. - SerializedLambda - Class in java.lang.invoke
Serialized form of a lambda expression.
- SerializedLambda(Class<?>, String, String, String, int, String, String, String, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda
Create a
from the low-level information present at the lambda factory site. - SerialJavaObject - Class in javax.sql.rowset.serial
A serializable mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL
value. - SerialJavaObject(Object) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialJavaObject
Constructor for
helper class. - SerialRef - Class in javax.sql.rowset.serial
A serialized mapping of a
object, which is the mapping in the Java programming language of an SQLREF
value. - SerialRef(Ref) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialRef
Constructs a
object from the givenRef
object. - SerialStruct - Class in javax.sql.rowset.serial
A serialized mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL structured type.
- SerialStruct(SQLData, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialStruct
Constructs a
object from the givenSQLData
object, using the given type map to custom map it to a class in the Java programming language. - SerialStruct(Struct, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialStruct
Constructs a
object from the givenStruct
object, using the givenjava.util.Map
object for custom mapping the SQL structured type or any of its attributes that are SQL structured types. - SerialTree - Interface in com.sun.source.doctree
A tree node for an
block tag. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface java.rmi.server.RemoteRef
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface java.rmi.server.ServerRef
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPrivateKey
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPublicKey
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface javax.crypto.interfaces.PBEKey
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface javax.crypto.SecretKey
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface javax.naming.Name
field in an interface is ineffectual. Do not use; no replacement. - SERIF - Static variable in class java.awt.Font
A String constant for the canonical family name of the logical font "Serif".
- server - Variable in class
Reference to the MBean server.
- SERVER - Enum constant in enum class
Entity requesting authentication is a HTTP origin server.
- SERVER_AUTH - Static variable in class
The name of a property that specifies whether the server must authenticate to the client.
- ServerCloneException - Exception Class in java.rmi.server
is thrown if a remote exception occurs during the cloning of aUnicastRemoteObject
. - ServerCloneException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.server.ServerCloneException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - ServerCloneException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.server.ServerCloneException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message and cause. - ServerError - Exception Class in java.rmi
is thrown as a result of a remote method invocation when anError
is thrown while processing the invocation on the server, either while unmarshalling the arguments, executing the remote method itself, or marshalling the return value. - ServerError(String, Error) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.ServerError
Constructs a
with the specified detail message and nested error. - ServerException - Exception Class in java.rmi
is thrown as a result of a remote method invocation when aRemoteException
is thrown while processing the invocation on the server, either while unmarshalling the arguments or executing the remote method itself. - ServerException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.ServerException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - ServerException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.ServerException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message and nested exception. - ServerNotActiveException - Exception Class in java.rmi.server
is anException
thrown during a call toRemoteServer.getClientHost
if the getClientHost method is called outside of servicing a remote method call. - ServerNotActiveException() - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.server.ServerNotActiveException
Constructs an
with no specified detail message. - ServerNotActiveException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.server.ServerNotActiveException
Constructs an
with the specified detail message. - ServerRef - Interface in java.rmi.server
Deprecated.No replacement. This interface is unused and is obsolete.
- ServerRuntimeException - Exception Class in java.rmi
- replacement
- ServerRuntimeException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.ServerRuntimeException
- replacement
- ServerSocket - Class in
This class implements server sockets.
- ServerSocket() - Constructor for class
Creates an unbound server socket.
- ServerSocket(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a server socket, bound to the specified port.
- ServerSocket(int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a server socket and binds it to the specified local port number, with the specified backlog.
- ServerSocket(int, int, InetAddress) - Constructor for class
Create a server with the specified port, listen backlog, and local IP address to bind to.
- ServerSocket(SocketImpl) - Constructor for class
Creates a server socket with a user-specified
. - ServerSocketChannel - Class in java.nio.channels
A selectable channel for stream-oriented listening sockets.
- ServerSocketChannel(SelectorProvider) - Constructor for class java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- ServerSocketFactory - Class in
This class creates server sockets.
- ServerSocketFactory() - Constructor for class
Creates a server socket factory.
- service() - Method in class java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Provides
Returns the binary name of the service type.
- Service(Provider, String, String, String, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class
Construct a new service.
- SERVICE_FORMATTED(String) - Constructor for class javax.print.DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED
Constructs a new doc flavor with a MIME type of
indicating service formatted print data and the given print data representation class name. - SERVICE_OFF_LINE - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.JobStateReason
The printer is off-line and accepting no jobs.
- serviceAvailable(BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent) - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
A new service is available from the nesting BeanContext.
- serviceAvailable(BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent) - Method in interface java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesListener
The service named has been registered. getService requests for this service may now be made.
- serviceAvailable(BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent) - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
BeanContextServicesListener callback, propagates event to all currently registered listeners and BeanContextServices children, if this BeanContextService does not already implement this service itself.
- serviceClass - Variable in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent
reference to the newly available service - serviceClass - Variable in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
reference to the service that is being revoked. - ServiceConfigurationError - Exception Class in java.util
Error thrown when something goes wrong while locating, loading, or instantiating a service provider.
- ServiceConfigurationError(String) - Constructor for exception class java.util.ServiceConfigurationError
Constructs a new instance with the specified message.
- ServiceConfigurationError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.util.ServiceConfigurationError
Constructs a new instance with the specified message and cause.
- Service Formatted Print Data - Search tag in class javax.print.DocFlavor
- Section
- ServiceLoader<S> - Class in java.util
A facility to load implementations of a service.
- ServiceLoader.Provider<S> - Interface in java.util
Represents a service provider located by
. - ServiceNotFoundException - Exception Class in
Represents exceptions raised when a requested service is not supported.
- ServiceNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class
Default constructor.
- ServiceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructor that allows a specific error message to be specified.
- ServicePermission - Class in
This class is used to protect Kerberos services and the credentials necessary to access those services.
- ServicePermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
Create a new
with the specifiedservicePrincipal
. - serviceProvider - Variable in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider
The service provider.
- Service Provider Requirements - Search tag in interface javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext
- Section
- Service Providers - Search tag in package javax.xml.crypto.dsig
- Section
- ServiceRegistry - Class in javax.imageio.spi
A registry for service provider instances for Image I/O service types.
- ServiceRegistry(Iterator<Class<?>>) - Constructor for class javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry
Constructs a
instance with a set of categories taken from thecategories
argument. - ServiceRegistry.Filter - Interface in javax.imageio.spi
A simple filter interface used by
to select providers matching an arbitrary criterion. - serviceRevoked(BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent) - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
A service provided by the nesting BeanContext has been revoked.
- serviceRevoked(BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent) - Method in interface java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedListener
The service named has been revoked. getService requests for this service will no longer be satisfied.
- serviceRevoked(BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent) - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSProxyServiceProvider
- serviceRevoked(BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent) - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
BeanContextServicesListener callback, propagates event to all currently registered listeners and BeanContextServices children, if this BeanContextService does not already implement this service itself.
- services - Variable in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
all accesses to the
protected transient HashMap services
field should be synchronized on that object - ServiceUI - Class in javax.print
This class is a collection of UI convenience methods which provide a graphical user dialog for browsing print services looked up through the Java Print Service API.
- ServiceUI() - Constructor for class javax.print.ServiceUI
Constructs a
. - ServiceUIFactory - Class in javax.print
Services may optionally provide UIs which allow different styles of interaction in different roles.
- ServiceUIFactory() - Constructor for class javax.print.ServiceUIFactory
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- ServiceUnavailableException - Exception Class in javax.naming
This exception is thrown when attempting to communicate with a directory or naming service and that service is not available.
- ServiceUnavailableException() - Constructor for exception class javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException
Constructs a new instance of ServiceUnavailableException.
- ServiceUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception class javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException
Constructs a new instance of ServiceUnavailableException using an explanation.
- set(boolean) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setVolatile(java.lang.Object...)
. - set(byte, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Replaces an Object in the list of parameters with a Byte.
- set(char, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Replaces an Object in the list of parameters with a Character.
- set(double, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Replaces an Object in the list of parameters with a Double.
- set(float, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Replaces an Object in the list of parameters with a Float.
- set(int) - Method in class java.util.BitSet
Sets the bit at the specified index to
. - set(int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setVolatile(java.lang.Object...)
. - set(int, boolean) - Method in class java.util.BitSet
Sets the bit at the specified index to the specified value.
- set(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Replaces an Object in the list of parameters with an Integer.
- set(int, int) - Method in class java.util.BitSet
Sets the bits from the specified
(inclusive) to the specifiedtoIndex
(exclusive) totrue
. - set(int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the
parameter to the givenvalue
. - set(int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets the given calendar field to the given value.
- set(int, int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setVolatile(java.lang.Object...)
. - set(int, int, boolean) - Method in class java.util.BitSet
Sets the bits from the specified
(inclusive) to the specifiedtoIndex
(exclusive) to the specified value. - set(int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets the values for the calendar fields
. - set(int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Insets
Set top, left, bottom, and right to the specified values
- set(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets the values for the calendar fields
. - set(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets the values for the fields
. - set(int, long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setVolatile(java.lang.Object...)
. - set(int, E) - Method in class java.util.AbstractList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element (optional operation).
- set(int, E) - Method in class java.util.AbstractSequentialList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element (optional operation).
- set(int, E) - Method in class java.util.ArrayList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
- set(int, E) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setVolatile(java.lang.Object...)
. - set(int, E) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
- set(int, E) - Method in class java.util.LinkedList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
- set(int, E) - Method in interface java.util.List
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element (optional operation).
- set(int, E) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Replaces the element at the specified position in this Vector with the specified element.
- set(int, E) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultListModel
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
- set(int, Object) - Method in class
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
- set(int, Object) - Method in interface
Sets an attribute value in the ordered list of attribute values.
- set(int, Object) - Method in class
- set(int, Object) - Method in class jdk.jfr.Event
Sets a field value.
- set(int, Attribute) - Method in class
Sets the element at the position specified to be the attribute specified.
- set(int, Role) - Method in class
Sets the element at the position specified to be the role specified.
- set(int, RoleUnresolved) - Method in class
Sets the element at the position specified to be the unresolved role specified.
- set(long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setVolatile(java.lang.Object...)
. - set(long, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Replaces an Object in the list of parameters with a Long.
- set(short, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Replaces an Object in the list of parameters with a Short.
- set(E) - Method in interface java.util.ListIterator
Replaces the last element returned by
with the specified element (optional operation). - set(JobAttributes) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Sets all of the attributes of this
to the same values as the attributes of obj. - set(PageAttributes) - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Sets all of the attributes of this PageAttributes to the same values as the attributes of obj.
- set(AddressLayout, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes an address into this segment at the given offset, with the given layout.
- set(ValueLayout.OfBoolean, long, boolean) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a boolean into this segment at the given offset, with the given layout.
- set(ValueLayout.OfByte, long, byte) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a byte into this segment at the given offset, with the given layout.
- set(ValueLayout.OfChar, long, char) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a char into this segment at the given offset, with the given layout.
- set(ValueLayout.OfDouble, long, double) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a double into this segment at the given offset, with the given layout.
- set(ValueLayout.OfFloat, long, float) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a float into this segment at the given offset, with the given layout.
- set(ValueLayout.OfInt, long, int) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes an int into this segment at the given offset, with the given layout.
- set(ValueLayout.OfLong, long, long) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a long into this segment at the given offset, with the given layout.
- set(ValueLayout.OfShort, long, short) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a short into this segment at the given offset, with the given layout.
- set(Object...) - Method in class java.lang.invoke.VarHandle
Sets the value of a variable to the
, with memory semantics of setting as if the variable was declared non-volatile
and non-final
. - set(Object, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Replaces an Object in the list of parameters.
- set(Object, int, Object) - Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
Sets the value of the indexed component of the specified array object to the specified new value.
- set(Object, Object) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
Sets the field represented by this
object on the specified object argument to the specified new value. - set(String, String) - Method in class
Sets the given
as the sole header value for the givenkey
. - set(T) - Method in class java.lang.ThreadLocal
Sets the current thread's copy of this thread-local variable to the specified value.
- set(T, int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater
Sets the field of the given object managed by this updater to the given updated value.
- set(T, long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater
Sets the field of the given object managed by this updater to the given updated value.
- set(T, V) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater
Sets the field of the given object managed by this updater to the given updated value.
- set(V) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setVolatile(java.lang.Object...)
. - set(V) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.FutureTask
Sets the result of this future to the given value unless this future has already been set or has been cancelled.
- set(V, boolean) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicMarkableReference
Unconditionally sets the value of both the reference and mark.
- set(V, int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicStampedReference
Unconditionally sets the value of both the reference and stamp.
- Set<E> - Interface in java.util
A collection that contains no duplicate elements.
- SET - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.invoke.VarHandle.AccessMode
The access mode whose access is specified by the corresponding method
- SET - Enum constant in enum class jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation
Set the value in a namespace defined on an object.
- SET_OPAQUE - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.invoke.VarHandle.AccessMode
The access mode whose access is specified by the corresponding method
- SET_RELEASE - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.invoke.VarHandle.AccessMode
The access mode whose access is specified by the corresponding method
- SET_VOLATILE - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.invoke.VarHandle.AccessMode
The access mode whose access is specified by the corresponding method
- set2DigitYearStart(Date) - Method in class java.text.SimpleDateFormat
Sets the 100-year period 2-digit years will be interpreted as being in to begin on the date the user specifies.
- setAbbr(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setAboutHandler(AboutHandler) - Method in class java.awt.Desktop
Installs a handler to show a custom About window for your application.
- setAccelerationPriority(float) - Method in class java.awt.Image
Sets a hint for this image about how important acceleration is.
- setAccelerator(KeyStroke) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenu
is not defined forJMenu
. - setAccelerator(KeyStroke) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuItem
Sets the key combination which invokes the menu item's action listeners without navigating the menu hierarchy.
- setAccept(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Determines whether the
AcceptAll FileFilter
is used as an available choice in the choosable filter list. - setAcceptCharset(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFormElement
- setAccessible(boolean) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject
Set the
flag for this reflected object to the indicated boolean value. - setAccessible(boolean) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Constructor
Set the
flag for this reflected object to the indicated boolean value. - setAccessible(boolean) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
- setAccessible(boolean) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Method
- setAccessible(AccessibleObject[], boolean) - Static method in class java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject
Convenience method to set the
flag for an array of reflected objects with a single security check (for efficiency). - setAccessibleCaption(Accessible) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleTable
Sets the caption for the table.
- setAccessibleCaption(Accessible) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable
Sets the caption for the table.
- setAccessibleColumnDescription(int, Accessible) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleTable
Sets the description text of the specified column in the table.
- setAccessibleColumnDescription(int, Accessible) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable
Sets the description text of the specified column of the table.
- setAccessibleColumnHeader(AccessibleTable) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleTable
Sets the column headers.
- setAccessibleColumnHeader(AccessibleTable) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable
Sets the column headers as an
. - setAccessibleDescription(String) - Method in class
Set the accessible description of this object.
- setAccessibleDescription(String) - Method in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext
Sets the accessible description of this object.
- setAccessibleDescription(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setAccessibleDescription(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
Sets the accessible description of this object.
- setAccessibleDescription(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
Set the accessible description of this object.
- setAccessibleDescription(String) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setAccessibleIconDescription(String) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleIcon
Sets the description of the icon.
- setAccessibleIconDescription(String) - Method in class javax.swing.ImageIcon.AccessibleImageIcon
Sets the description of the icon.
- setAccessibleName(String) - Method in class
Set the name of this object.
- setAccessibleName(String) - Method in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext
Sets the localized accessible name of this object.
- setAccessibleName(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setAccessibleName(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
Sets the localized accessible name of this object.
- setAccessibleName(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
Set the localized accessible name of this object.
- setAccessibleName(String) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setAccessibleParent(Accessible) - Method in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext
Sets the
parent of this object. - setAccessibleRowDescription(int, Accessible) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleTable
Sets the description text of the specified row of the table.
- setAccessibleRowDescription(int, Accessible) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable
Sets the description text of the specified row of the table.
- setAccessibleRowHeader(AccessibleTable) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleTable
Sets the row headers.
- setAccessibleRowHeader(AccessibleTable) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable
Sets the row headers as an
. - setAccessibleSummary(Accessible) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleTable
Sets the summary description of the table.
- setAccessibleSummary(Accessible) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable
Sets the summary description of the table.
- setAccessKey(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setAccessKey(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAreaElement
- setAccessKey(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLButtonElement
- setAccessKey(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setAccessKey(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLabelElement
- setAccessKey(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLegendElement
- setAccessKey(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
- setAccessory(JComponent) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the accessory component.
- setAcl(List<AclEntry>) - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.AclFileAttributeView
Updates (replace) the access control list.
- setAction(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFormElement
- setAction(Action) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the
. - setAction(Action) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the
for theActionEvent
source. - setAction(Action) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextField
Sets the
for theActionEvent
source. - setActionCommand(String) - Method in class java.awt.Button
Sets the command name for the action event fired by this button.
- setActionCommand(String) - Method in class java.awt.MenuItem
Sets the command name of the action event that is fired by this menu item.
- setActionCommand(String) - Method in class java.awt.TrayIcon
Sets the command name for the action event fired by this tray icon.
- setActionCommand(String) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the action command for this button.
- setActionCommand(String) - Method in interface javax.swing.ButtonModel
Sets the action command string that gets sent as part of the
when the button is triggered. - setActionCommand(String) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Sets the action command string that gets sent as part of the
when the button is triggered. - setActionCommand(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the action command that should be included in the event sent to action listeners.
- setActionCommand(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextField
Sets the command string used for action events.
- setActionCommand(String) - Method in class javax.swing.Timer
Sets the string that will be delivered as the action command in
s fired by this timer. - setActionMap(ActionMap) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the
. - setActive(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
Sets the DropTarget active if
, inactive iffalse
. - setAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class
Sets the IP address of the machine to which this datagram is being sent.
- setAlgorithmConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints) - Method in class
Sets the cryptographic algorithm constraints, which will be used in addition to any configured by the runtime environment.
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLDivElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLHeadingElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLHRElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLegendElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLParagraphElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCaptionElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableColElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement
- setAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElement
- setAlignment(int) - Method in class java.awt.FlowLayout
Sets the alignment for this layout.
- setAlignment(int) - Method in class java.awt.Label
Sets the alignment for this label to the specified alignment.
- setAlignment(MutableAttributeSet, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets alignment.
- setAlignmentX(float) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the horizontal alignment.
- setAlignmentY(float) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the vertical alignment.
- setAlignOnBaseline(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.FlowLayout
Sets whether or not components should be vertically aligned along their baseline.
- setALink(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBodyElement
- setAll(double[], IntToDoubleFunction) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Set all elements of the specified array, using the provided generator function to compute each element.
- setAll(int[], IntUnaryOperator) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Set all elements of the specified array, using the provided generator function to compute each element.
- setAll(long[], IntToLongFunction) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Set all elements of the specified array, using the provided generator function to compute each element.
- setAll(T[], IntFunction<? extends T>) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Set all elements of the specified array, using the provided generator function to compute each element.
- setAllocation(Shape) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AsyncBoxView.ChildLocator
Copy the currently allocated shape into the Rectangle used to store the current allocation.
- setAllowsChildren(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Determines whether or not this node is allowed to have children.
- setAllowsInvalid(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatter
Sets whether or not the value being edited is allowed to be invalid for a length of time (that is,
throws aParseException
). - setAllowUserInteraction(boolean) - Method in class
Set the value of the
field of thisURLConnection
. - setAlt(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setAlt(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAreaElement
- setAlt(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setAlt(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setAltName(Name) - Method in exception class javax.naming.CannotProceedException
Sets the
field of this exception. - setAltNameCtx(Context) - Method in exception class javax.naming.CannotProceedException
Sets the
field of this exception. - setAlwaysOnTop(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets whether this window should always be above other windows.
- setAmPmStrings(String[]) - Method in class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
Sets ampm strings.
- setAnchorSelectionIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
Set the anchor selection index, leaving all selection values unchanged.
- setAnchorSelectionIndex(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.ListSelectionModel
Set the anchor selection index.
- setAnchorSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the path identified as the anchor.
- setAngleExtent(double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D.Double
Sets the angular extent of this arc to the specified double value.
- setAngleExtent(double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D.Float
Sets the angular extent of this arc to the specified double value.
- setAngleExtent(double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the angular extent of this arc to the specified double value.
- setAngles(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the starting angle and angular extent of this arc using two sets of coordinates.
- setAngles(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the starting angle and angular extent of this arc using two points.
- setAngleStart(double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D.Double
Sets the starting angle of this arc to the specified double value.
- setAngleStart(double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D.Float
Sets the starting angle of this arc to the specified double value.
- setAngleStart(double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the starting angle of this arc to the specified double value.
- setAngleStart(Point2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the starting angle of this arc to the angle that the specified point defines relative to the center of this arc.
- setAnimated(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource
Changes this memory image into a multi-frame animation or a single-frame static image depending on the animated parameter.
- setAnimationIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicProgressBarUI
Sets the index of the current animation frame to the specified value and requests that the progress bar be repainted.
- setAnyPolicyInhibited(boolean) - Method in class
Sets state to determine if the any policy OID should be processed if it is included in a certificate.
- setApplicationProtocols(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the prioritized array of application-layer protocol names that can be negotiated over the SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols.
- setApproveButtonMnemonic(char) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the approve button's mnemonic using a character.
- setApproveButtonMnemonic(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the approve button's mnemonic using a numeric keycode.
- setApproveButtonText(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the text used in the
in theFileChooserUI
. - setApproveButtonToolTipText(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the tooltip text used in the
. - setArc(double, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D.Double
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified double values.
- setArc(double, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D.Float
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified double values.
- setArc(double, double, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified double values.
- setArc(Arc2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets this arc to be the same as the specified arc.
- setArc(Point2D, Dimension2D, double, double, int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified values.
- setArc(Rectangle2D, double, double, int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the location, size, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified values.
- setArcByCenter(double, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the position, bounds, angular extents, and closure type of this arc to the specified values.
- setArcByTangent(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the position, bounds, and angular extents of this arc to the specified value.
- setArchive(boolean) - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.DosFileAttributeView
Updates the value of the archive attribute.
- setArchive(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setArchive(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setArcType(int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the closure type of this arc to the specified value:
, orPIE
. - setAreaOfInterest(Shape) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.RenderContext
Sets the current area of interest.
- setArmed(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.ButtonModel
Marks the button as armed or unarmed.
- setArmed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Marks the button as armed or unarmed.
- setArmed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuItem
Identifies the menu item as "armed".
- setArray(int, Array) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setArray(int, Array) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to an
object in the Java programming language. - setArray(int, Array) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command with the givenArray
value. - setAsciiStream(int, InputStream) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
- setAsciiStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given input stream. - setAsciiStream(int, InputStream) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given input stream. - setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object, which will have the specified number of bytes. - setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the
value. - setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setAsciiStream(long) - Method in interface java.sql.Clob
Retrieves a stream to be used to write Ascii characters to the
value that thisClob
object represents, starting at positionpos
. - setAsciiStream(long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob
Retrieves a stream to be used to write Ascii characters to the
value that thisSerialClob
object represents, starting at positionpos
. - setAsciiStream(String, InputStream) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
- setAsciiStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
- setAsciiStream(String, InputStream) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
- setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, long) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setAsksAllowsChildren(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
Sets whether or not to test leafness by asking getAllowsChildren() or isLeaf() to the TreeNodes.
- setAsText(String) - Method in interface java.beans.PropertyEditor
Set the property value by parsing a given String.
- setAsText(String) - Method in class java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
Sets the property value by parsing a given String.
- setAsynchronousLoadPriority(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Sets the asynchronous loading priority.
- setAtIndex(AddressLayout, long, MemorySegment) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes an address into this segment at the given index, scaled by the given layout size.
- setAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfBoolean, long, boolean) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a boolean into this segment at the given index, scaled by the given layout size.
- setAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfByte, long, byte) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a byte into this segment at the given index, scaled by the given layout size.
- setAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfChar, long, char) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a char into this segment at the given index, scaled by the given layout size.
- setAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfDouble, long, double) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a double into this segment at the given index, scaled by the given layout size.
- setAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfFloat, long, float) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a float into this segment at the given index, scaled by the given layout size.
- setAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfInt, long, int) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes an int into this segment at the given index, scaled by the given layout size.
- setAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfLong, long, long) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a long into this segment at the given index, scaled by the given layout size.
- setAtIndex(ValueLayout.OfShort, long, short) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes a short into this segment at the given index, scaled by the given layout size.
- setAttribute(int, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl
Set an attribute in the list.
- setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class
modules may store arbitrary objects withHttpExchange
instances as an out-of-band communication mechanism. - setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
Allows the user to set specific attributes on the underlying implementation.
- setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
Allows the user to set specific attributes on the underlying implementation.
- setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in interface javax.script.ScriptContext
Sets the value of an attribute in a given scope.
- setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in class javax.script.SimpleScriptContext
Sets the value of an attribute in a given scope.
- setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
- setAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Element
Adds a new attribute.
- setAttribute(Path, String, Object, LinkOption...) - Static method in class java.nio.file.Files
Sets the value of a file attribute.
- setAttribute(Path, String, Object, LinkOption...) - Method in class java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider
Sets the value of a file attribute.
- setAttribute(Attribute) - Method in interface
Set the value of a specific attribute of the Dynamic MBean.
- setAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class
Sets the value of a specific attribute of a named ModelMBean.
- setAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class
- setAttribute(ObjectName, MarshalledObject, Subject) - Method in interface
Handles the method
MBeanServerConnection.setAttribute(ObjectName, Attribute)
. - setAttribute(ObjectName, MarshalledObject, Subject) - Method in class
- setAttribute(ObjectName, MarshalledObject, Subject) - Method in class
- setAttribute(ObjectName, Attribute) - Method in interface
- setAttribute(ObjectName, Attribute) - Method in interface
Sets the value of a specific attribute of a named MBean.
- setAttributeList(AttributeList) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributeListImpl
Deprecated.Set the attribute list, discarding previous contents.
- setAttributeNode(Attr) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
- setAttributeNode(Attr) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Element
Adds a new attribute node.
- setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
Equivalent to
. - setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Element
Adds a new attribute.
- setAttributeNS(String, String, String) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
Equivalent to
setAttribute(qualifiedName, value)
. - setAttributeNS(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Element
Adds a new attribute.
- setAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleEditableText
Sets attributes for the text between two indices.
- setAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet) - Method in class javax.swing.JSpinner.AccessibleJSpinner
Sets attributes for the text between two indices.
- setAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent
Sets attributes for the text between two indices.
- setAttributes(AttributeList) - Method in interface
Sets the values of several attributes of the Dynamic MBean.
- setAttributes(AttributeList) - Method in class
Sets the values of an array of attributes of this ModelMBean.
- setAttributes(AttributeList) - Method in class
- setAttributes(ObjectName, MarshalledObject, Subject) - Method in interface
Handles the method
MBeanServerConnection.setAttributes(ObjectName, AttributeList)
. - setAttributes(ObjectName, MarshalledObject, Subject) - Method in class
- setAttributes(ObjectName, MarshalledObject, Subject) - Method in class
- setAttributes(ObjectName, AttributeList) - Method in interface
- setAttributes(ObjectName, AttributeList) - Method in interface
Sets the values of several attributes of a named MBean.
- setAttributes(Attributes) - Method in class
Sets the attributes of this search result to
. - setAttributes(Attributes) - Method in class org.xml.sax.ext.Attributes2Impl
Copy an entire Attributes object.
- setAttributes(Attributes) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl
Copy an entire Attributes object.
- setAuthenticator(Authenticator) - Method in class
Sets the
for thisHttpContext
. - setAuthenticator(Authenticator) - Method in class
Supplies an
to be used when authentication is requested through the HTTP protocol for thisHttpURLConnection
. - setAuthorityKeyIdentifier(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the authorityKeyIdentifier criterion.
- setAuthorized(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the authorization is allowed.
- setAuthorizedID(String) - Method in class
Sets the id of the authorized entity.
- setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Sets this connection's auto-commit mode to the given state.
- setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.JdbcRowSet
contains aConnection
object from the originalResultSet
or JDBC properties passed to it. - setAutoConversionStrategy(MethodTypeConversionStrategy) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Sets an object representing the conversion strategy for automatic type conversions.
- setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets this table's
flag. - setAutoCreateContainerGaps(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.GroupLayout
Sets whether a gap between the container and components that touch the border of the container should automatically be created.
- setAutoCreateGaps(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.GroupLayout
Sets whether a gap between components should automatically be created.
- setAutoCreateRowSorter(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Specifies whether a
should be created for the table whenever its model changes. - setAutoDelay(int) - Method in class java.awt.Robot
Sets the number of milliseconds this Robot sleeps after generating an event.
- setAutoFormSubmission(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
Specifies if an html form submission is processed automatically or only
is fired. - setAutoIncrement(int, boolean) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets whether the designated column is automatically numbered, thus read-only, to the given
value. - setAutoIncrement(int, boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets whether the designated column is automatically numbered, The default is for a
object's columns not to be automatically numbered. - setAutoRequestFocus(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets whether this window should receive focus on subsequently being shown (with a call to
), or being moved to the front (with a call toWindow.toFront()
). - setAutoResizeMode(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the table's auto resize mode when the table is resized.
- setAutoscrolls(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the
property. - setAutoWaitForIdle(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Robot
Sets whether this Robot automatically invokes
after generating an event. - setAxis(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.BoxView
Sets the tile axis property.
- setAxis(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setAzimuth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the azimuth property definition in CSS2.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class
Set the background
of this object. - setBackground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Sets the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the background color of this component.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Sets the background color for the
context. - setBackground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Sets the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
Sets the background color of this text component.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets the background color of this window.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
Sets the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the background color of this component.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
Sets the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
Set the background color of this object.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
to assign the unselected-background color to the specified color. - setBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.text.LabelView
Sets the background color for the view.
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Subclassed to map
s to null. - setBackground(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the background property definition in CSS2.
- setBackground(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBodyElement
- setBackground(MutableAttributeSet, Color) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the background color.
- setBackgroundAt(int, Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the background color at
which can benull
, in which case the tab's background color will default to the background color of thetabbedpane
. - setBackgroundAttachment(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the background-attachment property definition in CSS2.
- setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the background-color property definition in CSS2.
- setBackgroundImage(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the background-image property definition in CSS2.
- setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Sets the background color to be used for non selected nodes.
- setBackgroundPosition(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the background-position property definition in CSS2.
- setBackgroundRepeat(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the background-repeat property definition in CSS2.
- setBackgroundSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Sets the color to use for the background if node is selected.
- setBackingStoreEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JViewport
Deprecated.As of Java 2 platform v1.3, replaced by
. - setBase(URL) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument
Sets the location to resolve relative URLs against.
- setBase(URL) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet
Sets the base.
- setBaseFontSize(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet
Sets the base font size, with valid values between 1 and 7.
- setBaseFontSize(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet
Sets the base font size from the passed in String.
- setBaseURI(String) - Method in class javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMCryptoContext
- setBaseURI(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.crypto.XMLCryptoContext
Sets the base URI.
- setBaseURI(String) - Method in interface
The base URI to be used (see section 5.1.4 in [IETF RFC 2396]) for resolving a relative
to an absolute URI. - setBasicConstraints(int) - Method in class
Sets the basic constraints constraint.
- setBasicSplitPaneUI(BasicSplitPaneUI) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
Sets the
that is using the receiver. - setBeanContext(BeanContext) - Method in interface java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild
Objects that implement this interface, shall fire a java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent, with parameters: propertyName "beanContext", oldValue (the previous nesting
instance, ornull
), newValue (the current nestingBeanContext
instance, ornull
). - setBeanContext(BeanContext) - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
Sets the
for thisBeanContextChildSupport
. - setBeanInfoSearchPath(String[]) - Static method in class java.beans.Introspector
Change the list of package names that will be used for finding BeanInfo classes.
- setBeginIndex(int) - Method in class java.text.FieldPosition
Sets the begin index.
- setBgColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBodyElement
- setBgColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setBgColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setBgColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement
- setBidiLevel(MutableAttributeSet, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the BidiLevel.
- setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the givenjava.math.BigDecimal
value. - setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setBinaryStream() - Method in interface java.sql.SQLXML
Retrieves a stream that can be used to write the XML value that this SQLXML instance represents.
- setBinaryStream(int, InputStream) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
- setBinaryStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given input stream. - setBinaryStream(int, InputStream) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given input stream. - setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object, which will have the specified number of bytes. - setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the
value. - setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setBinaryStream(long) - Method in interface java.sql.Blob
Retrieves a stream that can be used to write to the
value that thisBlob
object represents. - setBinaryStream(long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob
Retrieves a stream that can be used to write to the
value that thisBlob
object represents. - setBinaryStream(String, InputStream) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
- setBinaryStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
- setBinaryStream(String, InputStream) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
- setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, long) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
- setBindings(Bindings) - Method in class javax.script.ScriptEngineManager
stores the specifiedBindings
in theglobalScope
field. - setBindings(Bindings, int) - Method in class javax.script.AbstractScriptEngine
Sets the
with the corresponding scope value in thecontext
field. - setBindings(Bindings, int) - Method in interface javax.script.ScriptContext
Associates a
instance with a particular scope in thisScriptContext
. - setBindings(Bindings, int) - Method in interface javax.script.ScriptEngine
Sets a scope of named values to be used by scripts.
- setBindings(Bindings, int) - Method in class javax.script.SimpleScriptContext
Sets a
of attributes for the given scope. - setBit(int) - Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns a BigInteger whose value is equivalent to this BigInteger with the designated bit set.
- setBitOffset(int) - Method in interface
Sets the bit offset to an integer between 0 and 7, inclusive.
- setBitOffset(int) - Method in class
- setBlinkRate(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.Caret
Sets the blink rate of the caret.
- setBlinkRate(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Sets the caret blink rate.
- setBlob(int, InputStream) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setBlob(int, InputStream) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setBlob(int, InputStream) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setBlob(int, InputStream, long) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setBlob(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setBlob(int, InputStream, long) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object in the Java programming language. - setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command with the givenBlob
value. - setBlob(String, InputStream) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an
object. - setBlob(String, InputStream) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setBlob(String, InputStream) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setBlob(String, InputStream, long) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to an
object. - setBlob(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setBlob(String, InputStream, long) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setBlob(String, Blob) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setBlob(String, Blob) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setBlob(String, Blob) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setBlockIncrement(int) - Method in interface java.awt.Adjustable
Sets the block value increment for the adjustable object.
- setBlockIncrement(int) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Sets the block increment for this scroll bar.
- setBlockIncrement(int) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable
- setBlockIncrement(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Sets the blockIncrement property.
- setBlockIncrement(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane.ScrollBar
Messages super to set the value, and resets the
instance variable to true. - setBody(HTMLElement) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLDocument
- setBold(MutableAttributeSet, boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the bold attribute.
- setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
in the Java programming language. - setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given Javaboolean
value. - setBoolean(Object, boolean) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
Sets the value of a field as a
on the specified object. - setBoolean(Object, int, boolean) - Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
Sets the value of the indexed component of the specified array object to the specified
value. - setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setBorder(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border property definition in CSS2.
- setBorder(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setBorder(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setBorder(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setBorder(Border) - Method in class javax.swing.border.TitledBorder
Sets the border of the titled border.
- setBorder(Border) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the border of this component.
- setBorder(Border) - Method in class javax.swing.JLayer
Delegates its functionality to the
method, if the view component is an instance ofjavax.swing.JComponent
, otherwise this method is a no-op. - setBorder(Border) - Method in class javax.swing.JViewport
The viewport "scrolls" its child (called the "view") by the normal parent/child clipping (typically the view is moved in the opposite direction of the scroll).
- setBorder(Border) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
Sets the border of this component.
- setBorder(Border) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor.DefaultTextField
Sets the border of this component.
- setBorderBottom(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-bottom property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderBottomColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-bottom-color property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderBottomStyle(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-bottom-style property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderBottomWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-bottom-width property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderCollapse(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-collapse property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow
Sets the border color.
- setBorderColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-color property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderLeft(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-left property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderLeftColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-left-color property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderLeftStyle(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-left-style property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderLeftWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-left-width property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderPainted(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the
property. - setBorderPainted(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuBar
Sets whether the border should be painted.
- setBorderPainted(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets whether the border should be painted.
- setBorderPainted(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets the
property, which istrue
if the progress bar should paint its border. - setBorderPainted(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JToolBar
Sets the
property, which istrue
if the border should be painted. - setBorderPaintedFlat(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JCheckBox
Sets the
property, which gives a hint to the look and feel as to the appearance of the check box border. - setBorderRight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-right property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderRightColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-right-color property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderRightStyle(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-right-style property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderRightWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-right-width property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor
Sets the color to use for the border.
- setBorderSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Sets the color to use for the border.
- setBorderSpacing(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-spacing property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderStyle(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-style property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderToNonRollover(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
Sets the border of the component to have a non-rollover border which was created by the
method. - setBorderToNonRollover(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthToolBarUI
This implementation does nothing, because the
property of theJToolBar
class is not used in the Synth Look and Feel. - setBorderToNormal(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
Sets the border of the component to have a normal border.
- setBorderToNormal(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthToolBarUI
This implementation does nothing, because the
property of theJToolBar
class is not used in the Synth Look and Feel. - setBorderTop(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-top property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderTopColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-top-color property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderTopStyle(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-top-style property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderTopWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-top-width property definition in CSS2.
- setBorderToRollover(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
Sets the border of the component to have a rollover border which was created by the
method. - setBorderToRollover(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthToolBarUI
This implementation does nothing, because the
property of theJToolBar
class is not used in the Synth Look and Feel. - setBorderWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the border-width property definition in CSS2.
- setBottom(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the bottom property definition in CSS2.
- setBottomComponent(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the component below, or to the right of the divider.
- setBottomInset(float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AsyncBoxView
Set the bottom part of the margin around the view.
- setBound(boolean) - Method in class java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
Updates to "bound" properties will cause a "PropertyChange" event to get fired when the property is changed.
- setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Moves and resizes this component.
- setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Sets the bounding
of thisRectangle
to the specifiedx
, andheight
. - setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Moves and resizes this component.
- setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class
Sets the current bounds of this object.
- setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a
object. - setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Moves and resizes this component to conform to the new bounding rectangle
. - setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a Rectangle object.
- setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a
object. - setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Sets the bounding
of thisRectangle
to match the specifiedRectangle
. - setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Moves and resizes this component to conform to the new bounding rectangle
. - setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
Sets the bounds of this object in the form of a
object. - setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setBoundsForFrame(JComponent, int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
This moves the
and repaints the damaged areas. - setBoundsForFrame(JComponent, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface javax.swing.DesktopManager
This is a primitive reshape method.
- setBreakIterator(BreakIterator) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.DocTrees
Sets the break iterator to compute the first sentence of documentation comments.
- setBroadcast(boolean) - Method in class
Enable/disable SO_BROADCAST.
- setButtonIcons() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
Sets the button icons.
- setByte(int, byte) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setByte(int, byte) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
in the Java programming language. - setByte(int, byte) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given Javabyte
value. - setByte(Object, byte) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
Sets the value of a field as a
on the specified object. - setByte(Object, int, byte) - Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
Sets the value of the indexed component of the specified array object to the specified
value. - setByte(String, byte) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setByte(String, byte) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setByte(String, byte) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setByteOrder(ByteOrder) - Method in interface
Sets the desired byte order for future reads of data values from this stream.
- setByteOrder(ByteOrder) - Method in class
- setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes.
- setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given array of bytes.
- setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given Java array ofbyte
values. - setBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in interface java.sql.Blob
Writes the given array of bytes to the
value that thisBlob
object represents, starting at positionpos
, and returns the number of bytes written. - setBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob
Writes the given array of bytes to the
value that thisBlob
object represents, starting at positionpos
, and returns the number of bytes written. - setBytes(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface java.sql.Blob
Writes all or part of the given
array to theBLOB
value that thisBlob
object represents and returns the number of bytes written. - setBytes(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob
Writes all or part of the given
array to theBLOB
value that thisBlob
object represents and returns the number of bytes written. - setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes.
- setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes.
- setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes.
- setByteStream(InputStream) - Method in interface
An attribute of a language and binding dependent type that represents a stream of bytes.
- setByteStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.xml.sax.InputSource
Set the byte stream for this input source.
- setByteStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface
An attribute of a language and binding dependent type that represents a writable stream of bytes.
- setCacheDirectory(File) - Static method in class javax.imageio.ImageIO
Sets the directory where cache files are to be created.
- setCalendar(Calendar) - Method in class java.text.DateFormat
Set the calendar to be used by this date format.
- setCalendarField(int) - Method in class javax.swing.SpinnerDateModel
Changes the size of the date value change computed by the
methods. - setCalendarType(String) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the calendar type parameter to the given
. - setCallbackHandler(CallbackHandler) - Method in class
Set a
. - setCanWrapLines(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AbstractWriter
Sets whether or not lines can be wrapped.
- setCaption(HTMLTableCaptionElement) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setCaptionSide(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the caption-side property definition in CSS2.
- setCaret(Caret) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the caret to be used.
- setCaretColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the current color used to render the caret.
- setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
Sets the position of the text insertion caret.
- setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the position of the text insertion caret for the
. - setCaseSensitive(int, boolean) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets whether the name of the designated column is case sensitive to the given
. - setCaseSensitive(int, boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets whether the designated column is case sensitive.
- setCatalog(String) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Sets the given catalog name in order to select a subspace of this
object's database in which to work. - setCatalogName(int, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets the catalog name of the table from which the designated column was derived to catalogName.
- setCatalogName(int, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the designated column's table's catalog name, if any, to the given
. - setCellEditor(TableCellEditor) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the active cell editor.
- setCellEditor(TableCellEditor) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets the editor to used by when a cell in this column is edited.
- setCellEditor(TreeCellEditor) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the cell editor.
- setCellEditor(TreeCellEditor) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the cell editor.
- setCellLength(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicProgressBarUI
Sets the cell length.
- setCellPadding(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setCellRenderer(ListCellRenderer<? super E>) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the delegate that is used to paint each cell in the list.
- setCellRenderer(TableCellRenderer) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets the
used byJTable
to draw individual values for this column. - setCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the
that will be used to draw each cell. - setCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the
. - setCellSelectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets whether this table allows both a column selection and a row selection to exist simultaneously.
- setCellSpacing(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicProgressBarUI
Sets the cell spacing.
- setCellSpacing(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setCentersChildren(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI.ButtonAreaLayout
Sets whether or not center children should be used.
- setCertificate(X509Certificate) - Method in class
Sets the certificateEquals criterion.
- setCertificateChecking(X509Certificate) - Method in class
Sets the certificate being checked.
- setCertificateEntry(String, Certificate) - Method in class
Assigns the given trusted certificate to the given alias.
- setCertificateValid(Date) - Method in class
Sets the certificateValid criterion.
- setCertifiedText(boolean) - Method in interface
- setCertPathCheckers(List<PKIXCertPathChecker>) - Method in class
Sets a
of additional certification path checkers. - setCertStores(List<CertStore>) - Method in class
Sets the list of
s to be used in finding certificates and CRLs. - setCh(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setCh(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableColElement
- setCh(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement
- setCh(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElement
- setChanged() - Method in class java.util.Observable
Deprecated.Marks this
object as having been changed; thehasChanged
method will now returntrue
. - setChannelBinding(ChannelBinding) - Method in interface org.ietf.jgss.GSSContext
Sets the channel bindings to be used during context establishment.
- setChannelPressure(int) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.MidiChannel
Reacts to a change in the keyboard pressure.
- setChar(Object, char) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
Sets the value of a field as a
on the specified object. - setChar(Object, int, char) - Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
Sets the value of the indexed component of the specified array object to the specified
value. - setCharacterAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Sets attributes for some part of the document.
- setCharacterAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet, boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.StyledDocument
Changes the content element attributes used for the given range of existing content in the document.
- setCharacterAttributes(JEditorPane, AttributeSet, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction
Applies the given attributes to character content.
- setCharacterAttributes(AttributeSet, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextPane
Applies the given attributes to character content.
- setCharacterStream() - Method in interface java.sql.SQLXML
Retrieves a stream to be used to write the XML value that this SQLXML instance represents.
- setCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the givenReader
object. - setCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the givenReader
object. - setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object, which is the given number of characters long. - setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object, which will have the specified number of characters. - setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the
value. - setCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object, which is the given number of characters long. - setCharacterStream(long) - Method in interface java.sql.Clob
Retrieves a stream to be used to write a stream of Unicode characters to the
value that thisClob
object represents, at positionpos
. - setCharacterStream(long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob
Retrieves a stream to be used to write a stream of Unicode characters to the
value that thisSerialClob
object represents, at positionpos
. - setCharacterStream(Reader) - Method in interface
An attribute of a language and binding dependent type that represents a stream of 16-bit units.
- setCharacterStream(Reader) - Method in class org.xml.sax.InputSource
Set the character stream for this input source.
- setCharacterStream(Writer) - Method in interface
An attribute of a language and binding dependent type that represents a writable stream to which 16-bit units can be output.
- setCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object, which is the given number of characters long. - setCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object, which is the given number of characters long. - setCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object, which is the given number of characters long. - setCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object, which is the given number of characters long. - setCharacterSubsets(Character.Subset[]) - Method in class
Sets the subsets of the Unicode character set that input methods of this input context should be allowed to input.
- setCharacterSubsets(Character.Subset[]) - Method in interface
Sets the subsets of the Unicode character set that this input method is allowed to input.
- setCharAt(int, char) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuilder
The character at the specified index is set to
. - setCharAt(int, char) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- setCharset(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setCharset(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
- setCharset(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLScriptElement
- setCheckboxGroup(CheckboxGroup) - Method in class java.awt.Checkbox
Sets this check box's group to the specified check box group.
- setChecked(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setChOff(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setChOff(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableColElement
- setChOff(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement
- setChOff(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElement
- setChoices(double[], String[]) - Method in class java.text.ChoiceFormat
Set the choices to be used in formatting.
- setChooserPanels(AbstractColorChooserPanel[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
Specifies the Color Panels used to choose a color value.
- setChunkedStreamingMode(int) - Method in class
This method is used to enable streaming of a HTTP request body without internal buffering, when the content length is not known in advance.
- setCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the array of ciphersuites.
- setCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the array of ciphersuites.
- setCite(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLModElement
- setCite(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLQuoteElement
- setClassAssertionStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class java.lang.ClassLoader
Sets the desired assertion status for the named top-level class in this class loader and any nested classes contained therein.
- setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Sets the class loader for automatic discovery of available guarding dynamic linkers.
- setClassName(String) - Method in class javax.naming.NameClassPair
Sets the class name of this binding.
- setClassName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement
- setClear(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the clear property definition in CSS2.
- setClear(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBRElement
- setClickCountToStart(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor
Specifies the number of clicks needed to start editing.
- setClientInfo(String, String) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Sets the value of the client info property specified by name to the value specified by value.
- setClientInfo(Properties) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Sets the value of the connection's client info properties.
- setClip(int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Sets the current clip to the rectangle specified by the given coordinates.
- setClip(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
. - setClip(Shape) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Sets the current clipping area to an arbitrary clip shape.
- setClip(Shape) - Method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
. - setClip(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the clip property definition in CSS2.
- setClob(int, Reader) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(int, Reader) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(int, Reader) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(int, Clob) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setClob(int, Clob) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object in the Java programming language. - setClob(int, Clob) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command with the givenClob
value. - setClob(String, Reader) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(String, Reader) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(String, Reader) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setClob(String, Clob) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setClob(String, Clob) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setClob(String, Clob) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setClosable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets whether this
can be closed by some user action. - setClosed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Closes this internal frame if the argument is
. - setClosedIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Sets the icon used to represent non-leaf nodes that are not expanded.
- setCoalesce(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.Timer
Sets whether the
coalesces multiple pendingActionEvent
firings. - setCoalescing(boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
Specifies that the parser produced by this code will convert CDATA nodes to Text nodes and append it to the adjacent (if any) text node.
- setCode(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setCode(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setCodeBase(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setCodeBase(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setCodeType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setCollapsedIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the collapsed icon.
- setCollectionUsageThreshold(long) - Method in interface
Sets the collection usage threshold of this memory pool to the given
value. - setColor(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
Sets the current color of the color chooser to the specified color.
- setColor(int, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
Sets the current color of the color chooser to the specified RGB color.
- setColor(Color) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Sets this graphics context's current color to the specified color.
- setColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
Sets the color to be used for drawing and filling lines and shapes.
- setColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
Sets the current color of the color chooser to the specified color.
- setColor(PageAttributes.ColorType) - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Specifies whether pages using these attributes will be rendered in color or monochrome.
- setColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the color property definition in CSS2.
- setColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBaseFontElement
- setColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFontElement
- setColorModel(ColorModel) - Method in class java.awt.image.BufferedImageFilter
Filters the information provided in the
method of theImageConsumer
interface. - setColorModel(ColorModel) - Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
Sets the ColorModel object used for the majority of the pixels reported using the setPixels method calls.
- setColorModel(ColorModel) - Method in class java.awt.image.ImageFilter
Filter the information provided in the setColorModel method of the ImageConsumer interface.
- setColorModel(ColorModel) - Method in class java.awt.image.PixelGrabber
The setColorModel method is part of the ImageConsumer API which this class must implement to retrieve the pixels.
- setColorModel(ColorModel) - Method in class java.awt.image.RGBImageFilter
If the ColorModel is an IndexColorModel and the subclass has set the canFilterIndexColorModel flag to true, we substitute a filtered version of the color model here and wherever that original ColorModel object appears in the setPixels methods.
- setColorTransparencySelectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.colorchooser.AbstractColorChooserPanel
Sets whether color chooser panel allows to select the transparency (alpha value) of a color.
- setCols(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
- setCols(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameSetElement
- setColSpan(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setColumnCount(int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets to the given number the number of columns in the
object for which thisRowSetMetaDataImpl
object was created. - setColumnCount(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the number of columns in the
object to the given number. - setColumnCount(int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Sets the number of columns in the model.
- setColumnDisplaySize(int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets the normal maximum number of chars in the designated column to the given number.
- setColumnDisplaySize(int, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the designated column's normal maximum width in chars to the given
. - setColumnHeader(JViewport) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Removes the old columnHeader, if it exists; if the new columnHeader isn't
, syncs the x coordinate of its viewPosition with the viewport (if there is one) and then adds it to the scroll pane. - setColumnHeaderView(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Creates a column-header viewport if necessary, sets its view, and then adds the column-header viewport to the scrollpane.
- setColumnIdentifiers(Object[]) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Replaces the column identifiers in the model.
- setColumnIdentifiers(Vector<?>) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Replaces the column identifiers in the model.
- setColumnLabel(int, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets the suggested column label for use in printouts and displays, if any, to label.
- setColumnLabel(int, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the suggested column title for use in printouts and displays, if any, to the given
. - setColumnMargin(int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
Sets the column margin to
. - setColumnMargin(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel
Sets the
's column margin tonewMargin
. - setColumnModel(TableColumnModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the column model for this table to
and registers for listener notifications from the new column model. - setColumnModel(TableColumnModel) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets the column model for this table to
and registers for listener notifications from the new column model. - setColumnName(int, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets the column name of the designated column to the given name.
- setColumnName(int, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the name of the designated column to the given
. - setColumnNumber(int) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl
Set the column number for this locator (1-based).
- setColumns(int) - Method in class java.awt.GridLayout
Sets the number of columns in this layout to the specified value.
- setColumns(int) - Method in class java.awt.TextArea
Sets the number of columns for this text area.
- setColumns(int) - Method in class java.awt.TextField
Sets the number of columns in this text field.
- setColumns(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextArea
Sets the number of columns for this TextArea.
- setColumns(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextField
Sets the number of columns in this
, and then invalidate the layout. - setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets whether the columns in this model can be selected.
- setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
Sets whether column selection is allowed.
- setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel
Sets whether the columns in this model may be selected.
- setColumnSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Selects the columns from
, inclusive. - setColumnType(int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets the SQL type code for values stored in the designated column to the given type code from the class
. - setColumnType(int, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the designated column's SQL type to the one given.
- setColumnTypeName(int, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets the type name used by the data source for values stored in the designated column to the given type name.
- setColumnTypeName(int, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the designated column's type name that is specific to the data source, if any, to the given
. - setComboBox(JComboBox<Object>) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalComboBoxButton
Sets the
. - setComboIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalComboBoxButton
Sets the icon of the
. - setCommand(String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets this
property to the givenString
object and clears the parameters, if any, that were set for the previous command. - setCommand(String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets this
object's command property to the given SQL query. - setComment(String) - Method in class
Specifies a comment that describes a cookie's purpose.
- setComment(String) - Method in class
Sets the optional comment string for the entry.
- setComment(String) - Method in class
Sets the ZIP file comment.
- setCommentURL(String) - Method in class
Specifies a comment URL that describes a cookie's purpose.
- setCommitsOnValidEdit(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatter
Sets when edits are published back to the
. - setCompact(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLDirectoryElement
- setCompact(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLDListElement
- setCompact(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLMenuElement
- setCompact(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOListElement
- setCompact(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLUListElement
- setComparator(int, Comparator<?>) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter
Sets the
to use when sorting the specified column. - setComparator(Comparator<? super Component>) - Method in class javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy
Sets the Comparator which will be used to sort the Components in a focus traversal cycle.
- setComponent(Component) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragGestureRecognizer
set the Component that the DragGestureRecognizer is associated with registerListeners() and unregisterListeners() are called as a side effect as appropriate.
- setComponent(Component) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
Note: this interface is required to permit the safe association of a DropTarget with a Component in one of two ways, either:
- setComponent(JComponent) - Method in class javax.swing.JToolTip
Specifies the component that the tooltip describes.
- setComponent(MutableAttributeSet, Component) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the component attribute.
- setComponentAt(int, Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the component at
. - setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the language-sensitive orientation that is to be used to order the elements or text within this component.
- setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenu
Sets the orientation for this menu and its associated popup menu determined by the
argument. - setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Sets the orientation for the vertical and horizontal scrollbars as determined by the
argument. - setComponentPopupMenu(JPopupMenu) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the
for thisJComponent
. - setComponentToSize(Component, int, int, Insets, Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
Sets the width of the component
to besize
, placing its x location atlocation
, y to
and height to thecontainerSize.height
less the top and bottom insets. - setComponentZOrder(Component, int) - Method in class java.awt.Container
Moves the specified component to the specified z-order index in the container.
- setComponentZOrder(Component, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JDesktopPane
Moves the specified component to the specified z-order index in the container.
- setComposite(Composite) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Sets the
for theGraphics2D
context. - setCompositionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Enables or disables the current input method for composition, depending on the value of the parameter
. - setCompositionEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface
Enables or disables this input method for composition, depending on the value of the parameter
. - setCompressedSize(long) - Method in class
Sets the size of the compressed entry data.
- setCompressionMode(int) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
Specifies whether compression is to be performed, and if so how compression parameters are to be determined.
- setCompressionQuality(float) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
Sets the compression quality to a value between
. - setCompressionType(String) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
Sets the compression type to one of the values indicated by
. - setConcurrency(int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the concurrency for this
object to the specified concurrency. - setConcurrency(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the concurrency of this
object to the given concurrency level. - setConfiguration(long, String) - Method in interface
Sets a configuration as a string representation for the recording with the specified ID.
- setConfiguration(Configuration) - Static method in class
Set the login
. - setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets a specified timeout value, in milliseconds, to be used when opening a communications link to the resource referenced by this URLConnection.
- setConstrained(boolean) - Method in class java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
Attempted updates to "Constrained" properties will cause a "VetoableChange" event to get fired when the property is changed.
- setConstraint(String, Spring) - Method in class javax.swing.SpringLayout.Constraints
Sets the spring controlling the specified edge.
- setConstraints(Component, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class java.awt.GridBagLayout
Sets the constraints for the specified component in this layout.
- setContent(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the content property definition in CSS2.
- setContent(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLMetaElement
- setContentAreaFilled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the
property. - setContentHandler(ContentHandler) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.ValidatorHandler
Sets the
which receives the augmented validation result. - setContentHandler(ContentHandler) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserAdapter
Set the content handler.
- setContentHandler(ContentHandler) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Set the content event handler.
- setContentHandler(ContentHandler) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.XMLReader
Allow an application to register a content event handler.
- setContentHandlerFactory(ContentHandlerFactory) - Static method in class
Sets the
of an application. - setContentPane(Container) - Method in class javax.swing.JApplet
Deprecated.Sets the contentPane property.
- setContentPane(Container) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
Sets the
property. - setContentPane(Container) - Method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Sets the
property. - setContentPane(Container) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets this
property. - setContentPane(Container) - Method in class javax.swing.JRootPane
Sets the content pane -- the container that holds the components parented by the root pane.
- setContentPane(Container) - Method in class javax.swing.JWindow
Sets the
property for this window. - setContentPane(Container) - Method in interface javax.swing.RootPaneContainer
The "contentPane" is the primary container for application specific components.
- setContents(Transferable, ClipboardOwner) - Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard
Sets the current contents of the clipboard to the specified transferable object and registers the specified clipboard owner as the owner of the new contents.
- setContentType(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JEditorPane
Sets the type of content that this editor handles.
- setContext(JConsoleContext) - Method in class
Sets the
object representing the connection to an application. - setContext(ScriptContext) - Method in class javax.script.AbstractScriptEngine
Sets the value of the protected
field to the specifiedScriptContext
. - setContext(ScriptContext) - Method in interface javax.script.ScriptEngine
Sets the default
of theScriptEngine
whose Bindings, Reader and Writers are used for script executions when noScriptContext
is specified. - setContextClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Sets the context
for this thread. - setContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(boolean) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Sets the policy on whether to continue executing existing periodic tasks even when this executor has been
. - setContinuousLayout(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the value of the
property, which must betrue
for the child components to be continuously redisplayed and laid out during user intervention. - setContinuousLayout(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Turn continuous layout on/off.
- setControlButtonsAreShown(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the property that indicates whether the approve and cancel buttons are shown in the file chooser.
- setController(IIOParamController) - Method in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
Sets the
to be used to provide settings for thisIIOParam
object when theactivateController
method is called, overriding any default controller. - setController(IIOMetadataController) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
Sets the
to be used to provide settings for thisIIOMetadata
object when theactivateController
method is called, overriding any default controller. - setCookie(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLDocument
- setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy) - Method in class
To set the cookie policy of this cookie manager.
- setCoords(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setCoords(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAreaElement
- setCopies(int) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies the number of copies the application should render for jobs using these attributes.
- setCopies(int) - Method in class java.awt.print.PrinterJob
Sets the number of copies to be printed.
- setCopiesToDefault() - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Sets the number of copies the application should render for jobs using these attributes to the default.
- setCorePoolSize(int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
Sets the core number of threads.
- setCorner(String, Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Adds a child that will appear in one of the scroll panes corners, if there's room.
- setCounterIncrement(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the counter-increment property definition in CSS2.
- setCounterReset(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the counter-reset property definition in CSS2.
- setCountLimit(long) - Method in class
Sets the maximum number of entries to be returned as a result of the search.
- setCrc(long) - Method in class
Sets the CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed entry data.
- setCreationTime(FileTime) - Method in class
Sets the creation time of the entry.
- setCssFloat(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the float property definition in CSS2.
- setCssText(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRule
The parsable textual representation of the rule.
- setCssText(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleDeclaration
The parsable textual representation of the declaration block (excluding the surrounding curly braces).
- setCssText(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSValue
A string representation of the current value.
- setCue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the cue property definition in CSS2.
- setCueAfter(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the cue-after property definition in CSS2.
- setCueBefore(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the cue-before property definition in CSS2.
- setCurrency(int, boolean) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets whether a value stored in the designated column is a cash value to the given
. - setCurrency(int, boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets whether the designated column is a cash value.
- setCurrency(Currency) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Sets the currency used by this number format when formatting currency values.
- setCurrency(Currency) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the currency of these DecimalFormatSymbols.
- setCurrency(Currency) - Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
Sets the currency used by this number format when formatting currency values.
- setCurrencySymbol(String) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the currency symbol for the currency of these DecimalFormatSymbols in their locale.
- setCurrent(Checkbox) - Method in class java.awt.CheckboxGroup
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
. - setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class java.awt.Button.AccessibleAWTButton
Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class java.awt.Checkbox.AccessibleAWTCheckbox
Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem.AccessibleAWTCheckboxMenuItem
Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class java.awt.MenuItem.AccessibleAWTMenuItem
Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar.AccessibleAWTScrollBar
Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleValue
Set the value of this object as a
. - setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton.AccessibleAbstractButton
Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame.AccessibleJInternalFrame
Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon.AccessibleJDesktopIcon
Sets the value of this object as a
. - setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar.AccessibleJProgressBar
Sets the value of this object as a
. - setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar.AccessibleJScrollBar
Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider.AccessibleJSlider
Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class javax.swing.JSpinner.AccessibleJSpinner
Set the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentAccessibleValue(Number) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane.AccessibleJSplitPane
Sets the value of this object as a Number.
- setCurrentBlocker(Object) - Static method in class java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport
Sets the object to be returned by invocations of
for the current thread. - setCurrentDirectory(File) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the current directory.
- setCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(KeyboardFocusManager) - Static method in class java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
Sets the current KeyboardFocusManager instance for the calling thread's context.
- setCurrentLineLength(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AbstractWriter
Sets the current line length.
- setCurrentManager(FocusManager) - Static method in class javax.swing.FocusManager
Sets the current
instance for the calling thread's context. - setCurrentManager(RepaintManager) - Static method in class javax.swing.RepaintManager
Set the RepaintManager that should be used for the calling thread.
- setCurrentNode(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.TreeWalker
The node at which the
is currently positioned. - setCurrentTheme(MetalTheme) - Static method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
Set the theme used by
. - setCursor(int) - Method in class java.awt.Frame
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
. - setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class
Set the
of this object. - setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Sets the
of this object. - setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the cursor image to the specified cursor.
- setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext
Sets the custom cursor for this drag operation to the specified
. - setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Set the Cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Sets the
of this object. - setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Set the cursor image to a specified cursor.
- setCursor(Cursor) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
Sets the cursor of this object.
- setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets the cursor image to the specified cursor.
- setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
Sets the
of this object. - setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setCursor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the cursor property definition in CSS2.
- setCursorName(String) - Method in interface java.sql.Statement
Sets the SQL cursor name to the given
, which will be used by subsequentStatement
methods. - setCurve(double[], int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Sets the location of the end points and control points of this curve to the double coordinates at the specified offset in the specified array.
- setCurve(double[], int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Sets the location of the end points and control points of this
to thedouble
coordinates at the specified offset in the specified array. - setCurve(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D.Double
Sets the location of the end points and control point of this curve to the specified
coordinates. - setCurve(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D.Float
Sets the location of the end points and control point of this curve to the specified
coordinates. - setCurve(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Sets the location of the end points and control point of this curve to the specified
coordinates. - setCurve(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D.Double
Sets the location of the end points and control points of this curve to the specified double coordinates.
- setCurve(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D.Float
Sets the location of the end points and control points of this curve to the specified double coordinates.
- setCurve(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Sets the location of the end points and control points of this curve to the specified double coordinates.
- setCurve(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D.Float
Sets the location of the end points and control point of this curve to the specified
coordinates. - setCurve(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D.Float
Sets the location of the end points and control points of this curve to the specified
coordinates. - setCurve(CubicCurve2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Sets the location of the end points and control points of this curve to the same as those in the specified
. - setCurve(Point2D[], int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Sets the location of the end points and control points of this curve to the coordinates of the
objects at the specified offset in the specified array. - setCurve(Point2D[], int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Sets the location of the end points and control points of this
to the coordinates of thePoint2D
objects at the specified offset in the specified array. - setCurve(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Sets the location of the end points and control point of this
to the specifiedPoint2D
coordinates. - setCurve(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Sets the location of the end points and control points of this curve to the specified
coordinates. - setCurve(QuadCurve2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Sets the location of the end points and control point of this
to the same as those in the specifiedQuadCurve2D
. - setDaemon(boolean) - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Marks this thread as either a daemon or non-daemon thread.
- setDaemon(boolean) - Method in class java.lang.ThreadGroup
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.This method originally configured whether the thread group is a daemon thread group that is automatically destroyed when its last thread terminates. The concept of daemon thread group no longer exists. A thread group is eligible to be GC'ed when there are no live threads in the group and it is otherwise unreachable.
- setData(byte[]) - Method in class
Set the data buffer for this packet.
- setData(byte[]) - Method in class
Updates the array reference that will be returned by subsequent calls to the
method. - setData(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Set the data buffer for this packet.
- setData(int, byte[]) - Method in class java.awt.color.ICC_Profile
Sets a particular tagged data element in the profile from a byte array.
- setData(Raster) - Method in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
Sets a rectangular region of the image to the contents of the specified
Raster r
, which is assumed to be in the same coordinate space as theBufferedImage
. - setData(Raster) - Method in interface java.awt.image.WritableRenderedImage
Sets a rect of the image to the contents of the Raster r, which is assumed to be in the same coordinate space as the WritableRenderedImage.
- setData(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.CharacterData
The character data of the node that implements this interface.
- setData(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setData(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction
The content of this processing instruction.
- setDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets the data for a rectangle of pixels from a primitive array of type TransferType.
- setDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets the data for a rectangle of pixels in the specified DataBuffer from a primitive array of type TransferType.
- setDataElements(int, int, Raster) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets the data for a rectangle of pixels from an input Raster.
- setDataElements(int, int, Object) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets the data for a single pixel from a primitive array of type TransferType.
- setDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel
Sets the data for a single pixel in the specified DataBuffer from a primitive array of type TransferType.
- setDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel
Sets the data for a single pixel in the specified
from a primitive array of typeTransferType
. - setDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel
Sets the data for a single pixel in the specified
from a primitive array of type TransferType. - setDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets the data for a single pixel in the specified DataBuffer from a primitive array of type TransferType.
- setDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel
Sets the data for a single pixel in the specified DataBuffer from a primitive array of type TransferType.
- setDatagramSocketImplFactory(DatagramSocketImplFactory) - Static method in class
, or subclassDatagramSocket
This method provided a way in early JDK releases to replace the system wide implementation ofDatagramSocket
. It has been mostly obsolete since Java 1.4. If required, aDatagramSocket
can be created to use a custom implementation by extendingDatagramSocket
and using the protected constructor that takes an implementation as a parameter. - setDataSourceLock(int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncProvider
Sets a lock on the underlying data source at the level indicated by datasource_lock.
- setDataSourceName(String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the
name property for thisRowSet
object to the given logical name and sets thisRowSet
object's Url property tonull
. - setDataSourceName(String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the data source name property for this
object to the givenString
. - setDataVector(Object[][], Object[]) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Replaces the value in the
instance variable with the values in the arraydataVector
. - setDataVector(Vector<? extends Vector>, Vector<?>) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Replaces the current
instance variable with the newVector
of rows,dataVector
. - setDate(int) - Method in class java.sql.Time
- setDate(int) - Method in class java.util.Date
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
Calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, int date)
. - setDate(int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the date field parameters to the values given by
, anddayOfMonth
. - setDate(int, Date) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value using the default time zone of the virtual machine that is running the application. - setDate(int, Date) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setDate(int, Date) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the givenjava.sql.Date
value. - setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command with the givenjava.sql.Date
value. - setDate(String, Date) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value using the default time zone of the virtual machine that is running the application. - setDate(String, Date) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value using the default time zone of the virtual machine that is running the application. - setDate(String, Date) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value using the default time zone of the virtual machine that is running the application. - setDate(String, Date, Calendar) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setDate(String, Date, Calendar) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setDate(String, Date, Calendar) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setDate(Date) - Method in class
Sets the time for which the validity of the certification path should be determined.
- setDateAndTime(Date) - Method in class
Sets the dateAndTime criterion.
- setDateFormatSymbols(DateFormatSymbols) - Method in class java.text.SimpleDateFormat
Sets the date and time format symbols of this date format.
- setDateTime(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLModElement
- setDay(int) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set days in month.
- setDebugGraphicsOptions(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Enables or disables diagnostic information about every graphics operation performed within the component or one of its children.
- setDebugOptions(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
Enables/disables diagnostic information about every graphics operation.
- setDebugTraceMode(int) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine
Traces the activities performed by the com.sun.jdi implementation.
- setDecimalFormatSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Sets the decimal format symbols, which is generally not changed by the programmer or user.
- setDecimalSeparator(char) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the character used for decimal sign.
- setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(boolean) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Allows you to set the behavior of the decimal separator with integers.
- setDeclare(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setDeclared(int, boolean) - Method in class org.xml.sax.ext.Attributes2Impl
Assign a value to the "declared" flag of a specific attribute.
- setDecodeTables(JPEGQTable[], JPEGHuffmanTable[], JPEGHuffmanTable[]) - Method in class javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReadParam
Sets the quantization and Huffman tables to use in decoding abbreviated streams.
- setDecomposition(int) - Method in class java.text.Collator
Set the decomposition mode of this Collator.
- setDefault(Authenticator) - Static method in class
Sets the authenticator that will be used by the networking code when a proxy or an HTTP server asks for authentication.
- setDefault(CookieHandler) - Static method in class
Sets (or unsets) the system-wide cookie handler.
- setDefault(ProxySelector) - Static method in class
Sets (or unsets) the system-wide proxy selector.
- setDefault(ResponseCache) - Static method in class
Sets (or unsets) the system-wide cache.
- setDefault(Locale) - Static method in class java.util.Locale
Sets the
default locale
for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine. - setDefault(Locale.Category, Locale) - Static method in class java.util.Locale
Sets the
default locale
for the specified Category for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine. - setDefault(TimeZone) - Static method in class java.util.TimeZone
Sets the
that is returned by thegetDefault
method. - setDefault(SSLContext) - Static method in class
Sets the default SSL context.
- setDefaultAction(Action) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.Keymap
Set the default action to fire if a key is typed.
- setDefaultActions(int) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
Sets the default acceptable actions for this
- setDefaultAllowUserInteraction(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the default value of the
field for all futureURLConnection
objects to the specified value. - setDefaultAssertionStatus(boolean) - Method in class java.lang.ClassLoader
Sets the default assertion status for this class loader.
- setDefaultButton(JButton) - Method in class javax.swing.JRootPane
Sets the
property, which determines the current default button for thisJRootPane
. - setDefaultCapable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JButton
Sets the
property, which determines whether this button can be made the default button for its root pane. - setDefaultChecked(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setDefaultClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class
Sets the default
for this connector server. - setDefaultCloseOperation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
Sets the operation that will happen by default when the user initiates a "close" on this dialog.
- setDefaultCloseOperation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Sets the operation that will happen by default when the user initiates a "close" on this frame.
- setDefaultCloseOperation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets the operation that will happen by default when the user initiates a "close" on this internal frame.
- setDefaultCursor(Cursor) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
Sets the default cursor.
- setDefaultDTD() - Static method in class javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator
Sets the default DTD.
- setDefaultEditor(Class<?>, TableCellEditor) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets a default cell editor to be used if no editor has been set in a
. - setDefaultFocusTraversalKeys(int, Set<? extends AWTKeyStroke>) - Method in class java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
Sets the default focus traversal keys for a given traversal operation.
- setDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy(FocusTraversalPolicy) - Method in class java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
Sets the default FocusTraversalPolicy.
- setDefaultFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatterFactory
Sets the
to use as a last resort, eg in case a display, edit or nullJFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter
has not been specified. - setDefaultHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Static method in class
Sets the default
inherited by a new instance of this class. - setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the default value of the
property. - setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Static method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the default locale used to initialize each JComponent's locale property upon creation.
- setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.swing.UIDefaults
Sets the default locale.
- setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.JDialog
Provides a hint as to whether or not newly created
s should have their Window decorations (such as borders, widgets to close the window, title...) provided by the current look and feel. - setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Provides a hint as to whether or not newly created
s should have their Window decorations (such as borders, widgets to close the window, title...) provided by the current look and feel. - setDefaultMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class java.awt.Desktop
Sets the default menu bar to use when there are no active frames.
- setDefaultNamespace(String) - Method in interface
Binds a URI to the default namespace This URI is bound in the scope of the current START_ELEMENT / END_ELEMENT pair.
- setDefaultNamespace(String) - Method in interface
Binds a URI to the default namespace This URI is bound in the scope of the current START_ELEMENT / END_ELEMENT pair.
- setDefaultNamespacePrefix(String) - Method in class javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMCryptoContext
- setDefaultNamespacePrefix(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.crypto.XMLCryptoContext
Sets the default namespace prefix.
- setDefaultQueue(LayoutQueue) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.LayoutQueue
Set the default layout queue.
- setDefaultRenderer(Class<?>, TableCellRenderer) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets a default cell renderer to be used if no renderer has been set in a
. - setDefaultRenderer(TableCellRenderer) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets the default renderer to be used when no
is defined by aTableColumn
. - setDefaultRequestProperty(String, String) - Static method in class
Deprecated.The instance specific setRequestProperty method should be used after an appropriate instance of URLConnection is obtained. Invoking this method will have no effect.
- setDefaultSelected(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOptionElement
- setDefaultSelection(JobAttributes.DefaultSelectionType) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies whether, for jobs using these attributes, the application should print all pages, the range specified by the return value of
, or the current selection. - setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Static method in class
Sets the default
inherited by new instances of this class. - setDefaultStratum(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine
Set this VM's default stratum (see
for a discussion of strata). - setDefaultStream(PrintStream) - Static method in class java.rmi.server.LogStream
- replacement
- setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Set the default handler invoked when a thread abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception, and no other handler has been defined for that thread.
- setDefaultUseCaches(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the default value of the
field to the specified value. - setDefaultUseCaches(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Sets the default value of the
field for the named protocol to the given value. - setDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setDefaultValue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
- setDefer(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLScriptElement
- setDelay(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenu
Sets the suggested delay before the menu's
is popped up or down. - setDelay(int) - Method in class javax.swing.Timer
Sets the
's between-event delay, the number of milliseconds between successive action events. - setDerefLinkFlag(boolean) - Method in class
Enables/disables link dereferencing during the search.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class javax.swing.ImageIcon
Sets the description of the image.
- setDescriptor(Descriptor) - Method in interface
Sets Descriptor (full replace).
- setDescriptor(Descriptor) - Method in class
Sets associated Descriptor (full replace) for the ModelMBeanAttributeDescriptor.
- setDescriptor(Descriptor) - Method in class
Sets associated Descriptor (full replace) of ModelMBeanConstructorInfo.
- setDescriptor(Descriptor) - Method in class
Sets associated Descriptor (full replace) for the ModelMBeanNotificationInfo If the new Descriptor is null, then the associated Descriptor reverts to a default descriptor.
- setDescriptor(Descriptor) - Method in class
Sets associated Descriptor (full replace) for the ModelMBeanOperationInfo If the new Descriptor is null, then the associated Descriptor reverts to a default descriptor.
- setDescriptor(Descriptor, String) - Method in interface
Sets descriptors in the info array of type inDescriptorType for the ModelMBean.
- setDescriptor(Descriptor, String) - Method in class
- setDescriptors(Descriptor[]) - Method in interface
Adds or replaces descriptors in the ModelMBeanInfo.
- setDescriptors(Descriptor[]) - Method in class
- setDesignTime(boolean) - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Sets the new design time value for this
. - setDesignTime(boolean) - Static method in class java.beans.Beans
Used to indicate whether of not we are running in an application builder environment.
- setDesignTime(boolean) - Method in interface java.beans.DesignMode
Sets the "value" of the "designTime" property.
- setDesktopIcon(JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets the
associated with thisJInternalFrame
. - setDesktopManager(DesktopManager) - Method in class javax.swing.JDesktopPane
Sets the
that will handle desktop-specific UI actions. - setDesktopProperty(String, Object) - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Sets the named desktop property to the specified value and fires a property change event to notify any listeners that the value has changed.
- setDestination(BufferedImage) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageReadParam
Supplies a
to be used as the destination for decoded pixel data. - setDestination(JobAttributes.DestinationType) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies whether output will be to a printer or a file for jobs using these attributes.
- setDestination(Path) - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Sets a location where data is written on recording stop, or
if data is not to be dumped. - setDestinationBands(int[]) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageReadParam
Sets the indices of the destination bands where data will be placed.
- setDestinationOffset(Point) - Method in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
Specifies the offset in the destination image at which future decoded pixels are to be placed, when reading, or where a region will be written, when writing.
- setDestinationType(ImageTypeSpecifier) - Method in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
Sets the desired image type for the destination image, using an
. - setDialog(JobAttributes.DialogType) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies whether, for jobs using these attributes, the user should see a print dialog in which to modify the print settings, and which type of print dialog should be displayed.
- setDialogTitle(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the string that goes in the
window's title bar. - setDialogType(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the type of this dialog.
- setDictionary(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets preset dictionary for compression.
- setDictionary(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the preset dictionary to the given array of bytes.
- setDictionary(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Sets preset dictionary for compression.
- setDictionary(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Sets the preset dictionary to the given array of bytes.
- setDictionary(ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Sets preset dictionary for compression.
- setDictionary(ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Sets the preset dictionary to the bytes in the given buffer.
- setDifferenceMode(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the difference mode flag value common to all observed MBeans.
- setDifferenceMode(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the difference mode flag value.
- setDifferenceMode(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the difference mode flag value common to all observed MBeans.
- setDifferenceMode(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the difference mode flag value.
- setDigit(char) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the character used for a digit in a pattern.
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.BufferedImageFilter
Filters the information provided in the
method of theImageConsumer
interface. - setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.CropImageFilter
Override the source image's dimensions and pass the dimensions of the rectangular cropped region to the ImageConsumer.
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
The dimensions of the source image are reported using the setDimensions method call.
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.ImageFilter
Filters the information provided in the setDimensions method of the ImageConsumer interface.
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.PixelGrabber
The setDimensions method is part of the ImageConsumer API which this class must implement to retrieve the pixels.
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
Override the dimensions of the source image and pass the dimensions of the new scaled size to the ImageConsumer.
- setDir(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement
- setDirection(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicArrowButton
Sets the direction of the arrow.
- setDirection(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.ScrollListener
Sets the direction.
- setDirection(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI.ScrollListener
Sets the direction.
- setDirection(short) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
Sets the direction.
- setDirection(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the direction property definition in CSS2.
- setDirectory(File) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Property to remember the directory that is currently selected in the UI.
- setDirectory(String) - Method in class java.awt.FileDialog
Sets the directory of this file dialog window to be the specified directory.
- setDirectoryName(String) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Sets the directory name.
- setDirectoryName(String) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI
Sets the directory name.
- setDirectorySelected(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Property to remember whether a directory is currently selected in the UI.
- setDirectorySelected(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI
Property to remember whether a directory is currently selected in the UI.
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLButtonElement
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOptGroupElement
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOptionElement
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLSelectElement
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLStyleElement
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.stylesheets.StyleSheet
if the style sheet is applied to the document. - setDisabledIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the disabled icon for the button.
- setDisabledIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Set the icon to be displayed if this JLabel is "disabled" (JLabel.setEnabled(false)).
- setDisabledIconAt(int, Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the disabled icon at
which can benull
. - setDisabledSelectedIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the disabled selection icon for the button.
- setDisabledTextColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the current color used to render the disabled text.
- setDiscard(boolean) - Method in class
Specify whether user agent should discard the cookie unconditionally.
- setDismissDelay(int) - Method in class javax.swing.ToolTipManager
Specifies the dismissal delay value.
- setDisplay(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the display property definition in CSS2.
- setDisplayedMnemonic(char) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Specifies the displayedMnemonic as a char value.
- setDisplayedMnemonic(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Specify a keycode that indicates a mnemonic key.
- setDisplayedMnemonicIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Provides a hint to the look and feel as to which character in the text should be decorated to represent the mnemonic.
- setDisplayedMnemonicIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Provides a hint to the look and feel as to which character in the text should be decorated to represent the mnemonic.
- setDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Provides a hint to the look and feel as to which character in the text should be decorated to represent the mnemonic.
- setDisplayFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatterFactory
Sets the
to use if theJFormattedTextField
is not being edited and either the value is not-null, or the value is null and a null formatter has has not been specified. - setDisplayMode(DisplayMode) - Method in class java.awt.GraphicsDevice
Sets the display mode of this graphics device.
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
Sets the localized display name of this feature.
- setDividerLocation(double) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the divider location as a percentage of the
's size. - setDividerLocation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the location of the divider.
- setDividerLocation(JSplitPane, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Sets the location of the divider to location.
- setDividerLocation(JSplitPane, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiSplitPaneUI
Invokes the
method on each UI handled by this object. - setDividerLocation(JSplitPane, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.SplitPaneUI
Sets the location of the divider to location.
- setDividerSize(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the size of the divider.
- setDividerSize(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
Sets the size of the divider to
. - setDockingColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
Sets the color displayed when over a docking area
- setDocument(Document) - Method in class javax.swing.JFormattedTextField
Associates the editor with a text document.
- setDocument(Document) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextField
Associates the editor with a text document.
- setDocument(Document) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextPane
Associates the editor with a text document.
- setDocument(Document) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Associates the editor with a text document.
- setDocumentFilter(DocumentFilter) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Sets the
. - setDocumentHandler(DocumentHandler) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter
Register the SAX1 document event handler.
- setDocumentHandler(DocumentHandler) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.Parser
Deprecated.Allow an application to register a document event handler.
- setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
Receive an object for locating the origin of SAX document events.
- setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler
Deprecated.Receive an object for locating the origin of SAX document events.
- setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.xml.sax.HandlerBase
Deprecated.Receive a Locator object for document events.
- setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
Receive a Locator object for document events.
- setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserAdapter
Adapter implementation method; do not call.
- setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Filter a new document locator event.
- setDocumentLocator(Locator) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter
Set a document locator.
- setDocumentProperties(Dictionary<Object, Object>) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument
Replaces the document properties dictionary for this document.
- setDocumentURI(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Document
The location of the document or
if undefined or if theDocument
was created usingDOMImplementation.createDocument
. - setDoInput(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of the
field for thisURLConnection
to the specified value. - setDomain(String) - Method in class
Specifies the domain within which this cookie should be presented.
- setDoOutput(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of the
field for thisURLConnection
to the specified value. - setDot(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.Caret
Sets the caret position to some position.
- setDot(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Sets the caret position and mark to the specified position, with a forward bias.
- setDot(int, Position.Bias) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Sets the caret position and mark to the specified position, with the specified bias.
- setDot(int, Position.Bias) - Method in class javax.swing.text.NavigationFilter.FilterBypass
Sets the caret location, bypassing the NavigationFilter.
- setDot(NavigationFilter.FilterBypass, int, Position.Bias) - Method in class javax.swing.text.NavigationFilter
Invoked prior to the Caret setting the dot.
- setDouble(int, double) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setDouble(int, double) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
in the Java programming language. - setDouble(int, double) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given Javadouble
value. - setDouble(Object, double) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
Sets the value of a field as a
on the specified object. - setDouble(Object, int, double) - Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
Sets the value of the indexed component of the specified array object to the specified
value. - setDouble(String, double) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setDouble(String, double) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setDouble(String, double) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setDoubleBuffered(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets whether this component should use a buffer to paint.
- setDoubleBuffered(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JRootPane
Sets whether this component should use a buffer to paint.
- setDoubleBufferingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.RepaintManager
Enables or disables double buffering in this RepaintManager.
- setDoubleBufferMaximumSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.RepaintManager
Set the maximum double buffer size.
- setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
Sets the
property, which must betrue
to enable automatic drag handling (the first part of drag and drop) on this component. - setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the
property, which must betrue
to enable automatic drag handling (the first part of drag and drop) on this component. - setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Turns on or off automatic drag handling.
- setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Turns on or off automatic drag handling.
- setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Turns on or off automatic drag handling.
- setDragEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Turns on or off automatic drag handling.
- setDraggedColumn(TableColumn) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets the header's
. - setDraggedDistance(int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets the header's
. - setDragImage(Image) - Method in class javax.swing.TransferHandler
Sets the drag image parameter.
- setDragImageOffset(Point) - Method in class javax.swing.TransferHandler
Sets an anchor offset for the image to drag.
- setDragMode(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JDesktopPane
Sets the "dragging style" used by the desktop pane.
- setDragOffset(Point) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalToolBarUI
Sets the offset of the mouse cursor inside the DragWindow.
- setDrawsLayeredHighlights(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultHighlighter
If true, highlights are drawn as the Views draw the text.
- setDropAction(int) - Method in class javax.swing.TransferHandler.TransferSupport
Sets the drop action for the transfer - which must represent a drop - to the given action, instead of the default user drop action.
- setDropMode(DropMode) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the drop mode for this component.
- setDropMode(DropMode) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the drop mode for this component.
- setDropMode(DropMode) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the drop mode for this component.
- setDropMode(DropMode) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the drop mode for this component.
- setDropTarget(DropTarget) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Associate a
with this component. - setDSTSavings(int) - Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that the clock is advanced during daylight saving time.
- setDTDHandler(DTDHandler) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserAdapter
Set the DTD handler.
- setDTDHandler(DTDHandler) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Set the DTD event handler.
- setDTDHandler(DTDHandler) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter
Register the DTD event handler.
- setDTDHandler(DTDHandler) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.Parser
Deprecated.Allow an application to register a DTD event handler.
- setDTDHandler(DTDHandler) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.XMLReader
Allow an application to register a DTD event handler.
- setDumpOnExit(boolean) - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Sets whether this recording is dumped to disk when the JVM exits.
- setDuration(Duration) - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Sets a duration for how long a recording runs before it stops.
- setDynamicLayout(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Controls whether the layout of Containers is validated dynamically during resizing, or statically, after resizing is complete.
- setEastPane(JComponent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
Sets the east pane.
- setEchoChar(char) - Method in class java.awt.TextField
Sets the echo character for this text field.
- setEchoChar(char) - Method in class javax.swing.JPasswordField
Sets the echo character for this
. - setEchoCharacter(char) - Method in class java.awt.TextField
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
. - setEditable(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
Sets the flag that determines whether or not this text component is editable.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Determines whether the
field is editable. - setEditable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Determines whether the tree is editable.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Configures the receiver to allow, or not allow, editing.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the specified boolean to indicate whether or not this
should be editable. - setEditFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatterFactory
Sets the
to use if theJFormattedTextField
is being edited and either the value is not-null, or the value is null and a null formatter has has not been specified. - setEditingColumn(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the
variable. - setEditingRow(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the
variable. - setEditor(ComboBoxEditor) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the editor used to paint and edit the selected item in the
field. - setEditor(JComponent) - Method in class javax.swing.JSpinner
Changes the
that displays the current value of theSpinnerModel
. - setEditorKit(EditorKit) - Method in class javax.swing.JEditorPane
Sets the currently installed kit for handling content.
- setEditorKit(EditorKit) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextPane
Sets the currently installed kit for handling content.
- setEditorKitForContentType(String, EditorKit) - Method in class javax.swing.JEditorPane
Directly sets the editor kit to use for the given type.
- setEditorSearchPath(String[]) - Static method in class java.beans.PropertyEditorManager
Change the list of package names that will be used for finding property editors.
- setEditValid(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter
Invoke this to update the
property of theJFormattedTextField
. - setElem(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank from the given integer.
- setElem(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank to the specified value.
- setElem(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank to the given
. - setElem(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferFloat
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank to the given
. - setElem(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferInt
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank to the specified value.
- setElem(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferShort
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank to the specified value.
- setElem(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank to the specified value.
- setElem(int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank from the given integer.
- setElem(int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank from the given integer.
- setElem(int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank to the given
. - setElem(int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferFloat
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank to the given
. - setElem(int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferInt
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank to the integer value
. - setElem(int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferShort
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank from the given integer.
- setElem(int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank from the given integer.
- setElemDouble(int, double) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank from the given double.
- setElemDouble(int, double) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank to the given
. - setElemDouble(int, double) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferFloat
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank to the given
. - setElemDouble(int, int, double) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank from the given double.
- setElemDouble(int, int, double) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank to the given
. - setElemDouble(int, int, double) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferFloat
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank to the given
. - setElementAt(E, int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Sets the component at the specified
of this vector to be the specified object. - setElementAt(E, int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultListModel
Sets the component at the specified
of this list to be the specified element. - setElemFloat(int, float) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank from the given float.
- setElemFloat(int, float) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank to the given
. - setElemFloat(int, float) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferFloat
Sets the requested data array element in the first (default) bank to the given
. - setElemFloat(int, int, float) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank from the given float.
- setElemFloat(int, int, float) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank to the given
. - setElemFloat(int, int, float) - Method in class java.awt.image.DataBufferFloat
Sets the requested data array element in the specified bank to the given
. - setElevation(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the elevation property definition in CSS2.
- setEmptyCells(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the empty-cells property definition in CSS2.
- setEmptyValue(CharSequence) - Method in class java.util.StringJoiner
Sets the sequence of characters to be used when determining the string representation of this
and no elements have been added yet, that is, when it is empty. - setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest
Enables or disables this event request.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Sets the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Enables or disables this component, depending on the value of the parameter
. - setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Set the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Sets the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.MenuItem
Sets whether or not this menu item can be chosen.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
Sets the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractAction
Sets whether the
is enabled. - setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Enables (or disables) the button.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.Action
Sets the enabled state of the
. - setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.ButtonModel
Enables or disables the button.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Enables or disables the button.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Enables the combo box so that items can be selected.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets whether or not this component is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets whether or not this component is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuItem
Enables or disables the menu item.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Enables the component so that the knob position can be changed.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
Sets the enabled state of the object.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.ToolTipManager
Enables or disables the tooltip.
- setEnabledAt(int, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets whether or not the tab at
is enabled. - setEnabledCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class javax.naming.ldap.StartTlsResponse
Overrides the default list of cipher suites enabled for use on the TLS connection.
- setEnabledCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the cipher suites enabled for use on this engine.
- setEnabledCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the cipher suites enabled for use by accepted connections.
- setEnabledCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the cipher suites enabled for use on this connection.
- setEnabledProtocols(String[]) - Method in class
Set the protocol versions enabled for use on this engine.
- setEnabledProtocols(String[]) - Method in class
Controls which particular protocols are enabled for use by accepted connections.
- setEnabledProtocols(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the protocol versions enabled for use on this connection.
- setEnableRetransmissions(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether DTLS handshake retransmissions should be enabled.
- setEnableSessionCreation(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether new SSL sessions may be established by this engine.
- setEnableSessionCreation(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether new SSL sessions may be established by the sockets which are created from this server socket.
- setEnableSessionCreation(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether new SSL sessions may be established by this socket.
- setEncodeTables(JPEGQTable[], JPEGHuffmanTable[], JPEGHuffmanTable[]) - Method in class javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriteParam
Sets the quantization and Huffman tables to use in encoding abbreviated streams.
- setEncoding(String) - Method in class java.util.logging.Handler
Set the character encoding used by this
. - setEncoding(String) - Method in class java.util.logging.StreamHandler
Set (or change) the character encoding used by this
. - setEncoding(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSCharsetRule
The encoding information used in this
rule. - setEncoding(String) - Method in interface
The character encoding, if known.
- setEncoding(String) - Method in interface
The character encoding to use for the output.
- setEncoding(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.ext.Locator2Impl
Assigns the current value of the encoding property.
- setEncoding(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.InputSource
Set the character encoding, if known.
- setEnctype(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFormElement
- setEnd(Comparable<Date>) - Method in class javax.swing.SpinnerDateModel
Changes the upper limit for
s in this sequence. - setEnd(Node, int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Sets the attributes describing the end of a Range.
- setEndAfter(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Sets the end of a Range to be after a node
- setEndBefore(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Sets the end position to be before a node.
- setEndIndex(int) - Method in class java.text.FieldPosition
Sets the end index.
- setEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
Sets the endpoint identification algorithm.
- setEndRule(int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Sets the daylight saving time end rule to a fixed date within a month.
- setEndRule(int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Sets the daylight saving time end rule.
- setEndRule(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Sets the daylight saving time end rule to a weekday before or after the given date within a month, e.g., the first Monday on or after the 8th.
- setEndTime(Instant) - Method in interface jdk.jfr.consumer.EventStream
Specifies the end time of the stream.
- setEndTime(Instant) - Method in class jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream
- setEndTime(Instant) - Method in class
- setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder
Specify the
to be used to resolve entities present in the XML document to be parsed. - setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserAdapter
Set the entity resolver.
- setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Set the entity resolver.
- setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter
Register the entity resolver.
- setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.Parser
Deprecated.Allow an application to register a custom entity resolver.
- setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.XMLReader
Allow an application to register an entity resolver.
- setEntry(String, KeyStore.Entry, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter) - Method in class
Saves a keystore
under the specified alias. - setEnvironment(Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in exception class javax.naming.CannotProceedException
Sets the environment that will be returned when getEnvironment() is called.
- setEras(String[]) - Method in class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
Sets era strings.
- setErr(PrintStream) - Static method in class java.lang.System
Reassigns the "standard" error output stream.
- setError() - Method in class
Sets the error state of the stream to
. - setError() - Method in class
Sets the error state of the stream to
. - setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder
Specify the
to be used by the parser. - setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory
Sets the
to receive errors encountered during thenewSchema
method invocation. - setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.Validator
Sets the
to receive errors encountered during thevalidate
method invocation. - setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.ValidatorHandler
Sets the
to receive errors encountered during the validation. - setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserAdapter
Set the error handler.
- setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Set the error event handler.
- setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter
Register the error event handler.
- setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.Parser
Deprecated.Allow an application to register an error event handler.
- setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.XMLReader
Allow an application to register an error event handler.
- setErrorIndex(int) - Method in class java.text.ParsePosition
Set the index at which a parse error occurred.
- setErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.Transformer
Set the error event listener in effect for the transformation.
- setErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
Set the error event listener for the TransformerFactory, which is used for the processing of transformation instructions, and not for the transformation itself.
- setErrorManager(ErrorManager) - Method in class java.util.logging.Handler
Define an ErrorManager for this Handler.
- setErrorWriter(Writer) - Method in interface javax.script.ScriptContext
Sets the
used to display error output. - setErrorWriter(Writer) - Method in class javax.script.SimpleScriptContext
Sets the
used to display error output. - setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in interface java.sql.Statement
Sets escape processing on or off.
- setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets to the given
whether or not the driver will scan for escape syntax and do escape substitution before sending SQL statements to the database. - setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets escape processing for this
object on or off. - setEstimatedMajorSpan(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AsyncBoxView
Set the estimatedMajorSpan property that determines if the major span should be treated as being estimated.
- setEvent(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLScriptElement
- setEventAllocator(XMLEventAllocator) - Method in class
Set a user defined event allocator for events
- setException(Throwable) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.FutureTask
Causes this future to report an
with the given throwable as its cause, unless this future has already been set or has been cancelled. - setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener) - Method in class java.beans.Encoder
Sets the exception handler for this stream to
. - setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener) - Method in class java.beans.XMLDecoder
Sets the exception handler for this stream to
. - setExclusiveOwnerThread(Thread) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractOwnableSynchronizer
Sets the thread that currently owns exclusive access.
- setExecutable(boolean) - Method in class
A convenience method to set the owner's execute permission for this abstract pathname.
- setExecutable(boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the owner's or everybody's execute permission for this abstract pathname.
- setExecuteExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(boolean) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Sets the policy on whether to execute existing delayed tasks even when this executor has been
. - setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class
Sets this server's
object. - setExpandedIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the expanded icon.
- setExpandedState(TreePath, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the expanded state of this
. - setExpandedState(TreePath, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache
Marks the path
expanded state toisExpanded
. - setExpandedState(TreePath, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.FixedHeightLayoutCache
Marks the path
expanded state toisExpanded
. - setExpandedState(TreePath, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache
Marks the path
expanded state toisExpanded
. - setExpandEntityReferences(boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
Specifies that the parser produced by this code will expand entity reference nodes.
- setExpandsSelectedPaths(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Configures the
property. - setExpert(boolean) - Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
The "expert" flag is used to distinguish between features that are intended for expert users from those that are intended for normal users.
- setExplicitPolicyRequired(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the ExplicitPolicyRequired flag.
- setExponentSeparator(String) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the string used to separate the mantissa from the exponent.
- setExtendedKeyUsage(Set<String>) - Method in class
Sets the extendedKeyUsage criterion.
- setExtendedState(int) - Method in class java.awt.Frame
Sets the state of this frame.
- setExtension(char, String) - Method in class java.util.Locale.Builder
Sets the extension for the given key.
- setExtent(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel
Sets the model's extent.
- setExtent(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
Sets the extent to n after ensuring that n is greater than or equal to zero and falls within the model's constraints:
- setExtent(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Sets the size of the range "covered" by the knob.
- setExtentSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JViewport
Sets the size of the visible part of the view using view coordinates.
- setExtra(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the optional extra field data for the entry.
- setFace(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBaseFontElement
- setFace(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFontElement
- setFailureHandler(RMIFailureHandler) - Static method in class java.rmi.server.RMISocketFactory
Sets the failure handler to be called by the RMI runtime if server socket creation fails.
- setFallbackLinkers(List<? extends GuardingDynamicLinker>) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Sets the fallback guarding dynamic linkers.
- setFallbackLinkers(GuardingDynamicLinker...) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Sets the fallback guarding dynamic linkers.
- setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
Set a feature for this
s created by this factory. - setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
Sets the particular feature in the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.
- setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
Set a feature for this
s orTemplate
s created by this factory. - setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory
Set a feature for this
s created by this factory, and by extension,Validator
s andValidatorHandler
s created by thoseSchema
s. - setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.Validator
Set the value of a feature flag.
- setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.ValidatorHandler
Set a feature for this
. - setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
Sets a feature for this
. - setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserAdapter
Set a feature flag for the parser.
- setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Set the value of a feature.
- setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.XMLReader
Set the value of a feature flag.
- setFetchDirection(int) - Method in interface java.sql.ResultSet
Gives a hint as to the direction in which the rows in this
object will be processed. - setFetchDirection(int) - Method in interface java.sql.Statement
Gives the driver a hint as to the direction in which rows will be processed in
objects created using thisStatement
object. - setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Gives the driver a performance hint as to the direction in which the rows in this
object will be processed. - setFetchSize(int) - Method in interface java.sql.ResultSet
Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for this
object. - setFetchSize(int) - Method in interface java.sql.Statement
Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for
objects generated by thisStatement
. - setFetchSize(int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the fetch size for this
object to the given number of rows. - setField(String, Object) - Method in interface
Sets the value for a specific field name.
- setField(String, Object) - Method in class
This operation is unsupported since this class is immutable.
- setField(String, Object) - Method in class
- setFields(int...) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets field parameters to their values given by
that are pairs of a field and its value. - setFields(String[], Object[]) - Method in interface
Sets all fields in the field names array to the new value with the same index in the field values array.
- setFields(String[], Object[]) - Method in class
This operation is unsupported since this class is immutable.
- setFields(String[], Object[]) - Method in class
- setFile(String) - Method in class java.awt.FileDialog
Sets the selected file for this file dialog window to be the specified file.
- setFileFilter(FileFilter) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the current file filter.
- setFileHidingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets file hiding on or off.
- setFileName(String) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies the file name for the output file for jobs using these attributes.
- setFileName(String) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicFileChooserUI
Sets the file name.
- setFilenameFilter(FilenameFilter) - Method in class java.awt.FileDialog
Sets the filename filter for this file dialog window to the specified filter.
- setFileNameMap(FileNameMap) - Static method in class
Sets the FileNameMap.
- setFileSelectionMode(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the
to allow the user to just select files, just select directories, or select both files and directories. - setFileSystemView(FileSystemView) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the file system view that the
uses for accessing and creating file system resources, such as finding the floppy drive and getting a list of root drives. - setFileView(FileView) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the file view to be used to retrieve UI information, such as the icon that represents a file or the type description of a file.
- setFillsViewportHeight(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets whether or not this table is always made large enough to fill the height of an enclosing viewport.
- setFilter(Filter) - Method in class java.util.logging.Handler
Set a
to control output on thisHandler
. - setFilter(Filter) - Method in class java.util.logging.Logger
Set a filter to control output on this Logger.
- setFilter(Predicate) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.FilteredRowSet
Applies the given
object to thisFilteredRowSet
object. - setFilter(LSParserFilter) - Method in interface
When a filter is provided, the implementation will call out to the filter as it is constructing the DOM tree structure.
- setFilter(LSSerializerFilter) - Method in interface
When the application provides a filter, the serializer will call out to the filter before serializing each Node.
- setFirstDayOfWeek(int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets what the first day of the week is; e.g.,
in the U.S.,MONDAY
in France. - setFirstLineIndent(float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.ParagraphView
Sets the indent on the first line.
- setFirstLineIndent(MutableAttributeSet, float) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the first line indent.
- setFixedCellHeight(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets a fixed value to be used for the height of every cell in the list.
- setFixedCellWidth(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets a fixed value to be used for the width of every cell in the list.
- setFixedLengthStreamingMode(int) - Method in class
This method is used to enable streaming of a HTTP request body without internal buffering, when the content length is known in advance.
- setFixedLengthStreamingMode(long) - Method in class
This method is used to enable streaming of a HTTP request body without internal buffering, when the content length is known in advance.
- setFlags(AclEntryFlag...) - Method in class java.nio.file.attribute.AclEntry.Builder
Sets the flags component of this builder.
- setFlags(Set<AclEntryFlag>) - Method in class java.nio.file.attribute.AclEntry.Builder
Sets the flags component of this builder.
- setFlashColor(Color) - Static method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
Sets the Color used to flash drawing operations.
- setFlashCount(int) - Static method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
Sets the number of times that drawing operations will flash.
- setFlashTime(int) - Static method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
Sets the time delay of drawing operation flashing.
- setFlavorMap(FlavorMap) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
Sets the
associated with thisDropTarget
. - setFlavorsForNative(String, DataFlavor[]) - Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap
Discards the current mappings for the specified
native, and creates new mappings to the specifiedDataFlavor
s. - setFloat(int, float) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setFloat(int, float) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
in the Java programming language. - setFloat(int, float) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given Javafloat
value. - setFloat(Object, float) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
Sets the value of a field as a
on the specified object. - setFloat(Object, int, float) - Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
Sets the value of the indexed component of the specified array object to the specified
value. - setFloat(String, float) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setFloat(String, float) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setFloat(String, float) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setFloatable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JToolBar
Sets the
property, which must betrue
for the user to move the tool bar. - setFloating(boolean, Point) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
Sets the floating property.
- setFloatingColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
Sets the color displayed when over a floating area
- setFloatingLocation(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
Sets the floating location.
- setFloatValue(short, float) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSPrimitiveValue
A method to set the float value with a specified unit.
- setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the focusable state of this Component to the specified value.
- setFocusableWindowState(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets whether this Window can become the focused Window if it meets the other requirements outlined in
. - setFocusAccelerator(char) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the key accelerator that will cause the receiving text component to get the focus.
- setFocusCycleRoot(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Container
Sets whether this Container is the root of a focus traversal cycle.
- setFocusCycleRoot(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Does nothing because Windows must always be roots of a focus traversal cycle.
- setFocusCycleRoot(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Does nothing because
s must always be roots of a focus traversal cycle. - setFocusLostBehavior(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JFormattedTextField
Sets the behavior when focus is lost.
- setFocusPainted(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the
property, which must betrue
for the focus state to be painted. - setFocusTraversalKeys(int, Set<? extends AWTKeyStroke>) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the focus traversal keys for a given traversal operation for this Component.
- setFocusTraversalKeys(int, Set<? extends AWTKeyStroke>) - Method in class java.awt.Container
Sets the focus traversal keys for a given traversal operation for this Container.
- setFocusTraversalKeys(int, Set<? extends AWTKeyStroke>) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the focus traversal keys for a given traversal operation for this Component.
- setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets whether focus traversal keys are enabled for this Component.
- setFocusTraversalPolicy(FocusTraversalPolicy) - Method in class java.awt.Container
Sets the focus traversal policy that will manage keyboard traversal of this Container's children, if this Container is a focus cycle root.
- setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Container
Sets whether this container will be used to provide focus traversal policy.
- setFollowRedirects(boolean) - Static method in class
Sets whether HTTP redirects (requests with response code 3xx) should be automatically followed by this class.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class
Set the
of this object. - setFont(Font) - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Sets the
of this object. - setFont(Font) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the font of this component.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class java.awt.Container
Sets the font of this container.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Sets this graphics context's font to the specified font.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Set the Font of this object.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Sets the
of this object. - setFont(Font) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent
Sets the font to be used for this menu component to the specified font.
- setFont(Font) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
Sets the font of this object.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
Sets the Font used for text drawing operations.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the font for this component.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Sets the font for this component.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
Sets the
of this object. - setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextArea
Sets the current font.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextField
Sets the current font.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor
Sets the font to edit with.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Subclassed to map
s to null. - setFont(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the font property definition in CSS2.
- setFontFamily(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the font-family property definition in CSS2.
- setFontFamily(MutableAttributeSet, String) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the font attribute.
- setFontSize(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the font-size property definition in CSS2.
- setFontSize(MutableAttributeSet, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the font size attribute.
- setFontSizeAdjust(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the font-size-adjust property definition in CSS2.
- setFontStretch(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the font-stretch property definition in CSS2.
- setFontStyle(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the font-style property definition in CSS2.
- setFontVariant(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the font-variant property definition in CSS2.
- setFontWeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the font-weight property definition in CSS2.
- setForeground(Color) - Method in class
Set the foreground
of this object. - setForeground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Sets the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the foreground color of this component.
- setForeground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Set the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Sets the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
Sets the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the foreground color of this component.
- setForeground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setForeground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
Sets the foreground color of this object.
- setForeground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setForeground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
to assign the unselected-foreground color to the specified color. - setForeground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setForeground(MutableAttributeSet, Color) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the foreground color.
- setForegroundAt(int, Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the foreground color at
which can benull
, in which case the tab's foreground color will default to the foreground color of thistabbedpane
. - setForkJoinTaskTag(short) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask
Atomically sets the tag value for this task and returns the old value.
- setFormat(int, Format) - Method in class java.text.MessageFormat
Sets the format to use for the format element with the given format element index within the previously set pattern string.
- setFormat(DateFormat) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DateFormatter
Sets the format that dictates the legal values that can be edited and displayed.
- setFormat(Format) - Method in class javax.swing.text.InternationalFormatter
Sets the format that dictates the legal values that can be edited and displayed.
- setFormat(Format) - Method in class javax.swing.text.NumberFormatter
Sets the format that dictates the legal values that can be edited and displayed.
- setFormatByArgumentIndex(int, Format) - Method in class java.text.MessageFormat
Sets the format to use for the format elements within the previously set pattern string that use the given argument index.
- setFormats(Format[]) - Method in class java.text.MessageFormat
Sets the formats to use for the format elements in the previously set pattern string.
- setFormatsByArgumentIndex(Format[]) - Method in class java.text.MessageFormat
Sets the formats to use for the values passed into
methods or returned fromparse
methods. - setFormatter(Formatter) - Method in class java.util.logging.Handler
Set a
. - setFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter) - Method in class javax.swing.JFormattedTextField
Sets the current
. - setFormatterFactory(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory) - Method in class javax.swing.JFormattedTextField
Sets the
. - setFractionalSecond(BigDecimal) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set fractional seconds.
- setFrame(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D
Sets the location and size of the framing rectangle of this
to the specified rectangular values. - setFrame(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Double
Sets the location and size of the framing rectangle of this
to the specified rectangular values. - setFrame(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Float
Sets the location and size of the framing rectangle of this
to the specified rectangular values. - setFrame(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D
Sets the location and size of the outer bounds of this
to the specified rectangular values. - setFrame(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RectangularShape
Sets the location and size of the framing rectangle of this
to the specified rectangular values. - setFrame(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D
Sets the location and size of the framing rectangle of this
to the specified rectangular values. - setFrame(float, float, float, float) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Float
Sets the location and size of the framing rectangle of this
to the specified rectangular values. - setFrame(Point2D, Dimension2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RectangularShape
Sets the location and size of the framing rectangle of this
to the specifiedPoint2D
, respectively. - setFrame(Rectangle2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RectangularShape
Sets the framing rectangle of this
to be the specifiedRectangle2D
. - setFrame(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setFrameBorder(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement
- setFrameBorder(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
- setFrameFromCenter(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RectangularShape
Sets the framing rectangle of this
based on the specified center point coordinates and corner point coordinates. - setFrameFromCenter(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RectangularShape
Sets the framing rectangle of this
based on a specified centerPoint2D
and cornerPoint2D
. - setFrameFromDiagonal(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RectangularShape
Sets the diagonal of the framing rectangle of this
based on the two specified coordinates. - setFrameFromDiagonal(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RectangularShape
Sets the diagonal of the framing rectangle of this
based on two specifiedPoint2D
objects. - setFrameIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets an image to be displayed in the titlebar of this internal frame (usually in the top-left corner).
- setFramePosition(int) - Method in interface javax.sound.sampled.Clip
Sets the media position in sample frames.
- setFreeStanding(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalScrollButton
Sets the free standing value.
- setFromPage(int) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies, for jobs using these attributes, the first page to be printed, if a range of pages is to be printed.
- setFromTree(String, Node) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
Sets the internal state of this
object from a tree of XML DOMNode
s whose syntax is defined by the given metadata format. - setFullBufferUpdates(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource
Specifies whether this animated memory image should always be updated by sending the complete buffer of pixels whenever there is a change.
- setFullScreenWindow(Window) - Method in class java.awt.GraphicsDevice
Enter full-screen mode, or return to windowed mode.
- setGlassPane(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JApplet
Deprecated.Sets the glassPane property.
- setGlassPane(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
Sets the
property. - setGlassPane(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Sets the
property. - setGlassPane(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets this
property. - setGlassPane(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JRootPane
Sets a specified
to be the glass pane for this root pane. - setGlassPane(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JWindow
Sets the
property. - setGlassPane(Component) - Method in interface javax.swing.RootPaneContainer
The glassPane is always the first child of the rootPane and the rootPanes layout manager ensures that it's always as big as the rootPane.
- setGlassPane(JPanel) - Method in class javax.swing.JLayer
Sets the
's glassPane component, which can benull
. - setGlobalActiveWindow(Window) - Method in class java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
Sets the active Window.
- setGlobalCurrentFocusCycleRoot(Container) - Method in class java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
Sets the current focus cycle root.
- setGlobalFocusedWindow(Window) - Method in class java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
Sets the focused Window.
- setGlobalFocusOwner(Component) - Method in class java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
Sets the focus owner.
- setGlobalPermanentFocusOwner(Component) - Method in class java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager
Sets the permanent focus owner.
- setGlyphPainter(GlyphView.GlyphPainter) - Method in class javax.swing.text.GlyphView
Sets the painter to use for rendering glyphs.
- setGlyphPosition(int, Point2D) - Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphVector
Sets the position of the specified glyph within this
. - setGlyphTransform(int, AffineTransform) - Method in class java.awt.font.GlyphVector
Sets the transform of the specified glyph within this
. - setGranularityPeriod(long) - Method in class
Sets the granularity period (in milliseconds).
- setGranularityPeriod(long) - Method in interface
Sets the granularity period (in milliseconds).
- setGregorianChange(Date) - Method in class java.util.GregorianCalendar
Sets the
change date. - setGridColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the color used to draw grid lines to
and redisplays. - setGridLocation(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.TableView.TableCell
Deprecated.Sets the grid location.
- setGroup(GroupPrincipal) - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFileAttributeView
Updates the file group-owner.
- setGroup(ButtonGroup) - Method in interface javax.swing.ButtonModel
Identifies the group the button belongs to -- needed for radio buttons, which are mutually exclusive within their group.
- setGroup(ButtonGroup) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Identifies the group the button belongs to -- needed for radio buttons, which are mutually exclusive within their group.
- setGroupingSeparator(char) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the character used for grouping separator.
- setGroupingSize(int) - Method in class java.text.CompactNumberFormat
Sets the grouping size.
- setGroupingSize(int) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Set the grouping size.
- setGroupingUsed(boolean) - Method in class java.text.CompactNumberFormat
Sets whether or not grouping will be used in this format.
- setGroupingUsed(boolean) - Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
Set whether or not grouping will be used in this format.
- setGuiAvailable(boolean) - Static method in class java.beans.Beans
Used to indicate whether of not we are running in an environment where GUI interaction is available.
- setHandler(HttpHandler) - Method in class
Sets the handler for this context, if not already set.
- setHandler(ContentHandler) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult
Set the target to be a SAX2
. - setHandshakeApplicationProtocolSelector(BiFunction<SSLEngine, List<String>, String>) - Method in class
Registers a callback function that selects an application protocol value for a SSL/TLS/DTLS handshake.
- setHandshakeApplicationProtocolSelector(BiFunction<SSLSocket, List<String>, String>) - Method in class
Registers a callback function that selects an application protocol value for a SSL/TLS/DTLS handshake.
- setHashColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the hash color.
- setHeader(String, String) - Method in interface
Sets the given name value pair to the set of headers for this request.
- setHeaderRenderer(TableCellRenderer) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets the
used to draw theTableColumn
's header toheaderRenderer
. - setHeaders(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setHeaderValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets the
whose string representation will be used as the value for theheaderRenderer
. - setHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the height property definition in CSS2.
- setHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
- setHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setHeight(Spring) - Method in class javax.swing.SpringLayout.Constraints
Sets the
property, which controls the height of a component. - setHelpMenu(Menu) - Method in class java.awt.MenuBar
Sets the specified menu to be this menu bar's help menu.
- setHelpMenu(JMenu) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuBar
Sets the help menu that appears when the user selects the "help" option in the menu bar.
- setHgap(int) - Method in class java.awt.BorderLayout
Sets the horizontal gap between components.
- setHgap(int) - Method in class java.awt.CardLayout
Sets the horizontal gap between components.
- setHgap(int) - Method in class java.awt.FlowLayout
Sets the horizontal gap between components and between the components and the borders of the
. - setHgap(int) - Method in class java.awt.GridLayout
Sets the horizontal gap between components to the specified value.
- setHidden(boolean) - Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
The "hidden" flag is used to identify features that are intended only for tool use, and which should not be exposed to humans.
- setHidden(boolean) - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.DosFileAttributeView
Updates the value of the hidden attribute.
- setHideActionText(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the
property, which determines whether the button displays text from theAction
. - setHighlighter(Highlighter) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the highlighter to be used.
- setHints(int) - Method in class java.awt.image.AreaAveragingScaleFilter
Detect if the data is being delivered with the necessary hints to allow the averaging algorithm to do its work.
- setHints(int) - Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
Sets the hints that the ImageConsumer uses to process the pixels delivered by the ImageProducer.
- setHints(int) - Method in class java.awt.image.ImageFilter
Filters the information provided in the setHints method of the ImageConsumer interface.
- setHints(int) - Method in class java.awt.image.PixelGrabber
The setHints method is part of the ImageConsumer API which this class must implement to retrieve the pixels.
- setHoldability(int) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Changes the default holdability of
objects created using thisConnection
object to the given holdability. - setHonorsVisibility(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.GroupLayout
Sets whether component visibility is considered when sizing and positioning components.
- setHonorsVisibility(Component, Boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.GroupLayout
Sets whether the component's visibility is considered for sizing and positioning.
- setHorizontalAlignment(int) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the horizontal alignment of the icon and text.
- setHorizontalAlignment(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Sets the alignment of the label's contents along the X axis.
- setHorizontalAlignment(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextField
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text.
- setHorizontalGroup(GroupLayout.Group) - Method in class javax.swing.GroupLayout
Sets the
that positions and sizes components along the horizontal axis. - setHorizontalScrollBar(JScrollBar) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Adds the scrollbar that controls the viewport's horizontal view position to the scrollpane.
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Determines when the horizontal scrollbar appears in the scrollpane.
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
Sets the horizontal scrollbar-display policy.
- setHorizontalTextPosition(int) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the horizontal position of the text relative to the icon.
- setHorizontalTextPosition(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Sets the horizontal position of the label's text, relative to its image.
- setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class javax.naming.ldap.StartTlsResponse
Sets the hostname verifier used by
after the TLS handshake has completed and the default hostname verification has failed. - setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class
Sets the
for this instance. - setHour(int) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set hours.
- setHours(int) - Method in class java.sql.Date
- setHours(int) - Method in class java.util.Date
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
Calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, int hours)
. - setHref(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setHref(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAreaElement
- setHref(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBaseElement
- setHref(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
- setHreflang(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setHreflang(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
- setHspace(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setHspace(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setHspace(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setHtmlFor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLabelElement
- setHtmlFor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLScriptElement
- setHttpEquiv(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLMetaElement
- setHttpOnly(boolean) - Method in class
Indicates whether the cookie should be considered HTTP Only.
- setHttpsConfigurator(HttpsConfigurator) - Method in class
Sets this server's
object. - setHumanPresentableName(String) - Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
Sets the human presentable name for the data format that this
represents. - setIcon(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Iconifies or de-iconifies this internal frame, if the look and feel supports iconification.
- setIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the button's default icon.
- setIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Defines the icon this component will display.
- setIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the icon to display.
- setIcon(MutableAttributeSet, Icon) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the icon attribute.
- setIconAt(int, Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the icon at
which can benull
. - setIconBadge(String) - Method in class java.awt.Taskbar
Affixes a small system-provided badge to this application's icon.
- setIconifiable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets the
property, which must betrue
for the user to be able to make theJInternalFrame
an icon. - setIconImage(Image) - Method in class java.awt.Taskbar
Requests the system to change this application's icon to the provided
. - setIconImage(Image) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets the image to be displayed as the icon for this window.
- setIconImages(List<? extends Image>) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets the sequence of images to be displayed as the icon for this window.
- setIconOnly(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalComboBoxButton
then only icon is painted. - setIconTextGap(int) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
If both the icon and text properties are set, this property defines the space between them.
- setIconTextGap(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
If both the icon and text properties are set, this property defines the space between them.
- setId(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement
- setID(String) - Method in class java.util.TimeZone
Sets the time zone ID.
- setIdAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
This DOM Level 3 method is not supported for
and will throw aDOMException
. - setIdAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Element
If the parameter
, this method declares the specified attribute to be a user-determined ID attribute . - setIdAttributeNode(Attr, boolean) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
This DOM Level 3 method is not supported for
and will throw aDOMException
. - setIdAttributeNode(Attr, boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Element
If the parameter
, this method declares the specified attribute to be a user-determined ID attribute . - setIdAttributeNS(String, String, boolean) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
This DOM Level 3 method is not supported for
and will throw aDOMException
. - setIdAttributeNS(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Element
If the parameter
, this method declares the specified attribute to be a user-determined ID attribute . - setIdAttributeNS(Element, String, String) - Method in class javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMCryptoContext
Registers the element's attribute specified by the namespace URI and local name to be of type ID.
- setIdentifier(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets the
's identifier toanIdentifier
. - setIfModifiedSince(long) - Method in class
Sets the value of the
field of thisURLConnection
to the specified value. - setIgnoreRepaint(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets whether or not paint messages received from the operating system should be ignored.
- setIgnoringComments(boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
Specifies that the parser produced by this code will ignore comments.
- setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
Specifies that the parsers created by this factory must eliminate whitespace in element content (sometimes known loosely as 'ignorable whitespace') when parsing XML documents (see XML Rec 2.10).
- setImage(Image) - Method in class java.awt.TrayIcon
Sets the image for this
. - setImage(Image) - Method in class javax.swing.ImageIcon
Sets the image displayed by this icon.
- setImageableArea(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.print.Paper
Sets the imageable area of this
. - setImageAutoSize(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.TrayIcon
Sets the auto-size property.
- setImageObserver(ImageObserver) - Method in class javax.swing.ImageIcon
Sets the image observer for the image.
- setImageURL(URL) - Method in class java.awt.SplashScreen
Changes the splash screen image.
- setImplementation(Object) - Method in class
Replace the implementation object wrapped in this object.
- setImplicitDownCycleTraversal(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy
Sets whether this ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy transfers focus down-cycle implicitly.
- setImplicitDownCycleTraversal(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy
Sets whether this SortingFocusTraversalPolicy transfers focus down-cycle implicitly.
- setIn(InputStream) - Static method in class java.lang.System
Reassigns the "standard" input stream.
- setInDefaultEventSet(boolean) - Method in class java.beans.EventSetDescriptor
Marks an event set as being in the "default" set (or not).
- setIndentSpace(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AbstractWriter
Enables subclasses to specify how many spaces an indent maps to.
- setIndeterminate(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets the
property of the progress bar, which determines whether the progress bar is in determinate or indeterminate mode. - setIndex(int) - Method in interface java.text.CharacterIterator
Sets the position to the specified position in the text and returns that character.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class java.text.ParsePosition
Set the current parse position.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class java.text.StringCharacterIterator
Implements CharacterIterator.setIndex() for String.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.Segment
Sets the position to the specified position in the text and returns that character.
- setIndexedReadMethod(Method) - Method in class java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Sets the method that should be used to read an indexed property value.
- setIndexedWriteMethod(Method) - Method in class java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
Sets the method that should be used to write an indexed property value.
- setInfinity(String) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the string used to represent infinity.
- setInfo(String) - Method in class
Deprecated.Specifies a general information string for this
. - setInheritsPopupMenu(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets whether or not
should delegate to the parent if this component does not have aJPopupMenu
assigned to it. - setInitialContextFactoryBuilder(InitialContextFactoryBuilder) - Static method in class javax.naming.spi.NamingManager
Sets the InitialContextFactory builder to be builder.
- setInitialDelay(int) - Method in class javax.swing.Timer
Sets the
's initial delay, the time in milliseconds to wait after the timer is started before firing the first event. - setInitialDelay(int) - Method in class javax.swing.ToolTipManager
Specifies the initial delay value.
- setInitialPolicies(Set<String>) - Method in class
Sets the
of initial policy identifiers (OID strings), indicating that any one of these policies would be acceptable to the certificate user for the purposes of certification path processing. - setInitialSelectionValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the input value that is initially displayed as selected to the user.
- setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the initial value that is to be enabled -- the
that has the focus when the pane is initially displayed. - setInitThreshold(Number) - Method in class
Sets the initial threshold value common to all observed objects.
- setInitThreshold(Number) - Method in interface
Sets the initial threshold value common to all observed MBeans.
- setInnerHTML(Element, String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument
Replaces the children of the given element with the contents specified as an HTML string.
- setInput(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets input data for compression.
- setInput(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets input data for decompression.
- setInput(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Sets input data for compression.
- setInput(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Sets input data for decompression.
- setInput(Object) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageReader
Sets the input source to use to the given
or otherObject
. - setInput(Object, boolean) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageReader
Sets the input source to use to the given
or otherObject
. - setInput(Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageReader
Sets the input source to use to the given
or otherObject
. - setInput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Sets input data for compression.
- setInput(ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Sets input data for decompression.
- setInputMap(int, InputMap) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the
to use under the conditioncondition
. - setInputMethodContext(InputMethodContext) - Method in interface
Sets the input method context, which is used to dispatch input method events to the client component and to request information from the client component.
- setInputSource(InputSource) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
Set the SAX InputSource to be used for the Source.
- setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class
Set the byte stream to be used as input.
- setInputValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the input value that was selected or input by the user.
- setInputVerifier(InputVerifier) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the input verifier for this component.
- setInsets(short, short, short, short) - Method in class javax.swing.text.CompositeView
Sets the insets for the view.
- setInstalledLookAndFeels(UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[]) - Static method in class javax.swing.UIManager
Sets the set of available look and feels.
- setInstance(LayoutStyle) - Static method in class javax.swing.LayoutStyle
Sets the shared instance of
. - setInstanceFollowRedirects(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether HTTP redirects (requests with response code 3xx) should be automatically followed by this
instance. - setInstant(long) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the instant parameter to the given
value that is a millisecond offset from the Epoch. - setInstant(Instant) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Sets the instant that the event occurred.
- setInstant(Date) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the instant parameter to the
value given by aDate
. - setInt(int, int) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setInt(int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to an
in the Java programming language. - setInt(int, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given Javaint
value. - setInt(Object, int) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
Sets the value of a field as an
on the specified object. - setInt(Object, int, int) - Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
Sets the value of the indexed component of the specified array object to the specified
value. - setInt(String, int) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setInt(String, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setInt(String, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setIntercellSpacing(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the
and thecolumnMargin
-- the height and width of the space between cells -- tointercellSpacing
. - setInterface(InetAddress) - Method in class
Deprecated.The InetAddress may not uniquely identify the network interface. Use
instead. - setInternalFrame(JInternalFrame) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
Sets the
with which thisDesktopIcon
is associated. - setInternalObjectsFilter(MethodHandleTransformer) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Sets a method handle transformer that is supposed to act as the implementation of
for linker services of dynamic linkers created by this factory. - setInternationalCurrencySymbol(String) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the ISO 4217 currency code of the currency of these DecimalFormatSymbols.
- setInvalidCharacters(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter
Allows for further restricting of the characters that can be input.
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Specify true to reverse the value-range shown for the slider and false to put the value range in the normal order.
- setInvoker(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the invoker of this popup menu -- the component in which the popup menu is to be displayed.
- setInvokesStopCellEditing(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Determines what happens when editing is interrupted by selecting another node in the tree, a change in the tree's data, or by some other means.
- setIsMap(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setIssuer(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the issuer criterion.
- setIssuer(String) - Method in class
instead. This method should not be relied on as it can fail to match some certificates because of a loss of encoding information in the RFC 2253 String form of some distinguished names. - setIssuer(X500Principal) - Method in class
Sets the issuer criterion.
- setIssuerNames(Collection<?>) - Method in class
Note: use X509CRLSelector.setIssuers(Collection) instead or only specify the byte array form of distinguished names when using this method.
- setIssuers(Collection<X500Principal>) - Method in class
Sets the issuerNames criterion.
- setItalic(MutableAttributeSet, boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the italic attribute.
- setItem(Object) - Method in interface javax.swing.ComboBoxEditor
Set the item that should be edited.
- setItem(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxEditor
Sets the item that should be edited.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class javax.swing.JApplet
Deprecated.Sets the menubar for this applet.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
Sets the menubar for this dialog.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Sets the menubar for this frame.
- setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets the
property for thisJInternalFrame
. - setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class javax.swing.JRootPane
Adds or changes the menu bar used in the layered pane.
- setJNDIContext(Context) - Static method in class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncFactory
Sets the initial JNDI context from which SyncProvider implementations can be retrieved from a JNDI namespace
- setJobName(String) - Method in class java.awt.print.PrinterJob
Sets the name of the document to be printed.
- setJoinType(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.JoinRowSet
Allow the application to adjust the type of
imposed on tables contained within the JoinRowSet object instance. - setJustification(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.ParagraphView
Sets the type of justification.
- setKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in class
. - setKeepAliveTime(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
Sets the thread keep-alive time, which is the amount of time that threads may remain idle before being terminated.
- setKeyBindingActive(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
Sets the key binding activity.
- setKeyBindingRegistered(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
Sets the key binding registration.
- setKeyChar(char) - Method in class java.awt.event.KeyEvent
Set the keyChar value to indicate a logical character.
- setKeyCode(int) - Method in class java.awt.event.KeyEvent
Set the keyCode value to indicate a physical key.
- setKeyColumns(int[]) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
Sets this
field with the given array of column numbers, which forms a key for uniquely identifying a row in thisCachedRowSet
object. - setKeyEntry(String, byte[], Certificate[]) - Method in class
Assigns the given key (that has already been protected) to the given alias.
- setKeyEntry(String, Key, char[], Certificate[]) - Method in class
Assigns the given key to the given alias, protecting it with the given password.
- setKeymap(Keymap) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the keymap to use for binding events to actions.
- setKeyPair(KeyPair) - Method in class
Deprecated.Sets the key pair (public key and private key) for this
. - setKeySelectionManager(JComboBox.KeySelectionManager) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the object that translates a keyboard character into a list selection.
- setKeySelector(KeySelector) - Method in class javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMCryptoContext
- setKeySelector(KeySelector) - Method in interface javax.xml.crypto.XMLCryptoContext
Sets the key selector for finding a key.
- setKeyUsage(boolean[]) - Method in class
Sets the keyUsage criterion.
- setLabel(String) - Method in class java.awt.Button
Sets the button's label to be the specified string.
- setLabel(String) - Method in class java.awt.Checkbox
Sets this check box's label to be the string argument.
- setLabel(String) - Method in class java.awt.MenuItem
Sets the label for this menu item to the specified label.
- setLabel(String) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Deprecated.- Replaced by
- setLabel(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the popup menu's label.
- setLabel(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.Option
Sets the label to be used for the option.
- setLabel(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOptGroupElement
- setLabel(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOptionElement
- setLabelFor(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Set the component this is labelling.
- setLabelTable(Dictionary) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Used to specify what label will be drawn at any given value.
- setLang(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class java.util.Locale.Builder
Sets the language.
- setLanguageTag(String) - Method in class java.util.Locale.Builder
Resets the Builder to match the provided IETF BCP 47 language tag.
- setLargeMaxRows(long) - Method in interface java.sql.Statement
Sets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any
object generated by thisStatement
object can contain to the given number. - setLargeModel(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Specifies whether the UI should use a large model.
- setLargeModel(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the
. - setLastAccessTime(FileTime) - Method in class
Sets the last access time of the entry.
- setLastDividerLocation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the last location the divider was at to
. - setLastDragLocation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Set the last drag location of the
. - setLastModified(long) - Method in class
Sets the last-modified time of the file or directory named by this abstract pathname.
- setLastModifiedTime(FileTime) - Method in class
Sets the last modification time of the entry.
- setLastModifiedTime(Path, FileTime) - Static method in class java.nio.file.Files
Updates a file's last modified time attribute.
- setLayer(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Convenience method for setting the layer attribute of this component.
- setLayer(Component, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JLayeredPane
Sets the layer attribute on the specified component, making it the bottommost component in that layer.
- setLayer(Component, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JLayeredPane
Sets the layer attribute for the specified component and also sets its position within that layer.
- setLayer(Integer) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Convenience method for setting the layer attribute of this component.
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JApplet
Deprecated.Sets the layeredPane property.
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
Sets the
property. - setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Sets the
property. - setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets this
property. - setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JRootPane
Sets the layered pane for the root pane.
- setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JWindow
Sets the
property. - setLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) - Method in interface javax.swing.RootPaneContainer
A Container that manages the contentPane and in some cases a menu bar.
- setLayerEventMask(long) - Method in class javax.swing.JLayer
Enables the events from JLayer and all its descendants defined by the specified event mask parameter to be delivered to the
LayerUI.eventDispatched(AWTEvent, JLayer)
method. - setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class java.awt.Container
Sets the layout manager for this container.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPane
Sets the layout manager for this container.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the layout manager for this container, refer to
for a complete description of this method. - setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class javax.swing.Box
Throws an AWTError, since a Box can use only a BoxLayout.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class javax.swing.JApplet
Deprecated.Sets the
. - setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
Sets the
. - setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Sets the
. - setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Ensures that, by default, the layout of this component cannot be set.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class javax.swing.JLayer
Sets the layout manager for this container.
- setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Sets the layout manager for this
. - setLayout(LayoutManager) - Method in class javax.swing.JWindow
Sets the
. - setLayoutOrientation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Defines the way list cells are laid out.
- setLayoutStyle(LayoutStyle) - Method in class javax.swing.GroupLayout
Sets the
used to calculate the preferred gaps between components. - setLeadAnchorNotificationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
Sets the value of the leadAnchorNotificationEnabled flag.
- setLeadSelectionIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
Sets the lead selection index, ensuring that values between the anchor and the new lead are either all selected or all deselected.
- setLeadSelectionIndex(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.ListSelectionModel
Set the lead selection index.
- setLeadSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the path identifies as the lead.
- setLeafIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Sets the icon used to represent leaf nodes.
- setLeft(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the left property definition in CSS2.
- setLeftChildIndent(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the left child indent.
- setLeftComponent(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the component to the left (or above) the divider.
- setLeftIndent(MutableAttributeSet, float) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets left indent.
- setLeftInset(float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AsyncBoxView
Set the left part of the margin around the view.
- setLength(int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuilder
Sets the length of the character sequence.
- setLength(int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- setLength(int) - Method in class
Set the length for this packet.
- setLength(int) - Method in class
Updates the value that will be returned by subsequent calls to the
method. - setLength(long) - Method in class
Sets the length of this file.
- setLenient(boolean) - Method in class java.text.DateFormat
Specify whether or not date/time parsing is to be lenient.
- setLenient(boolean) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the lenient mode parameter to the value given by
. - setLenient(boolean) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Specifies whether or not date/time interpretation is to be lenient.
- setLetterSpacing(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the letter-spacing property definition in CSS2.
- setLevel(int) - Method in class
Sets the compression level to the specified value.
- setLevel(int) - Method in class
Sets the compression level for subsequent entries which are DEFLATED.
- setLevel(Level) - Method in class java.util.logging.Handler
Set the log level specifying which message levels will be logged by this
. - setLevel(Level) - Method in class java.util.logging.Logger
Set the log level specifying which message levels will be logged by this logger.
- setLevel(Level) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set the logging message level, for example Level.SEVERE.
- setLexicalHandler(LexicalHandler) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult
Set the SAX2
for the output. - setLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the
property, which provides a hint as to whether or not a lightweightComponent
should be used to contain theJComboBox
, versus a heavyweightComponent
such as aPanel
or aWindow
. - setLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the value of the
property, which by default istrue
. - setLightWeightPopupEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.ToolTipManager
When displaying the
, theToolTipManager
chooses to use a lightweightJPanel
if it fits. - setLimit(int) - Method in class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
Sets the maximum number of edits this
holds. - setLine(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double
Sets the location of the end points of this
to the specified double coordinates. - setLine(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Line2D.Float
Sets the location of the end points of this
to the specified double coordinates. - setLine(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Line2D
Sets the location of the end points of this
to the specified double coordinates. - setLine(float, float, float, float) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Line2D.Float
Sets the location of the end points of this
to the specified float coordinates. - setLine(Line2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Line2D
Sets the location of the end points of this
to the same as those end points of the specifiedLine2D
. - setLine(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Line2D
Sets the location of the end points of this
to the specifiedPoint2D
coordinates. - setLineHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the line-height property definition in CSS2.
- setLineIncrement(int) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
. - setLineLength(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AbstractWriter
Enables subclasses to set the number of characters they want written per line.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class
Deprecated.Sets the line number to the specified argument.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class
Set the current line number.
- setLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl
Set the line number for this locator (1-based).
- setLineSeparator(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AbstractWriter
Sets the String used to represent newlines.
- setLineSpacing(float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.ParagraphView
Sets the line spacing.
- setLineSpacing(MutableAttributeSet, float) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets line spacing.
- setLineWrap(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextArea
Sets the line-wrapping policy of the text area.
- setLink(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBodyElement
- setLinkCursor(Cursor) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
Sets the cursor to use over links.
- setLinkExplanation(String) - Method in exception class javax.naming.LinkException
Sets the explanation associated with the problem encountered when resolving a link.
- setLinkRemainingName(Name) - Method in exception class javax.naming.LinkException
Sets the remaining link name field of this exception.
- setLinkResolvedName(Name) - Method in exception class javax.naming.LinkException
Sets the resolved link name field of this exception.
- setLinkResolvedObj(Object) - Method in exception class javax.naming.LinkException
Sets the link resolved object field of this exception.
- setList(List<?>) - Method in class javax.swing.SpinnerListModel
Changes the list that defines this sequence and resets the index of the models
to zero. - setListData(E[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Constructs a read-only
from an array of items, and callssetModel
with this model. - setListData(Vector<? extends E>) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Constructs a read-only
from aVector
and callssetModel
with this model. - setListStyle(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the list-style property definition in CSS2.
- setListStyleImage(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the list-style-image property definition in CSS2.
- setListStylePosition(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the list-style-position property definition in CSS2.
- setListStyleType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the list-style-type property definition in CSS2.
- setLoadsSynchronously(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.ImageView
Sets how the image is loaded.
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the locale of this component.
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface
Attempts to set the input locale.
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Sets the locale of this BeanContext.
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class java.text.MessageFormat
Sets the locale to be used when creating or comparing subformats.
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the locale parameter to the given
. - setLocale(Locale) - Method in class java.util.Locale.Builder
Resets the
to match the providedlocale
. - setLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageReader
Sets the current
of thisImageReader
to the given value. - setLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageWriter
Sets the current
of thisImageWriter
to the given value. - setLocale(Locale) - Method in class
Set the retrieved
. - setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface
Sets the locale to be applied when formatting diagnostics and other localized data.
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface
Sets the locale to be applied when formatting diagnostics and other localized data.
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter
Set the locale for error reporting.
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.Parser
Deprecated.Allow an application to request a locale for errors and warnings.
- setLocalName(int, String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl
Set the local name of a specific attribute.
- setLocalPatternChars(String) - Method in class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
Sets localized date-time pattern characters.
- setLocation(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double
Sets the location of this
to the specifieddouble
coordinates. - setLocation(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float
Sets the location of this
to the specifieddouble
coordinates. - setLocation(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Point2D
Sets the location of this
to the specifieddouble
coordinates. - setLocation(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.Point
Sets the location of this point to the specified double coordinates.
- setLocation(float, float) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float
Sets the location of this
to the specifiedfloat
coordinates. - setLocation(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Moves this component to a new location.
- setLocation(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Point
Changes the point to have the specified location.
- setLocation(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Moves this
to the specified location. - setLocation(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Moves this component to a new location.
- setLocation(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the location of the upper left corner of the popup menu using x, y coordinates.
- setLocation(Point2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Point2D
Sets the location of this
to the same coordinates as the specifiedPoint2D
object. - setLocation(Point) - Method in class
Sets the location of the object relative to parent.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Moves this component to a new location.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class java.awt.Point
Sets the location of the point to the specified location.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Moves this
to the specified location. - setLocation(Point) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Moves this component to a new location.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setLocation(JavaFileManager.Location, Iterable<? extends File>) - Method in interface
Associates the given search path with the given location.
- setLocation(Location) - Method in class
This method allows setting of the Location on each event that is created by this factory.
- setLocationByPlatform(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets whether this Window should appear at the default location for the native windowing system or at the current location (returned by
) the next time the Window is made visible. - setLocationForModule(JavaFileManager.Location, String, Collection<? extends Path>) - Method in interface
Associates the given search path with the given module and location, which must be a module-oriented or output location.
- setLocationFromPaths(JavaFileManager.Location, Collection<? extends Path>) - Method in interface
Associates the given search path with the given location.
- setLocationRelativeTo(Component) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets the location of the window relative to the specified component according to the following scenarios.
- setLocator(SourceLocator) - Method in exception class javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
Method setLocator sets an instance of a SourceLocator object that specifies where an error occurred.
- setLockingKeyState(int, boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Sets the state of the given locking key on the keyboard.
- setLog(OutputStream) - Static method in class java.rmi.server.RemoteServer
Log RMI calls to the output stream
. - setLogger(Logger) - Static method in class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncFactory
Sets the logging object to be used by the
implementation provided by theSyncFactory
. - setLogger(Logger, Level) - Static method in class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncFactory
Sets the logging object that is used by
implementations provided by theSyncFactory
SPI. - setLoggerLevel(String, String) - Method in interface
Sets the specified logger to the specified new level.
- setLoggerLevel(String, String) - Method in interface java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean
Deprecated.Sets the specified logger to the specified new level.
- setLoggerName(String) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set the source Logger's name.
- setLogicalStyle(int, Style) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Sets the logical style to use for the paragraph at the given position.
- setLogicalStyle(int, Style) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.StyledDocument
Sets the logical style to use for the paragraph at the given position.
- setLogicalStyle(Style) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextPane
Sets the logical style to use for the paragraph at the current caret position.
- setLoginTimeout(int) - Static method in class java.sql.DriverManager
Sets the maximum time in seconds that a driver will wait while attempting to connect to a database once the driver has been identified.
- setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.CommonDataSource
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
- setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
- setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.DataSource
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
- setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.XADataSource
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
- setLogStream(PrintStream) - Static method in class java.sql.DriverManager
- setLogStream(PrintStream) - Static method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
Sets the stream to which the DebugGraphics logs drawing operations.
- setLogTimers(boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.Timer
Enables or disables the timer log.
- setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Static method in class java.sql.DriverManager
Sets the logging/tracing
object that is used by theDriverManager
and all drivers. - setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in interface javax.sql.CommonDataSource
Sets the log writer for this
object to the
object. - setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in interface javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
Sets the log writer for this
object to the
object. - setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in interface javax.sql.DataSource
Sets the log writer for this
object to the
object. - setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in interface javax.sql.XADataSource
Sets the log writer for this
object to the
object. - setLong(int, long) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setLong(int, long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
in the Java programming language. - setLong(int, long) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given Javalong
value. - setLong(Object, int, long) - Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
Sets the value of the indexed component of the specified array object to the specified
value. - setLong(Object, long) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
Sets the value of a field as a
on the specified object. - setLong(String, long) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setLong(String, long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setLong(String, long) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setLongDesc(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement
- setLongDesc(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
- setLongDesc(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setLongThreadID(long) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set an identifier for the thread where the message originated.
- setLookAndFeel(String) - Static method in class javax.swing.UIManager
Loads the
specified by the given class name, using the current thread's context class loader, and passes it tosetLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel)
. - setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel) - Static method in class javax.swing.UIManager
Sets the current look and feel to
. - setLoopbackMode(boolean) - Method in class
DatagramSocket.setOption(SocketOption, Object)
instead. The loopback mode is enabled by default,MulticastSocket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, false)
disables it. - setLoopCount(int) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the number of repetitions of the loop for playback.
- setLoopEndPoint(long) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the last MIDI tick that will be played in the loop.
- setLoopPoints(int, int) - Method in interface javax.sound.sampled.Clip
Sets the first and last sample frames that will be played in the loop.
- setLoopStartPoint(long) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the first MIDI tick that will be played in the loop.
- setLowSrc(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setMagicCaretPosition(Point) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.Caret
Set the current caret visual location.
- setMagicCaretPosition(Point) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Saves the current caret position.
- setMajorOffset(float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AsyncBoxView.ChildState
This method should only be called by the ChildLocator, it is simply a convenient place to hold the cached location.
- setMajorTickSpacing(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
This method sets the major tick spacing.
- setManagedResource(Object, String) - Method in interface
Sets the instance handle of the object against which to execute all methods in this ModelMBean management interface (MBeanInfo and Descriptors).
- setManagedResource(Object, String) - Method in class
Sets the instance handle of the object against which to execute all methods in this ModelMBean management interface (MBeanInfo and Descriptors).
- setMargin(Insets) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets space for margin between the button's border and the label.
- setMargin(Insets) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuBar
Sets the margin between the menubar's border and its menus.
- setMargin(Insets) - Method in class javax.swing.JToolBar
Sets the margin between the tool bar's border and its buttons.
- setMargin(Insets) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets margin space between the text component's border and its text.
- setMargin(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the margin property definition in CSS2.
- setMarginBottom(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the margin-bottom property definition in CSS2.
- setMarginHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement
- setMarginHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
- setMarginLeft(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the margin-left property definition in CSS2.
- setMarginRight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the margin-right property definition in CSS2.
- setMarginTop(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the margin-top property definition in CSS2.
- setMarginWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement
- setMarginWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
- setMarkerOffset(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the marker-offset property definition in CSS2.
- setMarks(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the marks property definition in CSS2.
- setMask(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter
Sets the mask dictating the legal characters.
- setMasterSyncMode(Sequencer.SyncMode) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the source of timing information used by this sequencer.
- setMatchAllSubjectAltNames(boolean) - Method in class
Enables/disables matching all of the subjectAlternativeNames specified in the
methods. - setMatchColumn(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.Joinable
Sets the designated column as the match column for this
object. - setMatchColumn(int[]) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.Joinable
Sets the designated columns as the match column for this
object. - setMatchColumn(String) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.Joinable
Sets the designated column as the match column for this
object. - setMatchColumn(String[]) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.Joinable
Sets the designated columns as the match column for this
object. - setMaxAge(long) - Method in class
Sets the maximum age of the cookie in seconds.
- setMaxAge(Duration) - Method in class jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream
Determines how far back data is kept for the stream.
- setMaxAge(Duration) - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Determines how far back data is kept in the disk repository.
- setMaxAge(Duration) - Method in class
Determines how far back data is kept for the stream.
- setMaxCRLNumber(BigInteger) - Method in class
Sets the maxCRLNumber criterion.
- setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in interface java.sql.Statement
Sets the limit for the maximum number of bytes that can be returned for character and binary column values in a
object produced by thisStatement
object. - setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the maximum number of bytes that can be used for a column value in this
object to the given number. - setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the maximum number of bytes that can be returned for a column value to the given number of bytes.
- setMaxHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the max-height property definition in CSS2.
- setMaximizable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets the
property, which determines whether theJInternalFrame
can be maximized by some user action. - setMaximizedBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class java.awt.Frame
Sets the maximized bounds for this frame.
- setMaximum(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Maximizes and restores this internal frame.
- setMaximum(int) - Method in interface java.awt.Adjustable
Sets the maximum value of the adjustable object.
- setMaximum(int) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Sets the maximum value of this scroll bar.
- setMaximum(int) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable
This method should NOT be called by user code.
- setMaximum(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel
Sets the model's maximum to newMaximum.
- setMaximum(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
Sets the maximum to n after ensuring that n that the other three properties obey the model's constraints:
- setMaximum(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets the progress bar's maximum value (stored in the progress bar's data model) to
. - setMaximum(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Sets the model's maximum property.
- setMaximum(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Sets the slider's maximum value to
. - setMaximum(int) - Method in class javax.swing.ProgressMonitor
Specifies the maximum value.
- setMaximum(Comparable<?>) - Method in class javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel
Changes the upper bound for numbers in this sequence.
- setMaximum(Comparable<?>) - Method in class javax.swing.text.InternationalFormatter
Sets the maximum permissible value.
- setMaximumFractionDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.CompactNumberFormat
Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a number.
- setMaximumFractionDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a number.
- setMaximumFractionDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a number. maximumFractionDigits must be ≥ minimumFractionDigits.
- setMaximumIntegerDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.CompactNumberFormat
Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a number.
- setMaximumIntegerDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a number.
- setMaximumIntegerDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a number. maximumIntegerDigits must be ≥ minimumIntegerDigits.
- setMaximumPacketSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the maximum expected network packet size in bytes for SSL/TLS/DTLS records.
- setMaximumPoolSize(int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
Sets the maximum allowed number of threads.
- setMaximumRowCount(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the maximum number of rows the
displays. - setMaximumSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the maximum size of this component to a constant value.
- setMaximumSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the maximum size of this component to a constant value.
- setMaximumZoneSize(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.ZoneView
Set the desired maximum zone size.
- setMaxLength(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setMaxPage(int) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies the maximum value the user can specify as the last page to be printed for jobs using these attributes.
- setMaxPathLength(int) - Method in class
Sets the value of the maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that may exist in a certification path.
- setMaxPriority(int) - Method in class java.lang.ThreadGroup
Sets the maximum priority of the group.
- setMaxRows(int) - Method in interface java.sql.Statement
Sets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any
object generated by thisStatement
object can contain to the given number. - setMaxRows(int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the maximum number of rows that this
object may contain to the given number. - setMaxRows(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the maximum number of rows that this
object can contain to the specified number. - setMaxSize(long) - Method in class jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream
Determines how much data is kept for the stream.
- setMaxSize(long) - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Determines how much data is kept in the disk repository.
- setMaxSize(long) - Method in class
Determines how much data is kept for the stream.
- setMaxSortKeys(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter
Sets the maximum number of sort keys.
- setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets the
's maximum width tomaxWidth
or, ifmaxWidth
is less than the minimum width, to the minimum width. - setMaxWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the max-width property definition in CSS2.
- setMaxZonesLoaded(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.ZoneView
Sets the current setting of the number of zones allowed to be loaded at the same time.
- setMBeanDescriptor(Descriptor) - Method in interface
Sets the ModelMBean's descriptor.
- setMBeanDescriptor(Descriptor) - Method in class
- setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in class
Deprecated.This method has no effect. The MBean Server used to obtain an attribute value is
. - setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in class
- setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in class
Sets the MBean server on which the query is to be performed.
- setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in interface
Sets the MBean server on which the query is to be performed.
- setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in interface
Sets the MBeanServer object to which requests will be forwarded after treatment by this object.
- setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in class
Sets the
to which this connector server is attached. - setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in class
- setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) - Method in interface
Deprecated.This method is not needed because a
can access the MBean server in which it is being evaluated by usingQueryEval.getMBeanServer()
. - setMBeanServerForwarder(MBeanServerForwarder) - Method in class
- setMBeanServerForwarder(MBeanServerForwarder) - Method in interface
Inserts an object that intercepts requests for the MBean server that arrive through this connector server.
- setMedia(PageAttributes.MediaType) - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Specifies the desired paper size for pages using these attributes.
- setMedia(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
- setMedia(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLStyleElement
- setMediaText(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.stylesheets.MediaList
The parsable textual representation of the media list.
- setMediaToDefault() - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Sets the paper size for pages using these attributes to the default size for the default locale.
- setMember(String, Object) - Method in class netscape.javascript.JSObject
Sets a named member of a JavaScript object.
- setMenu(PopupMenu) - Method in class java.awt.Taskbar
Attaches the contents of the provided PopupMenu to the application icon in the task area.
- setMenuBar(MenuBar) - Method in class java.awt.Frame
Sets the menu bar for this frame to the specified menu bar.
- setMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Deprecated.As of Swing version 1.0.3 replaced by
setJMenuBar(JMenuBar m)
. - setMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class javax.swing.JRootPane
Deprecated.As of Swing version 1.0.3 replaced by
setJMenuBar(JMenuBar menu)
. - setMenuLocation(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenu
Sets the location of the popup component.
- setMessage(byte[], int) - Method in class javax.sound.midi.MidiMessage
Sets the data for the MIDI message.
- setMessage(byte[], int) - Method in class javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage
Sets the data for the system exclusive message.
- setMessage(int) - Method in class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Sets the parameters for a MIDI message that takes no data bytes.
- setMessage(int, byte[], int) - Method in class javax.sound.midi.MetaMessage
Sets the message parameters for a
. - setMessage(int, byte[], int) - Method in class javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage
Sets the data for the system exclusive message.
- setMessage(int, int, int) - Method in class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Sets the parameters for a MIDI message that takes one or two data bytes.
- setMessage(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Sets the short message parameters for a channel message which takes up to two data bytes.
- setMessage(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the option pane's message-object.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set the "raw" log message, before localization or formatting.
- setMessageDigest(MessageDigest) - Method in class
Associates the specified message digest with this stream.
- setMessageDigest(MessageDigest) - Method in class
Associates the specified message digest with this stream.
- setMessageType(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the option pane's message type.
- setMetadata(IIOMetadata) - Method in class javax.imageio.IIOImage
Sets the
to a new object, ornull
. - setMetaData(RowSetMetaData) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
Sets the metadata for this
object with the givenRowSetMetaData
object. - setMetaData(RowSetMetaData) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetInternal
Sets the given
object as theRowSetMetaData
object for thisRowSet
object. - setMethod(int) - Method in class
Sets the compression method for the entry.
- setMethod(int) - Method in class
Sets the default compression method for subsequent entries.
- setMethod(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFormElement
- setMicrosecondPosition(long) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the current position in the sequence, expressed in microseconds.
- setMicrosecondPosition(long) - Method in interface javax.sound.sampled.Clip
Sets the media position in microseconds.
- setMillis(long) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Deprecated.LogRecord maintains timestamps with nanosecond resolution, using
values. For this reason,setInstant()
should be used in preference tosetMillis()
. - setMillisecond(int) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set milliseconds.
- setMillisToDecideToPopup(int) - Method in class javax.swing.ProgressMonitor
Specifies the amount of time to wait before deciding whether or not to popup a progress monitor.
- setMillisToPopup(int) - Method in class javax.swing.ProgressMonitor
Specifies the amount of time it will take for the popup to appear.
- setMinCRLNumber(BigInteger) - Method in class
Sets the minCRLNumber criterion.
- setMinHeight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the min-height property definition in CSS2.
- setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets what the minimal days required in the first week of the year are; For example, if the first week is defined as one that contains the first day of the first month of a year, call this method with value 1.
- setMinimum(int) - Method in interface java.awt.Adjustable
Sets the minimum value of the adjustable object.
- setMinimum(int) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Sets the minimum value of this scroll bar.
- setMinimum(int) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable
This method should NOT be called by user code.
- setMinimum(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel
Sets the model's minimum to newMinimum.
- setMinimum(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
Sets the minimum to n after ensuring that n that the other three properties obey the model's constraints:
- setMinimum(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets the progress bar's minimum value (stored in the progress bar's data model) to
. - setMinimum(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Sets the model's minimum property.
- setMinimum(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Sets the slider's minimum value to
. - setMinimum(int) - Method in class javax.swing.ProgressMonitor
Specifies the minimum value.
- setMinimum(Comparable<?>) - Method in class javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel
Changes the lower bound for numbers in this sequence.
- setMinimum(Comparable<?>) - Method in class javax.swing.text.InternationalFormatter
Sets the minimum permissible value.
- setMinimumFractionDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.CompactNumberFormat
Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a number.
- setMinimumFractionDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a number.
- setMinimumFractionDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a number. minimumFractionDigits must be ≤ maximumFractionDigits.
- setMinimumIntegerDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.CompactNumberFormat
Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a number.
- setMinimumIntegerDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a number.
- setMinimumIntegerDigits(int) - Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a number. minimumIntegerDigits must be ≤ maximumIntegerDigits.
- setMinimumSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the minimum size of this component to a constant value.
- setMinimumSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets the minimum size of this window to a constant value.
- setMinimumSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the minimum size of this component to a constant value.
- setMinor(int, String) - Method in exception class org.ietf.jgss.GSSException
Used by the exception thrower to set the mechanism level minor error code and its string explanation.
- setMinorTickSpacing(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
This method sets the minor tick spacing.
- setMinPage(int) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies the minimum value the user can specify as the first page to be printed for jobs using these attributes.
- setMinusSign(char) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the character used to represent minus sign.
- setMinute(int) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set minutes.
- setMinutes(int) - Method in class java.sql.Date
- setMinutes(int) - Method in class java.util.Date
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
Calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, int minutes)
. - setMinWidth(int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets the
's minimum width tominWidth
, adjusting the new minimum width if necessary to ensure that 0 <=minWidth
. - setMinWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the min-width property definition in CSS2.
- setMixingCutoutShape(Shape) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets a 'mixing-cutout' shape for this lightweight component.
- setMnemonic(char) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
This method is now obsolete, please use
to set the mnemonic for a button. - setMnemonic(int) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the keyboard mnemonic on the current model.
- setMnemonic(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.ButtonModel
Sets the keyboard mnemonic (shortcut key or accelerator key) for the button.
- setMnemonic(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Sets the keyboard mnemonic (shortcut key or accelerator key) for the button.
- setMnemonicAt(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the keyboard mnemonic for accessing the specified tab.
- setModal(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Specifies whether this dialog should be modal.
- setModalExclusionType(Dialog.ModalExclusionType) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Specifies the modal exclusion type for this window.
- setModalityType(Dialog.ModalityType) - Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Sets the modality type for this dialog.
- setMode(int) - Method in class java.awt.FileDialog
Sets the mode of the file dialog.
- setModel(BoundedRangeModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets the data model used by the
. - setModel(BoundedRangeModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Sets the model that handles the scrollbar's four fundamental properties: minimum, maximum, value, extent.
- setModel(BoundedRangeModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Sets the
that handles the slider's three fundamental properties: minimum, maximum, value. - setModel(ButtonModel) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the model that this button represents.
- setModel(ButtonModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenu
Sets the data model for the "menu button" -- the label that the user clicks to open or close the menu.
- setModel(ButtonModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuItem
Sets the model that this button represents.
- setModel(ComboBoxModel<E>) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the data model that the
uses to obtain the list of items. - setModel(ListModel<E>) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the model that represents the contents or "value" of the list, notifies property change listeners, and then clears the list's selection.
- setModel(SingleSelectionModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the model to be used with this tabbedpane.
- setModel(SpinnerModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JSpinner
Changes the model that represents the value of this spinner.
- setModel(TableModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the data model for this table to
and registers with it for listener notifications from the new data model. - setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the
that will provide the data. - setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the
. - setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache
Sets the
that will provide the data. - setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.FixedHeightLayoutCache
Sets the TreeModel that will provide the data.
- setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache
Sets the
that will provide the data. - setModel(M) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableRowSorter
Sets the
to use as the underlying model for thisTableRowSorter
. - setModelIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets the model index for this column.
- setModelMBeanInfo(ModelMBeanInfo) - Method in interface
Initializes a ModelMBean object using ModelMBeanInfo passed in.
- setModelMBeanInfo(ModelMBeanInfo) - Method in class
Initializes a ModelMBean object using ModelMBeanInfo passed in.
- setModelWrapper(DefaultRowSorter.ModelWrapper<M, I>) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter
Sets the model wrapper providing the data that is being sorted and filtered.
- setModifiers(int) - Method in class java.awt.event.KeyEvent
- of JDK1.1.4
- setModulus(Number) - Method in class
Sets the modulus value common to all observed MBeans.
- setModulus(Number) - Method in interface
Sets the modulus value.
- setMonetaryDecimalSeparator(char) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the monetary decimal separator.
- setMonetaryGroupingSeparator(char) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the character used for grouping separator for currencies.
- setMono(boolean) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.MidiChannel
Turns mono mode on or off.
- setMonth(int) - Method in class java.sql.Time
- setMonth(int) - Method in class java.util.Date
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
Calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, int month)
. - setMonth(int) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set month.
- setMonths(String[]) - Method in class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
Sets month strings.
- setMouseOver(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
Sets whether or not the mouse is currently over the divider.
- setMultiClickThreshhold(long) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the amount of time (in milliseconds) required between mouse press events for the button to generate the corresponding action events.
- setMultiple(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLSelectElement
- setMultipleDocumentHandling(JobAttributes.MultipleDocumentHandlingType) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies the handling of multiple copies, including collation, for jobs using these attributes.
- setMultipleDocumentHandlingToDefault() - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Sets the handling of multiple copies, including collation, for jobs using these attributes to the default.
- setMultipleMode(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.FileDialog
Enables or disables multiple file selection for the file dialog.
- setMultipleMode(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.List
Sets the flag that determines whether this list allows multiple selections.
- setMultipleSelections(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.List
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
. - setMultiplier(int) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Sets the multiplier for use in percent, per mille, and similar formats.
- setMultiSelectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the file chooser to allow multiple file selections.
- setMute(boolean) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.MidiChannel
Sets the mute state for this channel.
- setName(String) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the name of the component to the specified string.
- setName(String) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent
Sets the name of the component to the specified string.
- setName(String) - Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
Sets the programmatic name of this feature.
- setName(String) - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Changes the name of this thread to be equal to the argument
. - setName(String) - Method in class javax.naming.NameClassPair
Sets the name of this binding.
- setName(String) - Method in class
Set the retrieved name.
- setName(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
Changes the name of the style.
- setName(String) - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Sets a human-readable name (for example,
"My Recording"
). - setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLButtonElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFormElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLMapElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLMetaElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLParamElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLSelectElement
- setName(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
- setNameConstraints(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the name constraints criterion.
- setNamedGroups(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the prioritized array of key exchange named groups names that can be used over the SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols.
- setNamedItem(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap
Adds a node using its
attribute. - setNamedItemNS(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap
Adds a node using its
. - setNameInNamespace(String) - Method in class javax.naming.NameClassPair
Sets the full name of this binding.
- setNamespaceAware(boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
Specifies that the parser produced by this code will provide support for XML namespaces.
- setNamespaceAware(boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
Specifies that the parser produced by this code will provide support for XML namespaces.
- setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext) - Method in interface
Sets the current namespace context for prefix and uri bindings.
- setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext) - Method in interface
Sets the current namespace context for prefix and uri bindings.
- setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext) - Method in interface javax.xml.xpath.XPath
Establish a namespace context.
- setNamespaceDeclUris(boolean) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.NamespaceSupport
Controls whether namespace declaration attributes are placed into the
namespace byprocessName()
. - setNaN(String) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the string used to represent "not a number".
- setNanos(int) - Method in class java.sql.Timestamp
Sets this
field to the given value. - setNativeMethodPrefix(ClassFileTransformer, String) - Method in interface java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation
This method modifies the failure handling of native method resolution by allowing retry with a prefix applied to the name.
- setNativesForFlavor(DataFlavor, String[]) - Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap
Discards the current mappings for the specified
and allDataFlavor
s equal to the specifiedDataFlavor
, and creates new mappings to the specifiedString
natives. - setNavigationFilter(NavigationFilter) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the
. - setNCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to aReader
object. - setNCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to aReader
object. - setNCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(int, Reader) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(int, Reader) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(int, Reader) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(int, NClob) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(int, NClob) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(int, NClob) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(String, Reader) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(String, Reader) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(String, Reader) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(String, NClob) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(String, NClob) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNClob(String, NClob) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to a
object. - setNeedClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether client authentication should be required.
- setNeedClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class
Configures the engine to require client authentication.
- setNeedClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether client authentication should be required.
- setNeedClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether
ed server-modeSSLSockets
will be initially configured to require client authentication. - setNeedClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class
Configures the socket to require client authentication.
- setNegativePrefix(String) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Set the negative prefix.
- setNegativeSuffix(String) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Set the negative suffix.
- setNetworkInterface(NetworkInterface) - Method in class
Specify the network interface for outgoing multicast datagrams sent on this socket.
- setNetworkTimeout(Executor, int) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Sets the maximum period a
or objects created from theConnection
will wait for the database to reply to any one request. - setNewLine(String) - Method in interface
The end-of-line sequence of characters to be used in the XML being written out.
- setNextException(SQLException) - Method in exception class java.sql.SQLException
Adds an
object to the end of the chain. - setNextFocusableComponent(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Deprecated.As of 1.4, replaced by
- setNextSibling(Node) - Method in class javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.DOMSignContext
Sets the next sibling node.
- setNextSibling(Node) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult
Set the child node before which the result nodes will be inserted.
- setNextWarning(SQLWarning) - Method in exception class java.sql.SQLWarning
Adds a
object to the end of the chain. - setNextWarning(RowSetWarning) - Method in exception class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetWarning
Sets warning as the next warning, that is, the warning chained to this
object. - setNode(Node) - Method in class javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.DOMValidateContext
Sets the node.
- setNode(Node) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult
Set the node that will contain the result DOM tree.
- setNode(Node) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource
Set the node that will represents a Source DOM tree.
- setNodeDimensions(AbstractLayoutCache.NodeDimensions) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache
Sets the renderer that is responsible for drawing nodes in the tree and which is therefore responsible for calculating the dimensions of individual nodes.
- setNodeDimensions(AbstractLayoutCache.NodeDimensions) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache
Sets the renderer that is responsible for drawing nodes in the tree.
- setNodeValue(String) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
Sets the
value associated with this node. - setNodeValue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Node
The value of this node, depending on its type; see the table above.
- setNoHref(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAreaElement
- setNonContinuousLayoutDivider(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Sets the divider to use when the
is configured to not continuously layout. - setNonContinuousLayoutDivider(Component, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Sets the divider to use.
- setNoResize(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement
- setNormalBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets the normal bounds for this internal frame, the bounds that this internal frame would be restored to from its maximized state.
- setNorthPane(JComponent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
Sets the north pane.
- setNoShade(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLHRElement
- setNote(String) - Method in class javax.swing.ProgressMonitor
Specifies the additional note that is displayed along with the progress message.
- setNotify(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the notification's on/off switch value common to all observed MBeans.
- setNotify(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the notification's on/off switch value.
- setNotifyDiffer(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the differing notification's on/off switch value common to all observed MBeans.
- setNotifyDiffer(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the differing notification's on/off switch value.
- setNotifyHigh(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the high notification's on/off switch value common to all observed MBeans.
- setNotifyHigh(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the high notification's on/off switch value.
- setNotifyLow(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the low notification's on/off switch value common to all observed MBeans.
- setNotifyLow(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the low notification's on/off switch value.
- setNotifyMatch(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the matching notification's on/off switch value common to all observed MBeans.
- setNotifyMatch(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the matching notification's on/off switch value.
- setNoWrap(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setNString(int, String) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setNString(int, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setNString(int, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setNString(String, String) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setNString(String, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setNString(String, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setNull(int, int) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to SQL
. - setNull(int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to SQL
. - setNull(int, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's SQL command to SQLNULL
. - setNull(int, int, String) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to SQL
. - setNull(int, int, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to SQL
. - setNull(int, int, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's SQL command to SQLNULL
. - setNull(String, int) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to SQL
. - setNull(String, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to SQL
. - setNull(String, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to SQL
. - setNull(String, int, String) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to SQL
. - setNull(String, int, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to SQL
. - setNull(String, int, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to SQL
. - setNullable(int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets whether a value stored in the designated column can be set to
to the given constant from the interfaceResultSetMetaData
. - setNullable(int, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets whether the designated column's value can be set to
. - setNullFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatterFactory
Sets the formatter to use if the value of the JFormattedTextField is null.
- setNumberFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class java.text.DateFormat
Allows you to set the number formatter.
- setNumRows(int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Obsolete as of Java 2 platform v1.3.
- setObject(int, Object) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter using the given object.
- setObject(int, Object) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to an
in the Java programming language. - setObject(int, Object) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command with a JavaObject
. - setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given
value. - setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command with a JavaObject
. - setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to an
in the Java programming language. - setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command with the given JavaObject
. - setObject(int, Object, SQLType) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(int, Object, SQLType, int) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(Object) - Method in interface java.beans.Customizer
Set the object to be customized.
- setObject(Object) - Method in interface java.sql.Ref
Sets the structured type value that this
object references to the given instance ofObject
. - setObject(Object) - Method in class javax.naming.Binding
Sets the object associated with this binding.
- setObject(Object) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialRef
Sets the SQL structured type that this
object references to the givenObject
object. - setObject(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setObject(String, Object) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(String, Object) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(String, Object, int) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(String, Object, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(String, Object, int, int) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(String, Object, int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(String, Object, int, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(String, Object, SQLType) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObject(String, Object, SQLType, int) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
- setObjectFactoryBuilder(ObjectFactoryBuilder) - Static method in class javax.naming.spi.NamingManager
The ObjectFactoryBuilder determines the policy used when trying to load object factories.
- setObjectInputFilter(ObjectInputFilter) - Method in class
Set the deserialization filter for the stream.
- setObservedAttribute(String) - Method in class
Sets the attribute to observe.
- setObservedAttribute(String) - Method in interface
Sets the attribute to observe.
- setObservedObject(ObjectName) - Method in class
Deprecated.As of JMX 1.2, replaced by
- setObservedObject(ObjectName) - Method in interface
Deprecated.As of JMX 1.2, replaced by
- setOcspExtensions(List<Extension>) - Method in class
Sets the optional OCSP request extensions.
- setOcspResponder(URI) - Method in class
Sets the URI that identifies the location of the OCSP responder.
- setOcspResponderCert(X509Certificate) - Method in class
Sets the OCSP responder's certificate.
- setOcspResponses(Map<X509Certificate, byte[]>) - Method in class
Sets the OCSP responses.
- setOffset(int) - Method in class
Offset within instance data.
- setOffset(int) - Method in class java.text.CollationElementIterator
Sets the iterator to point to the collation element corresponding to the specified character (the parameter is a CHARACTER offset in the original string, not an offset into its corresponding sequence of collation elements).
- setOffset(int) - Method in class
Updates the value that will be returned by subsequent calls to the
method. - setOffset(Point) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow
Sets the offset.
- setOffset(Number) - Method in class
Sets the offset value common to all observed MBeans.
- setOffset(Number) - Method in interface
Sets the offset value.
- SetOfIntegerSyntax - Class in javax.print.attribute
is an abstract base class providing the common implementation of all attributes whose value is a set of nonnegative integers. - SetOfIntegerSyntax(int) - Constructor for class javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax
Construct a new set-of-integer attribute containing a single integer.
- SetOfIntegerSyntax(int[][]) - Constructor for class javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax
Construct a new set-of-integer attribute with the given members in array form.
- SetOfIntegerSyntax(int, int) - Constructor for class javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax
Construct a new set-of-integer attribute containing a single range of integers.
- SetOfIntegerSyntax(String) - Constructor for class javax.print.attribute.SetOfIntegerSyntax
Construct a new set-of-integer attribute with the given members in string form.
- setOmni(boolean) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.MidiChannel
Turns omni mode on or off.
- setOneTouchExpandable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the value of the
property, which must betrue
for theJSplitPane
to provide a UI widget on the divider to quickly expand/collapse the divider. - setOOBInline(boolean) - Method in class
(receipt of TCP urgent data) By default, this option is disabled and TCP urgent data received on a socket is silently discarded. - setOpacity(float) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets the opacity of the window.
- setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setOpaque(java.lang.Object...)
. - setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
If true the component paints every pixel within its bounds.
- setOpaque(int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setOpaque(java.lang.Object...)
. - setOpaque(int, int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setOpaque(java.lang.Object...)
. - setOpaque(int, long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setOpaque(java.lang.Object...)
. - setOpaque(int, E) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setOpaque(java.lang.Object...)
. - setOpaque(long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setOpaque(java.lang.Object...)
. - setOpaque(Object...) - Method in class java.lang.invoke.VarHandle
Sets the value of a variable to the
, in program order, but with no assurance of memory ordering effects with respect to other threads. - setOpaque(V) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setOpaque(java.lang.Object...)
. - setOpenFileHandler(OpenFilesHandler) - Method in class java.awt.Desktop
Installs the handler which is notified when the application is asked to open a list of files.
- setOpenIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Sets the icon used to represent non-leaf nodes that are expanded.
- setOpenURIHandler(OpenURIHandler) - Method in class java.awt.Desktop
Installs the handler which is notified when the application is asked to open a URL.
- setOptimizeHuffmanTables(boolean) - Method in class javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriteParam
Tells the writer to generate optimized Huffman tables for the image as part of the writing process.
- setOption(int, Object) - Method in interface
Enable/disable the option specified by optID.
- setOption(SctpSocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpChannel
Sets the value of a socket option.
- setOption(SctpSocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpServerChannel
Sets the value of a socket option.
- setOption(SctpSocketOption<T>, T, Association) - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpMultiChannel
Sets the value of a socket option.
- setOption(DatagramSocket, SocketOption<T>, T) - Static method in class
DatagramSocket.setOption(SocketOption, Object)
instead. - setOption(ServerSocket, SocketOption<T>, T) - Static method in class
ServerSocket.setOption(SocketOption, Object)
instead. - setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class
Sets the value of a socket option.
- setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class
Called to set a socket option.
- setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class
Sets the value of a socket option.
- setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class
Sets the value of a socket option.
- setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class
Called to set a socket option.
- setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class java.nio.channels.AsynchronousServerSocketChannel
- setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class java.nio.channels.AsynchronousSocketChannel
- setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel
- setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in interface java.nio.channels.NetworkChannel
Sets the value of a socket option.
- setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel
- setOption(SocketOption<T>, T) - Method in class java.nio.channels.SocketChannel
- setOption(Socket, SocketOption<T>, T) - Static method in class
Socket.setOption(SocketOption, Object)
instead. - setOptions(Object[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the options this pane displays.
- setOptions(Set<PKIXRevocationChecker.Option>) - Method in class
Sets the revocation options.
- setOptionType(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the options to display.
- setOrdered(boolean) - Method in interface jdk.jfr.consumer.EventStream
Specifies that events arrives in chronological order, sorted by the time they were committed to the stream.
- setOrdered(boolean) - Method in class jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream
- setOrdered(boolean) - Method in class
- setOrdering(Class<T>, T, T) - Method in class javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry
Sets a pairwise ordering between two service provider objects within a given category.
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class java.awt.print.PageFormat
Sets the page orientation.
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Sets the orientation for this scroll bar.
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets the progress bar's orientation to
, which must beSwingConstants.VERTICAL
. - setOrientation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Set the scrollbar's orientation to either VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL.
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSeparator
Sets the orientation of the separator.
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Set the slider's orientation to either
. - setOrientation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the orientation, or how the splitter is divided.
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JToolBar
Sets the orientation of the tool bar.
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Set the orientation for the
. - setOrientation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow
Sets the orientation.
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
Sets the tool bar's orientation.
- setOrientationRequested(int) - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Specifies the print orientation for pages using these attributes.
- setOrientationRequested(PageAttributes.OrientationRequestedType) - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Specifies the print orientation for pages using these attributes.
- setOrientationRequestedToDefault() - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Sets the print orientation for pages using these attributes to the default.
- setOrigin(PageAttributes.OriginType) - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Specifies whether drawing at (0, 0) to pages using these attributes draws at the upper-left corner of the physical page, or at the upper-left corner of the printable area.
- setOriginalRow() - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
Sets the current row in this
object as the original row. - setOrphans(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the orphans property definition in CSS2.
- setOut(PrintStream) - Static method in class java.lang.System
Reassigns the "standard" output stream.
- setOuterHTML(Element, String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument
Replaces the given element in the parent with the contents specified as an HTML string.
- setOutline(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the outline property definition in CSS2.
- setOutlineColor(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the outline-color property definition in CSS2.
- setOutlineStyle(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the outline-style property definition in CSS2.
- setOutlineWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the outline-width property definition in CSS2.
- setOutput(Object) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageWriter
Sets the destination to the given
or otherObject
. - setOutputProperties(Properties) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.Transformer
Set the output properties for the transformation.
- setOutputProperty(String, String) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.Transformer
Set an output property that will be in effect for the transformation.
- setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class java.rmi.server.LogStream
- replacement
- setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class java.util.logging.StreamHandler
Change the output stream.
- setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class
Set the ByteStream that is to be written to.
- setOverflow(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the overflow property definition in CSS2.
- setOverwriteMode(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatter
Configures the behavior when inserting characters.
- setOwner(Object) - Method in class java.beans.XMLDecoder
Sets the owner of this decoder to
. - setOwner(Object) - Method in class java.beans.XMLEncoder
Sets the owner of this encoder to
. - setOwner(UserPrincipal) - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.FileOwnerAttributeView
Updates the file owner.
- setOwner(Path, UserPrincipal) - Static method in class java.nio.file.Files
Updates the file owner.
- setPackageAssertionStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class java.lang.ClassLoader
Sets the package default assertion status for the named package.
- setPadding(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI.ButtonAreaLayout
Sets the padding value.
- setPadding(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the padding property definition in CSS2.
- setPaddingBottom(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the padding-bottom property definition in CSS2.
- setPaddingLeft(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the padding-left property definition in CSS2.
- setPaddingRight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the padding-right property definition in CSS2.
- setPaddingTop(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the padding-top property definition in CSS2.
- setPage(int, Printable, PageFormat) - Method in class java.awt.print.Book
Sets the
and thePainter
for a specified page number. - setPage(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JEditorPane
Sets the current URL being displayed.
- setPage(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the page property definition in CSS2.
- setPage(URL) - Method in class javax.swing.JEditorPane
Sets the current URL being displayed.
- setPageable(Pageable) - Method in class java.awt.print.PrinterJob
for the number of pages and thePageFormat
for each page held in thePageable
. - setPageBreakAfter(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the page-break-after property definition in CSS2.
- setPageBreakBefore(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the page-break-before property definition in CSS2.
- setPageBreakInside(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the page-break-inside property definition in CSS2.
- setPageIncrement(int) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
. - setPageRanges(int[][]) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies, for jobs using these attributes, the ranges of pages to be printed, if a range of pages is to be printed.
- setPageSize(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
Sets the
object's page-size. - setPaint(Paint) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Sets the
attribute for theGraphics2D
context. - setPaintLabels(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Determines whether labels are painted on the slider.
- setPaintMode() - Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Sets the paint mode of this graphics context to overwrite the destination with this graphics context's current color.
- setPaintMode() - Method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
. - setPaintTicks(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Determines whether tick marks are painted on the slider.
- setPaintTrack(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Determines whether the track is painted on the slider.
- setPalette(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalInternalFrameTitlePane
, sets palette icons. - setPalette(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalInternalFrameUI
, sets palette border and title - setPaper(Paper) - Method in class java.awt.print.PageFormat
Sets the
object for thisPageFormat
. - setParagraphAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Sets attributes for a paragraph.
- setParagraphAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument
Sets attributes for a paragraph.
- setParagraphAttributes(int, int, AttributeSet, boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.StyledDocument
Sets paragraph attributes.
- setParagraphAttributes(JEditorPane, AttributeSet, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction
Applies the given attributes to paragraphs.
- setParagraphAttributes(AttributeSet, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextPane
Applies the given attributes to paragraphs.
- setParagraphInsets(AttributeSet) - Method in class javax.swing.text.CompositeView
Sets the insets from the paragraph attributes specified in the given attributes.
- setParallelism(int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
Changes the target parallelism of this pool, controlling the future creation, use, and termination of worker threads.
- setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class
. - setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.Transformer
Add a parameter for the transformation.
- setParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.DOMConfiguration
Set the value of a parameter.
- setParameter(AlgorithmParameterSpec) - Method in class
Initializes this
object with the specified parameter values. - setParameterBlock(ParameterBlock) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImageOp
Change the current ParameterBlock of the operation, allowing editing of image rendering chains.
- setParameterNameProvider(ParameterNameProvider) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.JavacTask
Sets the specified
. - setParameters(Object[]) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set the parameters to the log message.
- setParameters(Vector<Object>) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Sets the entire Vector of parameters to a given Vector.
- setParent(Logger) - Method in class java.util.logging.Logger
Set the parent for this Logger.
- setParent(ResourceBundle) - Method in class java.util.ResourceBundle
Sets the parent bundle of this bundle.
- setParent(ActionMap) - Method in class javax.swing.ActionMap
Sets this
's parent. - setParent(InputMap) - Method in class javax.swing.ComponentInputMap
Sets the parent, which must be a
associated with the same component as thisComponentInputMap
. - setParent(InputMap) - Method in class javax.swing.InputMap
Sets this
's parent. - setParent(View) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AsyncBoxView
Sets the parent of the view.
- setParent(View) - Method in class javax.swing.text.ComponentView
Sets the parent for a child view.
- setParent(View) - Method in class javax.swing.text.CompositeView
Sets the parent of the view.
- setParent(View) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.BlockView
Establishes the parent view for this view.
- setParent(View) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.ImageView
Establishes the parent view for this view.
- setParent(View) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView
Establishes the parent view for this view.
- setParent(View) - Method in class javax.swing.text.View
Establishes the parent view for this view.
- setParent(MutableTreeNode) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Sets this node's parent to
but does not change the parent's child array. - setParent(MutableTreeNode) - Method in interface javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode
Sets the parent of the receiver to
. - setParent(XMLEventReader) - Method in class
Set the parent of this instance.
- setParent(XMLStreamReader) - Method in class
Set the parent of this instance.
- setParent(Node) - Method in class javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.DOMSignContext
Sets the parent node.
- setParent(XMLReader) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Set the parent reader.
- setParent(XMLReader) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.XMLFilter
Set the parent reader.
- setParseBigDecimal(boolean) - Method in class java.text.CompactNumberFormat
Sets whether the
CompactNumberFormat.parse(String, ParsePosition)
method returnsBigDecimal
. - setParseBigDecimal(boolean) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Sets whether the
DecimalFormat.parse(java.lang.String, java.text.ParsePosition)
method returnsBigDecimal
. - setParseIntegerOnly(boolean) - Method in class java.text.CompactNumberFormat
Sets whether or not this format parses only an integer from the number component of a compact number.
- setParseIntegerOnly(boolean) - Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
Sets whether or not numbers should be parsed as integers only.
- setParser(HTMLEditorKit.Parser) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument
Sets the parser that is used by the methods that insert html into the existing document, such as
, andsetOuterHTML
. - setPartialReturn(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.Segment
Flag to indicate that partial returns are valid.
- setPassword(char[]) - Method in class
Set the retrieved password.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the password used to create a database connection for this
object to the givenString
object. - setPassword(String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the database password for this
object to the givenString
. - setPath(String) - Method in class
Specifies a path for the cookie to which the client should return the cookie.
- setPathFactory(StandardJavaFileManager.PathFactory) - Method in interface
Specify a factory that can be used to generate a path from a string, or series of strings.
- setPathToNames(Collection<List<?>>) - Method in class
Sets the pathToNames criterion.
- setPatternSeparator(char) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the character used to separate positive and negative subpatterns in a pattern.
- setPause(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the pause property definition in CSS2.
- setPauseAfter(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the pause-after property definition in CSS2.
- setPauseBefore(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the pause-before property definition in CSS2.
- setPendingCount(int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.CountedCompleter
Sets the pending count to the given value.
- setPercent(char) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the character used for percent sign.
- setPerformancePreferences(int, int, int) - Method in class
Sets performance preferences for this ServerSocket.
- setPerformancePreferences(int, int, int) - Method in class
Sets performance preferences for this socket.
- setPerformancePreferences(int, int, int) - Method in class
Sets performance preferences for this socket.
- setPerMill(char) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the character used for per mille sign.
- setPermissions(AclEntryPermission...) - Method in class java.nio.file.attribute.AclEntry.Builder
Sets the permissions component of this builder.
- setPermissions(Set<AclEntryPermission>) - Method in class java.nio.file.attribute.AclEntry.Builder
Sets the permissions component of this builder.
- setPermissions(Set<PosixFilePermission>) - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFileAttributeView
Updates the file permissions.
- setPersistenceDelegate(Class<?>, PersistenceDelegate) - Method in class java.beans.Encoder
Associates the specified persistence delegate with the given type.
- setPitch(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the pitch property definition in CSS2.
- setPitchBend(int) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.MidiChannel
Changes the pitch offset for all notes on this channel.
- setPitchRange(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the pitch-range property definition in CSS2.
- setPixel(int, int, double[]) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using a double array of samples for input.
- setPixel(int, int, double[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using a double array of samples for input.
- setPixel(int, int, float[]) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using a float array of samples for input.
- setPixel(int, int, float[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using a float array of samples for input.
- setPixel(int, int, int[]) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using an int array of samples for input.
- setPixel(int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel
Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using an int array of samples for input.
- setPixel(int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel
Sets a pixel in the
using an int array of samples for input. - setPixel(int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel
Sets a pixel in the
using anint
array for input. - setPixel(int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using an int array of samples for input.
- setPixel(int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel
Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using an int array of samples for input.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, double[]) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from a double array containing one sample per array element.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, double[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from a double array containing one sample per array element.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, float[]) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from a float array containing one sample per array element.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, float[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from a float array containing one sample per array element.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel
Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel
Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel
Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.AreaAveragingScaleFilter
Combine the components for the delivered byte pixels into the accumulation arrays and send on any averaged data for rows of pixels that are complete.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.BufferedImageFilter
Filters the information provided in the
method of theImageConsumer
interface which takes an array of bytes. - setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.CropImageFilter
Determine whether the delivered byte pixels intersect the region to be extracted and passes through only that subset of pixels that appear in the output region.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
Delivers the pixels of the image with one or more calls to this method.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.ImageFilter
Filters the information provided in the setPixels method of the ImageConsumer interface which takes an array of bytes.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.PixelGrabber
The setPixels method is part of the ImageConsumer API which this class must implement to retrieve the pixels.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
Choose which rows and columns of the delivered byte pixels are needed for the destination scaled image and pass through just those rows and columns that are needed, replicated as necessary.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.RGBImageFilter
If the ColorModel object is the same one that has already been converted, then simply passes the pixels through with the converted ColorModel.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.AreaAveragingScaleFilter
Combine the components for the delivered int pixels into the accumulation arrays and send on any averaged data for rows of pixels that are complete.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.BufferedImageFilter
Filters the information provided in the
method of theImageConsumer
interface which takes an array of integers. - setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.CropImageFilter
Determine if the delivered int pixels intersect the region to be extracted and pass through only that subset of pixels that appear in the output region.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
The pixels of the image are delivered using one or more calls to the setPixels method.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.ImageFilter
Filters the information provided in the setPixels method of the ImageConsumer interface which takes an array of integers.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.PixelGrabber
The setPixels method is part of the ImageConsumer API which this class must implement to retrieve the pixels.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
Choose which rows and columns of the delivered int pixels are needed for the destination scaled image and pass through just those rows and columns that are needed, replicated as necessary.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.RGBImageFilter
If the ColorModel object is the same one that has already been converted, then simply passes the pixels through with the converted ColorModel, otherwise converts the buffer of integer pixels to the default RGB ColorModel and passes the converted buffer to the filterRGBPixels method to be converted one by one.
- setPlaceholder(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter
Sets the string to use if the value does not completely fill in the mask.
- setPlaceholderCharacter(char) - Method in class javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter
Sets the character to use in place of characters that are not present in the value, ie the user must fill them in.
- setPlain(boolean) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
Sets the value to
, with memory semantics of setting as if the variable was declared non-volatile
and non-final
. - setPlain(int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
Sets the value to
, with memory semantics of setting as if the variable was declared non-volatile
and non-final
. - setPlain(int, int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory semantics of setting as if the variable was declared non-volatile
and non-final
. - setPlain(int, long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory semantics of setting as if the variable was declared non-volatile
and non-final
. - setPlain(int, E) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory semantics of setting as if the variable was declared non-volatile
and non-final
. - setPlain(long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
Sets the value to
, with memory semantics of setting as if the variable was declared non-volatile
and non-final
. - setPlain(V) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
Sets the value to
, with memory semantics of setting as if the variable was declared non-volatile
and non-final
. - setPlayDuring(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the play-during property definition in CSS2.
- setPolicy(Policy) - Static method in class
Deprecated.Sets the system-wide
object. - setPolicy(Set<String>) - Method in class
Sets the policy constraint.
- setPolicyMappingInhibited(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the PolicyMappingInhibited flag.
- setPolicyQualifiersRejected(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the PolicyQualifiersRejected flag.
- setPolyPressure(int, int) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.MidiChannel
Reacts to a change in the specified note's key pressure.
- setPoolable(boolean) - Method in interface java.sql.Statement
Requests that a
be pooled or not pooled. - setPopupMenu(PopupMenu) - Method in class java.awt.TrayIcon
Sets the popup menu for this
. - setPopupMenuVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenu
Sets the visibility of the menu's popup.
- setPopupSize(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the size of the Popup window to the specified width and height.
- setPopupSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the size of the Popup window using a
object. - setPopupVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the visibility of the popup.
- setPopupVisible(JComboBox<?>, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Hides the popup.
- setPopupVisible(JComboBox<?>, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.ComboBoxUI
Set the visibility of the popup
- setPopupVisible(JComboBox<?>, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiComboBoxUI
Invokes the
method on each UI handled by this object. - setPort(int) - Method in class
Sets the port number on the remote host to which this datagram is being sent.
- setPortlist(String) - Method in class
Specify the portlist of the cookie, which restricts the port(s) to which a cookie may be sent back in a Cookie header.
- setPosition(int) - Method in class java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer
Sets the current position of this
. - setPosition(Component, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JLayeredPane
Moves the component to
within its current layer, where 0 is the topmost position within the layer and -1 is the bottommost position. - setPosition(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the position property definition in CSS2.
- setPositivePrefix(String) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Set the positive prefix.
- setPositiveSuffix(String) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Set the positive suffix.
- setPosixFilePermissions(Path, Set<PosixFilePermission>) - Static method in class java.nio.file.Files
Sets a file's POSIX permissions.
- setPrecision(int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets the total number of decimal digits in a value stored in the designated column to the given number.
- setPrecision(int, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the designated column's number of decimal digits to the given
. - setPredefinedConfiguration(long, String) - Method in interface
Sets a predefined configuration for the recording with the specified ID.
- setPreferencesHandler(PreferencesHandler) - Method in class java.awt.Desktop
Installs a handler to show a custom Preferences window for your application.
- setPreferred(boolean) - Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
The "preferred" flag is used to identify features that are particularly important for presenting to humans.
- setPreferredMinSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the preferred minimum size.
- setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the preferred size of the viewport for this table.
- setPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Sets the preferred size of this component to a constant value.
- setPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the preferred size of this component.
- setPreferredWidth(int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets this column's preferred width to
. - setPrefix(String) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
Does nothing, since namespaces are not supported.
- setPrefix(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Node
The namespace prefix of this node, or
if it is unspecified. - setPrefix(String, String) - Method in interface
Sets the prefix the uri is bound to.
- setPrefix(String, String) - Method in interface
Sets the prefix the uri is bound to.
- setPrelinkTransformer(GuardedInvocationTransformer) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Set the pre-link transformer.
- setPreservesUnknownTags(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument
Determines how unknown tags are handled by the parser.
- setPressed(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.ButtonModel
Sets the button to pressed or unpressed.
- setPressed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Sets the button to pressed or unpressed.
- setPressed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel
Sets the pressed state of the toggle button.
- setPressedIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the pressed icon for the button.
- setPreviewPanel(JComponent) - Method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
Sets the current preview panel.
- setPreviousBounds(JInternalFrame, Rectangle) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
Stores the bounds of the component just before a maximize call.
- setPrincipal(UserPrincipal) - Method in class java.nio.file.attribute.AclEntry.Builder
Sets the principal component of this builder.
- setPrintable(Printable) - Method in class java.awt.print.PrinterJob
to render the pages. - setPrintable(Printable, PageFormat) - Method in class java.awt.print.PrinterJob
to render the pages in the specifiedformat
. - setPrinter(String) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies the destination printer for jobs using these attributes.
- setPrinterResolution(int) - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Specifies the desired cross feed and feed print resolutions in dots per inch for pages using these attributes.
- setPrinterResolution(int[]) - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Specifies the desired print resolution for pages using these attributes.
- setPrinterResolutionToDefault() - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Sets the printer resolution for pages using these attributes to the default.
- setPrintFileHandler(PrintFilesHandler) - Method in class java.awt.Desktop
Installs the handler which is notified when the application is asked to print a list of files.
- setPrintQuality(int) - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Specifies the print quality for pages using these attributes.
- setPrintQuality(PageAttributes.PrintQualityType) - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Specifies the print quality for pages using these attributes.
- setPrintQualityToDefault() - Method in class java.awt.PageAttributes
Sets the print quality for pages using these attributes to the default.
- setPrintService(PrintService) - Method in class java.awt.print.PrinterJob
Associate this PrinterJob with a new PrintService.
- setPrioritizedLinker(GuardingDynamicLinker) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Sets a single prioritized linker.
- setPrioritizedLinkers(List<? extends GuardingDynamicLinker>) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Sets the prioritized guarding dynamic linkers.
- setPrioritizedLinkers(GuardingDynamicLinker...) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Sets the prioritized guarding dynamic linkers.
- setPriority(int) - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Changes the priority of this thread.
- setPrivacy(boolean) - Method in class org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp
Sets the privacy state.
- setPrivateKeyValid(Date) - Method in class
Sets the privateKeyValid criterion.
- setProblemType(int) - Method in class
Sets problem type.
- setProcessors(Iterable<? extends Processor>) - Method in interface
Sets processors (for annotation processing).
- setProfile(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLHeadElement
- setProgress(int) - Method in class javax.swing.ProgressMonitor
Indicate the progress of the operation being monitored.
- setProgress(int) - Method in class javax.swing.SwingWorker
Sets the
bound property. - setProgressiveMode(int) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
Specifies that the writer is to write the image out in a progressive mode such that the stream will contain a series of scans of increasing quality.
- setProgressValue(int) - Method in class java.awt.Taskbar
Affixes a small system-provided progress bar to this application's icon.
- setPrompt(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIsIndexElement
- setPropagatedFrom(BeanContext) - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
Sets the
from which this event was propagated. - setPropagationId(Object) - Method in class java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
Sets the propagationId object for the event.
- setProperties(Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class java.awt.image.CropImageFilter
Passes along the properties from the source object after adding a property indicating the cropped region.
- setProperties(Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
Sets the extensible list of properties associated with this image.
- setProperties(Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class java.awt.image.ImageFilter
Passes the properties from the source object along after adding a property indicating the stream of filters it has been run through.
- setProperties(Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class java.awt.image.PixelGrabber
The setProperties method is part of the ImageConsumer API which this class must implement to retrieve the pixels.
- setProperties(Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
Passes along the properties from the source object after adding a property indicating the scale applied.
- setProperties(Properties) - Static method in class java.lang.System
Sets the system properties to the
argument. - setPropertiesFromAttributes() - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.BlockView
Update any cached values that come from attributes.
- setPropertiesFromAttributes() - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.ImageView
Update any cached values that come from attributes.
- setPropertiesFromAttributes() - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.InlineView
Set the cached properties from the attributes.
- setPropertiesFromAttributes() - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView
Sets up the paragraph from css attributes instead of the values found in StyleConstants (i.e. which are used by the superclass).
- setPropertiesFromAttributes() - Method in class javax.swing.text.LabelView
Sets the cached properties from the attributes.
- setPropertiesFromAttributes() - Method in class javax.swing.text.ParagraphView
Set the cached properties from the attributes.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMCryptoContext
This implementation uses an internal
to map the name to the specified object. - setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.xml.crypto.XMLCryptoContext
Sets the specified property.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser
Sets the particular property in the underlying implementation of
. - setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
Allows the user to set specific feature/property on the underlying implementation.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
Allows the user to set specific features/properties on the underlying implementation.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory
Set the value of a property.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.Validator
Set the value of a property.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.ValidatorHandler
Set the value of a property.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserAdapter
Set a parser property.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Set the value of a property.
- setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.XMLReader
Set the value of a property.
- setProperty(String, String) - Static method in class java.lang.System
Sets the system property indicated by the specified key.
- setProperty(String, String) - Static method in class
Sets a security property value.
- setProperty(String, String) - Method in class java.util.Properties
Calls the
. - setProperty(String, String) - Method in class javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
Sets a property for this
. - setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
Sets an additional implementation-specific property indicated by the specified key.
- setProperty(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleDeclaration
Used to set a property value and priority within this declaration block.
- setPropertyEditorClass(Class<?>) - Method in class java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
Normally PropertyEditors will be found using the PropertyEditorManager.
- setProtocols(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the array of protocols.
- setProtocols(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the array of protocols.
- setPrototypeCellValue(E) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the
property, and then (if the new value isnon-null
), computes thefixedCellWidth
properties by requesting the cell renderer component for the given value (and index 0) from the cell renderer, and using that component's preferred size. - setPrototypeDisplayValue(E) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the prototype display value used to calculate the size of the display for the UI portion.
- setPublicId(String) - Method in class
Set the public identifier for this Source.
- setPublicId(String) - Method in interface
The public identifier for this input source.
- setPublicId(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl
Set the public identifier for this locator.
- setPublicId(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.InputSource
Set the public identifier for this input source.
- setPublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class
Deprecated.Sets this identity's public key.
- setPurgeFlag(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag to indicate if when a notification is received for the unregistration of an MBean referenced in a relation, if an immediate "purge" of the relations (look for the relations no longer valid) has to be performed , or if that will be performed only when the purgeRelations method will be explicitly called.
- setPurgeFlag(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the flag to indicate if when a notification is received for the unregistration of an MBean referenced in a relation, if an immediate "purge" of the relations (look for the relations no longer valid) has to be performed, or if that will be performed only when the purgeRelations method is explicitly called.
- setPushLevel(Level) - Method in class java.util.logging.MemoryHandler
Set the
. - setQName(int, String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl
Set the qualified name of a specific attribute.
- setQOP(int) - Method in class org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp
Sets the QOP value.
- setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in interface java.sql.Statement
Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a
object to execute to the given number of seconds. - setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets to the given number the maximum number of seconds the driver will wait for a query to execute.
- setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the maximum time the driver will wait for a statement to execute to the given number of seconds.
- setQuitHandler(QuitHandler) - Method in class java.awt.Desktop
Installs the handler which determines if the application should quit.
- setQuitStrategy(QuitStrategy) - Method in class java.awt.Desktop
Sets the default strategy used to quit this application.
- setQuotes(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the quotes property definition in CSS2.
- setRangeProperties(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel
This method sets all of the model's data with a single method call.
- setRangeProperties(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
Sets all of the
properties after forcing the arguments to obey the usual constraints: - setRaster(Raster) - Method in class javax.imageio.IIOImage
Sets the current
. - setRawOffset(int) - Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Sets the base time zone offset to GMT.
- setRawOffset(int) - Method in class java.util.TimeZone
Sets the base time zone offset to GMT.
- setRawResult(Void) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction
Requires null completion value.
- setRawResult(T) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.CountedCompleter
A method that result-bearing CountedCompleters may optionally use to help maintain result data.
- setRawResult(V) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask
Forces the given value to be returned as a result.
- setRawResult(V) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.RecursiveTask
- setReadable(boolean) - Method in class
A convenience method to set the owner's read permission for this abstract pathname.
- setReadable(boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the owner's or everybody's read permission for this abstract pathname.
- setReader(Reader) - Method in interface javax.script.ScriptContext
Sets the
for scripts to read input . - setReader(Reader) - Method in class javax.script.SimpleScriptContext
Sets the
for scripts to read input . - setReader(Reader) - Method in class
Set the input to be a character reader.
- setReadMethod(Method) - Method in class java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
Sets the method that should be used to read the property value.
- setReadOnly() - Method in class
Marks the file or directory named by this abstract pathname so that only read operations are allowed.
- setReadOnly() - Method in class
Marks this
object as "readonly". - setReadOnly() - Method in class
Set this
to be read-only. - setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.DosFileAttributeView
Updates the value of the read-only attribute.
- setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Puts this connection in read-only mode as a hint to the driver to enable database optimizations.
- setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets this
object's readOnly property to the givenboolean
. - setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets whether this
object is read-only to the givenboolean
. - setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
- setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the read timeout to a specified timeout, in milliseconds.
- setReadUnknownTags(boolean) - Method in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReadParam
Set whether to read fields corresponding to
s not in the allowedTIFFTagSet
s. - setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the SO_RCVBUF option to the specified value for this
. - setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Sets a default proposed value for the
option for sockets accepted from thisServerSocket
. - setReceiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the
option to the specified value for thisSocket
. - setReceiver(Receiver) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Transmitter
Sets the receiver to which this transmitter will deliver MIDI messages.
- setRecordingOptions(long, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface
Configures the recording options (for example, destination file and time span to keep data).
- setRecordingSettings(long, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface
Sets and replaces all previous settings for the specified recording.
- setRect(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double
Sets the location and size of this
to the specifieddouble
values. - setRect(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float
Sets the location and size of this
to the specifieddouble
values. - setRect(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D
Sets the location and size of this
to the specifieddouble
values. - setRect(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Sets the bounds of this
to the integer bounds which encompass the specifiedx
, andheight
. - setRect(float, float, float, float) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float
Sets the location and size of this
to the specifiedfloat
values. - setRect(int, int, Raster) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Copies pixels from Raster srcRaster to this WritableRaster.
- setRect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double
Sets this
to be the same as the specifiedRectangle2D
. - setRect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float
Sets this
to be the same as the specifiedRectangle2D
. - setRect(Rectangle2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D
Sets this
to be the same as the specifiedRectangle2D
. - setRect(Raster) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Copies pixels from Raster srcRaster to this WritableRaster.
- setRef(int, Ref) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setRef(int, Ref) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object in the Java programming language. - setRef(int, Ref) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command with the givenRef
value. - setRef(RemoteStub, RemoteRef) - Static method in class java.rmi.server.RemoteStub
Deprecated.No replacement. The
method was intended for setting the remote reference of a remote stub. This is unnecessary, sinceRemoteStub
s can be created and initialized with a remote reference through use of theRemoteStub(RemoteRef)
constructor. - setRegion(String) - Method in class java.util.Locale.Builder
Sets the region.
- setRejectedExecutionHandler(RejectedExecutionHandler) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
Sets a new handler for unexecutable tasks.
- setRel(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setRel(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
- setRelationServiceManagementFlag(Boolean) - Method in class
- setRelationServiceManagementFlag(Boolean) - Method in interface
Specifies whether this relation is handled by the Relation Service.
- setRelative(boolean) - Method in class javax.naming.NameClassPair
Sets whether the name of this binding is relative to the target context (which is named by the first parameter of the
method). - setRelease(boolean) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setRelease(java.lang.Object...)
. - setRelease(int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setRelease(java.lang.Object...)
. - setRelease(int, int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setRelease(java.lang.Object...)
. - setRelease(int, long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setRelease(java.lang.Object...)
. - setRelease(int, E) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray
Sets the element at index
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setRelease(java.lang.Object...)
. - setRelease(long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setRelease(java.lang.Object...)
. - setRelease(Object...) - Method in class java.lang.invoke.VarHandle
Sets the value of a variable to the
, and ensures that prior loads and stores are not reordered after this access. - setRelease(V) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
Sets the value to
, with memory effects as specified byVarHandle.setRelease(java.lang.Object...)
. - setRemainingName(Name) - Method in exception class javax.naming.NamingException
Sets the remaining name field of this exception.
- setRemainingName(Name) - Method in class javax.naming.spi.ResolveResult
Sets the remaining name field of this result to name.
- setRemainingNewName(Name) - Method in exception class javax.naming.CannotProceedException
Sets the "remaining new name" field of this exception.
- setRemoveOnCancelPolicy(boolean) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Sets the policy on whether cancelled tasks should be immediately removed from the work queue at time of cancellation.
- setRenderContext(RenderContext) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImageProducer
Sets a new RenderContext to use for the next startProduction() call.
- setRenderedImage(RenderedImage) - Method in class javax.imageio.IIOImage
Sets the current
. - setRenderer(ListCellRenderer<? super E>) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the renderer that paints the list items and the item selected from the list in the JComboBox field.
- setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key, Object) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Sets the value of a single preference for the rendering algorithms.
- setRenderingHints(RenderingHints) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.RenderContext
Sets the rendering hints of this
. - setRenderingHints(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Replaces the values of all preferences for the rendering algorithms with the specified
. - setReorderingAllowed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets whether the user can drag column headers to reorder columns.
- setRepeats(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.Timer
, instructs theTimer
to send only one action event to its listeners. - setRequestControls(Control[]) - Method in class javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext
- setRequestControls(Control[]) - Method in interface javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext
Sets the request controls for methods subsequently invoked on this context.
- setRequestFocusEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Provides a hint as to whether or not this
should get focus. - setRequestMethod(String) - Method in class
Set the method for the URL request, one of: GET POST HEAD OPTIONS PUT DELETE TRACE are legal, subject to protocol restrictions.
- setRequestProperty(String, String) - Method in class
Sets the general request property.
- setReshowDelay(int) - Method in class javax.swing.ToolTipManager
Used to specify the amount of time before the user has to wait
milliseconds before a tooltip will be shown. - setResizable(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Sets whether this dialog is resizable by the user.
- setResizable(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Frame
Sets whether this frame is resizable by the user.
- setResizable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets whether the
can be resized by some user action. - setResizable(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Sets whether this column can be resized.
- setResizeWeight(double) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Specifies how to distribute extra space when the size of the split pane changes.
- setResizingAllowed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets whether the user can resize columns by dragging between headers.
- setResizingColumn(TableColumn) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets the header's
. - setResolvedName(Name) - Method in exception class javax.naming.NamingException
Sets the resolved name field of this exception.
- setResolvedObj(Object) - Method in exception class javax.naming.NamingException
Sets the resolved object field of this exception.
- setResolvedObj(Object) - Method in class javax.naming.spi.ResolveResult
Sets the resolved Object field of this result to obj.
- setResolvedValue(int, Object) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncResolver
Sets obj as the value in column index in the current row of the
object that is being synchronized. - setResolvedValue(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncResolver
Sets obj as the value in column columnName in the current row of the
object that is being synchronized. - setResolveParent(AttributeSet) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
Sets the resolving parent.
- setResolveParent(AttributeSet) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet
Sets the resolving parent.
- setResolveParent(AttributeSet) - Method in class javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
Sets the resolving parent.
- setResolveParent(AttributeSet) - Method in class javax.swing.text.StyleContext.NamedStyle
Sets the resolving parent.
- setResolveParent(Keymap) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.Keymap
Sets the parent keymap, which will be used to resolve key-bindings.
- setResourceBaseName(String) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormatImpl
Sets a new base name for locating
s containing descriptions of elements and attributes for this format. - setResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class java.util.logging.Logger
Sets a resource bundle on this logger.
- setResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set the localization resource bundle.
- setResourceBundleName(String) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set the localization resource bundle name.
- setResourceResolver(LSResourceResolver) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory
Sets the
to customize resource resolution when parsing schemas. - setResourceResolver(LSResourceResolver) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.Validator
Sets the
to customize resource resolution while in a validation episode. - setResourceResolver(LSResourceResolver) - Method in class javax.xml.validation.ValidatorHandler
Sets the
to customize resource resolution while in a validation episode. - setResult(Class<T>) - Method in interface java.sql.SQLXML
Returns a Result for setting the XML value designated by this SQLXML instance.
- setResult(Result) - Method in interface javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler
Set the
associated with thisTransformerHandler
to be used for the transformation. - setReturningAttributes(String[]) - Method in class
Specifies the attributes that will be returned as part of the search.
- setReturningObjFlag(boolean) - Method in class
Enables/disables returning objects returned as part of the result.
- setReuse(boolean) - Method in interface jdk.jfr.consumer.EventStream
Specifies that the event object in an
action can be reused. - setReuse(boolean) - Method in class jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream
- setReuse(boolean) - Method in class
- setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class
Enable/disable the SO_REUSEADDR socket option.
- setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class
Enable/disable the
socket option. - setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in class
Enable/disable the
socket option. - setRev(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setRev(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
- setRevocationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the RevocationEnabled flag.
- setRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
Sets a pixel in this
to the specified RGB value. - setRGB(int, int, int, int, int[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.BufferedImage
Sets an array of integer pixels in the default RGB color model (TYPE_INT_ARGB) and default sRGB color space, into a portion of the image data.
- setRichness(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the richness property definition in CSS2.
- setRight(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the right property definition in CSS2.
- setRightChildIndent(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the right child indent.
- setRightComponent(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the component to the right (or below) the divider.
- setRightIndent(MutableAttributeSet, float) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets right indent.
- setRightInset(float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AsyncBoxView
Set the right part of the margin around the view.
- setRole(String, Role) - Method in class
Sets the given role in given relation.
- setRole(String, Role) - Method in interface
Sets the given role in given relation.
- setRole(Role) - Method in interface
Sets the given role.
- setRole(Role) - Method in class
Sets the given role.
- setRoleName(String) - Method in class
Sets role name.
- setRoleName(String) - Method in class
Sets role name.
- setRoles(String, RoleList) - Method in class
Sets the given roles in given relation.
- setRoles(String, RoleList) - Method in interface
Sets the given roles in given relation.
- setRoles(RoleList) - Method in interface
Sets the given roles.
- setRoles(RoleList) - Method in class
Sets the given roles.
- setRoles(RoleList) - Method in class
Sets list of roles successfully accessed.
- setRolesUnresolved(RoleUnresolvedList) - Method in class
Sets list of roles unsuccessfully accessed.
- setRoleValue(List<ObjectName>) - Method in class
Sets role value.
- setRoleValue(List<ObjectName>) - Method in class
Sets role value.
- setRollover(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.ButtonModel
Sets or clears the button's rollover state
- setRollover(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Sets or clears the button's rollover state
- setRollover(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JToolBar
Sets the rollover state of this toolbar.
- setRolloverBorders(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI
Sets the flag for enabling rollover borders on the toolbar and it will also install the appropriate border depending on the state of the flag.
- setRolloverEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the
property, which must betrue
for rollover effects to occur. - setRolloverIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the rollover icon for the button.
- setRolloverSelectedIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the rollover selected icon for the button.
- setRolloverTab(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Sets the tab the mouse is currently over to
. - setRoot(TreeNode) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
Sets the root to
. - setRootCause(Throwable) - Method in exception class javax.naming.NamingException
Records the root cause of this NamingException.
- setRootFrame(Frame) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the frame to use for class methods in which a frame is not provided.
- setRootPane(JRootPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JApplet
Deprecated.Sets the rootPane property.
- setRootPane(JRootPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
Sets the
property. - setRootPane(JRootPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Sets the
property. - setRootPane(JRootPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets the
property for thisJInternalFrame
. - setRootPane(JRootPane) - Method in class javax.swing.JWindow
Sets the new
object for this window. - setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JApplet
Deprecated.Sets whether calls to
are forwarded to thecontentPane
. - setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
Sets whether calls to
are forwarded to thecontentPane
. - setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Sets whether calls to
are forwarded to thecontentPane
. - setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets whether calls to
are forwarded to thecontentPane
. - setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JWindow
Sets whether calls to
are forwarded to thecontentPane
. - setRootVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Determines whether or not the root node from the
is visible. - setRootVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the root to being visible.
- setRootVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache
Determines whether or not the root node from the
is visible. - setRootVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.FixedHeightLayoutCache
Determines whether or not the root node from the TreeModel is visible.
- setRootVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache
Determines whether or not the root node from the
is visible. - setRoundingMode(RoundingMode) - Method in class java.text.CompactNumberFormat
Sets the
used in thisCompactNumberFormat
. - setRoundingMode(RoundingMode) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
Sets the
used in this DecimalFormat. - setRoundingMode(RoundingMode) - Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
Sets the
used in this NumberFormat. - setRoundRect(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D.Double
Sets the location, size, and corner radii of this
to the specifieddouble
values. - setRoundRect(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D.Float
Sets the location, size, and corner radii of this
to the specifieddouble
values. - setRoundRect(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D
Sets the location, size, and corner radii of this
to the specifieddouble
values. - setRoundRect(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D.Float
Sets the location, size, and corner radii of this
to the specifiedfloat
values. - setRoundRect(RoundRectangle2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D.Double
Sets this
to be the same as the specifiedRoundRectangle2D
. - setRoundRect(RoundRectangle2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D.Float
Sets this
to be the same as the specifiedRoundRectangle2D
. - setRoundRect(RoundRectangle2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D
Sets this
to be the same as the specifiedRoundRectangle2D
. - setRowCount(int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Sets the number of rows in the model.
- setRowFilter(RowFilter<? super M, ? super I>) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter
Sets the filter that determines which rows, if any, should be hidden from the view.
- setRowHeader(JViewport) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Removes the old rowHeader, if it exists; if the new rowHeader isn't
, syncs the y coordinate of its viewPosition with the viewport (if there is one) and then adds it to the scroll pane. - setRowHeaderView(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Creates a row-header viewport if necessary, sets its view and then adds the row-header viewport to the scrollpane.
- setRowHeight(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the height, in pixels, of all cells to
, revalidates, and repaints. - setRowHeight(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the height of each cell, in pixels.
- setRowHeight(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Sets the row height, this is forwarded to the treeState.
- setRowHeight(int) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache
Sets the height of each cell.
- setRowHeight(int) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.FixedHeightLayoutCache
Sets the height of each cell.
- setRowHeight(int) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.VariableHeightLayoutCache
Sets the height of each cell.
- setRowHeight(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the height for
, revalidates, and repaints. - setRowId(int, RowId) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setRowId(int, RowId) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setRowId(int, RowId) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setRowId(String, RowId) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setRowId(String, RowId) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setRowId(String, RowId) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setRowMapper(RowMapper) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.EmptySelectionModel
This is overridden to do nothing;
does not allow a selection. - setRowMapper(RowMapper) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Sets the RowMapper instance.
- setRowMapper(RowMapper) - Method in interface javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Sets the RowMapper instance.
- setRowMargin(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the amount of empty space between cells in adjacent rows.
- setRows(int) - Method in class java.awt.GridLayout
Sets the number of rows in this layout to the specified value.
- setRows(int) - Method in class java.awt.TextArea
Sets the number of rows for this text area.
- setRows(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextArea
Sets the number of rows for this TextArea.
- setRows(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
- setRows(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameSetElement
- setRowSelectionAllowed(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets whether the rows in this model can be selected.
- setRowSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Selects the rows from
, inclusive. - setRowSorter(RowSorter<? extends TableModel>) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the
. - setRowSpan(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setRules(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setSample(int, int, int, double) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using a double for input.
- setSample(int, int, int, double, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using a double for input.
- setSample(int, int, int, double, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the
using a double for input. - setSample(int, int, int, double, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using a double for input.
- setSample(int, int, int, float) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using a float for input.
- setSample(int, int, int, float, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using a float for input.
- setSample(int, int, int, float, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the
using a float for input. - setSample(int, int, int, float, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using a float for input.
- setSample(int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using an int for input.
- setSample(int, int, int, int, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using an int for input.
- setSample(int, int, int, int, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the
using an int for input. - setSample(int, int, int, int, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x, y) in the
using anint
for input. - setSample(int, int, int, int, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using an int for input.
- setSample(int, int, int, int, DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel
Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using an int for input.
- setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, double[]) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from a double array containing one sample per array element.
- setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, double[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from a double array containing one sample per array element.
- setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, float[]) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from a float array containing one sample per array element.
- setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, float[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from a float array containing one sample per array element.
- setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Method in class java.awt.image.WritableRaster
Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
- setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel
Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per data array element.
- setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel
Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per data array element.
- setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SampleModel
Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
- setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer) - Method in class java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel
Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
- setSavepoint() - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Creates an unnamed savepoint in the current transaction and returns the new
object that represents it. - setSavepoint(String) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Creates a savepoint with the given name in the current transaction and returns the new
object that represents it. - setScale(int) - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns a
whose scale is the specified value, and whose value is numerically equal to thisBigDecimal
's. - setScale(int, int) - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Deprecated.The method
BigDecimal.setScale(int, RoundingMode)
should be used in preference to this legacy method. - setScale(int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a value stored in the designated column to the given number.
- setScale(int, int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the designated column's number of digits to the right of the decimal point to the given
. - setScale(int, RoundingMode) - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns a
whose scale is the specified value, and whose unscaled value is determined by multiplying or dividing thisBigDecimal
's unscaled value by the appropriate power of ten to maintain its overall value. - setSchema(String) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Sets the given schema name to access.
- setSchema(Schema) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
Set the
to be used by parsers created from this factory. - setSchema(Schema) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
Set the
to be used by parsers created from this factory. - setSchemaName(int, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets the designated column's table's schema name, if any, to schemaName.
- setSchemaName(int, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the name of the designated column's table's schema, if any, to the given
. - setScheme(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLMetaElement
- setScope(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setScript(String) - Method in class java.util.Locale.Builder
Sets the script.
- setScrollByBlock(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.ScrollListener
Sets the scrolling by block
- setScrollByBlock(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI.ScrollListener
Sets scrolling by block
- setScrolling(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement
- setScrolling(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
- setScrollMode(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JViewport
Used to control the method of scrolling the viewport contents.
- setScrollOffset(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextField
Sets the scroll offset, in pixels.
- setScrollPosition(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPane
Scrolls to the specified position within the child component.
- setScrollPosition(Point) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPane
Scrolls to the specified position within the child component.
- setScrollsOnExpand(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the
property, which determines whether the tree might scroll to show previously hidden children. - setSearchable(int, boolean) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets whether a value stored in the designated column can be used in a
clause to the givenboolean
value. - setSearchable(int, boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets whether the designated column can be used in a where clause.
- setSearchScope(int) - Method in class
Sets the search scope to one of: OBJECT_SCOPE, ONELEVEL_SCOPE, SUBTREE_SCOPE.
- setSecond(int) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set seconds.
- setSeconds(int) - Method in class java.sql.Date
- setSeconds(int) - Method in class java.util.Date
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
Calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, int seconds)
. - setSecure(boolean) - Method in class
Indicates whether the cookie should only be sent using a secure protocol, such as HTTPS or SSL.
- setSecurityManager(SecurityManager) - Static method in class java.lang.System
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.This method is only useful in conjunction with the Security Manager, which is deprecated and subject to removal in a future release. Consequently, this method is also deprecated and subject to removal. There is no replacement for the Security Manager or this method.
- setSeed(byte[]) - Method in class
Reseeds this random object with the given seed.
- setSeed(long) - Method in class
Reseeds this random object, using the eight bytes contained in the given
long seed
. - setSeed(long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
. - setSeed(long) - Method in class java.util.Random
Sets or updates the seed of this random number generator using the provided
seed value (optional operation). - setSelected(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the state of the button.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.ButtonModel
Selects or deselects the button.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel
Selects or deselects the button.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Selects or deselects the internal frame if it's showing.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenu
Sets the selection status of the menu.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel
Sets the selected state of the button.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOptionElement
- setSelected(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuBar
Sets the currently selected component, producing a a change to the selection model.
- setSelected(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the currently selected component, This will result in a change to the selection model.
- setSelected(ButtonModel, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.ButtonGroup
Sets the selected value for the
. - setSelectedCheckbox(Checkbox) - Method in class java.awt.CheckboxGroup
Sets the currently selected check box in this group to be the specified check box.
- setSelectedColor(Color) - Method in interface javax.swing.colorchooser.ColorSelectionModel
Sets the selected color to
. - setSelectedColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.colorchooser.DefaultColorSelectionModel
Sets the selected color to
. - setSelectedComponent(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the selected component for this tabbedpane.
- setSelectedFile(File) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the selected file.
- setSelectedFiles(File[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Sets the list of selected files if the file chooser is set to allow multiple selection.
- setSelectedFrame(JInternalFrame) - Method in class javax.swing.JDesktopPane
Sets the currently active
in thisJDesktopPane
. - setSelectedIcon(Icon) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the selected icon for the button.
- setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class
Set the selected choice.
- setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class
Set the selected confirmation option.
- setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultSingleSelectionModel
Sets the model's selected index to index.
- setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Selects the item at index
. - setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Selects a single cell.
- setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the selected index for this tabbedpane.
- setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.SingleSelectionModel
Sets the model's selected index to index.
- setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLSelectElement
- setSelectedIndexes(int[]) - Method in class
Set the selected choices.
- setSelectedIndices(int[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Changes the selection to be the set of indices specified by the given array.
- setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in interface javax.swing.ComboBoxModel
Set the selected item.
- setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel
Set the value of the selected item.
- setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the selected item in the combo box display area to the object in the argument.
- setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI.DirectoryComboBoxModel
- setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxModel
- setSelectedPath(MenuElement[]) - Method in class javax.swing.MenuSelectionManager
Changes the selection in the menu hierarchy.
- setSelectedTextColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the current color used to render the selected text.
- setSelectedValue(Object, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Selects the specified object from the list.
- setSelection(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.Option
Sets the selected state.
- setSelectionBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the color used to draw the background of selected items, which cell renderers can use fill selected cells.
- setSelectionBackground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the background color for selected cells.
- setSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the current color used to render the selection.
- setSelectionEnd(int) - Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
Sets the selection end for this text component to the specified position.
- setSelectionEnd(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the selection end to the specified position.
- setSelectionForeground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the color used to draw the foreground of selected items, which cell renderers can use to render text and graphics.
- setSelectionForeground(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the foreground color for selected cells.
- setSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
Changes the selection to be between
inclusive. - setSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Selects the specified interval.
- setSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Selects the rows in the specified interval (inclusive).
- setSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in interface javax.swing.ListSelectionModel
Changes the selection to be between
inclusive. - setSelectionMode(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
Sets the selection mode.
- setSelectionMode(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the selection mode for the list.
- setSelectionMode(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the table's selection mode to allow only single selections, a single contiguous interval, or multiple intervals.
- setSelectionMode(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.EmptySelectionModel
This is overridden to do nothing;
does not allow a selection. - setSelectionMode(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.ListSelectionModel
Sets the selection mode.
- setSelectionMode(int) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
- setSelectionMode(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
- setSelectionModel(ColorSelectionModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
Sets the model containing the selected color.
- setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the
for the list to a non-null
implementation. - setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the row selection model for this table to
and registers for listener notifications from the new selection model. - setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel
Sets the selection model for this
and registers for listener notifications from the new selection model. - setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel) - Method in interface javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel
Sets the selection model.
- setSelectionModel(SingleSelectionModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuBar
Sets the model object to handle single selections.
- setSelectionModel(SingleSelectionModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the model object to handle single selections.
- setSelectionModel(TreeSelectionModel) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the tree's selection model.
- setSelectionModel(TreeSelectionModel) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Resets the selection model.
- setSelectionModel(TreeSelectionModel) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.AbstractLayoutCache
Sets the
used to manage the selection to new LSM. - setSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Selects the node identified by the specified path.
- setSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Sets the selection to path.
- setSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in interface javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Sets the selection to path.
- setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.EmptySelectionModel
This is overridden to do nothing;
does not allow a selection. - setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Selects the nodes identified by the specified array of paths.
- setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel
Sets the selection.
- setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in interface javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Sets the selection to path.
- setSelectionRow(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Selects the node at the specified row in the display.
- setSelectionRows(int[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Selects the nodes corresponding to each of the specified rows in the display.
- setSelectionStart(int) - Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
Sets the selection start for this text component to the specified position.
- setSelectionStart(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the selection start to the specified position.
- setSelectionValues(Object[]) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the input selection values for a pane that provides the user with a list of items to choose from.
- setSelectionVisible(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.Caret
Sets the visibility of the selection
- setSelectionVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Changes the selection visibility.
- setSelectorText(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSPageRule
The parsable textual representation of the page selector for the rule.
- setSelectorText(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSStyleRule
The textual representation of the selector for the rule set.
- setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the SO_SNDBUF option to the specified value for this
. - setSendBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the
option to the specified value for thisSocket
. - setSendPastNotifications(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag indicating whether the timer sends past notifications or not.
- setSendPastNotifications(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets the flag indicating whether the timer sends past notifications or not.
- setSeparatorSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JToolBar.Separator
Sets the size of the separator.
- setSequence(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the current sequence on which the sequencer operates.
- setSequence(Sequence) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the current sequence on which the sequencer operates.
- setSequenceNumber(long) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set the sequence number.
- setSequenceNumber(long) - Method in class
Set the notification sequence number.
- setSerialFilter(ObjectInputFilter) - Static method in class
Set the static JVM-wide filter if it has not already been configured or set.
- setSerialFilterFactory(BinaryOperator<ObjectInputFilter>) - Static method in class
- setSerialNumber(BigInteger) - Method in class
Sets the serialNumber criterion.
- setServerNames(List<SNIServerName>) - Method in class
Sets the desired
s of the Server Name Indication (SNI) parameter. - setSessionCacheSize(int) - Method in interface
Sets the size of the cache used for storing
objects grouped under thisSSLSessionContext
. - setSessionTimeout(int) - Method in interface
Sets the timeout limit for
objects grouped under thisSSLSessionContext
. - setSettings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream
Replaces all settings for this recording stream.
- setSettings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Replaces all settings for this recording.
- setSettings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Replaces all settings for this recording stream.
- setShape(Shape) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets the shape of the window.
- setShape(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setShape(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAreaElement
- setShardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Specifies a shardingKey to use with this Connection
- setShardingKey(ShardingKey, ShardingKey) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Specifies a shardingKey and superShardingKey to use with this Connection
- setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey, int) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Sets and validates the sharding key for this connection.
- setShardingKeyIfValid(ShardingKey, ShardingKey, int) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Sets and validates the sharding keys for this connection.
- setSharedInstance(PopupFactory) - Static method in class javax.swing.PopupFactory
Sets the
that will be used to obtainPopup
s. - setShort(int, short) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setShort(int, short) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
in the Java programming language. - setShort(int, short) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given Javashort
value. - setShort(Object, int, short) - Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
Sets the value of the indexed component of the specified array object to the specified
value. - setShort(Object, short) - Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
Sets the value of a field as a
on the specified object. - setShort(String, short) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setShort(String, short) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setShort(String, short) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setShortcut(MenuShortcut) - Method in class java.awt.MenuItem
Set the
object associated with this menu item. - setShortDescription(String) - Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
You can associate a short descriptive string with a feature.
- setShortMonths(String[]) - Method in class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
Sets short month strings.
- setShortWeekdays(String[]) - Method in class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
Sets short weekday strings.
- setShowDeleted(boolean) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the property
to the givenboolean
value, which determines whether rows marked for deletion appear in the set of current rows. - setShowDeleted(boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
Sets the property
to the givenboolean
value, which determines whether rows marked for deletion appear in the set of current rows. - setShowDeleted(boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.JdbcRowSet
Sets the property
to the givenboolean
value. - setShowDropLocation(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.TransferHandler.TransferSupport
Sets whether or not the drop location should be visually indicated for the transfer - which must represent a drop.
- setShowGrid(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets whether the table draws grid lines around cells.
- setShowHorizontalLines(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets whether the table draws horizontal lines between cells.
- setShowsRootHandles(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the value of the
property, which specifies whether the node handles should be displayed. - setShowsRootHandles(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Determines whether the node handles are to be displayed.
- setShowVerticalLines(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets whether the table draws vertical lines between cells.
- setSides(JobAttributes.SidesType) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies how consecutive pages should be imposed upon the sides of the print medium for jobs using these attributes.
- setSidesToDefault() - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Sets how consecutive pages should be imposed upon the sides of the print medium for jobs using these attributes to the default.
- setSignatureSchemes(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the prioritized array of signature scheme names that can be used over the SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols.
- setSigned(int, boolean) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets whether a value stored in the designated column is a signed number to the given
. - setSigned(int, boolean) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets whether the designated column is a signed number.
- setSigners(Class<?>, Object[]) - Method in class java.lang.ClassLoader
Sets the signers of a class.
- setSigProvider(String) - Method in class
Sets the signature provider's name.
- setSize(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.Dimension
Sets the size of this
object to the specified width and height in double precision. - setSize(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Dimension2D
Sets the size of this
object to the specified width and height. - setSize(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.print.Paper
Sets the width and height of this
object, which represents the properties of the page onto which printing occurs. - setSize(float, float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AsyncBoxView
Sets the size of the view.
- setSize(float, float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.BoxView
Sets the size of the view.
- setSize(float, float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.ImageView
Sets the size of the view.
- setSize(float, float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.PlainView
Sets the size of the view.
- setSize(float, float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.View
Sets the size of the view.
- setSize(float, float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.WrappedPlainView
Sets the size of the view.
- setSize(int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Sets the size of this vector.
- setSize(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultListModel
Sets the size of this list.
- setSize(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLSelectElement
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Resizes this component so that it has width
and heightheight
. - setSize(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Dimension
Sets the size of this
object to the specified width and height. - setSize(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Sets the size of this
to the specified width and height. - setSize(int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Resizes this component so that it has width
and heightheight
. - setSize(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.SizeSequence
Sets the size of the specified entry.
- setSize(long) - Method in class
Sets the uncompressed size of the entry data.
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class
Sets the current size of this object.
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Resizes this object so that it has width and height.
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Resizes this component so that it has width
and heightd.height
. - setSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.Dimension
Sets the size of this
object to the specified size. - setSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Resizes this object so that it has width and height.
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Resizes this object.
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
Sets the size of this
to match the specifiedDimension
. - setSize(Dimension) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Resizes this component so that it has width
and heightd.height
. - setSize(Dimension) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
Resizes this object so that it has width and height.
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setSize(Dimension2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Dimension2D
Sets the size of this
object to match the specified size. - setSize(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the size property definition in CSS2.
- setSize(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBaseFontElement
- setSize(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFontElement
- setSize(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLHRElement
- setSize(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setSizes(int[]) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
Sets the sizes to
. - setSizes(int[]) - Method in class javax.swing.SizeSequence
Resets this
object, using the data in thesizes
argument. - setSlaveSyncMode(Sequencer.SyncMode) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the slave synchronization mode for the sequencer.
- setSlot(int, Object) - Method in class netscape.javascript.JSObject
Sets an indexed member of a JavaScript object.
- setSnapToTicks(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Specifying true makes the knob (and the data value it represents) resolve to the closest tick mark next to where the user positioned the knob.
- setSNIMatchers(Collection<SNIMatcher>) - Method in class
Sets the
s of the Server Name Indication (SNI) parameter. - setSocketAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class
Sets the SocketAddress (usually IP address + port number) of the remote host to which this datagram is being sent.
- setSocketFactory(SocketImplFactory) - Static method in class
Deprecated.Use a
and subclassServerSocket
This method provided a way in early JDK releases to replace the system wide implementation ofServerSocket
. It has been mostly obsolete since Java 1.4. If required, aServerSocket
can be created to use a custom implementation by extendingServerSocket
and using the protected constructor that takes an implementation as a parameter. - setSocketFactory(RMISocketFactory) - Static method in class java.rmi.server.RMISocketFactory
Set the global socket factory from which RMI gets sockets (if the remote object is not associated with a specific client and/or server socket factory).
- setSocketImplFactory(SocketImplFactory) - Static method in class
Deprecated.Use a
and subclassSocket
This method provided a way in early JDK releases to replace the system wide implementation ofSocket
. It has been mostly obsolete since Java 1.4. If required, aSocket
can be created to use a custom implementation by extendingSocket
and using the protected constructor that takes an implementation as a parameter. - setSoLinger(boolean, int) - Method in class
with the specified linger time in seconds. - setSolo(boolean) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.MidiChannel
Sets the solo state for this channel.
- setSortable(int, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter
Sets whether or not the specified column is sortable.
- setSortKeys(List<? extends RowSorter.SortKey>) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter
Sets the sort keys.
- setSortKeys(List<? extends RowSorter.SortKey>) - Method in class javax.swing.RowSorter
Sets the current sort keys.
- setSortsOnUpdates(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter
If true, specifies that a sort should happen when the underlying model is updated (
is invoked). - setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class
Enable/disable SO_TIMEOUT with the specified timeout, in milliseconds.
- setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class
with the specified timeout, in milliseconds. - setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class
with the specified timeout, in milliseconds. - setSource(Object) - Method in class
Set the source object of the
. - setSource(Object) - Method in class java.awt.AWTEvent
Retargets an event to a new source.
- setSource(Object) - Method in class java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
Sets the source bean.
- setSource(Object) - Method in class
Sets the source.
- setSource(Object, int) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Replaces an entry in the list of source with a new source.
- setSourceActions(int) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragGestureRecognizer
This method sets the permitted source drag action(s) for this Drag and Drop operation.
- setSourceBands(int[]) - Method in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
Sets the indices of the source bands to be used.
- setSourceClassName(String) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set the name of the class that (allegedly) issued the logging request.
- setSourceMethodName(String) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set the name of the method that (allegedly) issued the logging request.
- setSourceProgressivePasses(int, int) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageReadParam
Sets the range of progressive passes that will be decoded.
- setSourceRegion(Rectangle) - Method in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
Sets the source region of interest.
- setSourceRenderSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageReadParam
If the image is able to be rendered at an arbitrary size, sets the source width and height to the supplied values.
- setSources(Vector<Object>) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Sets the entire Vector of sources to a given Vector.
- setSourceSubsampling(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
Specifies a decimation subsampling to apply on I/O.
- setSouthPane(JComponent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
Sets the south pane.
- setSpaceAbove(MutableAttributeSet, float) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets space above.
- setSpaceBelow(MutableAttributeSet, float) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets space below.
- setSpan(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableColElement
- setSpeak(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the speak property definition in CSS2.
- setSpeakHeader(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the speak-header property definition in CSS2.
- setSpeakNumeral(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the speak-numeral property definition in CSS2.
- setSpeakPunctuation(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the speak-punctuation property definition in CSS2.
- setSpecified(int, boolean) - Method in class org.xml.sax.ext.Attributes2Impl
Assign a value to the "specified" flag of a specific attribute.
- setSpeechRate(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the speech-rate property definition in CSS2.
- setSQLXML(int, SQLXML) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setSQLXML(int, SQLXML) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setSQLXML(int, SQLXML) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setSQLXML(String, SQLXML) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setSQLXML(String, SQLXML) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setSQLXML(String, SQLXML) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setSrc(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement
- setSrc(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
- setSrc(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setSrc(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setSrc(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLScriptElement
- setSSLParameters(SSLParameters) - Method in class
Sets the
to use for thisHttpsParameters
. - setSSLParameters(SSLParameters) - Method in class
Applies SSLParameters to this engine.
- setSSLParameters(SSLParameters) - Method in class
Applies SSLParameters to newly accepted connections.
- setSSLParameters(SSLParameters) - Method in class
Applies SSLParameters to this socket.
- setSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Method in class
Sets the
to be used when this instance creates sockets for secure https URL connections. - setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[]) - Method in exception class java.lang.Throwable
Sets the stack trace elements that will be returned by
and printed byThrowable.printStackTrace()
and related methods. - setStandby(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setStart(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOListElement
- setStart(Comparable<Date>) - Method in class javax.swing.SpinnerDateModel
Changes the lower limit for Dates in this sequence.
- setStart(Node, int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Sets the attributes describing the start of the Range.
- setStartAfter(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Sets the start position to be after a node
- setStartBefore(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Sets the start position to be before a node
- setStartRule(int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Sets the daylight saving time start rule to a fixed date within a month.
- setStartRule(int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Sets the daylight saving time start rule.
- setStartRule(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Sets the daylight saving time start rule to a weekday before or after the given date within a month, e.g., the first Monday on or after the 8th.
- setStartTime(Instant) - Method in interface jdk.jfr.consumer.EventStream
Specifies the start time of the stream.
- setStartTime(Instant) - Method in class jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream
- setStartTime(Instant) - Method in class
- setStartYear(int) - Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Sets the daylight saving time starting year.
- setState(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Checkbox
Sets the state of this check box to the specified state.
- setState(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem
Sets this check box menu item to the specified state.
- setState(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem
Sets the selected-state of the item.
- setState(int) - Method in class java.awt.Frame
Sets the state of this frame (obsolete).
- setState(int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
Sets the value of synchronization state.
- setState(long) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer
Sets the value of synchronization state.
- setStepSize(Number) - Method in class javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel
Changes the size of the value change computed by the
methods. - setStrategy(int) - Method in class
Sets the compression strategy to the specified value.
- setStream(String, InputStream) - Method in interface java.applet.AppletContext
Deprecated.Associates the specified stream with the specified key in this applet context.
- setStreams(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class
Used by Filters to wrap either (or both) of this exchange's
, with the given filtered streams so that subsequent calls toHttpExchange.getRequestBody()
will return the givenInputStream
, and calls toHttpExchange.getResponseBody()
will return the givenOutputStream
. - setStrength(int) - Method in class java.text.Collator
Sets this Collator's strength property.
- setStress(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the stress property definition in CSS2.
- setStrictErrorChecking(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Document
An attribute specifying whether error checking is enforced or not.
- setStrikeThrough(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.LabelView
Sets whether or not the view has a strike/line through it.
- setStrikeThrough(MutableAttributeSet, boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the strikethrough attribute.
- setString(int, String) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setString(int, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setString(int, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the given JavaString
value. - setString(long, String) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes the given string into this segment at the given offset, converting it to a null-terminated byte sequence using the UTF-8 charset.
- setString(long, String) - Method in interface java.sql.Clob
Writes the given Java
to theCLOB
value that thisClob
object designates at the positionpos
. - setString(long, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob
Writes the given Java
to theCLOB
value that thisSerialClob
object represents, at the positionpos
. - setString(long, String, int, int) - Method in interface java.sql.Clob
characters ofstr
, starting at characteroffset
, to theCLOB
value that thisClob
represents. - setString(long, String, int, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob
characters ofstr
, starting at characteroffset
, to theCLOB
value that thisClob
represents. - setString(long, String, Charset) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Writes the given string into this segment at the given offset, converting it to a null-terminated byte sequence using the provided charset.
- setString(String) - Method in interface java.sql.SQLXML
Sets the XML value designated by this SQLXML instance to the given String representation.
- setString(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets the value of the progress string.
- setString(String, String) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setString(String, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setString(String, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java
value. - setStringConverter(TableStringConverter) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableRowSorter
Sets the object responsible for converting values from the model to strings.
- setStringData(String) - Method in interface
String data to parse.
- setStringPainted(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets the value of the
property, which determines whether the progress bar should render a progress string. - setStringToCompare(String) - Method in class
Sets the string to compare with the observed attribute common to all observed MBeans.
- setStringToCompare(String) - Method in interface
Sets the string to compare with the observed attribute.
- setStringValue(short, String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSPrimitiveValue
A method to set the string value with the specified unit.
- setStroke(Stroke) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Sets the
for theGraphics2D
context. - setStub(AppletStub) - Method in class java.applet.Applet
Deprecated.Sets this applet's stub.
- setStyledDocument(StyledDocument) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextPane
Associates the editor with a text document.
- setStyleFactory(SynthStyleFactory) - Static method in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel
Sets the SynthStyleFactory that the UI classes provided by synth will use to obtain a SynthStyle.
- setStyleSheet(StyleSheet) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit
Set the set of styles to be used to render the various HTML elements.
- setSubject(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the subject criterion.
- setSubject(String) - Method in class
instead. This method should not be relied on as it can fail to match some certificates because of a loss of encoding information in the RFC 2253 String form of some distinguished names. - setSubject(X500Principal) - Method in class
Sets the subject criterion.
- setSubjectAlternativeNames(Collection<List<?>>) - Method in class
Sets the subjectAlternativeNames criterion.
- setSubjectKeyIdentifier(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the subjectKeyIdentifier criterion.
- setSubjectPublicKey(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the subjectPublicKey criterion.
- setSubjectPublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class
Sets the subjectPublicKey criterion.
- setSubjectPublicKeyAlgID(String) - Method in class
Sets the subjectPublicKeyAlgID criterion.
- setSubscript(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.LabelView
Sets whether or not the view represents a subscript.
- setSubscript(MutableAttributeSet, boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the subscript attribute.
- setSummary(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setSuperscript(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.LabelView
Sets whether or not the view represents a superscript.
- setSuperscript(MutableAttributeSet, boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the superscript attribute.
- setSupplementaryStates(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, String) - Method in class org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp
This method sets the state for the supplementary information flags and the minor status in MessageProp.
- setSurrendersFocusOnKeystroke(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets whether editors in this JTable get the keyboard focus when an editor is activated as a result of the JTable forwarding keyboard events for a cell.
- setSuspendPolicy(int) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest
Determines the threads to suspend when the requested event occurs in the target VM.
- setSyncAllWidths(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI.ButtonAreaLayout
Sets if the width of children should be synchronized.
- setSyncOnRelink(boolean) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Sets whether the dynamic linker created by this factory will invoke
after a call site is relinked. - setSyncProvider(String) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
Sets the
object for thisCachedRowSet
object to the one specified. - setSyncResolver(SyncResolver) - Method in exception class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncProviderException
Sets the
object for thisSyncProviderException
object to the one supplied. - setSystem(boolean) - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.DosFileAttributeView
Updates the value of the system attribute.
- setSystemId(File) - Method in class
Set the system ID from a
reference. - setSystemId(File) - Method in class
Set the system ID from a File reference.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult
Set the systemId that may be used in association with the node.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource
Set the base ID (URL or system ID) from where URLs will be resolved.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.transform.Result
Set the system identifier for this Result.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult
Method setSystemId Set the systemID that may be used in association with the
. - setSystemId(String) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
Set the system identifier for this Source.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.transform.sax.TemplatesHandler
Set the base ID (URI or system ID) for the Templates object created by this builder.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler
Set the base ID (URI or system ID) from where relative URLs will be resolved.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in interface javax.xml.transform.Source
Set the system identifier for this Source.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXResult
In the context of a
, it is not appropriate to explicitly set the system identifier. - setSystemId(String) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXSource
In the context of a
, it is not appropriate to explicitly set the system identifier. - setSystemId(String) - Method in class
Set the systemID that may be used in association with the byte or character stream, or, if neither is set, use this value as a writeable URI (probably a file name).
- setSystemId(String) - Method in class
Set the system identifier for this Source.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in interface
The system identifier, a URI reference [IETF RFC 2396], for this input source.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in interface
The system identifier, a URI reference [IETF RFC 2396], for this output destination.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl
Set the system identifier for this locator.
- setSystemId(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.InputSource
Set the system identifier for this input source.
- setSystemScope(IdentityScope) - Static method in class
Deprecated.Sets the system's identity scope.
- setTabComponentAt(int, Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the component that is responsible for rendering the title for the specified tab.
- setTabIndex(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setTabIndex(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAreaElement
- setTabIndex(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLButtonElement
- setTabIndex(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setTabIndex(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setTabIndex(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLSelectElement
- setTabIndex(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
- setTabLayoutPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the policy which the tabbedpane will use in laying out the tabs when all the tabs will not fit within a single run.
- setTable(JTable) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets the table associated with this header.
- setTableHeader(JTableHeader) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the
working with thisJTable
. - setTableLayout(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the table-layout property definition in CSS2.
- setTableName(int, String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl
Sets the name of the table from which the designated column was derived to the given table name.
- setTableName(int, String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSetMetaData
Sets the designated column's table name, if any, to the given
. - setTableName(String) - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
Sets the identifier for the table from which this
object was derived to the given table name. - setTabPlacement(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the tab placement for this tabbedpane.
- setTabSet(MutableAttributeSet, TabSet) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the TabSet.
- setTabSize(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextArea
Sets the number of characters to expand tabs to.
- setTarget(MethodHandle) - Method in class java.lang.invoke.CallSite
Updates the target method of this call site, according to the behavior defined by this call site's specific class.
- setTarget(MethodHandle) - Method in class java.lang.invoke.ConstantCallSite
Always throws an
. - setTarget(MethodHandle) - Method in class java.lang.invoke.MutableCallSite
Updates the target method of this call site, as a normal variable.
- setTarget(MethodHandle) - Method in class java.lang.invoke.VolatileCallSite
Updates the target method of this call site, as a volatile variable.
- setTarget(Object) - Method in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRelation
Sets the target object for this relation.
- setTarget(Object[]) - Method in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRelation
Sets the target objects for this relation.
- setTarget(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setTarget(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAreaElement
- setTarget(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBaseElement
- setTarget(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFormElement
- setTarget(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
- setTargetActions(int) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetContext
This method sets the current actions acceptable to this
. - setTargetCertConstraints(CertSelector) - Method in class
Sets the required constraints on the target certificate.
- setTaskListener(TaskListener) - Method in class com.sun.source.util.JavacTask
Sets a specified listener to receive notification of events describing the progress of this compilation task.
- setTcpNoDelay(boolean) - Method in class
(disable/enable Nagle's algorithm). - setTempoFactor(float) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Scales the sequencer's actual playback tempo by the factor provided.
- setTempoInBPM(float) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the tempo in beats per minute.
- setTempoInMPQ(float) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the tempo in microseconds per quarter note.
- SETTER - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind
A method handle for a write accessor for an instance field
- setText(String) - Method in class java.awt.Label
Sets the text for this label to the specified text.
- setText(String) - Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
Sets the text that is presented by this text component to be the specified text.
- setText(String) - Method in class java.awt.TextField
Sets the text that is presented by this text component to be the specified text.
- setText(String) - Method in class java.text.BreakIterator
Set a new text string to be scanned.
- setText(String) - Method in class java.text.CollationElementIterator
Set a new string over which to iterate.
- setText(String) - Method in class java.text.StringCharacterIterator
Reset this iterator to point to a new string.
- setText(String) - Method in class
Set the retrieved text.
- setText(String) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the button's text.
- setText(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JEditorPane
Sets the text of this
to the specified content, which is expected to be in the format of the content type of this editor. - setText(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Defines the single line of text this component will display.
- setText(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JPasswordField
- setText(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the text of this
to the specified text. - setText(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBodyElement
- setText(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLScriptElement
- setText(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTitleElement
- setText(CharacterIterator) - Method in class java.text.BreakIterator
Set a new text for scanning.
- setText(CharacterIterator) - Method in class java.text.CollationElementIterator
Set a new string over which to iterate.
- setTextAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the text-align property definition in CSS2.
- setTextContent(String) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
This DOM Level 3 method is not supported for
and will throw aDOMException
. - setTextContent(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Node
This attribute returns the text content of this node and its descendants.
- setTextContents(String) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleEditableText
Sets the text contents to the specified string.
- setTextContents(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JSpinner.AccessibleJSpinner
Sets the text contents to the specified string.
- setTextContents(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.AccessibleJTextComponent
Sets the text contents to the specified string.
- setTextDecoration(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the text-decoration property definition in CSS2.
- setTextIndent(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the text-indent property definition in CSS2.
- setTextNonSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Sets the color the text is drawn with when the node isn't selected.
- setTextSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer
Sets the color the text is drawn with when the node is selected.
- setTextShadow(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the text-shadow property definition in CSS2.
- setTextShiftOffset() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI
Sets the offset of the text.
- setTextTransform(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the text-transform property definition in CSS2.
- setTFoot(HTMLTableSectionElement) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setTHead(HTMLTableSectionElement) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setThreadAllocatedMemoryEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface
Enables or disables thread memory allocation measurement.
- setThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface
Enables or disables thread contention monitoring.
- setThreadCpuTimeEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface
Enables or disables thread CPU time measurement.
- setThreadFactory(ThreadFactory) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
Sets the thread factory used to create new threads.
- setThreadID(int) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Deprecated.This method doesn't allow to pass a long thread id, use
instead. - setThreshold(Number) - Method in class
Deprecated.As of JMX 1.2, replaced by
- setThreshold(Number) - Method in interface
Deprecated.As of JMX 1.2, replaced by
- setThresholds(Number, Number) - Method in class
Sets the high and the low threshold values common to all observed MBeans.
- setThresholds(Number, Number) - Method in interface
Sets the high and the low threshold values.
- setThrown(Throwable) - Method in class java.util.logging.LogRecord
Set a throwable associated with the log event.
- setThumbBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
Set the bounds of the thumb and force a repaint that includes the old thumbBounds and the new one.
- setThumbBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalScrollBarUI
This is overridden only to increase the invalid area.
- setThumbLocation(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
Sets the thumb location.
- setThumbnails(List<? extends BufferedImage>) - Method in class javax.imageio.IIOImage
Sets the list of thumbnails to a new
s, or tonull
. - setThumbRollover(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI
Sets whether or not the mouse is currently over the thumb.
- setTick(long) - Method in class javax.sound.midi.MidiEvent
Sets the time-stamp for the event, in MIDI ticks.
- setTickPosition(long) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the current sequencer position in MIDI ticks.
- setTiling(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
Specifies that the image should be tiled in the output stream.
- setTilingMode(int) - Method in class javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam
Determines whether the image will be tiled in the output stream and, if it will, how the tiling parameters will be determined.
- setTime(int, int, int) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set time as one unit.
- setTime(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set time as one unit, including optional milliseconds.
- setTime(int, int, int, BigDecimal) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set time as one unit, including the optional infinite precision fractional seconds.
- setTime(int, Time) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setTime(int, Time) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setTime(int, Time) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the givenjava.sql.Time
value. - setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command with the givenjava.sql.Time
value. - setTime(long) - Method in class java.sql.Date
Sets an existing
object using the given milliseconds time value. - setTime(long) - Method in class java.sql.Time
Sets a
object using a milliseconds time value. - setTime(long) - Method in class java.sql.Timestamp
Sets this
object to represent a point in time that istime
milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. - setTime(long) - Method in class java.util.Date
Sets this
object to represent a point in time that istime
milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. - setTime(long) - Method in class
Sets the last modification time of the entry.
- setTime(String, Time) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setTime(String, Time) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setTime(String, Time) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setTime(String, Time, Calendar) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setTime(String, Time, Calendar) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setTime(String, Time, Calendar) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setTime(Date) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets this Calendar's time with the given
. - setTimeInMillis(long) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets this Calendar's current time from the given long value.
- setTimeLimit(int) - Method in class
Sets the time limit of these SearchControls in milliseconds.
- setTimeLocal(LocalDateTime) - Method in class
Sets the last modification time of the entry in local date-time.
- setTimeOfDay(int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the time of day field parameters to the values given by
, andsecond
. - setTimeOfDay(int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the time of day field parameters to the values given by
, andmillis
. - setTimes(FileTime, FileTime, FileTime) - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributeView
Updates any or all of the file's last modified time, last access time, and create time attributes.
- setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command to the givenjava.sql.Timestamp
value. - setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter in this
object's command with the givenjava.sql.Timestamp
value. - setTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setTimestamp(String, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setTimestamp(String, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setTimestamp(String, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value, using the givenCalendar
object. - setTimeStamp(long) - Method in class
Set the notification timestamp.
- setTimeToLive(int) - Method in class
Set the TTL (time-to-live) option.
- setTimeToLive(int) - Method in class
Set the default time-to-live for multicast packets sent out on this
in order to control the scope of the multicasts. - setTimezone(int) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set the number of minutes in the timezone offset.
- setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class java.text.DateFormat
Sets the time zone for the calendar of this
object. - setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the time zone parameter to the given
. - setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets the time zone with the given time zone value.
- Setting a Security Manager - Search tag in class java.lang.SecurityManager
- Section
- SettingControl - Class in jdk.jfr
Base class to extend to create setting controls.
- SettingControl() - Constructor for class jdk.jfr.SettingControl
Constructor for invocation by subclass constructors.
- SettingDefinition - Annotation Interface in jdk.jfr
Annotation that specifies that a method in an event class should be used to filter out events.
- SettingDescriptor - Class in jdk.jfr
Describes an event setting.
- SettingDescriptorInfo - Class in
Management class that describes a setting, for example name, description and default value.
- Setting Initial Permissions - Search tag in interface java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFileAttributeView
- Section
- Setting the ACL when creating a file - Search tag in interface java.nio.file.attribute.AclFileAttributeView
- Section
- setTipText(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JToolTip
Sets the text to show when the tool tip is displayed.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Sets the title of the Dialog.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class java.awt.FileDialog
Sets the title of the Dialog.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class java.awt.Frame
Sets the title for this frame to the specified string.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class javax.swing.border.TitledBorder
Sets the title of the titled border.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets the
title. - setTitle(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLDocument
- setTitle(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement
- setTitleAt(int, String) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the title at
which can benull
. - setTitleColor(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.border.TitledBorder
Sets the title-color of the titled border.
- setTitleFont(Font) - Method in class javax.swing.border.TitledBorder
Sets the title-font of the titled border.
- setTitleJustification(int) - Method in class javax.swing.border.TitledBorder
Sets the title-justification of the titled border.
- setTitlePosition(int) - Method in class javax.swing.border.TitledBorder
Sets the title-position of the titled border.
- setToDisk(boolean) - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Determines whether this recording is continuously flushed to the disk repository or data is constrained to what is available in memory buffers.
- setToggleClickCount(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the number of mouse clicks before a node will expand or close.
- setToIdentity() - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Resets this transform to the Identity transform.
- setTokenThreshold(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument
Sets the number of tokens to buffer before trying to update the documents element structure.
- setToolTip(String) - Method in class java.awt.TrayIcon
Sets the tooltip string for this
. - setToolTipText(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Registers the text to display in a tool tip.
- setToolTipTextAt(int, String) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the tooltip text at
which can benull
. - setTop(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the top property definition in CSS2.
- setToPage(int) - Method in class java.awt.JobAttributes
Specifies, for jobs using these attributes, the last page (inclusive) to be printed, if a range of pages is to be printed.
- setTopComponent(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the component above, or to the left of the divider.
- setTopDown(boolean) - Method in class javax.imageio.plugins.bmp.BMPImageWriteParam
If set, the data will be written out in a top-down manner, the first scanline being written first.
- setTopInset(float) - Method in class javax.swing.text.AsyncBoxView
Set the top part of the margin around the view.
- setToQuadrantRotation(int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to a rotation transformation that rotates coordinates by the specified number of quadrants.
- setToQuadrantRotation(int, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to a translated rotation transformation that rotates coordinates by the specified number of quadrants around the specified anchor point.
- setToRotation(double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to a rotation transformation.
- setToRotation(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to a rotation transformation that rotates coordinates according to a rotation vector.
- setToRotation(double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to a translated rotation transformation.
- setToRotation(double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to a rotation transformation that rotates coordinates around an anchor point according to a rotation vector.
- setToScale(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to a scaling transformation.
- setToShear(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to a shearing transformation.
- setToTranslation(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to a translation transformation.
- setTrackMute(int, boolean) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the mute state for a track.
- setTrackSolo(int, boolean) - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Sets the solo state for a track.
- setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class
Sets traffic class or type-of-service octet in the IP datagram header for datagrams sent from this DatagramSocket.
- setTrafficClass(int) - Method in class
Sets traffic class or type-of-service octet in the IP header for packets sent from this Socket.
- setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Attempts to change the transaction isolation level for this
object to the one given. - setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the transaction isolation property for this JDBC
object to the given constant. - setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the transaction isolation level for this
object. - setTransactionTimeout(int) - Method in interface javax.transaction.xa.XAResource
Sets the current transaction timeout value for this
instance. - setTransferHandler(TransferHandler) - Method in class javax.swing.JApplet
Deprecated.Sets the
property, which is a mechanism to support transfer of data into this component. - setTransferHandler(TransferHandler) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the
, which provides support for transfer of data into and out of this component via cut/copy/paste and drag and drop. - setTransferHandler(TransferHandler) - Method in class javax.swing.JDialog
Sets the
property, which is a mechanism to support transfer of data into this component. - setTransferHandler(TransferHandler) - Method in class javax.swing.JFrame
Sets the
property, which is a mechanism to support transfer of data into this component. - setTransferHandler(TransferHandler) - Method in class javax.swing.JWindow
Sets the
property, which is a mechanism to support transfer of data into this component. - setTransform(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to the matrix specified by the 6 double precision values.
- setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Sets this transform to a copy of the transform in the specified
object. - setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Overwrites the Transform in the
context. - setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.RenderContext
Sets the current user-to-device AffineTransform contained in the RenderContext to a given transform.
- setTree(JTree) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor
Sets the tree currently editing for.
- setTrustAnchors(Set<TrustAnchor>) - Method in class
Sets the
of most-trusted CAs. - setTTL(byte) - Method in class
Deprecated.use setTimeToLive instead.
- setTTL(byte) - Method in class
Deprecated.use the
method instead, which uses int instead of byte as the type for ttl. - setType(int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the type for this
object to the specified type. - setType(int) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the type of this
object to the given type. - setType(int, String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl
Set the type of a specific attribute.
- setType(short) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
Sets the element type.
- setType(Window.Type) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Sets the type of the window.
- setType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement
- setType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLIElement
- setType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLinkElement
- setType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOListElement
- setType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLParamElement
- setType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLScriptElement
- setType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLStyleElement
- setType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLUListElement
- setType(AclEntryType) - Method in class java.nio.file.attribute.AclEntry.Builder
Sets the type component of this builder.
- setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in interface java.sql.Connection
Installs the given
object as the type map for thisConnection
object. - setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Installs the given
object as the type map associated with theConnection
object for thisRowSet
object. - setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Installs the given
object as the default type map for thisRowSet
object. - setUI(ButtonUI) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ColorChooserUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ComboBoxUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ComponentUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the look and feel delegate for this component.
- setUI(DesktopIconUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon
Sets the look-and-feel object that renders this component.
- setUI(DesktopPaneUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JDesktopPane
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(InternalFrameUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
Sets the UI delegate for this
. - setUI(LabelUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(LayerUI<? super V>) - Method in class javax.swing.JLayer
Sets the
which will perform painting and receive input events for thisJLayer
. - setUI(ListUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the
, the look and feel object that renders this component. - setUI(MenuBarUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuBar
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(MenuItemUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuItem
Sets the look and feel object that renders this component.
- setUI(OptionPaneUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the UI object which implements the L&F for this component.
- setUI(PanelUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JPanel
Sets the look and feel (L&F) object that renders this component.
- setUI(PopupMenuUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ProgressBarUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets the look-and-feel object that renders this component.
- setUI(RootPaneUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JRootPane
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ScrollBarUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ScrollPaneUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Sets the
object that provides the look and feel (L&F) for this component. - setUI(SeparatorUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JSeparator
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(SliderUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Sets the UI object which implements the L&F for this component.
- setUI(SpinnerUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JSpinner
Sets the look and feel (L&F) object that renders this component.
- setUI(SplitPaneUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JSplitPane
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(TabbedPaneUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane
Sets the UI object which implements the L&F for this component.
- setUI(TableHeaderUI) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
Sets the look and feel (L&F) object that renders this component.
- setUI(TableUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the L&F object that renders this component and repaints.
- setUI(TextUI) - Method in class javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
Sets the user-interface factory for this text-oriented editor.
- setUI(ToolBarUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JToolBar
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(TreeUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUI(ViewportUI) - Method in class javax.swing.JViewport
Sets the L&F object that renders this component.
- setUncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Set the handler invoked when this thread abruptly terminates due to an uncaught exception.
- setUndecorated(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Disables or enables decorations for this dialog.
- setUndecorated(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Frame
Disables or enables decorations for this frame.
- setUnderline(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.LabelView
Sets whether or not the view is underlined.
- setUnderline(MutableAttributeSet, boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Sets the underline attribute.
- setUnexecutedModifications(ModificationItem[]) - Method in exception class
Sets the unexecuted modification list to be e.
- setUnicast(boolean) - Method in class java.beans.EventSetDescriptor
Mark an event set as unicast (or not).
- setUnicodeBidi(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the unicode-bidi property definition in CSS2.
- setUnicodeLocaleKeyword(String, String) - Method in class java.util.Locale.Builder
Sets the Unicode locale keyword type for the given key.
- setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
- setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Deprecated.getCharacterStream should be used in its place
- setUnitIncrement(int) - Method in interface java.awt.Adjustable
Sets the unit value increment for the adjustable object.
- setUnitIncrement(int) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Sets the unit increment for this scroll bar.
- setUnitIncrement(int) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable
- setUnitIncrement(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Sets the unitIncrement property.
- setUnitIncrement(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane.ScrollBar
Messages super to set the value, and resets the
instance variable to true. - setUnstableRelinkThreshold(int) - Method in class jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory
Sets the unstable relink threshold; the number of times a call site is relinked after which it will be considered unstable, and subsequent link requests for it will indicate this.
- setup(FileSystemView) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Performs common constructor initialization and setup.
- setUpdatePolicy(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Sets the caret movement policy on the document updates.
- setUpdateRect(Rectangle) - Method in class java.awt.event.PaintEvent
Sets the rectangle representing the area which needs to be repainted in response to this event.
- setUpdateSelectionOnSort(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Specifies whether the selection should be updated after sorting.
- setUpdateTableInRealTime(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader
Obsolete as of Java 2 platform v1.3.
- setupMenuCloseKey() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
Setup the menu close key.
- setupMenuOpenKey() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
Setup the menu open key.
- setupPostTimer(JMenu) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuUI
Sets timer to the
. - setURI(int, String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl
Set the Namespace URI of a specific attribute.
- setURIDereferencer(URIDereferencer) - Method in class javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMCryptoContext
- setURIDereferencer(URIDereferencer) - Method in interface javax.xml.crypto.XMLCryptoContext
Sets a
that is used to dereferenceURIReference
s. - setURIResolver(URIResolver) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.Transformer
Set an object that will be used to resolve URIs used in document().
- setURIResolver(URIResolver) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
Set an object that is used by default during the transformation to resolve URIs used in document(), xsl:import, or xsl:include.
- setUrl(String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the Url property for this
object to the givenString
object and sets the dataSource name property tonull
. - setUrl(String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the URL this
object will use when it uses theDriverManager
to create a connection. - setURL(int, URL) - Method in interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setURL(int, URL) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setURL(int, URL) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the designated parameter to the given
value. - setURL(String, URL) - Method in interface java.sql.CallableStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given
object. - setURL(URL, String, String, int, String, String) - Method in class
Deprecated.Use setURL(URL, String, String, int, String, String, String, String);
- setURL(URL, String, String, int, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Sets the fields of the
argument to the indicated values. - setURLStreamHandlerFactory(URLStreamHandlerFactory) - Static method in class
Sets an application's
. - setUsageThreshold(long) - Method in interface
Sets the threshold of this memory pool to the given
value if this memory pool supports the usage threshold. - setUseCache(boolean) - Static method in class javax.imageio.ImageIO
Sets a flag indicating whether a disk-based cache file should be used when creating
s andImageOutputStream
s. - setUseCaches(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of the
field of thisURLConnection
to the specified value. - setUseCipherSuitesOrder(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the local cipher suites preference should be honored.
- setUseClientMode(boolean) - Method in class
Configures the engine to use client (or server) mode when handshaking.
- setUseClientMode(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether accepted connections are in the (default) SSL server mode, or the SSL client mode.
- setUseClientMode(boolean) - Method in class
Configures the socket to use client (or server) mode when handshaking.
- setUseMap(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setUseMap(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setUseMap(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setUseParentHandlers(boolean) - Method in class java.util.logging.Logger
Specify whether or not this logger should send its output to its parent Logger.
- setUserData(Object) - Method in class
Set the user data.
- setUserData(String, Object, UserDataHandler) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
This DOM Level 3 method is not supported for
and will throw aDOMException
. - setUserData(String, Object, UserDataHandler) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Node
Associate an object to a key on this node.
- setUsername(String) - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet
Sets the username property for this
object to the given user name. - setUsername(String) - Method in interface javax.sql.RowSet
Sets the username property for this
object to the givenString
. - setUserObject(Object) - Method in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode
Sets the value associated with this node.
- setUserObject(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
Sets the user object for this node to
. - setUserObject(Object) - Method in interface javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode
Resets the user object of the receiver to
. - setValidating(boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
Specifies that the parser produced by this code will validate documents as they are parsed.
- setValidating(boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
Specifies that the parser produced by this code will validate documents as they are parsed.
- setValidCharacters(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter
Allows for further restricting of the characters that can be input.
- setVAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setVAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableColElement
- setVAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement
- setVAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElement
- setValue(boolean) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector.BooleanArgument
Sets the value of the argument.
- setValue(boolean) - Method in class javax.sound.sampled.BooleanControl
Sets the current value for the control.
- setValue(float) - Method in class javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl
Sets the current value for the control.
- setValue(int) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector.IntegerArgument
Sets the value of the argument.
- setValue(int) - Method in interface java.awt.Adjustable
Sets the current value of the adjustable object.
- setValue(int) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Sets the value of this scroll bar to the specified value.
- setValue(int) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable
Sets the value of this scrollbar to the specified value.
- setValue(int) - Method in interface javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel
Sets the model's current value to
satisfies the model's constraints. - setValue(int) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
Sets the current value of the model.
- setValue(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JProgressBar
Sets the progress bar's current value to
. - setValue(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Sets the scrollbar's value.
- setValue(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Sets the slider's current value to
. - setValue(int) - Method in class javax.swing.Spring
Sets the current value of this
. - setValue(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLLIElement
- setValue(int, Value) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ArrayReference
Replaces an array component with another value.
- setValue(int, String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl
Set the value of a specific attribute.
- setValue(Field, Value) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ClassType
Assigns a value to a static field.
- setValue(Field, Value) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference
Sets the value of a given instance or static field in this object.
- setValue(LocalVariable, Value) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.StackFrame
Sets the
of aLocalVariable
in this frame. - setValue(Object) - Method in class java.beans.Expression
Sets the value of this expression to
. - setValue(Object) - Method in interface java.beans.PropertyEditor
Set (or change) the object that is to be edited.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
Set (or change) the object that is to be edited.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.sound.sampled.EnumControl
Sets the current value for the control.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
Sets the value of this cell.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JFormattedTextField
Sets the value that will be formatted by an
obtained from the currentAbstractFormatterFactory
. - setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the value the user has chosen.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.JSpinner
Changes current value of the model, typically this value is displayed by the
. - setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.SpinnerDateModel
Sets the current
for this sequence. - setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.SpinnerListModel
Changes the current element of the sequence and notifies
. - setValue(Object) - Method in interface javax.swing.SpinnerModel
Changes current value of the model, typically this value is displayed by the
part of aJSpinner
. - setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel
Sets the current value for this sequence.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer
Sets the
object for the cell being rendered tovalue
. - setValue(Object, boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.Renderer
Specifies the value to display and whether or not the value should be portrayed as "currently selected".
- setValue(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector.Argument
Sets the value of the argument.
- setValue(String) - Method in class
Assigns a new value to a cookie after the cookie is created.
- setValue(String) - Method in class jdk.jfr.SettingControl
Sets the value for this setting.
- setValue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Attr
On retrieval, the value of the attribute is returned as a string.
- setValue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLButtonElement
- setValue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement
- setValue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOptionElement
- setValue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLParamElement
- setValue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLSelectElement
- setValue(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTextAreaElement
- setValue(String, Object) - Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
Associate a named attribute with this feature.
- setValue(V) - Method in class java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
Replaces the value corresponding to this entry with the specified value.
- setValue(V) - Method in class java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry
Replaces the value corresponding to this entry with the specified value (optional operation).
- setValue(V) - Method in interface java.util.Map.Entry
Replaces the value corresponding to this entry with the specified value (optional operation).
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Sets the value for the cell in the table model at
. - setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel
This empty implementation is provided so users don't have to implement this method if their data model is not editable.
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel
Sets the object value for the cell at
. - setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in interface javax.swing.table.TableModel
Sets the value in the cell at
. - setValueClass(Class<?>) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatter
Sets that class that is used to create new Objects.
- setValueContainsLiteralCharacters(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter
If true, the returned value and set value will also contain the literal characters in mask.
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Sets the
property. - setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable
Sets the
property. - setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel
This attribute indicates that any upcoming changes to the value of the model should be considered a single event.
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultBoundedRangeModel
Sets the
property. - setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel
Sets the
property, which indicates whether or not upcoming selection changes should be considered part of a single change. - setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the selection model's
property. - setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Sets the model's valueIsAdjusting property.
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider
Sets the model's
property. - setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.ListSelectionModel
Sets the
property, which indicates whether or not upcoming selection changes should be considered part of a single change. - setValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Sets the values of four properties for this scroll bar:
, andmaximum
. - setValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Sets the four BoundedRangeModel properties after forcing the arguments to obey the usual constraints:
- setValues(int, List<? extends Value>, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ArrayReference
Replaces a range of array components with other values.
- setValues(List<? extends Value>) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ArrayReference
Replaces all array components with other values.
- setValueType(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLParamElement
- setVariant(String) - Method in class java.util.Locale.Builder
Sets the variant.
- setVerbose(boolean) - Method in interface
Enables or disables the verbose output for the class loading system.
- setVerbose(boolean) - Method in interface
Enables or disables verbose output for the memory system.
- setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Sets the value to indicate whether input verifier for the current focus owner will be called before this component requests focus.
- setVersion(int) - Method in class
Sets the version of the cookie protocol this cookie complies with.
- setVersion(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLHtmlElement
- setVerticalAlign(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the vertical-align property definition in CSS2.
- setVerticalAlignment(int) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the vertical alignment of the icon and text.
- setVerticalAlignment(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Sets the alignment of the label's contents along the Y axis.
- setVerticalGroup(GroupLayout.Group) - Method in class javax.swing.GroupLayout
Sets the
that positions and sizes components along the vertical axis. - setVerticalScrollBar(JScrollBar) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Adds the scrollbar that controls the viewports vertical view position to the scrollpane.
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Determines when the vertical scrollbar appears in the scrollpane.
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
Sets the vertical scrollbar-display policy.
- setVerticalTextPosition(int) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton
Sets the vertical position of the text relative to the icon.
- setVerticalTextPosition(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JLabel
Sets the vertical position of the label's text, relative to its image.
- setVgap(int) - Method in class java.awt.BorderLayout
Sets the vertical gap between components.
- setVgap(int) - Method in class java.awt.CardLayout
Sets the vertical gap between components.
- setVgap(int) - Method in class java.awt.FlowLayout
Sets the vertical gap between components and between the components and the borders of the
. - setVgap(int) - Method in class java.awt.GridLayout
Sets the vertical gap between components to the specified value.
- setView(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JViewport
Sets the
's one lightweight child (view
), which can benull
. - setView(View) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI
Sets the current root of the view hierarchy and calls invalidate().
- setView(V) - Method in class javax.swing.JLayer
Sets the
's view component, which can benull
. - setViewport(JViewport) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Removes the old viewport (if there is one); forces the viewPosition of the new viewport to be in the +x,+y quadrant; syncs up the row and column headers (if there are any) with the new viewport; and finally syncs the scrollbars and headers with the new viewport.
- setViewportBorder(Border) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Adds a border around the viewport.
- setViewportView(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Creates a viewport if necessary and then sets its view.
- setViewPosition(Point) - Method in class javax.swing.JViewport
Sets the view coordinates that appear in the upper left hand corner of the viewport, does nothing if there's no view.
- setViewSize(Dimension) - Method in class javax.swing.JViewport
Sets the size of the view.
- setVisibility(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the visibility property definition in CSS2.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class
Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
Sets the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Shows or hides this component depending on the value of parameter
. - setVisible(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Shows or hides this
depending on the value of parameterb
. - setVisible(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.List.AccessibleAWTList.AccessibleAWTListChild
Set the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent.AccessibleAWTMenuComponent
Sets the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Window
Shows or hides this
depending on the value of parameterb
. - setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface javax.accessibility.AccessibleComponent
Sets the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JComponent
Makes the component visible or invisible.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Sets the visibility of the popup menu.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell
Sets the visible state of the object.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.table.JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface javax.swing.text.Caret
Sets the visibility of the caret.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret
Sets the caret visibility, and repaints the caret.
- setVisibleAmount(int) - Method in interface java.awt.Adjustable
Sets the length of the proportional indicator of the adjustable object.
- setVisibleAmount(int) - Method in class java.awt.Scrollbar
Sets the visible amount of this scroll bar.
- setVisibleAmount(int) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable
This method should NOT be called by user code.
- setVisibleAmount(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollBar
Set the model's extent property.
- setVisibleComponent(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Sets the visible component.
- setVisibleRowCount(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JList
Sets the
property, which has different meanings depending on the layout orientation: For aVERTICAL
layout orientation, this sets the preferred number of rows to display without requiring scrolling; for other orientations, it affects the wrapping of cells. - setVisibleRowCount(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Sets the number of rows that are to be displayed.
- setVLink(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBodyElement
- setVMOption(String, String) - Method in interface
Sets a VM option of the given name to the specified value.
- setVoiceFamily(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the voice-family property definition in CSS2.
- setVolatile(Object...) - Method in class java.lang.invoke.VarHandle
Sets the value of a variable to the
, with memory semantics of setting as if the variable was declaredvolatile
. - setVolume(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the volume property definition in CSS2.
- setVspace(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setVspace(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setVspace(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setWantClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether client authentication should be requested.
- setWantClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class
Configures the engine to request client authentication.
- setWantClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether client authentication should be requested.
- setWantClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class
Controls whether
ed server-modeSSLSockets
will be initially configured to request client authentication. - setWantClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class
Configures the socket to request client authentication.
- setWantsInput(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Sets the
property. - setWasIcon(JInternalFrame, Boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultDesktopManager
Sets that the component has been iconized and the bounds of the
are valid. - setWeekDate(int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the week-based date parameters to the values with the given date specifiers - week year, week of year, and day of week.
- setWeekDate(int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar
Sets the date of this
with the given date specifiers - week year, week of year, and day of week. - setWeekDate(int, int, int) - Method in class java.util.GregorianCalendar
Sets this
to the date given by the date specifiers -weekYear
, anddayOfWeek
. - setWeekdays(String[]) - Method in class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
Sets weekday strings.
- setWeekDefinition(int, int) - Method in class java.util.Calendar.Builder
Sets the week definition parameters to the values given by
that are used to determine the first week of a year. - setWestPane(JComponent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
Sets the west pane.
- setWheelScrollingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.ScrollPane
Enables/disables scrolling in response to movement of the mouse wheel.
- setWheelScrollingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane
Enables/disables scrolling in response to movement of the mouse wheel.
- setWhiteSpace(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the white-space property definition in CSS2.
- setWidows(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the widows property definition in CSS2.
- setWidth(int) - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
This method should not be used to set the widths of columns in the
, usesetPreferredWidth
instead. - setWidth(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLPreElement
- setWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the width property definition in CSS2.
- setWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAppletElement
- setWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLHRElement
- setWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
- setWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
- setWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
- setWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCellElement
- setWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableColElement
- setWidth(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement
- setWidth(Spring) - Method in class javax.swing.SpringLayout.Constraints
Sets the
property, which controls the width of a component. - setWindingRule(int) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Path2D
Sets the winding rule for this path to the specified value.
- setWindowDecorationStyle(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JRootPane
Sets the type of Window decorations (such as borders, widgets for closing a Window, title ...) the
should provide. - setWindowIconBadge(Window, Image) - Method in class java.awt.Taskbar
Affixes a small badge to this application's icon in the task area for the specified window.
- setWindowProgressState(Window, Taskbar.State) - Method in class java.awt.Taskbar
Sets a progress state for a specified window.
- setWindowProgressValue(Window, int) - Method in class java.awt.Taskbar
Displays a determinate progress bar in the task area for the specified window.
- setWordSpacing(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the word-spacing property definition in CSS2.
- setWrapStyleWord(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTextArea
Sets the style of wrapping used if the text area is wrapping lines.
- setWritable(boolean) - Method in class
A convenience method to set the owner's write permission for this abstract pathname.
- setWritable(boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the owner's or everybody's write permission for this abstract pathname.
- setWriteMethod(Method) - Method in class java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
Sets the method that should be used to write the property value.
- setWriter(Writer) - Method in interface javax.script.ScriptContext
Sets the
for scripts to use when displaying output. - setWriter(Writer) - Method in class javax.script.SimpleScriptContext
Sets the
for scripts to use when displaying output. - setWriter(Writer) - Method in class
Set the writer that is to receive the result.
- setX(Spring) - Method in class javax.swing.SpringLayout.Constraints
Sets the
property, which controls thex
value of a component's location. - setXIncludeAware(boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
Set state of XInclude processing.
- setXIncludeAware(boolean) - Method in class javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
Set state of XInclude processing.
- setXMLReader(XMLReader) - Method in class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
Set the XMLReader to be used for the Source.
- setXMLReporter(XMLReporter) - Method in class
The reporter that will be set on any XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader created by this factory instance.
- setXMLResolver(XMLResolver) - Method in class
The resolver that will be set on any XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader created by this factory instance.
- setXmlStandalone(boolean) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Document
An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, whether this document is standalone.
- setXmlVersion(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Document
An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, the version number of this document.
- setXMLVersion(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.ext.Locator2Impl
Assigns the current value of the version property.
- setXORMode(Color) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics
Sets the paint mode of this graphics context to alternate between this graphics context's current color and the new specified color.
- setXORMode(Color) - Method in class javax.swing.DebugGraphics
. - setXPathFunctionResolver(XPathFunctionResolver) - Method in interface javax.xml.xpath.XPath
Establish a function resolver.
- setXPathFunctionResolver(XPathFunctionResolver) - Method in class javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
Establish a default function resolver.
- setXPathVariableResolver(XPathVariableResolver) - Method in interface javax.xml.xpath.XPath
Establish a variable resolver.
- setXPathVariableResolver(XPathVariableResolver) - Method in class javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
Establish a default variable resolver.
- setY(Spring) - Method in class javax.swing.SpringLayout.Constraints
Sets the
property, which controls they
value of a component's location. - setYear(int) - Method in class java.sql.Time
- setYear(int) - Method in class java.util.Date
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
Calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year + 1900)
. - setYear(int) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set year of XSD
year field. - setYear(BigInteger) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
Set low and high order component of XSD
year field. - setZeroDigit(char) - Method in class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
Sets the character used for zero.
- setZIndex(String) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSS2Properties
See the z-index property definition in CSS2.
- setZoneStrings(String[][]) - Method in class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
Sets time zone strings.
- severe(String) - Method in class java.util.logging.Logger
Log a SEVERE message.
- severe(Supplier<String>) - Method in class java.util.logging.Logger
Log a SEVERE message, which is only to be constructed if the logging level is such that the message will actually be logged.
- SEVERE - Static variable in class java.util.logging.Level
SEVERE is a message level indicating a serious failure.
- Severity - Class in javax.print.attribute.standard
is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that denotes the severity of aPrinterStateReason
attribute. - Severity(int) - Constructor for class javax.print.attribute.standard.Severity
Construct a new severity enumeration value with the given integer value.
- SEVERITY_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.DOMError
The severity of the error described by the
is error. - SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.DOMError
The severity of the error described by the
is fatal error. - SEVERITY_WARNING - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.DOMError
The severity of the error described by the
is warning. - SHA1 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA-1" message digest. - SHA1 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.DigestMethod
The SHA1 digest method algorithm URI.
- SHA1_RSA_MGF1 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod
The SHA1-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.
- SHA224 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA-224" message digest. - SHA224 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.DigestMethod
The SHA224 digest method algorithm URI.
- SHA224_RSA_MGF1 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod
The SHA224-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.
- SHA256 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA-256" message digest. - SHA256 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.DigestMethod
The SHA256 digest method algorithm URI.
- SHA256_RSA_MGF1 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod
The SHA256-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.
- SHA3_224 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA3-224" message digest. - SHA3_224 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.DigestMethod
The SHA3-224 digest method algorithm URI.
- SHA3_224_RSA_MGF1 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod
The SHA3-224-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.
- SHA3_256 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA3-256" message digest. - SHA3_256 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.DigestMethod
The SHA3-256 digest method algorithm URI.
- SHA3_256_RSA_MGF1 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod
The SHA3-256-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.
- SHA3_384 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA3-384" message digest. - SHA3_384 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.DigestMethod
The SHA3-384 digest method algorithm URI.
- SHA3_384_RSA_MGF1 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod
The SHA3-384-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.
- SHA3_512 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA3-512" message digest. - SHA3_512 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.DigestMethod
The SHA3-512 digest method algorithm URI.
- SHA3_512_RSA_MGF1 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod
The SHA3-512-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.
- SHA384 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA-384" message digest. - SHA384 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.DigestMethod
The SHA384 digest method algorithm URI.
- SHA384_RSA_MGF1 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod
The SHA384-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.
- SHA512 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA-512" message digest. - SHA512 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.DigestMethod
The SHA512 digest method algorithm URI.
- SHA512_224 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA-512/224" message digest. - SHA512_256 - Static variable in class
uses a "SHA-512/256" message digest. - SHA512_RSA_MGF1 - Static variable in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod
The SHA512-RSA-MGF1 (PKCS #1) signature method algorithm URI.
- shadow - Variable in class javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder
The color to use for the etched shadow.
- shadow - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicBorders.ButtonBorder
The color of shadow.
- shadow - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicBorders.FieldBorder
The color of shadow.
- shadow - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder
The color of shadow
- shadow - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSeparatorUI
The color of the shadow.
- shadow - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Shadow color
- shadowInner - Variable in class javax.swing.border.BevelBorder
The color to use for the bevel inner shadow.
- shadowOuter - Variable in class javax.swing.border.BevelBorder
the color to use for the bevel outer shadow
- shallowClone() - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
Creates a shallow copy of a
. - shape() - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.Vector
Returns the shape of this vector.
- shape(char[], int, int) - Method in class java.awt.font.NumericShaper
Converts the digits in the text that occur between start and start + count.
- shape(char[], int, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.font.NumericShaper
Converts the digits in the text that occur between start and start + count, using the provided context.
- shape(char[], int, int, NumericShaper.Range) - Method in class java.awt.font.NumericShaper
Converts the digits in the text that occur between
andstart + count
, using the providedcontext
. - Shape - Interface in java.awt
interface provides definitions for objects that represent some form of geometric shape. - SHAPE - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
Attribute "shape"
- ShapeGraphicAttribute - Class in java.awt.font
class is an implementation ofGraphicAttribute
that draws shapes in aTextLayout
. - ShapeGraphicAttribute(Shape, int, boolean) - Constructor for class java.awt.font.ShapeGraphicAttribute
Constructs a
for the specifiedShape
. - SHAPES - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
Attribute "shapes"
- Shapes and species - Search tag in class jdk.incubator.vector.Vector
- Section
- SHARADA - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Sharada".
- SHARADA - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Sharada" Unicode character block.
- shardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface java.sql.ConnectionBuilder
Specifies a
to be used when creating a connection - shardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface javax.sql.PooledConnectionBuilder
Specifies a
to be used when creating a connection - shardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface javax.sql.XAConnectionBuilder
Specifies a
to be used when creating a connection - ShardingKey - Interface in java.sql
Interface used to indicate that this object represents a Sharding Key.
- ShardingKeyBuilder - Interface in java.sql
A builder created from a
object, used to create aShardingKey
with sub-keys of supported data types. - SHARED_POOL - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.ClassFile.ConstantPoolSharingOptionPREVIEW
Preserves the original constant pool when transforming classfile
- sharedInstance - Static variable in class javax.swing.JTree.EmptySelectionModel
The single instance of
. - sharedInstance() - Static method in class javax.swing.JTree.EmptySelectionModel
Returns the single instance of
. - sharedInstance() - Static method in class javax.swing.ToolTipManager
Returns a shared
instance. - SHARPNESS_HARD - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "Sharpness" tag.
- SHARPNESS_NORMAL - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "Sharpness" tag.
- SHARPNESS_SOFT - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "Sharpness" tag.
- SHAVIAN - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Shavian".
- SHAVIAN - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Shavian" Unicode character block.
- shear(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Concatenates this transform with a shearing transformation.
- shear(double, double) - Method in class java.awt.Graphics2D
Concatenates the current
with a shearing transform. - SheetCollate - Class in javax.print.attribute.standard
is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies whether or not the media sheets of each copy of each printed document in a job are to be in sequence, when multiple copies of the document are specified by theCopies
attribute. - SheetCollate(int) - Constructor for class javax.print.attribute.standard.SheetCollate
Construct a new sheet collate enumeration value with the given integer value.
- shift(float, float, int) - Method in class javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl
Changes the control value from the initial value to the final value linearly over the specified time period, specified in microseconds.
- SHIFT_DOWN_MASK - Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
The Shift key extended modifier constant.
- SHIFT_MASK - Static variable in class java.awt.event.ActionEvent
The shift modifier.
- SHIFT_MASK - Static variable in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
Deprecated.It is recommended that SHIFT_DOWN_MASK and
be used instead - SHIFT_MASK - Static variable in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.This flag indicates that the Shift key was down when the event occurred.
- shiftDown() - Method in class java.awt.Event
Deprecated.NOTE: The
class is obsolete and is available only for backwards compatibility. - shiftEnd(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.GapContent
Make the gap bigger, moving any necessary data and updating the appropriate marks
- shiftGap(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.GapContent
Move the start of the gap to a new location, without changing the size of the gap.
- shiftGapEndUp(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.GapContent
Adjust the gap end upward.
- shiftGapStartDown(int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.GapContent
Adjust the gap end downward.
- shiftLeft(int) - Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns a BigInteger whose value is
(this << n)
. - shiftRight(int) - Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns a BigInteger whose value is
(this >> n)
. - Short - Class in java.lang
class wraps a value of primitive typeshort
in an object. - Short(short) - Constructor for class java.lang.Short
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.It is rarely appropriate to use this constructor. The static factory
is generally a better choice, as it is likely to yield significantly better space and time performance. - Short(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.Short
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.It is rarely appropriate to use this constructor. Use
to convert a string to ashort
primitive, or useShort.valueOf(String)
to convert a string to aShort
object. - SHORT - Enum constant in enum class java.text.ListFormat.Style
ListFormat style. - SHORT - Enum constant in enum class java.text.NumberFormat.Style
number format style. - SHORT - Enum constant in enum class java.time.format.FormatStyle
Short text style, typically numeric.
- SHORT - Enum constant in enum class java.time.format.TextStyle
Short text, typically an abbreviation.
- SHORT - Enum constant in enum class javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind
The primitive type
. - SHORT - Static variable in class java.text.DateFormat
Constant for short style pattern.
- SHORT - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
- SHORT - Static variable in class java.util.TimeZone
A style specifier for
indicating a short name, such as "PST." - SHORT - Static variable in class
instance describing values whose Java class name isjava.lang.Short
. - SHORT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface javax.swing.Action
The key used for storing a short
description for the action, used for tooltip text. - SHORT_FORMAT - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
A style specifier for
indicating a short name used for format. - SHORT_IDS - Static variable in class java.time.ZoneId
A map of zone overrides to enable the short time-zone names to be used.
- SHORT_STANDALONE - Enum constant in enum class java.time.format.TextStyle
Short text for stand-alone use, typically an abbreviation.
- SHORT_STANDALONE - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
A style specifier for
indicating a short name used independently, such as a month abbreviation as calendar headers. - ShortBuffer - Class in java.nio
A short buffer.
- ShortBufferException - Exception Class in javax.crypto
This exception is thrown when an output buffer provided by the user is too short to hold the operation result.
- ShortBufferException() - Constructor for exception class javax.crypto.ShortBufferException
Constructs a
with no detail message. - ShortBufferException(String) - Constructor for exception class javax.crypto.ShortBufferException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - shortcuts() - Method in class java.awt.MenuBar
Gets an enumeration of all menu shortcuts this menu bar is managing.
- SHORTHAND_FORMAT_CONTROLS - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Shorthand Format Controls" Unicode character block.
- ShortLookupTable - Class in java.awt.image
This class defines a lookup table object.
- ShortLookupTable(int, short[]) - Constructor for class java.awt.image.ShortLookupTable
Constructs a ShortLookupTable object from an array of shorts representing a lookup table for each band.
- ShortLookupTable(int, short[][]) - Constructor for class java.awt.image.ShortLookupTable
Constructs a ShortLookupTable object from an array of short arrays representing a lookup table for each band.
- ShortMessage - Class in javax.sound.midi
contains a MIDI message that has at most two data bytes following its status byte. - ShortMessage() - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Constructs a new
. - ShortMessage(byte[]) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Constructs a new
. - ShortMessage(int) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Constructs a new
which represents a MIDI message that takes no data bytes. - ShortMessage(int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Constructs a new
which represents a MIDI message that takes up to two data bytes. - ShortMessage(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Constructs a new
which represents a channel MIDI message that takes up to two data bytes. - ShortType - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.TypeKindPREVIEW
the primitive type short
- ShortType - Interface in com.sun.jdi
The type of all primitive
values accessed in the target VM. - shortValue() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.PrimitiveValue
Converts this value to a ShortValue and returns the result as a short.
- shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Byte
Returns the value of this
as ashort
after a widening primitive conversion. - shortValue() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.AnnotationValue.OfShortPREVIEW
Returns the constant.
- shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Double
Returns the value of this
as ashort
after a narrowing primitive conversion. - shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Float
Returns the value of this
as ashort
after a narrowing primitive conversion. - shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the value of this
as ashort
after a narrowing primitive conversion. - shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Long
Returns the value of this
as ashort
after a narrowing primitive conversion. - shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Number
Returns the value of the specified number as a
. - shortValue() - Method in class java.lang.Short
Returns the value of this
as ashort
. - ShortValue - Interface in com.sun.jdi
Provides access to a primitive
value in the target VM. - shortValueExact() - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Converts this
to ashort
, checking for lost information. - shortValueExact() - Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Converts this
to ashort
, checking for lost information. - ShortVector - Class in jdk.incubator.vector
A specialized
representing an ordered immutable sequence ofshort
values. - shouldAccept(URI, HttpCookie) - Method in interface
Will be called to see whether or not this cookie should be accepted.
- shouldCommit() - Method in class jdk.jfr.Event
if the enabled setting for this event is set totrue
and if the duration is within the threshold for the event,false
otherwise. - shouldFillGap(int, int, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTabbedPaneUI
if the gap should be filled. - shouldPadTabRun(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Returns whether or not the tab run should be padded.
- shouldPaintExpandControl(TreePath, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
if the expand (toggle) control should be drawn for the specified row. - shouldRotateTabRuns(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI
Returns whether or not the tab run should be rotated.
- shouldRotateTabRuns(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTabbedPaneUI
if tab runs should be rotated. - shouldScroll(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI.TrackListener
Returns if scrolling should occur.
- shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractCellEditor
Returns true.
- shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in interface javax.swing.CellEditor
Returns true if the editing cell should be selected, false otherwise.
- shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
Returns true to indicate that the editing cell may be selected.
- shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor
Forwards the message from the
to thedelegate
. - shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor
Messages the
for the return value. - shouldStartEditingTimer(EventObject) - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor
Returns true if
is aMouseEvent
and the click count is 1. - shouldUpdateStyleOnAncestorChanged() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel
Returns whether or not the UIs should update their
from theSynthStyleFactory
when the ancestor of theJComponent
changes. - shouldUpdateStyleOnAncestorChanged() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel
Returns whether or not the UIs should update their
from theSynthStyleFactory
when the ancestor of theJComponent
changes. - shouldUpdateStyleOnEvent(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel
Returns whether or not the UIs should update their styles when a particular event occurs.
- shouldUpdateStyleOnEvent(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel
Returns whether or not the UIs should update their styles when a particular event occurs.
- shouldYieldFocus(JComponent) - Method in class javax.swing.InputVerifier
- shouldYieldFocus(JComponent, JComponent) - Method in class javax.swing.InputVerifier
Is called by Swing if this
is assigned to thesource
Swing component to check whether the requested focus transfer from thesource
is allowed. - show() - Method in class java.awt.Component.BltBufferStrategy
Makes the next available buffer visible.
- show() - Method in class java.awt.Component.FlipBufferStrategy
Makes the next available buffer visible by either blitting or flipping.
- show() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
. - show() - Method in class java.awt.Dialog
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.5, replaced by
. - show() - Method in class java.awt.image.BufferStrategy
Makes the next available buffer visible by either copying the memory (blitting) or changing the display pointer (flipping).
- show() - Method in class java.awt.Window
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.5, replaced by
. - show() - Method in class javax.swing.JInternalFrame
If the internal frame is not visible, brings the internal frame to the front, makes it visible, and attempts to select it.
- show() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup
Implementation of
- show() - Method in interface javax.swing.plaf.basic.ComboPopup
Shows the popup
- show() - Method in class javax.swing.Popup
Makes the
visible. - show(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.Component
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
. - show(Component, int, int) - Method in class java.awt.PopupMenu
Shows the popup menu at the x, y position relative to an origin component.
- show(Component, int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.JPopupMenu
Displays the popup menu at the position x,y in the coordinate space of the component invoker.
- show(Container, String) - Method in class java.awt.CardLayout
Flips to the component that was added to this layout with the specified
, usingaddLayoutComponent
. - SHOW_ALL - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
Show all
. - SHOW_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_CDATA_SECTION - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_COMMENT - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_DOCUMENT - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_ENTITY - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_HIDDEN_FRAMES - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.StackWalker.Option
Shows all hidden frames.
- SHOW_NOTATION - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - SHOW_REFLECT_FRAMES - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.StackWalker.Option
Shows all reflection frames.
- SHOW_TEXT - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter
nodes. - Show/hide blocking - Search tag in package java.awt
- Section
- SHOWA - Static variable in class java.time.chrono.JapaneseEra
The singleton instance for the 'Showa' era (1926-12-25 - 1989-01-07) which has the value 1.
- showConfirmDialog(Component, Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up a dialog with the options Yes, No and Cancel; with the title, Select an Option.
- showConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up a dialog where the number of choices is determined by the
parameter. - showConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up a dialog where the number of choices is determined by the
parameter, where themessageType
parameter determines the icon to display. - showConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up a dialog with a specified icon, where the number of choices is determined by the
parameter. - showDialog(Component, String) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Pops a custom file chooser dialog with a custom approve button.
- showDialog(Component, String, Color) - Static method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
Shows a modal color-chooser dialog and blocks until the dialog is hidden.
- showDialog(Component, String, Color, boolean) - Static method in class javax.swing.JColorChooser
Shows a modal color-chooser dialog and blocks until the dialog is hidden.
- showDocument(URL) - Method in interface java.applet.AppletContext
Deprecated.Requests that the browser or applet viewer show the Web page indicated by the
argument. - showDocument(URL, String) - Method in interface java.applet.AppletContext
Deprecated.Requests that the browser or applet viewer show the Web page indicated by the
argument. - showHorizontalLines - Variable in class javax.swing.JTable
The table draws horizontal lines between cells if
is true. - SHOWING - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleState
Indicates this object, the object's parent, the object's parent's parent, and so on, are all visible.
- SHOWING_CHANGED - Static variable in class java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent
A change flag indicates that the
event was generated due to the changing of the hierarchy showing state. - showInputDialog(Component, Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user parented to
. - showInputDialog(Component, Object, Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user and parented to
. - showInputDialog(Component, Object, String, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Shows a dialog requesting input from the user parented to
with the dialog having the titletitle
and message typemessageType
. - showInputDialog(Component, Object, String, int, Icon, Object[], Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Prompts the user for input in a blocking dialog where the initial selection, possible selections, and all other options can be specified.
- showInputDialog(Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user.
- showInputDialog(Object, Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Shows a question-message dialog requesting input from the user, with the input value initialized to
. - showInternalConfirmDialog(Component, Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up an internal dialog panel with the options Yes, No and Cancel; with the title, Select an Option.
- showInternalConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up a internal dialog panel where the number of choices is determined by the
parameter. - showInternalConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up an internal dialog panel where the number of choices is determined by the
parameter, where themessageType
parameter determines the icon to display. - showInternalConfirmDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up an internal dialog panel with a specified icon, where the number of choices is determined by the
parameter. - showInternalInputDialog(Component, Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Shows an internal question-message dialog requesting input from the user parented to
. - showInternalInputDialog(Component, Object, String, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Shows an internal dialog requesting input from the user parented to
with the dialog having the titletitle
and message typemessageType
. - showInternalInputDialog(Component, Object, String, int, Icon, Object[], Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Prompts the user for input in a blocking internal dialog where the initial selection, possible selections, and all other options can be specified.
- showInternalMessageDialog(Component, Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up an internal confirmation dialog panel.
- showInternalMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up an internal dialog panel that displays a message using a default icon determined by the
parameter. - showInternalMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int, Icon) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up an internal dialog panel displaying a message, specifying all parameters.
- showInternalOptionDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon, Object[], Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up an internal dialog panel with a specified icon, where the initial choice is determined by the
parameter and the number of choices is determined by theoptionType
parameter. - showMessageDialog(Component, Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up an information-message dialog titled "Message".
- showMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up a dialog that displays a message using a default icon determined by the
parameter. - showMessageDialog(Component, Object, String, int, Icon) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up a dialog displaying a message, specifying all parameters.
- showOpenDialog(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Pops up an "Open File" file chooser dialog.
- showOptionDialog(Component, Object, String, int, int, Icon, Object[], Object) - Static method in class javax.swing.JOptionPane
Brings up a dialog with a specified icon, where the initial choice is determined by the
parameter and the number of choices is determined by theoptionType
parameter. - showPopup() - Method in class javax.swing.JComboBox
Causes the combo box to display its popup window.
- SHOWS_ROOT_HANDLES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.swing.JTree
Bound property name for
. - showSaveDialog(Component) - Method in class javax.swing.JFileChooser
Pops up a "Save File" file chooser dialog.
- showsRootHandles - Variable in class javax.swing.JTree
True if handles are displayed at the topmost level of the tree.
- showStatus(String) - Method in class java.applet.Applet
Deprecated.Requests that the argument string be displayed in the "status window".
- showStatus(String) - Method in interface java.applet.AppletContext
Deprecated.Requests that the argument string be displayed in the "status window".
- showSystemMenu() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
Shows system menu.
- showSystemMenu() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalInternalFrameTitlePane
Override the parent's method to do nothing.
- showVerticalLines - Variable in class javax.swing.JTable
The table draws vertical lines between cells if
is true. - shrinkAbsorb - Variable in class java.awt.font.GlyphJustificationInfo
, this glyph absorbs all remaining shrinkage at this and lower priority levels as it shrinks. - shrinkLeftLimit - Variable in class java.awt.font.GlyphJustificationInfo
The maximum amount by which the left side of this glyph can shrink (a positive number).
- shrinkPriority - Variable in class java.awt.font.GlyphJustificationInfo
The priority level of this glyph as it is shrinking.
- shrinkRightLimit - Variable in class java.awt.font.GlyphJustificationInfo
The maximum amount by which the right side of this glyph can shrink (a positive number).
- shuffle(List<?>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Randomly permutes the specified list using a default source of randomness.
- shuffle(List<?>, Random) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Randomly permute the specified list using the specified source of randomness.
- shuffle(List<?>, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Randomly permute the specified list using the specified source of randomness.
- shuffleFromArray(int[], int) - Method in interface jdk.incubator.vector.VectorSpecies
Creates a shuffle for this species from an
array starting at an offset. - shuffleFromOp(IntUnaryOperator) - Method in interface jdk.incubator.vector.VectorSpecies
Creates a shuffle for this species from the successive values of an operator applied to the range
. - shuffleFromValues(int...) - Method in interface jdk.incubator.vector.VectorSpecies
Creates a shuffle for this species from a series of source indexes.
- shutdown() - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpChannel
Shutdown a connection without closing the channel.
- shutdown() - Method in class
Initiates an orderly shutdown in which requests previously submitted with
are run to completion, but no new request will be accepted. - shutdown() - Method in class java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup
Initiates an orderly shutdown of the group.
- shutdown() - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
Initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.
- shutdown() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
Possibly initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.
- shutdown() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.
- shutdown() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScopePREVIEW
Shut down this task scope without closing it.
- shutdown() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
Initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.
- shutdown(Association) - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpMultiChannel
Shutdown an association without closing the channel.
- SHUTDOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.nio.sctp.AssociationChangeNotification.AssocChangeEvent
The association has gracefully closed.
- SHUTDOWN - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterStateReason
Someone has removed a printer from service, and the device may be powered down or physically removed.
- Shutdown and Termination - Search tag in class java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup
- Section
- ShutdownChannelGroupException - Exception Class in java.nio.channels
Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to construct a channel in a group that is shutdown or the completion handler for an I/O operation cannot be invoked because the channel group has terminated.
- ShutdownChannelGroupException() - Constructor for exception class java.nio.channels.ShutdownChannelGroupException
Constructs an instance of this class.
- shutdownInput() - Method in class
Places the input stream for this socket at "end of stream".
- shutdownInput() - Method in class
Places the input stream for this socket at "end of stream".
- shutdownInput() - Method in class java.nio.channels.AsynchronousSocketChannel
Shutdown the connection for reading without closing the channel.
- shutdownInput() - Method in class java.nio.channels.SocketChannel
Shutdown the connection for reading without closing the channel.
- ShutdownNotification - Class in com.sun.nio.sctp
Notification emitted when a peer shuts down an association.
- ShutdownNotification() - Constructor for class com.sun.nio.sctp.ShutdownNotification
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- shutdownNow() - Method in class
This method attempts to initiate an immediate shutdown.
- shutdownNow() - Method in class java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup
Shuts down the group and closes all open channels in the group.
- shutdownNow() - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
Attempts to stop all actively executing tasks, halts the processing of waiting tasks, and returns a list of the tasks that were awaiting execution.
- shutdownNow() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
Possibly attempts to cancel and/or stop all tasks, and reject all subsequently submitted tasks.
- shutdownNow() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Attempts to stop all actively executing tasks, halts the processing of waiting tasks, and returns a list of the tasks that were awaiting execution.
- shutdownNow() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
Attempts to stop all actively executing tasks, halts the processing of waiting tasks, and returns a list of the tasks that were awaiting execution.
- ShutdownOnFailure() - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailurePREVIEW
Constructs a new unnamed
that creates virtual threads. - ShutdownOnFailure(String, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailurePREVIEW
Constructs a new
with the given name and thread factory. - ShutdownOnSuccess() - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnSuccessPREVIEW
Constructs a new unnamed
that creates virtual threads. - ShutdownOnSuccess(String, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnSuccessPREVIEW
Constructs a new
with the given name and thread factory. - shutdownOutput() - Method in class
Disables the output stream for this socket.
- shutdownOutput() - Method in class
Disables the output stream for this socket.
- shutdownOutput() - Method in class java.nio.channels.AsynchronousSocketChannel
Shutdown the connection for writing without closing the channel.
- shutdownOutput() - Method in class java.nio.channels.SocketChannel
Shutdown the connection for writing without closing the channel.
- Shutdown Sequence - Search tag in class java.lang.Runtime
- Section
- SIDDHAM - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Siddham".
- SIDDHAM - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Siddham" Unicode character block.
- SIDE - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaTray
The side input tray.
- Side-effects - Search tag in package
- Section
- Sides - Class in javax.print.attribute.standard
is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies how print-stream pages are to be imposed upon the sides of an instance of a selected medium, i.e., an impression. - Sides(int) - Constructor for class javax.print.attribute.standard.Sides
Construct a new sides enumeration value with the given integer value.
- sign() - Method in class
Returns the signature bytes of all the data updated.
- sign(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Finishes the signature operation and stores the resulting signature bytes in the provided buffer
, starting atoffset
. - sign(ZipFile, OutputStream) - Method in class
Signs a file into an
. - sign(XMLSignContext) - Method in interface javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignature
Signs this
. - SIGN - Static variable in class
value, signifying that thisSignature
object has been initialized for signing. - SIGN - Static variable in class java.text.NumberFormat.Field
Constant identifying the sign field.
- SIGN - Static variable in class javax.xml.crypto.KeySelector.Purpose
A key for signing.
- signal() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer.ConditionObject
Moves the longest-waiting thread, if one exists, from the wait queue for this condition to the wait queue for the owning lock.
- signal() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject
Moves the longest-waiting thread, if one exists, from the wait queue for this condition to the wait queue for the owning lock.
- signal() - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition
Wakes up one waiting thread.
- signalAll() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer.ConditionObject
Moves all threads from the wait queue for this condition to the wait queue for the owning lock.
- signalAll() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject
Moves all threads from the wait queue for this condition to the wait queue for the owning lock.
- signalAll() - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition
Wakes up all waiting threads.
- signature() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.LocalVariable
Gets the type signature of the local variable.
- signature() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.Type
Returns the type signature for this type.
- signature() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.TypeComponent
Gets the type signature for this type component.
- signature() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.LocalVariableTypeInfoPREVIEW
Returns the field signature of the local variable.
- signature() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.SignatureAttributePREVIEW
Returns the signature for the class, method, or field.
- signature() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariableTypePREVIEW
Returns the local variable signature.
- signature() - Method in class jdk.jshell.MethodSnippet
The full type signature of the method, including return type.
- signature() - Method in interface jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Documentation
The signature of the given element.
- Signature - Class in
class is used to provide applications the functionality of a digital signature algorithm. - SignaturePREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Models generic Java type signatures, as defined in
- Signature(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a
object for the specified algorithm. - SIGNATURE - Enum constant in enum class
Asymmetric primitive: signature scheme
- SIGNATURE - Static variable in class java.lang.classfile.AttributesPREVIEW
Attribute mapper for the
attribute - SIGNATURE_VERSION - Static variable in class java.util.jar.Attributes.Name
object forSignature-Version
manifest attribute used when signing JAR files. - Signature.ArrayTypeSigPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Models the signature of an array type.
- Signature.BaseTypeSigPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Models the signature of a primitive type or void
- Signature.ClassTypeSigPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Models the signature of a possibly-parameterized class or interface type.
- Signature.RefTypeSigPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Models the signature of a reference type, which may be a class, interface, type variable, or array type.
- Signature.ThrowableSigPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Models a signature for a throwable type.
- Signature.TypeArgPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Models the type argument.
- Signature.TypeArg.WildcardIndicatorPREVIEW - Enum Class in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Indicator for whether a wildcard has default bound, no bound, an upper bound, or a lower bound
- Signature.TypeParamPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Models a signature for a type parameter of a generic class or method.
- Signature.TypeVarSigPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Models the signature of a type variable.
- signatureAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
Sets the signature algorithm.
- signatureAlgorithm(String, Provider) - Method in class
Sets the signature algorithm from the specified provider.
- SignatureAttributePREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
Models the
attribute 4.7.9, which can appear on classes, methods, or fields. - SignatureException - Exception Class in
This is the generic Signature exception.
- SignatureException() - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a
with no detail message. - SignatureException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - SignatureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a
with the specified detail message and cause. - SignatureException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message ofcause
). - SignatureMethod - Interface in javax.xml.crypto.dsig
A representation of the XML
element as defined in the W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing. - SignatureMethodParameterSpec - Interface in javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec
A specification of algorithm parameters for an XML
algorithm. - Signature polymorphism - Search tag in class java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle
- Section
- SignatureProperties - Interface in javax.xml.crypto.dsig
A representation of the XML
element as defined in the W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing. - SignatureProperty - Interface in javax.xml.crypto.dsig
A representation of the XML
element as defined in the W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing. - SignatureSpi - Class in
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the
class, which is used to provide the functionality of a digital signature algorithm. - SignatureSpi() - Constructor for class
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- signatureString() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassSignaturePREVIEW
Returns the raw signature string.
- signatureString() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.MethodSignaturePREVIEW
Returns the raw signature string.
- signatureString() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.SignaturePREVIEW
Returns the raw signature string.
- signatureSymbol() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariableTypePREVIEW
Returns the local variable signature.
- SignedInfo - Interface in javax.xml.crypto.dsig
An representation of the XML
element as defined in the W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing. - Signed JAR Files - Search tag in class java.util.jar.JarInputStream
- Section
- SignedObject - Class in
is a class for the purpose of creating authentic runtime objects whose integrity cannot be compromised without being detected. - SignedObject(Serializable, PrivateKey, Signature) - Constructor for class
Constructs a
from any Serializable object. - Signer - Class in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.This class is deprecated and subject to removal in a future version of Java SE. It has been replaced by
. - Signer() - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Creates a
. - Signer(String) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Creates a
with the specified identity name. - Signer(String, IdentityScope) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Creates a
with the specified identity name and scope. - signerName(String) - Method in class
Sets the signer name.
- Signing and marshalling XMLSignatures to XML - Search tag in class javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignatureFactory
- Section
- SignStyle - Enum Class in java.time.format
Enumeration of ways to handle the positive/negative sign.
- signum() - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns the signum function of this
. - signum() - Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns the signum function of this BigInteger.
- signum(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0 if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0 if the argument is less than zero.
- signum(double) - Static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0 if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0 if the argument is less than zero.
- signum(float) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0f if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0f if the argument is less than zero.
- signum(float) - Static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0f if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0f if the argument is less than zero.
- signum(int) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Returns the signum function of the specified
value. - signum(long) - Static method in class java.lang.Long
Returns the signum function of the specified
value. - SIGNWRITING - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "SignWriting".
- SILENT - Static variable in class java.rmi.server.LogStream
Deprecated.log level constant (no logging).
- SIMPLE_SCROLL_MODE - Static variable in class javax.swing.JViewport
This mode uses the very simple method of redrawing the entire contents of the scrollpane each time it is scrolled.
- SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor14<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for source version
. - SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor14() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor14
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses
for the default value. - SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor14(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor14
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the default value.
- SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for the
source version. - SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6
Deprecated.Release 6 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor6
Deprecated.Release 6 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor7<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for the
source version. - SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor7() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor7
Deprecated.Release 7 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor7(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor7
Deprecated.Release 7 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for the
source version. - SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses
for the default value. - SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the default value.
- SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for source versions
. - SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses
for the default value. - SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor9
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the default value.
- SimpleAttributeSet - Class in javax.swing.text
A straightforward implementation of MutableAttributeSet using a hash table.
- SimpleAttributeSet() - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
Creates a new attribute set.
- SimpleAttributeSet(AttributeSet) - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet
Creates a new attribute set based on a supplied set of attributes.
- SimpleBeanInfo - Class in java.beans
This is a support class to make it easier for people to provide BeanInfo classes.
- SimpleBeanInfo() - Constructor for class java.beans.SimpleBeanInfo
Constructs a
. - SimpleBindings - Class in javax.script
A simple implementation of Bindings backed by a
or some other specifiedMap
. - SimpleBindings() - Constructor for class javax.script.SimpleBindings
Default constructor uses a
. - SimpleBindings(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class javax.script.SimpleBindings
Constructor uses an existing
to store the values. - SimpleDateFormat - Class in java.text
is a concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner. - SimpleDateFormat() - Constructor for class java.text.SimpleDateFormat
Constructs a
using the default pattern and date format symbols for the defaultFORMAT
locale. - SimpleDateFormat(String) - Constructor for class java.text.SimpleDateFormat
Constructs a
using the given pattern and the default date format symbols for the defaultFORMAT
locale. - SimpleDateFormat(String, DateFormatSymbols) - Constructor for class java.text.SimpleDateFormat
Constructs a
using the given pattern and date format symbols. - SimpleDateFormat(String, Locale) - Constructor for class java.text.SimpleDateFormat
Constructs a
using the given pattern and the default date format symbols for the given locale. - SimpleDoc - Class in javax.print
This class is an implementation of interface
that can be used in many common printing requests. - SimpleDoc(Object, DocFlavor, DocAttributeSet) - Constructor for class javax.print.SimpleDoc
Constructs a
with the specified print data, doc flavor and doc attribute set. - SimpleDocTreeVisitor<R,
P> - Class in com.sun.source.util -
A simple visitor for tree nodes.
- SimpleDocTreeVisitor() - Constructor for class com.sun.source.util.SimpleDocTreeVisitor
Creates a visitor, with a DEFAULT_VALUE of
. - SimpleDocTreeVisitor(R) - Constructor for class com.sun.source.util.SimpleDocTreeVisitor
Creates a visitor, with a specified DEFAULT_VALUE.
- SimpleElementVisitor14<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for the
source version. - SimpleElementVisitor14() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor14
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses
for the default value. - SimpleElementVisitor14(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor14
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the default value.
- SimpleElementVisitor6<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for the
source version. - SimpleElementVisitor6() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor6
Deprecated.Release 6 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleElementVisitor6(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor6
Deprecated.Release 6 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleElementVisitor7<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for the
source version. - SimpleElementVisitor7() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor7
Deprecated.Release 7 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleElementVisitor7(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor7
Deprecated.Release 7 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleElementVisitor8<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for the
source version. - SimpleElementVisitor8() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor8
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses
for the default value. - SimpleElementVisitor8(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor8
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the default value.
- SimpleElementVisitor9<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for source versions
. - SimpleElementVisitor9() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor9
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses
for the default value. - SimpleElementVisitor9(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor9
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the default value.
- SimpleEntry(Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
Creates an entry representing the same mapping as the specified entry.
- SimpleEntry(K, V) - Constructor for class java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
Creates an entry representing a mapping from the specified key to the specified value.
- SimpleFileServer - Class in
A simple HTTP file server and its components (intended for testing, development and debugging purposes only).
- Simple file server - Search tag in class
- Section
- SimpleFileServer.OutputLevel - Enum Class in
Describes the log message output level produced by the server when processing exchanges.
- SimpleFileVisitor<T> - Class in java.nio.file
A simple visitor of files with default behavior to visit all files and to re-throw I/O errors.
- SimpleFileVisitor() - Constructor for class java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- SimpleFormatter - Class in java.util.logging
Print a brief summary of the
in a human readable format. - SimpleFormatter() - Constructor for class java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
Create a
. - SimpleImmutableEntry(Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry
Creates an entry representing the same mapping as the specified entry.
- SimpleImmutableEntry(K, V) - Constructor for class java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry
Creates an entry representing a mapping from the specified key to the specified value.
- SimpleJavaFileObject - Class in
Provides simple implementations for most methods in JavaFileObject.
- SimpleJavaFileObject(URI, JavaFileObject.Kind) - Constructor for class
Construct a SimpleJavaFileObject of the given kind and with the given URI.
- SimpleLinkRequest - Class in
Default simple implementation of
. - SimpleLinkRequest(CallSiteDescriptor, boolean, Object...) - Constructor for class
Creates a new link request.
- SimpleRelinkableCallSite - Class in
A relinkable call site that implements monomorphic inline caching strategy, only being linked to a single
at any given time. - SimpleRelinkableCallSite(CallSiteDescriptor) - Constructor for class
Creates a new call site with monomorphic inline caching strategy.
- SimpleScriptContext - Class in javax.script
Simple implementation of ScriptContext.
- SimpleScriptContext() - Constructor for class javax.script.SimpleScriptContext
Create a
. - SimpleTimeZone - Class in java.util
is a concrete subclass ofTimeZone
that represents a time zone for use with a Gregorian calendar. - SimpleTimeZone(int, String) - Constructor for class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT and time zone ID with no daylight saving time schedule.
- SimpleTimeZone(int, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT, time zone ID, and rules for starting and ending the daylight time.
- SimpleTimeZone(int, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT, time zone ID, and rules for starting and ending the daylight time.
- SimpleTimeZone(int, String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Constructs a SimpleTimeZone with the given base time zone offset from GMT, time zone ID, and rules for starting and ending the daylight time.
- SimpleTreeVisitor<R,
P> - Class in com.sun.source.util -
A simple visitor for tree nodes.
- SimpleTreeVisitor() - Constructor for class com.sun.source.util.SimpleTreeVisitor
Creates a visitor, with a DEFAULT_VALUE of
. - SimpleTreeVisitor(R) - Constructor for class com.sun.source.util.SimpleTreeVisitor
Creates a visitor, with a specified DEFAULT_VALUE.
- SimpleType<T> - Class in
class is the open type class whose instances describe all open data values which are neither arrays, norCompositeData
values, norTabularData
values. - SimpleTypeVisitor14<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for source version
. - SimpleTypeVisitor14() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor14
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses
for the default value. - SimpleTypeVisitor14(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor14
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the default value.
- SimpleTypeVisitor6<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for the
source version. - SimpleTypeVisitor6() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6
Deprecated.Release 6 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleTypeVisitor6(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6
Deprecated.Release 6 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleTypeVisitor7<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for the
source version. - SimpleTypeVisitor7() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor7
Deprecated.Release 7 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleTypeVisitor7(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor7
Deprecated.Release 7 is obsolete; update to a visitor for a newer release level.
- SimpleTypeVisitor8<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for the
source version. - SimpleTypeVisitor8() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor8
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses
for the default value. - SimpleTypeVisitor8(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor8
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the default value.
- SimpleTypeVisitor9<R,
P> - Class in javax.lang.model.util -
A simple visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for source versions
. - SimpleTypeVisitor9() - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor9
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses
for the default value. - SimpleTypeVisitor9(R) - Constructor for class javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor9
Constructor for concrete subclasses; uses the argument for the default value.
- SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE - Static variable in class java.util.Locale
Useful constant for language.
- SIMPLIFIED_HANZI - Static variable in class
Constant for all Han characters used in writing Simplified Chinese, including a subset of the CJK unified ideographs as well as Simplified Chinese Han characters that may be defined as surrogate characters.
- sin(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle.
- sin(double) - Static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle.
- SIN - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators
. - since() - Element in annotation interface java.lang.Deprecated
Returns the version in which the annotated element became deprecated.
- SINCE - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing an@since
tag. - SinceTree - Interface in com.sun.source.doctree
A tree node for an
block tag. - SINGLE - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.AttributeTree.ValueKind
The attribute value is enclosed in single quotation marks.
- SINGLE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.MultipleDocumentHandling
Single document -- see above for further information.
- SINGLE_DOCUMENT_NEW_SHEET - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.MultipleDocumentHandling
Single document new sheet -- see above for further information.
- SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION - Static variable in interface javax.swing.ListSelectionModel
A value for the selectionMode property: select one contiguous range of indices at a time.
- SINGLE_LINE - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleState
Indicates this (text) object can contain only a single line of text.
- SINGLE_SELECTION - Static variable in interface javax.swing.ListSelectionModel
A value for the selectionMode property: select one list index at a time.
- SINGLE_STATIC_IMPORT_SUBKIND - Enum constant in enum class jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind
Single-Static-Import Declaration.
- SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION - Static variable in interface javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
Selection can only contain one path at a time.
- SINGLE_TYPE_IMPORT_SUBKIND - Enum constant in enum class jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind
Single-Type-Import Declaration.
- SingleClickListener(JList<?>) - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI.SingleClickListener
Deprecated.Constructs an instance of
. - SINGLEFRAME - Static variable in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
The image contain a single static image.
- SINGLEFRAMEDONE - Static variable in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
One frame of the image is complete but there are more frames to be delivered.
- SINGLEPASS - Static variable in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
The pixels will be delivered in a single pass.
- SinglePixelPackedSampleModel - Class in java.awt.image
This class represents pixel data packed such that the N samples which make up a single pixel are stored in a single data array element, and each data data array element holds samples for only one pixel.
- SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel
Constructs a SinglePixelPackedSampleModel with bitMasks.length bands.
- SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(int, int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel
Constructs a SinglePixelPackedSampleModel with bitMasks.length bands and a scanline stride equal to scanlineStride data array elements.
- SingleSelectionModel - Interface in javax.swing
A model that supports at most one indexed selection.
- singleton(T) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns an immutable set containing only the specified object.
- singletonKeySelector(Key) - Static method in class javax.xml.crypto.KeySelector
Returns a
that always selects the specified key, regardless of theKeyInfo
passed to it. - singletonList(T) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns an immutable list containing only the specified object.
- singletonMap(K, V) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns an immutable map, mapping only the specified key to the specified value.
- sinh(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the hyperbolic sine of a
value. - sinh(double) - Static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
Returns the hyperbolic sine of a
value. - SINH - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators
. - SINHALA - Enum constant in enum class java.awt.font.NumericShaper.Range
The Sinhala range with the Sinhala digits.
- SINHALA - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Sinhala".
- SINHALA - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Sinhala" Unicode character block.
- SINHALA_ARCHAIC_NUMBERS - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Sinhala Archaic Numbers" Unicode character block.
- sink() - Method in class java.nio.channels.Pipe
Returns this pipe's sink channel.
- SinkChannel(SelectorProvider) - Constructor for class java.nio.channels.Pipe.SinkChannel
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- sipush(int) - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.CodeBuilderPREVIEW
Generate an instruction pushing a short onto the operand stack
- SIPUSH - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.OpcodePREVIEW
Push short
- SIPUSH - Static variable in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassFilePREVIEW
The integer value used to encode the SIPUSH instruction.
- size - Variable in class java.awt.Font
The point size of this
, rounded to integer. - size - Variable in class java.awt.image.DataBuffer
Usable size of all banks.
- size() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.request.StepRequest
- size() - Method in class
- size() - Method in class java.awt.Component
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by
. - size() - Method in class java.awt.RenderingHints
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this
. - size() - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
Gets the number of children affected by the notification.
- size() - Method in class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
Gets the number of children currently nested in this BeanContext.
- size() - Method in class
Returns the current size of the buffer.
- size() - Method in class
Returns the current size of the buffer.
- size() - Method in class
Returns the current value of the counter
, the number of bytes written to this data output stream so far. - size() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.BufWriterPREVIEW
Returns the number of bytes that have been written to the buffer.
- size() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.constantpool.ConstantPoolPREVIEW
Returns the size of the constant pool.
- size() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.TypeAnnotation.TargetInfoPREVIEW
Returns the size of the target info.
- size() - Method in class java.nio.channels.AsynchronousFileChannel
Returns the current size of this channel's file.
- size() - Method in class java.nio.channels.FileChannel
Returns the current size of this channel's file.
- size() - Method in class java.nio.channels.FileLock
Returns the size of the locked region in bytes.
- size() - Method in interface java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel
Returns the current size of entity to which this channel is connected.
- size() - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
Returns the size of the file (in bytes).
- size() - Method in class
Deprecated.Returns the number of identities within this identity scope.
- size() - Method in class
Retrieves the number of entries in this keystore.
- size() - Method in class java.util.AbstractMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
- size() - Method in class java.util.ArrayDeque
Returns the number of elements in this deque.
- size() - Method in class java.util.ArrayList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in class java.util.BitSet
Returns the number of bits of space actually in use by this
to represent bit values. - size() - Method in interface java.util.Collection
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
Returns the number of elements in this queue.
- size() - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque
Returns the number of elements in this deque.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.KeySetView
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque
Returns the number of elements in this deque.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
Returns the number of elements in this queue.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet
Returns the number of elements in this set.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet
Returns the number of elements in this set.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque
Returns the number of elements in this deque.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
Returns the number of elements in this queue.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.LinkedTransferQueue
Returns the number of elements in this queue.
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue
- size() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue
Always returns zero.
- size() - Method in interface java.util.Deque
Returns the number of elements in this deque.
- size() - Method in class java.util.Dictionary
Returns the number of entries (distinct keys) in this dictionary.
- size() - Method in class java.util.EnumMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
- size() - Method in class java.util.HashMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
- size() - Method in class java.util.HashSet
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
- size() - Method in class java.util.Hashtable
Returns the number of keys in this hashtable.
- size() - Method in class java.util.IdentityHashMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this identity hash map.
- size() - Method in class java.util.jar.Attributes
Returns the number of attributes in this Map.
- size() - Method in class java.util.LinkedList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in interface java.util.List
Returns the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in interface java.util.Map
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
- size() - Method in class java.util.PriorityQueue
- size() - Method in interface java.util.Set
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
- size() - Method in class java.util.TreeMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
- size() - Method in class java.util.TreeSet
Returns the number of elements in this set (its cardinality).
- size() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Returns the number of components in this vector.
- size() - Method in class java.util.WeakHashMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
- size() - Method in class
Returns the number of entries in the ZIP file.
- size() - Method in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRelationSet
Returns the number of relations in the relation set.
- size() - Method in interface
Returns the number of
values (ie the number of rows) contained in thisTabularData
instance. - size() - Method in class
Returns the number of rows in this
instance. - size() - Method in class javax.naming.CompositeName
Retrieves the number of components in this composite name.
- size() - Method in class javax.naming.CompoundName
Retrieves the number of components in this compound name.
- size() - Method in interface
Retrieves the number of values in this attribute.
- size() - Method in interface
Retrieves the number of attributes in the attribute set.
- size() - Method in class
- size() - Method in class
- size() - Method in class javax.naming.ldap.LdapName
Retrieves the number of components in this LDAP name.
- size() - Method in class javax.naming.ldap.Rdn
Retrieves the number of attribute type/value pairs in this Rdn.
- size() - Method in interface javax.naming.Name
Returns the number of components in this name.
- size() - Method in class javax.naming.Reference
Retrieves the number of addresses in this reference.
- size() - Method in interface javax.print.attribute.AttributeSet
Returns the number of attributes in this attribute set.
- size() - Method in class javax.print.attribute.HashAttributeSet
Returns the number of attributes in this attribute set.
- size() - Method in class javax.script.SimpleBindings
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
- size() - Method in class javax.sound.midi.Track
Obtains the number of events in this track.
- size() - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
Returns the number of rows in this
object. - size() - Method in class javax.swing.ActionMap
Returns the number of bindings in this
. - size() - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultListModel
Returns the number of components in this list.
- size() - Method in class javax.swing.InputMap
Returns the number of
bindings. - size() - Method in interface javax.xml.xpath.XPathNodes
Returns the number of items in the result
- size(String) - Method in interface java.nio.file.attribute.UserDefinedFileAttributeView
Returns the size of the value of a user-defined attribute.
- size(Path) - Static method in class java.nio.file.Files
Returns the size of a file (in bytes).
- Size - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Name of the font size.
- SIZE - Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
Attribute key for the font size.
- SIZE - Static variable in class java.lang.Byte
The number of bits used to represent a
value in two's complement binary form. - SIZE - Static variable in class java.lang.Character
The number of bits used to represent a
value in unsigned binary form, constant16
. - SIZE - Static variable in class java.lang.Double
The number of bits used to represent a
value. - SIZE - Static variable in class java.lang.Float
The number of bits used to represent a
value. - SIZE - Static variable in class java.lang.Integer
The number of bits used to represent an
value in two's complement binary form. - SIZE - Static variable in class java.lang.Long
The number of bits used to represent a
value in two's complement binary form. - SIZE - Static variable in class java.lang.Short
The number of bits used to represent a
value in two's complement binary form. - SIZE - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
Attribute "size"
- SIZE_CMD - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
The size button text property.
- Size2DSyntax - Class in javax.print.attribute
is an abstract base class providing the common implementation of all attributes denoting a size in two dimensions. - Size2DSyntax(float, float, int) - Constructor for class javax.print.attribute.Size2DSyntax
Construct a new two-dimensional size attribute from the given floating-point values.
- Size2DSyntax(int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.print.attribute.Size2DSyntax
Construct a new two-dimensional size attribute from the given integer values.
- sizeAction - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane
The instance of a
. - SizeAction() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SizeAction
Constructs a new instance of a
. - sizeColumnsToFit(boolean) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Deprecated.As of Swing version 1.0.3, replaced by
. - sizeColumnsToFit(int) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
Obsolete as of Java 2 platform v1.4.
- SIZED - Static variable in interface java.util.Spliterator
Characteristic value signifying that the value returned from
prior to traversal or splitting represents a finite size that, in the absence of structural source modification, represents an exact count of the number of elements that would be encountered by a complete traversal. - sizeIfFixed() - Method in enum class java.lang.classfile.OpcodePREVIEW
Returns size of the instruction if fixed, or -1 otherwise.
- sizeIfFixed() - Method in enum class java.lang.classfile.TypeAnnotation.TargetTypePREVIEW
Returns the size of the target type if fixed or -1 if variable.
- sizeInBytes() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.InstructionPREVIEW
Returns the size in bytes of this instruction.
- SizeLimitExceededException - Exception Class in javax.naming
This exception is thrown when a method produces a result that exceeds a size-related limit.
- SizeLimitExceededException() - Constructor for exception class javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException
Constructs a new instance of SizeLimitExceededException.
- SizeLimitExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception class javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException
Constructs a new instance of SizeLimitExceededException using an explanation.
- SizeRequirements - Class in javax.swing
For the convenience of layout managers, calculates information about the size and position of components.
- SizeRequirements() - Constructor for class javax.swing.SizeRequirements
Creates a SizeRequirements object with the minimum, preferred, and maximum sizes set to zero and an alignment value of 0.5 (centered).
- SizeRequirements(int, int, int, float) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SizeRequirements
Creates a SizeRequirements object with the specified minimum, preferred, and maximum sizes and the specified alignment.
- sizes - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI.BasicHorizontalLayoutManager
The size of components.
- SizeSequence - Class in javax.swing
object efficiently maintains an ordered list of sizes and corresponding positions. - SizeSequence() - Constructor for class javax.swing.SizeSequence
Creates a new
object that contains no entries. - SizeSequence(int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SizeSequence
Creates a new
object that contains the specified number of entries, all initialized to have size 0. - SizeSequence(int[]) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SizeSequence
Creates a new
object that contains the specified sizes. - SizeSequence(int, int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SizeSequence
Creates a new
object that contains the specified number of entries, all initialized to have sizevalue
. - sizeWidthToFit() - Method in class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
Resizes the
to fit the width of its header cell. - Skeleton - Interface in java.rmi.server
- replacement. Skeletons are no longer required for remote method calls in the Java 2 platform v1.2 and greater.
- SkeletonMismatchException - Exception Class in java.rmi.server
- replacement. Skeletons are no longer required for remote method calls in the Java 2 platform v1.2 and greater.
- SkeletonMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.server.SkeletonMismatchException
- replacement
- SkeletonNotFoundException - Exception Class in java.rmi.server
- replacement. Skeletons are no longer required for remote method calls in the Java 2 platform v1.2 and greater.
- SkeletonNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.server.SkeletonNotFoundException
Deprecated.Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - SkeletonNotFoundException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.server.SkeletonNotFoundException
Deprecated.Constructs a
with the specified detail message and nested exception. - skip(long) - Method in class
See the general contract of the
method ofInputStream
. - skip(long) - Method in class
bytes of input from this input stream. - skip(long) - Method in class
Skips characters.
- skip(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards
bytes of data from the input stream. - skip(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards
bytes of data from the input stream. - skip(long) - Method in class
Skips characters.
- skip(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards
bytes of data from this input stream. - skip(long) - Method in class
Deprecated.Skips over and discards
bytes of data from this input stream. - skip(long) - Method in interface
Skips n bytes of input.
- skip(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards
bytes of data from this input stream. - skip(long) - Method in class
Skips characters.
- skip(long) - Method in class
bytes of input from this input stream. - skip(long) - Method in class
Skips characters.
- skip(long) - Method in interface
Returns a stream consisting of the remaining elements of this stream after discarding the first
elements of the stream. - skip(long) - Method in interface
Returns a stream consisting of the remaining elements of this stream after discarding the first
elements of the stream. - skip(long) - Method in interface
Returns a stream consisting of the remaining elements of this stream after discarding the first
elements of the stream. - skip(long) - Method in interface
Returns a stream consisting of the remaining elements of this stream after discarding the first
elements of the stream. - skip(long) - Method in class
Skips specified number of bytes of input.
- skip(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards data from the input stream.
- skip(long) - Method in class
Skips specified number of bytes of uncompressed data.
- skip(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards
bytes of data from this input stream for the current ZIP entry. - skip(long) - Method in class javax.crypto.CipherInputStream
bytes of input from the bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking. - skip(long) - Method in class javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream
Skips over and discards a specified number of bytes from this audio input stream.
- skip(long) - Method in class javax.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream
to update the progress monitor after the skip. - skip(String) - Method in class java.util.Scanner
Skips input that matches a pattern constructed from the specified string.
- skip(Pattern) - Method in class java.util.Scanner
Skips input that matches the specified pattern, ignoring delimiters.
- SKIP_SIBLINGS - Enum constant in enum class java.nio.file.FileVisitResult
Continue without visiting the siblings of this file or directory.
- SKIP_SUBTREE - Enum constant in enum class java.nio.file.FileVisitResult
Continue without visiting the entries in this directory.
- skipAttributeHolder(int) - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassReaderPREVIEW
Returns the offset following the block of attributes starting at the specified position.
- skipBytes(int) - Method in interface
Makes an attempt to skip over
bytes of data from the input stream, discarding the skipped bytes. - skipBytes(int) - Method in class
See the general contract of the
method ofDataInput
. - skipBytes(int) - Method in class
Skips bytes.
- skipBytes(int) - Method in class
Attempts to skip over
bytes of input discarding the skipped bytes. - skipBytes(int) - Method in interface
Moves the stream position forward by a given number of bytes.
- skipBytes(int) - Method in class
Advances the current stream position by calling
seek(getStreamPosition() + n)
. - skipBytes(long) - Method in interface
Moves the stream position forward by a given number of bytes.
- skipBytes(long) - Method in class
Advances the current stream position by calling
seek(getStreamPosition() + n)
. - skipNBytes(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards exactly
bytes of data from this input stream. - skipNBytes(long) - Method in class
Skips over and discards exactly
bytes of data from this input stream for the current ZIP entry. - skippedEntity(String) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
Receive notification of a skipped entity.
- skippedEntity(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
Receive notification of a skipped entity.
- skippedEntity(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Filter a skipped entity event.
- skippedEntity(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter
Adapt a SAX2 skipped entity event.
- skipReferral() - Method in exception class javax.naming.ReferralException
Discards the referral about to be processed.
- slashSlashComments(boolean) - Method in class
Determines whether or not the tokenizer recognizes C++-style comments.
- slashStarComments(boolean) - Method in class
Determines whether or not the tokenizer recognizes C-style comments.
- sleep(long) - Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
- sleep(long) - Method in enum class java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
Performs a
using this time unit. - sleep(long, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds plus the specified number of nanoseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
- sleep(Duration) - Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified duration, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
- slice() - Method in class java.nio.Buffer
Creates a new buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice() - Method in class java.nio.ByteBuffer
Creates a new byte buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice() - Method in class java.nio.CharBuffer
Creates a new char buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice() - Method in class java.nio.DoubleBuffer
Creates a new double buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice() - Method in class java.nio.FloatBuffer
Creates a new float buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice() - Method in class java.nio.IntBuffer
Creates a new int buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice() - Method in class java.nio.LongBuffer
Creates a new long buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice() - Method in class java.nio.MappedByteBuffer
Creates a new byte buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice() - Method in class java.nio.ShortBuffer
Creates a new short buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice(int) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector. - slice(int) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector. - slice(int) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector. - slice(int) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector. - slice(int) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector. - slice(int) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector. - slice(int) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.Vector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector. - slice(int, int) - Method in class java.nio.Buffer
Creates a new buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice(int, int) - Method in class java.nio.ByteBuffer
Creates a new byte buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice(int, int) - Method in class java.nio.CharBuffer
Creates a new char buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice(int, int) - Method in class java.nio.DoubleBuffer
Creates a new double buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice(int, int) - Method in class java.nio.FloatBuffer
Creates a new float buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice(int, int) - Method in class java.nio.IntBuffer
Creates a new int buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice(int, int) - Method in class java.nio.LongBuffer
Creates a new long buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice(int, int) - Method in class java.nio.MappedByteBuffer
Creates a new byte buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice(int, int) - Method in class java.nio.ShortBuffer
Creates a new short buffer whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
- slice(int, Vector<E>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.Vector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<E>, VectorMask<E>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.Vector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes under the control of a mask, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Byte>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Byte>, VectorMask<Byte>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes under the control of a mask, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Double>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Double>, VectorMask<Double>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes under the control of a mask, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Float>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Float>, VectorMask<Float>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes under the control of a mask, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Integer>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Integer>, VectorMask<Integer>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes under the control of a mask, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Long>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Long>, VectorMask<Long>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes under the control of a mask, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Short>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - slice(int, Vector<Short>, VectorMask<Short>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Slices a segment of adjacent lanes under the control of a mask, starting at a given
lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector. - sliceHandle(MemoryLayout.PathElement...) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout
Creates a method handle which, given a memory segment, returns a slice corresponding to the layout selected by the given layout path, where the initial layout in the path is this layout.
- slicingAllocator(MemorySegment) - Static method in interface java.lang.foreign.SegmentAllocator
Returns a segment allocator that responds to allocation requests by returning consecutive slices obtained from the provided segment.
- Slicing memory segments - Search tag in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
- Section
- slider - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI
- SLIDER - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole
An object that allows the user to select from a bounded range.
- SLIDER - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
Slider region.
- SLIDER_FILL - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalSliderUI
Property for
. - SLIDER_THUMB - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
Thumb of the Slider.
- SLIDER_TRACK - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
Track of the Slider.
- sliderModel - Variable in class javax.swing.JSlider
The data model that handles the numeric maximum value, minimum value, and current-position value for the slider.
- SliderUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf
Pluggable look and feel interface for JSlider.
- SliderUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.SliderUI
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- slot() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.LocalVariableInfoPREVIEW
Returns the index into the local variable array of the current frame which holds this local variable.
- slot() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.LocalVariableTypeInfoPREVIEW
Returns the index into the local variable array of the current frame which holds this local variable.
- slot() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.DiscontinuedInstruction.RetInstructionPREVIEW
Returns the local variable slot with return address.
- slot() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.IncrementInstructionPREVIEW
Returns the local variable slot to increment.
- slot() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.LoadInstructionPREVIEW
Returns the local variable slot to load from.
- slot() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariablePREVIEW
Returns the local variable slot.
- slot() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariableTypePREVIEW
Returns the local variable slot.
- slot() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.StoreInstructionPREVIEW
Returns the local variable slot to store to.
- slot() - Method in enum class java.lang.classfile.OpcodePREVIEW
Returns local variable slot for instructions operating with local variable, or -1 otherwise.
- slotSize() - Method in enum class java.lang.classfile.TypeKindPREVIEW
Returns the number of local variable slots consumed by this type.
- SMALL - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <small>
- SMALL_FORM_VARIANTS - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Small Form Variants" Unicode character block.
- SMALL_ICON - Static variable in interface javax.swing.Action
The key used for storing a small
, such asImageIcon
. - SMALL_KANA_EXTENSION - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Small Kana Extension" Unicode character block.
- SMALL_KEY - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusStyle
Small key
- SMALL_SCALE - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusStyle
Small scale
- SmallAttributeSet(Object[]) - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.StyleContext.SmallAttributeSet
Constructs a SmallAttributeSet.
- SmallAttributeSet(AttributeSet) - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.StyleContext.SmallAttributeSet
Constructs a SmallAttributeSet.
- SMALLINT - Enum constant in enum class java.sql.JDBCType
Identifies the generic SQL type
. - SMALLINT - Static variable in class java.sql.Types
The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type
. - SMART - Enum constant in enum class java.time.format.ResolverStyle
Style to resolve dates and times in a smart, or intelligent, manner.
- SMPTE_24 - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.Sequence
The SMPTE-based timing type with 24 frames per second (resolution is expressed in ticks per frame).
- SMPTE_25 - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.Sequence
The SMPTE-based timing type with 25 frames per second (resolution is expressed in ticks per frame).
- SMPTE_30 - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.Sequence
The SMPTE-based timing type with 30 frames per second (resolution is expressed in ticks per frame).
- SMPTE_30DROP - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.Sequence
The SMPTE-based timing type with 29.97 frames per second (resolution is expressed in ticks per frame).
- snapshotItem(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult
Returns the
th item in the snapshot collection. - snapToTicks - Variable in class javax.swing.JSlider
If true, the knob (and the data value it represents) resolve to the closest tick mark next to where the user positioned the knob.
- SND - Static variable in class javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat.Type
Specifies a SND file.
- SNI_HOST_NAME - Static variable in class
The "host_name" type representing of a DNS hostname (see
) in a Server Name Indication (SNI) extension. - SNIHostName - Class in
Instances of this class represent a server name of type
in a Server Name Indication (SNI) extension. - SNIHostName(byte[]) - Constructor for class
Creates an
using the specified encoded value. - SNIHostName(String) - Constructor for class
Creates an
using the specified hostname. - SNIMatcher - Class in
Instances of this class represent a matcher that performs match operations on an
instance. - SNIMatcher(int) - Constructor for class
Creates an
using the specified server name type. - snippet() - Method in class jdk.jshell.SnippetEvent
The Snippet which has changed
- Snippet - Class in jdk.jshell
A Snippet represents a snippet of Java source code as passed to
. - SNIPPET - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing an@snippet
tag. - SNIPPET_PATH - Enum constant in enum class
Location to search for snippets.
- Snippet.Kind - Enum Class in jdk.jshell
Describes the general kind of snippet.
- Snippet.Status - Enum Class in jdk.jshell
Describes the current state of a Snippet.
- Snippet.SubKind - Enum Class in jdk.jshell
The detailed variety of a snippet.
- SnippetEvent - Class in jdk.jshell
A description of a change to a Snippet.
- snippets() - Method in class jdk.jshell.JShell
Return all snippets.
- SnippetTree - Interface in com.sun.source.doctree
A tree node for an
inline tag. - SNIServerName - Class in
Instances of this class represent a server name in a Server Name Indication (SNI) extension.
- SNIServerName(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class
Creates an
using the specified name type and encoded value. - SO_BINDADDR - Static variable in interface
Fetch the local address binding of a socket (this option cannot be "set" only "gotten", since sockets are bound at creation time, and so the locally bound address cannot be changed).
- SO_BROADCAST - Static variable in interface
Sets SO_BROADCAST for a socket.
- SO_BROADCAST - Static variable in class
Allow transmission of broadcast datagrams.
- SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID - Static variable in class
Identifies the receive queue that the last incoming packet for the socket was received on.
- SO_KEEPALIVE - Static variable in interface
When the keepalive option is set for a TCP socket and no data has been exchanged across the socket in either direction for 2 hours (NOTE: the actual value is implementation dependent), TCP automatically sends a keepalive probe to the peer.
- SO_KEEPALIVE - Static variable in class
Keep connection alive.
- SO_LINGER - Static variable in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOptions
Linger on close if data is present.
- SO_LINGER - Static variable in interface
Specify a linger-on-close timeout.
- SO_LINGER - Static variable in class
Linger on close if data is present.
- SO_OOBINLINE - Static variable in interface
When the OOBINLINE option is set, any TCP urgent data received on the socket will be received through the socket input stream.
- SO_PEERCRED - Static variable in class
Unix Domain peer credentials.
- SO_RCVBUF - Static variable in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOptions
The size of the socket receive buffer.
- SO_RCVBUF - Static variable in interface
Set a hint the size of the underlying buffers used by the platform for incoming network I/O.
- SO_RCVBUF - Static variable in class
The size of the socket receive buffer.
- SO_REUSEADDR - Static variable in interface
Sets SO_REUSEADDR for a socket.
- SO_REUSEADDR - Static variable in class
Re-use address.
- SO_REUSEPORT - Static variable in interface
Sets SO_REUSEPORT for a socket.
- SO_REUSEPORT - Static variable in class
Re-use port.
- SO_SNDBUF - Static variable in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpStandardSocketOptions
The size of the socket send buffer.
- SO_SNDBUF - Static variable in interface
Set a hint the size of the underlying buffers used by the platform for outgoing network I/O.
- SO_SNDBUF - Static variable in class
The size of the socket send buffer.
- SO_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface
Set a timeout on blocking Socket operations:
- socket() - Method in class java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel
Retrieves a datagram socket associated with this channel.
- socket() - Method in class java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel
Retrieves a server socket associated with this channel.
- socket() - Method in class java.nio.channels.SocketChannel
Retrieves a socket associated with this channel.
- Socket - Class in
This class implements client sockets (also called just "sockets").
- Socket() - Constructor for class
Creates an unconnected Socket.
- Socket(String, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a stream socket and connects it to the specified port number on the named host.
- Socket(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Use DatagramSocket instead for UDP transport.
- Socket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a socket and connects it to the specified remote host on the specified remote port.
- Socket(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a stream socket and connects it to the specified port number at the specified IP address.
- Socket(InetAddress, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Use DatagramSocket instead for UDP transport.
- Socket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a socket and connects it to the specified remote address on the specified remote port.
- Socket(Proxy) - Constructor for class
Creates an unconnected socket, specifying the type of proxy, if any, that should be used regardless of any other settings.
- Socket(SocketImpl) - Constructor for class
Creates an unconnected Socket with a user-specified SocketImpl.
- SocketAddress - Class in
This class represents a Socket Address with no protocol attachment.
- SocketAddress() - Constructor for class
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- SocketChannel - Class in java.nio.channels
A selectable channel for stream-oriented connecting sockets.
- SocketChannel(SelectorProvider) - Constructor for class java.nio.channels.SocketChannel
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- SocketException - Exception Class in
Thrown to indicate that there is an error creating or accessing a Socket.
- SocketException() - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new
with no detail message. - SocketException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new
with the specified detail message. - SocketException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new
with the specified detail message and cause. - SocketException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new
with the specified cause. - SocketFactory - Class in
This class creates sockets.
- SocketFactory() - Constructor for class
Creates a
. - SocketHandler - Class in java.util.logging
Simple network logging
. - SocketHandler() - Constructor for class java.util.logging.SocketHandler
Create a
, using onlyLogManager
properties (or their defaults). - SocketHandler(String, int) - Constructor for class java.util.logging.SocketHandler
Construct a
using a specified host and port. - SocketImpl - Class in
The abstract class
is a common superclass of all classes that actually implement sockets. - SocketImpl() - Constructor for class
Initialize a new instance of this class
- SocketImplFactory - Interface in
This interface defines a factory for socket implementations.
- SocketOption<T> - Interface in
A socket option associated with a socket.
- SocketOptions - Interface in
Interface of methods to get/set socket options.
- SocketPermission - Class in
This class represents access to a network via sockets.
- SocketPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SocketPermission object with the specified actions.
- Sockets - Search tag in package
- Section
- Sockets - Class in
Deprecated.Java SE 9 added standard methods to set/get socket options, and retrieve the per-Socket supported options effectively rendering this API redundant. Please refer to the corresponding socket's class for the equivalent method to set/get a socket option or retrieve available socket options.
- SocketSecurityException - Exception Class in java.rmi.server
Deprecated.This class is obsolete. Use
instead. - SocketSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.server.SocketSecurityException
Deprecated.Constructs an
with the specified detail message. - SocketSecurityException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.server.SocketSecurityException
Deprecated.Constructs an
with the specified detail message and nested exception. - SocketTimeoutException - Exception Class in
Signals that a timeout has occurred on a socket read or accept.
- SocketTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new SocketTimeoutException with no detailed message.
- SocketTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new SocketTimeoutException with a detail message.
- SOCKS - Enum constant in enum class
Represents a SOCKS (V4 or V5) proxy.
- socksProxyHost - Search tag in package
- System Property
- socksProxyPort - Search tag in package
- System Property
- socksProxyVersion - Search tag in package
- System Property
- SOFT - Enum constant in enum class java.util.WeakHashMap.ValuePolicy
If the key is a value object, retain the key and value until removed or there is memory pressure that causes soft references to be cleared.
- SOFT_FAIL - Enum constant in enum class
Allow revocation check to succeed if the revocation status cannot be determined for one of the following reasons: The CRL or OCSP response cannot be obtained because of a network error.
- SoftBevelBorder - Class in javax.swing.border
A class which implements a raised or lowered bevel with softened corners.
- SoftBevelBorder(int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder
Creates a bevel border with the specified type and whose colors will be derived from the background color of the component passed into the paintBorder method.
- SoftBevelBorder(int, Color, Color) - Constructor for class javax.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder
Creates a bevel border with the specified type, highlight and shadow colors.
- SoftBevelBorder(int, Color, Color, Color, Color) - Constructor for class javax.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder
Creates a bevel border with the specified type, highlight shadow colors.
- SoftReference<T> - Class in java.lang.ref
Soft reference objects, which are cleared at the discretion of the garbage collector in response to memory demand.
- SoftReference(T) - Constructor for class java.lang.ref.SoftReference
Creates a new soft reference that refers to the given object.
- SoftReference(T, ReferenceQueue<? super T>) - Constructor for class java.lang.ref.SoftReference
Creates a new soft reference that refers to the given object and is registered with the given queue.
- SOGDIAN - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Sogdian".
- SOGDIAN - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Sogdian" Unicode character block.
- solveCubic(double[]) - Static method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Solves the cubic whose coefficients are in the
array and places the non-complex roots back into the same array, returning the number of roots. - solveCubic(double[], double[]) - Static method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Solve the cubic whose coefficients are in the
array and place the non-complex roots into theres
array, returning the number of roots. - solveQuadratic(double[]) - Static method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Solves the quadratic whose coefficients are in the
array and places the non-complex roots back into the same array, returning the number of roots. - solveQuadratic(double[], double[]) - Static method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Solves the quadratic whose coefficients are in the
array and places the non-complex roots into theres
array, returning the number of roots. - SOMEBITS - Static variable in interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver
This flag in the infoflags argument to imageUpdate indicates that more pixels needed for drawing a scaled variation of the image are available.
- SONG_POSITION_POINTER - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Status byte for Song Position Pointer message (0xF2, or 242).
- SONG_SELECT - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Status byte for MIDI Song Select message (0xF3, or 243).
- SORA_SOMPENG - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Sora Sompeng".
- SORA_SOMPENG - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Sora Sompeng" Unicode character block.
- sort() - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter
Sorts and filters the rows in the view based on the sort keys of the columns currently being sorted and the filter, if any, associated with this sorter.
- sort(byte[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified array into ascending numerical order.
- sort(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified range of the array into ascending order.
- sort(char[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified array into ascending numerical order.
- sort(char[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified range of the array into ascending order.
- sort(double[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified array into ascending numerical order.
- sort(double[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified range of the array into ascending order.
- sort(float[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified array into ascending numerical order.
- sort(float[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified range of the array into ascending order.
- sort(int[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified array into ascending numerical order.
- sort(int[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified range of the array into ascending order.
- sort(long[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified array into ascending numerical order.
- sort(long[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified range of the array into ascending order.
- sort(short[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified array into ascending numerical order.
- sort(short[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified range of the array into ascending order.
- sort(Object[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified array of objects into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.
- sort(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified range of the specified array of objects into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.
- sort(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in interface java.util.List
Sorts this list according to the order induced by the specified
(optional operation). - sort(List<T>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Sorts the specified list into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Sorts the specified list according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
- sort(Vector<? extends File>) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDirectoryModel
Sorts a list of files.
- sort(T[], int, int, Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified range of the specified array of objects according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Sorts the specified array of objects according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
- SORT_ORDER_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class javax.swing.event.RowSorterEvent.Type
Indicates the sort order has changed.
- SortControl - Class in javax.naming.ldap
Requests that the results of a search operation be sorted by the LDAP server before being returned.
- SortControl(String[], boolean) - Constructor for class javax.naming.ldap.SortControl
Constructs a control to sort on a list of attributes in ascending order.
- SortControl(String, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.naming.ldap.SortControl
Constructs a control to sort on a single attribute in ascending order.
- SortControl(SortKey[], boolean) - Constructor for class javax.naming.ldap.SortControl
Constructs a control to sort on a list of sort keys.
- sorted() - Method in interface
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream in sorted order.
- sorted() - Method in interface
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream in sorted order.
- sorted() - Method in interface
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream in sorted order.
- sorted() - Method in interface
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, sorted according to natural order.
- sorted(Comparator<? super T>) - Method in interface
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, sorted according to the provided
. - SORTED - Enum constant in enum class javax.swing.event.RowSorterEvent.Type
Indicates the contents have been newly sorted or transformed in some way.
- SORTED - Static variable in interface java.util.Spliterator
Characteristic value signifying that encounter order follows a defined sort order.
- SortedMap<K,
V> - Interface in java.util -
that further provides a total ordering on its keys. - SortedSet<E> - Interface in java.util
that further provides a total ordering on its elements. - sorterChanged(RowSorterEvent) - Method in interface javax.swing.event.RowSorterListener
Notification that the
has changed. - sorterChanged(RowSorterEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JTable
notification that theRowSorter
has changed in some way. - SortingFocusTraversalPolicy - Class in javax.swing
A FocusTraversalPolicy that determines traversal order by sorting the Components of a focus traversal cycle based on a given Comparator.
- SortingFocusTraversalPolicy() - Constructor for class javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy
Constructs a SortingFocusTraversalPolicy without a Comparator.
- SortingFocusTraversalPolicy(Comparator<? super Component>) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy
Constructs a SortingFocusTraversalPolicy with the specified Comparator.
- SortKey - Class in javax.naming.ldap
A sort key and its associated sort parameters.
- SortKey(int, SortOrder) - Constructor for class javax.swing.RowSorter.SortKey
Creates a
for the specified column with the specified sort order. - SortKey(String) - Constructor for class javax.naming.ldap.SortKey
Creates the default sort key for an attribute.
- SortKey(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class javax.naming.ldap.SortKey
Creates a sort key for an attribute.
- SortOrder - Enum Class in javax.swing
SortOrder is an enumeration of the possible sort orderings.
- SortResponseControl - Class in javax.naming.ldap
Indicates whether the requested sort of search results was successful or not.
- SortResponseControl(String, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class javax.naming.ldap.SortResponseControl
Constructs a control to indicate the outcome of a sort request.
- Soundbank - Interface in javax.sound.midi
contains a set ofInstruments
that can be loaded into aSynthesizer
. - SoundbankReader - Class in javax.sound.midi.spi
supplies soundbank file-reading services. - SoundbankReader() - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.spi.SoundbankReader
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- SoundbankResource - Class in javax.sound.midi
represents any audio resource stored in aSoundbank
. - SoundbankResource(Soundbank, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.SoundbankResource
Constructs a new
from the given sound bank and wavetable index. - source - Variable in class
The source object needing translating.
- source - Variable in class java.util.EventObject
The object on which the Event initially occurred.
- source - Variable in class
This field hides the
field in the parent class to make it non-transient and therefore part of the serialized form. - source - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI.MouseInputHandler
Source that events are coming from.
- source() - Method in class java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Exports
Returns the package name.
- source() - Method in class java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Opens
Returns the package name.
- source() - Method in class java.nio.channels.Pipe
Returns this pipe's source channel.
- source() - Method in class jdk.jshell.Snippet
Return the source code of the snippet.
- source() - Method in interface jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.CompletionInfo
Source code for the first Snippet of code input.
- source() - Method in interface jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.SnippetWrapper
Returns the input that is wrapped.
- Source - Interface in javax.xml.transform
An object that implements this interface contains the information needed to act as source input (XML source or transformation instructions).
- SOURCE - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy
Annotations are to be discarded by the compiler.
- SOURCE - Enum constant in enum class
Source files written in the Java programming language.
- SOURCE_DEBUG_EXTENSION - Static variable in class java.lang.classfile.AttributesPREVIEW
Attribute mapper for the
attribute - SOURCE_FILE - Static variable in class java.lang.classfile.AttributesPREVIEW
Attribute mapper for the
attribute - SOURCE_ID - Static variable in class java.lang.classfile.AttributesPREVIEW
Attribute mapper for the
attribute - SOURCE_OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class
Location of new source files.
- SOURCE_PATH - Enum constant in enum class
Location to search for existing source files.
- sourceActions - Variable in class java.awt.dnd.DragGestureRecognizer
representing the type(s) of action(s) used in this Drag and Drop operation. - sourceAddress() - Method in class java.nio.channels.MembershipKey
Returns the source address if this membership key is source-specific, or
if this membership is not source-specific. - sourceBands - Variable in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
An array of
s indicating which source bands will be used, ornull
. - SourceChannel(SelectorProvider) - Constructor for class java.nio.channels.Pipe.SourceChannel
Constructs a new instance of this class.
- sourceCodeAnalysis() - Method in class jdk.jshell.JShell
Access to source code analysis functionality.
- SourceCodeAnalysis - Class in jdk.jshell
Provides analysis utilities for source code input.
- SourceCodeAnalysis.Attribute - Enum Class in jdk.jshell
A span attribute which can be used to derive a coloring.
- SourceCodeAnalysis.Completeness - Enum Class in jdk.jshell
Describes the completeness of the given input.
- SourceCodeAnalysis.CompletionInfo - Interface in jdk.jshell
The result of
analyzeCompletion(String input)
. - SourceCodeAnalysis.Documentation - Interface in jdk.jshell
A documentation for a candidate for continuation of the given user's input.
- SourceCodeAnalysis.Highlight - Record Class in jdk.jshell
Assigns attributes usable for coloring to spans inside a snippet.
- SourceCodeAnalysis.QualifiedNames - Class in jdk.jshell
List of possible qualified names.
- SourceCodeAnalysis.SnippetWrapper - Interface in jdk.jshell
The wrapping of a snippet of Java source into valid top-level Java source.
- SourceCodeAnalysis.Suggestion - Interface in jdk.jshell
A candidate for continuation of the given user's input.
- SourceDataLine - Interface in javax.sound.sampled
A source data line is a data line to which data may be written.
- sourceDebugExtension() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType
Get the source debug extension of this type.
- SourceDebugExtensionAttributePREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
Models the
attribute. - sourceFile() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.SourceFileAttributePREVIEW
Returns the name of the source file from which this class was compiled.
- SourceFileAttributePREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
Models the
attribute 4.7.10, which can appear on classes. - sourceId() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.SourceIDAttributePREVIEW
Returns the source id.
- SourceIDAttributePREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
Models the
attribute, which can appear on classes. - SourceLocator - Interface in javax.xml.transform
This interface is primarily for the purposes of reporting where an error occurred in the XML source or transformation instructions.
- sourceModifier() - Method in enum class java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag
Returns whether or not the flag has a directly corresponding modifier in the Java programming language.
- sourceName() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.Location
Gets an identifying name for the source corresponding to this location.
- sourceName() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType
Gets an identifying name for the source corresponding to the declaration of this type.
- sourceName(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.Location
Gets an identifying name for the source corresponding to this location.
- sourceNames(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType
Gets the identifying names for all the source corresponding to the declaration of this type.
- sourcePath() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.Location
Gets the path to the source corresponding to this location.
- sourcePath(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.Location
Gets the path to the source corresponding to this location.
- sourcePaths(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ReferenceType
Gets the paths to the source corresponding to the declaration of this type.
- SourcePositions - Interface in com.sun.source.util
Provides methods to obtain the position of a Tree within a CompilationUnit.
- sourceRegion - Variable in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
The source region, on
if none is set. - sourceRenderSize - Variable in class javax.imageio.ImageReadParam
The desired rendering width and height of the source, if
, ornull
. - sources - Variable in class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
A Vector of sources, stored as arbitrary Objects.
- Sources of Tables - Search tag in package javax.imageio.metadata
- Section
- sourceToInputSource(Source) - Static method in class javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
Attempt to obtain a SAX InputSource object from a Source object.
- sourceToSnippets(String) - Method in class jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis
Converts the source code of a snippet into a
object (or list ofSnippet
objects in the case of some var declarations, e.g.: int x, y, z;). - sourceToWrappedPosition(int) - Method in interface jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.SnippetWrapper
Maps character position within the source to character position within the wrapped.
- SourceVersion - Enum Class in javax.lang.model
Source versions of the Java programming language.
- sourceXSubsampling - Variable in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
The decimation subsampling to be applied in the horizontal direction.
- sourceYSubsampling - Variable in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
The decimation subsampling to be applied in the vertical direction.
- SOUTH - Static variable in class java.awt.BorderLayout
The south layout constraint (bottom of container).
- SOUTH - Static variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
Put the component at the bottom of its display area, centered horizontally.
- SOUTH - Static variable in class javax.swing.SpringLayout
Specifies the bottom edge of a component's bounding rectangle.
- SOUTH - Static variable in interface javax.swing.SwingConstants
Compass-direction south (down).
- SOUTH_EAST - Static variable in interface javax.swing.SwingConstants
Compass-direction south-east (lower right).
- SOUTH_WEST - Static variable in interface javax.swing.SwingConstants
Compass-direction south-west (lower left).
- SOUTHEAST - Static variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
Put the component at the bottom-right corner of its display area.
- southPane - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI
South pane
- SOUTHWEST - Static variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
Put the component at the bottom-left corner of its display area.
- SOYOMBO - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Soyombo".
- SOYOMBO - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Soyombo" Unicode character block.
- SPACE - Static variable in interface
The characters are white space (see [XML], 2.10 "White Space Handling").
- SPACE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class java.lang.Character
General category "Zs" in the Unicode specification.
- SpaceAbove - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
The amount of space above the paragraph.
- SpaceBelow - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
The amount of space below the paragraph.
- SPACING_MODIFIER_LETTERS - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Spacing Modifier Letters" Unicode character block.
- SPAN - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <span>
- SPARSE - Enum constant in enum class java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption
Sparse file.
- SPEAKER - Static variable in class javax.sound.sampled.Port.Info
A type of port that sends audio to a built-in speaker or a speaker jack.
- SPEC - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing an@spec
tag. - SPECIAL - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind
A method handle for a method invoked as with
- SPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage
Status byte for Special System Exclusive message (0xF7, or 247), which is used in MIDI files.
- SpecialAction() - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.SpecialAction
Constructs a
. - Special cases - Search tag in class java.util.Locale
- Section
- Special IPv6 address - Search tag in class
- Section
- Special Pattern Characters - Search tag in class java.text.DecimalFormat
- Section
- SPECIALS - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Specials" Unicode character block.
- Special Values - Search tag in class java.text.DecimalFormat
- Section
- species() - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
- species() - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
- species() - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
- species() - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
- species() - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
- species() - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
- species() - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.Vector
Returns the species of this vector.
- SPECIES_128 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_128_BIT
. - SPECIES_128 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_128_BIT
. - SPECIES_128 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_128_BIT
. - SPECIES_128 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_128_BIT
. - SPECIES_128 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_128_BIT
. - SPECIES_128 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_128_BIT
. - SPECIES_256 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_256_BIT
. - SPECIES_256 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_256_BIT
. - SPECIES_256 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_256_BIT
. - SPECIES_256 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_256_BIT
. - SPECIES_256 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_256_BIT
. - SPECIES_256 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_256_BIT
. - SPECIES_512 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_512_BIT
. - SPECIES_512 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_512_BIT
. - SPECIES_512 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_512_BIT
. - SPECIES_512 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_512_BIT
. - SPECIES_512 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_512_BIT
. - SPECIES_512 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_512_BIT
. - SPECIES_64 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_64_BIT
. - SPECIES_64 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_64_BIT
. - SPECIES_64 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_64_BIT
. - SPECIES_64 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_64_BIT
. - SPECIES_64 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_64_BIT
. - SPECIES_64 - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_64_BIT
. - SPECIES_MAX - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_Max_BIT
. - SPECIES_MAX - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_Max_BIT
. - SPECIES_MAX - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_Max_BIT
. - SPECIES_MAX - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_Max_BIT
. - SPECIES_MAX - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_Max_BIT
. - SPECIES_MAX - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Species representing
s ofVectorShape.S_Max_BIT
. - SPECIES_PREFERRED - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Preferred species for
s. - SPECIES_PREFERRED - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Preferred species for
s. - SPECIES_PREFERRED - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Preferred species for
s. - SPECIES_PREFERRED - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Preferred species for
s. - SPECIES_PREFERRED - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Preferred species for
s. - SPECIES_PREFERRED - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Preferred species for
s. - SPECIFICATION_TITLE - Static variable in class java.util.jar.Attributes.Name
object forSpecification-Title
manifest attribute used for package versioning. - SPECIFICATION_VENDOR - Static variable in class java.util.jar.Attributes.Name
object forSpecification-Vendor
manifest attribute used for package versioning. - SPECIFICATION_VERSION - Static variable in class java.util.jar.Attributes.Name
object forSpecification-Version
manifest attribute used for package versioning. - Specification of Inputs and Outputs - Search tag in package javax.xml.transform
- Section
- Specifying the look and feel - Search tag in class javax.swing.UIManager
- Section
- SpecTree - Interface in com.sun.source.doctree
A tree node for an
block tag. - SPEED_REF_KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifGPSTagSet
A value to be used with the "GPSSpeedRef" tag.
- SPEED_REF_KNOTS - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifGPSTagSet
A value to be used with the "GPSSpeedRef" tag.
- SPEED_REF_MILES_PER_HOUR - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifGPSTagSet
A value to be used with the "GPSSpeedRef" tag.
- SPIN_BOX - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole
is a simple spinner component and its main use is for simple numbers. - spinner - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSpinnerUI
The spinner that we're a UI delegate for.
- SPINNER - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
Spinner region.
- SpinnerDateModel - Class in javax.swing
for sequences ofDate
s. - SpinnerDateModel() - Constructor for class javax.swing.SpinnerDateModel
Constructs a
whose initialvalue
is the current date,calendarField
is equal toCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH
, and for which there are nostart
limits. - SpinnerDateModel(Date, Comparable<Date>, Comparable<Date>, int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SpinnerDateModel
Creates a
that represents a sequence of dates betweenstart
. - SpinnerListModel - Class in javax.swing
A simple implementation of
whose values are defined by an array or aList
. - SpinnerListModel() - Constructor for class javax.swing.SpinnerListModel
Constructs an effectively empty
. - SpinnerListModel(Object[]) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SpinnerListModel
Constructs a
whose sequence of values is defined by the specified array. - SpinnerListModel(List<?>) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SpinnerListModel
Constructs a
whose sequence of values is defined by the specifiedList
. - SpinnerModel - Interface in javax.swing
A model for a potentially unbounded sequence of object values.
- SpinnerNumberModel - Class in javax.swing
for sequences of numbers. - SpinnerNumberModel() - Constructor for class javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel
Constructs a
with nominimum
equal to one, and an initial value of zero. - SpinnerNumberModel(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel
Constructs a
with the specifiedvalue
bounds, andstepSize
. - SpinnerNumberModel(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel
Constructs a
with the specifiedvalue
bounds, andstepSize
. - SpinnerNumberModel(Number, Comparable<?>, Comparable<?>, Number) - Constructor for class javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel
Constructs a
that represents a closed sequence of numbers fromminimum
. - SpinnerUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf
Pluggable look and feel interface for JSpinner
- SpinnerUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.SpinnerUI
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- SPIResolutionException - Exception Class in jdk.jshell.spi
The construction and throw of this exception is embedded in code generated by the JShell core implementation in such a way that, upon executing a
user method, this exception is thrown. - SPIResolutionException(int) - Constructor for exception class jdk.jshell.spi.SPIResolutionException
Constructs an SPI layer exception indicating that a
with unresolved references has been encountered. - SplashScreen - Class in java.awt
The splash screen can be displayed at application startup, before the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) starts.
- split() - Method in interface java.util.random.RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
Returns a new pseudorandom number generator, split off from this one, that implements the
interfaces. - split() - Method in class java.util.SplittableRandom
Constructs and returns a new SplittableRandom instance that shares no mutable state with this instance.
- split(CharSequence) - Method in class java.util.regex.Pattern
Splits the given input sequence around matches of this pattern.
- split(CharSequence, int) - Method in class java.util.regex.Pattern
Splits the given input sequence around matches of this pattern.
- split(String) - Method in class java.lang.String
Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.
- split(String, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.
- split(RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator) - Method in interface java.util.random.RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
Returns a new pseudorandom number generator, split off from this one, that implements the
interfaces. - split(RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator) - Method in class java.util.SplittableRandom
Returns a new pseudorandom number generator, split off from this one, that implements the
interfaces. - SPLIT_PANE - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole
A specialized panel that presents two other panels at the same time.
- SPLIT_PANE - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
SplitPane region.
- SPLIT_PANE_DIVIDER - Static variable in class javax.swing.plaf.synth.Region
Divider of the SplitPane.
- splitAsStream(CharSequence) - Method in class java.util.regex.Pattern
Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of this pattern.
- spliterator() - Method in interface java.lang.Iterable
Creates a
over the elements described by thisIterable
. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.ArrayDeque
Creates a late-binding and fail-fast
over the elements in this deque. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.ArrayList
Creates a late-binding and fail-fast
over the elements in this list. - spliterator() - Method in interface java.util.Collection
Creates a
over the elements in this collection. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
Returns a
over the elements in this queue. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque
Returns a
over the elements in this deque. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
Returns a
over the elements in this queue. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet
Returns a
over the elements in this set. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList
Returns a
over the elements in this list. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet
Returns a
over the elements in this set in the order in which these elements were added. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque
Returns a
over the elements in this deque. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
Returns a
over the elements in this queue. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.LinkedTransferQueue
Returns a
over the elements in this queue. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue
Returns a
over the elements in this queue. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue
Returns an empty spliterator in which calls to
always returnnull
. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.HashSet
Creates a late-binding and fail-fast
over the elements in this set. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.LinkedHashSet
Creates a late-binding and fail-fast
over the elements in this set. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.LinkedList
Creates a late-binding and fail-fast
over the elements in this list. - spliterator() - Method in interface java.util.List
Creates a
over the elements in this list. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.PriorityQueue
Creates a late-binding and fail-fast
over the elements in this queue. - spliterator() - Method in interface java.util.Set
Creates a
over the elements in this set. - spliterator() - Method in interface java.util.SortedSet
Creates a
over the elements in this sorted set. - spliterator() - Method in interface
Returns a spliterator for the elements of this stream.
- spliterator() - Method in class java.util.TreeSet
Creates a late-binding and fail-fast
over the elements in this set. - spliterator() - Method in class java.util.Vector
Creates a late-binding and fail-fast
over the elements in this list. - spliterator(double[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a
covering all of the specified array. - spliterator(double[], int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
covering the elements of a given array, using a customized set of spliterator characteristics. - spliterator(double[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a
covering the specified range of the specified array. - spliterator(double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
covering a range of elements of a given array, using a customized set of spliterator characteristics. - spliterator(int[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a
covering all of the specified array. - spliterator(int[], int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
covering the elements of a given array, using a customized set of spliterator characteristics. - spliterator(int[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a
covering the specified range of the specified array. - spliterator(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
covering a range of elements of a given array, using a customized set of spliterator characteristics. - spliterator(long[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a
covering all of the specified array. - spliterator(long[], int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
covering the elements of a given array, using a customized set of spliterator characteristics. - spliterator(long[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a
covering the specified range of the specified array. - spliterator(long[], int, int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
covering a range of elements of a given array, using a customized set of spliterator characteristics. - spliterator(MemoryLayout) - Method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
Returns a spliterator for this memory segment.
- spliterator(Object[], int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
covering the elements of a given array, using a customized set of spliterator characteristics. - spliterator(Object[], int, int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
covering a range of elements of a given array, using a customized set of spliterator characteristics. - spliterator(Collection<? extends T>, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
- spliterator(Iterator<? extends T>, long, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
using a givenIterator
as the source of elements, and with a given initially reported size. - spliterator(PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble, long, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
using a givenDoubleStream.DoubleIterator
as the source of elements, and with a given initially reported size. - spliterator(PrimitiveIterator.OfInt, long, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
using a givenIntStream.IntIterator
as the source of elements, and with a given initially reported size. - spliterator(PrimitiveIterator.OfLong, long, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
using a givenLongStream.LongIterator
as the source of elements, and with a given initially reported size. - spliterator(T[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a
covering all of the specified array. - spliterator(T[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a
covering the specified range of the specified array. - Spliterator<T> - Interface in java.util
An object for traversing and partitioning elements of a source.
- Spliterator.OfDouble - Interface in java.util
A Spliterator specialized for
values. - Spliterator.OfInt - Interface in java.util
A Spliterator specialized for
values. - Spliterator.OfLong - Interface in java.util
A Spliterator specialized for
values. - Spliterator.OfPrimitive<T,
T_CONS, - Interface in java.utilT_SPLITR> -
A Spliterator specialized for primitive values.
- Spliterators - Class in java.util
Static classes and methods for operating on or creating instances of
and its primitive specializationsSpliterator.OfInt
, andSpliterator.OfDouble
. - Spliterators.AbstractDoubleSpliterator - Class in java.util
An abstract
that implementstrySplit
to permit limited parallelism. - Spliterators.AbstractIntSpliterator - Class in java.util
An abstract
that implementstrySplit
to permit limited parallelism. - Spliterators.AbstractLongSpliterator - Class in java.util
An abstract
that implementstrySplit
to permit limited parallelism. - Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<T> - Class in java.util
An abstract
that implementstrySplit
to permit limited parallelism. - spliteratorUnknownSize(Iterator<? extends T>, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
using a givenIterator
as the source of elements, with no initial size estimate. - spliteratorUnknownSize(PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
using a givenDoubleStream.DoubleIterator
as the source of elements, with no initial size estimate. - spliteratorUnknownSize(PrimitiveIterator.OfInt, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
using a givenIntStream.IntIterator
as the source of elements, with no initial size estimate. - spliteratorUnknownSize(PrimitiveIterator.OfLong, int) - Static method in class java.util.Spliterators
Creates a
using a givenLongStream.LongIterator
as the source of elements, with no initial size estimate. - splitPane - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
JSplitPane the receiver is contained in.
- splitPane - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
JSplitPane instance this instance is providing the look and feel for.
- SplitPaneBorder(Color, Color) - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder
Constructs a new instance of a
. - splitPaneUI - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneDivider
UI this instance was created from.
- SplitPaneUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf
Pluggable look and feel interface for JSplitPane.
- SplitPaneUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.SplitPaneUI
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- splits() - Method in interface java.util.random.RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the
interface. - splits() - Method in class java.util.SplittableRandom
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the
interface. - splits(long) - Method in interface java.util.random.RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
Returns a stream producing the given
number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements theRandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
interface. - splits(long) - Method in class java.util.SplittableRandom
Returns a stream producing the given
number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements theRandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
interface. - splits(long, RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator) - Method in interface java.util.random.RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
Returns a stream producing the given
number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements theRandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
interface. - splits(long, RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator) - Method in class java.util.SplittableRandom
Returns a stream producing the given
number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements theRandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
interface. - splits(RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator) - Method in interface java.util.random.RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the
interface. - splits(RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator) - Method in class java.util.SplittableRandom
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the
interface. - SplittableRandom - Class in java.util
A generator of uniform pseudorandom values (with period 264) applicable for use in (among other contexts) isolated parallel computations that may generate subtasks.
- SplittableRandom() - Constructor for class java.util.SplittableRandom
Creates a new SplittableRandom instance that is likely to generate sequences of values that are statistically independent of those of any other instances in the current program; and may, and typically does, vary across program invocations.
- SplittableRandom(long) - Constructor for class java.util.SplittableRandom
Creates a new SplittableRandom instance using the specified initial seed.
- splitText(int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.Text
Breaks this node into two nodes at the specified
, keeping both in the tree as siblings. - splitWithDelimiters(CharSequence, int) - Method in class java.util.regex.Pattern
Splits the given input sequence around matches of this pattern and returns both the strings and the matching delimiters.
- splitWithDelimiters(String, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression and returns both the strings and the matching delimiters.
- SPOOL_AREA_FULL - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterStateReason
The limit of persistent storage allocated for spooling has been reached.
- spPropertyChangeListener - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI
installed on the scroll pane. - spreadInvoker(MethodType, int) - Static method in class java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles
Produces a method handle which will invoke any method handle of the given
, with a given number of trailing arguments replaced by a single trailingObject[]
array. - Spring - Class in javax.swing
An instance of the
class holds three properties that characterize its behavior: the minimum, preferred, and maximum values. - Spring() - Constructor for class javax.swing.Spring
Used by factory methods to create a
. - SpringLayout - Class in javax.swing
lays out the children of its associated container according to a set of constraints. - SpringLayout() - Constructor for class javax.swing.SpringLayout
Constructs a new
. - SpringLayout.Constraints - Class in javax.swing
object holds the constraints that govern the way a component's size and position change in a container controlled by aSpringLayout
. - SpringLayout vs. Other Layout Managers - Search tag in class javax.swing.SpringLayout
- Section
- SQLClientInfoException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
is thrown when one or more client info properties could not be set on aConnection
. - SQLClientInfoException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLClientInfoException
Constructs a
Object. - SQLClientInfoException(String, String, int, Map<String, ClientInfoStatus>) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLClientInfoException
Constructs a
object initialized with a givenreason
. - SQLClientInfoException(String, String, int, Map<String, ClientInfoStatus>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLClientInfoException
Constructs a
object initialized with a givenreason
. - SQLClientInfoException(String, String, Map<String, ClientInfoStatus>) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLClientInfoException
Constructs a
object initialized with a givenreason
. - SQLClientInfoException(String, String, Map<String, ClientInfoStatus>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLClientInfoException
Constructs a
object initialized with a givenreason
. - SQLClientInfoException(String, Map<String, ClientInfoStatus>) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLClientInfoException
Constructs a
object initialized with a givenreason
. - SQLClientInfoException(String, Map<String, ClientInfoStatus>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLClientInfoException
Constructs a
object initialized with a givenreason
. - SQLClientInfoException(Map<String, ClientInfoStatus>) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLClientInfoException
Constructs a
object initialized with a givenfailedProperties
. - SQLClientInfoException(Map<String, ClientInfoStatus>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLClientInfoException
Constructs a
object initialized with a givencause
. - SQLData - Interface in java.sql
The interface used for the custom mapping of an SQL user-defined type (UDT) to a class in the Java programming language.
- SQLDataException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
thrown when the SQLState class value is '22', or under vendor-specified conditions. - SQLDataException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLDataException
Constructs a
object. - SQLDataException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLDataException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLDataException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLDataException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLDataException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLDataException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLDataException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLDataException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLDataException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLDataException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLDataException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLDataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLDataException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLException - Exception Class in java.sql
An exception that provides information on a database access error or other errors.
- SQLException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLException
Constructs a
object. - SQLException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLFeatureNotSupportedException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
thrown when the SQLState class value is '0A' ( the value is 'zero' A). - SQLFeatureNotSupportedException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
Constructs a
object. - SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLInput - Interface in java.sql
An input stream that contains a stream of values representing an instance of an SQL structured type or an SQL distinct type.
- SQLInputImpl - Class in javax.sql.rowset.serial
An input stream used for custom mapping user-defined types (UDTs).
- SQLInputImpl(Object[], Map<String, Class<?>>) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SQLInputImpl
Creates an
object initialized with the given array of attributes and the given type map. - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
thrown when the SQLState class value is '23', or under vendor-specified conditions. - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
Constructs a
object. - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
Constructs a
with a givenreason
. - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException
Constructs an
object with a givencause
. - SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
thrown when the SQLState class value is '28', or under vendor-specified conditions. - SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException
Constructs a
object. - SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLNonTransientConnectionException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
thrown for the SQLState class value '08', or under vendor-specified conditions. - SQLNonTransientConnectionException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object. - SQLNonTransientConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientConnectionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientConnectionException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientConnectionException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientConnectionException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientConnectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLNonTransientException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
thrown when an instance where a retry of the same operation would fail unless the cause of theSQLException
is corrected. - SQLNonTransientException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientException
Constructs a
object. - SQLNonTransientException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLNonTransientException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLNonTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLOutput - Interface in java.sql
The output stream for writing the attributes of a user-defined type back to the database.
- SQLOutputImpl - Class in javax.sql.rowset.serial
The output stream for writing the attributes of a custom-mapped user-defined type (UDT) back to the database.
- SQLOutputImpl(Vector<?>, Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.serial.SQLOutputImpl
Creates a new
object initialized with the given vector of attributes and type map. - SQLPermission - Class in java.sql
The permission for which the
will check when code that is running an application with aSecurityManager
enabled, calls theDriverManager.deregisterDriver
(deprecated) method,SyncFactory.setJNDIContext
method, or theConnection.abort
method. - SQLPermission(String) - Constructor for class java.sql.SQLPermission
Creates a new
object with the specified name. - SQLPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class java.sql.SQLPermission
Creates a new
object with the specified name. - SQLRecoverableException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
thrown in situations where a previously failed operation might be able to succeed if the application performs some recovery steps and retries the entire transaction or in the case of a distributed transaction, the transaction branch. - SQLRecoverableException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLRecoverableException
Constructs a
object. - SQLRecoverableException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLRecoverableException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLRecoverableException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLRecoverableException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLRecoverableException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLRecoverableException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLRecoverableException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLRecoverableException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLRecoverableException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLRecoverableException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLRecoverableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLRecoverableException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLRecoverableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLRecoverableException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - sqlStateSQL - Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
A possible return value for the method
which is used to indicate whether the value returned by the methodSQLException.getSQLState
is an SQLSTATE value. - sqlStateSQL99 - Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
A possible return value for the method
which is used to indicate whether the value returned by the methodSQLException.getSQLState
is an SQL99 SQLSTATE value. - sqlStateXOpen - Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
A possible return value for the method
which is used to indicate whether the value returned by the methodSQLException.getSQLState
is an X/Open (now know as Open Group) SQL CLI SQLSTATE value. - SQLSyntaxErrorException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
thrown when the SQLState class value is '42', or under vendor-specified conditions. - SQLSyntaxErrorException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
Constructs a
object. - SQLSyntaxErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLSyntaxErrorException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLSyntaxErrorException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLSyntaxErrorException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLSyntaxErrorException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLSyntaxErrorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLSyntaxErrorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLTimeoutException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
thrown when the timeout specified byStatement.setQueryTimeout
has expired. - SQLTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
Constructs a
object. - SQLTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTimeoutException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTimeoutException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTimeoutException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTimeoutException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTimeoutException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLTransactionRollbackException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
thrown when the SQLState class value is '40', or under vendor-specified conditions. - SQLTransactionRollbackException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException
Constructs a
object. - SQLTransactionRollbackException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransactionRollbackException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransactionRollbackException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransactionRollbackException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransactionRollbackException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransactionRollbackException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransactionRollbackException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLTransientConnectionException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
for the SQLState class value '08', or under vendor-specified conditions. - SQLTransientConnectionException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object. - SQLTransientConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientConnectionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientConnectionException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientConnectionException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientConnectionException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientConnectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLTransientException - Exception Class in java.sql
The subclass of
is thrown in situations where a previously failed operation might be able to succeed when the operation is retried without any intervention by application-level functionality. - SQLTransientException() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientException
Constructs a
object. - SQLTransientException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLTransientException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLTransientException
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLType - Interface in java.sql
An object that is used to identify a generic SQL type, called a JDBC type or a vendor specific data type.
- SQLWarning - Exception Class in java.sql
An exception that provides information on database access warnings.
- SQLWarning() - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLWarning
Constructs a
object. - SQLWarning(String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLWarning
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLWarning(String, String) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLWarning
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLWarning(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLWarning
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLWarning(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLWarning
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLWarning(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLWarning
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLWarning(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLWarning
Constructs a
object with a givenreason
. - SQLWarning(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.sql.SQLWarning
Constructs a
object with a givencause
. - SQLXML - Enum constant in enum class java.sql.JDBCType
Identifies the generic SQL type
. - SQLXML - Interface in java.sql
The mapping in the JavaTM programming language for the SQL XML type.
- SQLXML - Static variable in class java.sql.Types
The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type
. - sqrt() - Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns the integer square root of this BigInteger.
- sqrt() - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Computes the square root of this vector.
- sqrt() - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Computes the square root of this vector.
- sqrt(double) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a
value. - sqrt(double) - Static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a
value. - sqrt(MathContext) - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns an approximation to the square root of
with rounding according to the context settings. - SQRT - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators
. - sqrtAndRemainder() - Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns an array of two BigIntegers containing the integer square root
and its remainderthis - s*s
, respectively. - squareButton - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxUI
Indicates whether or not the combo box button should be square.
- Src - Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
object that implements the opaque SRC rule with an alpha of 1.0f. - SRC - Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
The source is copied to the destination (Porter-Duff Source rule).
- SRC - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
Attribute "src"
- SRC_ATOP - Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
The part of the source lying inside of the destination is composited onto the destination (Porter-Duff Source Atop Destination rule).
- SRC_IN - Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
The part of the source lying inside of the destination replaces the destination (Porter-Duff Source In Destination rule).
- SRC_OUT - Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
The part of the source lying outside of the destination replaces the destination (Porter-Duff Source Held Out By Destination rule).
- SRC_OVER - Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
The source is composited over the destination (Porter-Duff Source Over Destination rule).
- SrcAtop - Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
object that implements the opaque SRC_ATOP rule with an alpha of 1.0f. - srccols - Variable in class java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
array containing information about a column of pixels. - srcHeight - Variable in class java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
The height of the source image.
- SrcIn - Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
object that implements the opaque SRC_IN rule with an alpha of 1.0f. - SrcOut - Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
object that implements the opaque SRC_OUT rule with an alpha of 1.0f. - SrcOver - Static variable in class java.awt.AlphaComposite
object that implements the opaque SRC_OVER rule with an alpha of 1.0f. - srcrows - Variable in class java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
array containing information about a row of pixels. - srcWidth - Variable in class java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
The width of the source image.
- SRGB - Enum constant in enum class java.awt.MultipleGradientPaint.ColorSpaceType
Indicates that the color interpolation should occur in sRGB space.
- sslContext() - Method in class
Returns this client's
. - sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in interface
Sets an
. - SSLContext - Class in
Instances of this class represent a secure socket protocol implementation which acts as a factory for secure socket factories or
s. - SSLContext(SSLContextSpi, Provider, String) - Constructor for class
Creates an SSLContext object.
- SSLContextSpi - Class in
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the
class. - SSLContextSpi() - Constructor for class
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- SSLEngine - Class in
A class which enables secure communications using protocols such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or IETF RFC 2246 "Transport Layer Security" (TLS) protocols, but is transport independent.
- SSLEngine() - Constructor for class
Constructor for an
providing no hints for an internal session reuse strategy. - SSLEngine(String, int) - Constructor for class
Constructor for an
. - SSLEngineResult - Class in
An encapsulation of the result state produced by
I/O calls. - SSLEngineResult(SSLEngineResult.Status, SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus, int, int) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- SSLEngineResult(SSLEngineResult.Status, SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus, int, int, long) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new instance of this class.
- SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus - Enum Class in
enum describing the current handshaking state of thisSSLEngine
. - SSLEngineResult.Status - Enum Class in
enum describing the overall result of theSSLEngine
operation. - SSLException - Exception Class in
Indicates some kind of error detected by an SSL subsystem.
- SSLException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs an exception reporting an error found by an SSL subsystem.
- SSLException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a
with the specified detail message and cause. - SSLException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message ofcause
). - SSLHandshakeException - Exception Class in
Indicates that the client and server could not negotiate the desired level of security.
- SSLHandshakeException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs an exception reporting an error found by an SSL subsystem during handshaking.
- SSLHandshakeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a
with the specified detail message and cause. - SSLKeyException - Exception Class in
Reports a bad SSL key.
- SSLKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs an exception reporting a key management error found by an SSL subsystem.
- SSLKeyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a
with the specified detail message and cause. - sslParameters() - Method in class
Returns a copy of this client's
. - sslParameters(SSLParameters) - Method in interface
Sets an
. - SSLParameters - Class in
Encapsulates parameters for an SSL/TLS/DTLS connection.
- SSLParameters() - Constructor for class
Constructs SSLParameters.
- SSLParameters(String[]) - Constructor for class
Constructs SSLParameters from the specified array of ciphersuites.
- SSLParameters(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class
Constructs SSLParameters from the specified array of ciphersuites and protocols.
- SSLPeerUnverifiedException - Exception Class in
Indicates that the peer's identity has not been verified.
- SSLPeerUnverifiedException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs an exception reporting that the SSL peer's identity has not been verified.
- SSLPeerUnverifiedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a
with the specified detail message and cause. - SSLPermission - Class in
This class is for various network permissions.
- SSLPermission(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SSLPermission with the specified name.
- SSLPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SSLPermission object with the specified name.
- SSLProtocolException - Exception Class in
Reports an error in the operation of the SSL protocol.
- SSLProtocolException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs an exception reporting an SSL protocol error detected by an SSL subsystem.
- SSLProtocolException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a
with the specified detail message and cause. - SslRMIClientSocketFactory - Class in javax.rmi.ssl
instance is used by the RMI runtime in order to obtain client sockets for RMI calls via SSL. - SslRMIClientSocketFactory() - Constructor for class javax.rmi.ssl.SslRMIClientSocketFactory
Creates a new
. - SslRMIServerSocketFactory - Class in javax.rmi.ssl
instance is used by the RMI runtime in order to obtain server sockets for RMI calls via SSL. - SslRMIServerSocketFactory() - Constructor for class javax.rmi.ssl.SslRMIServerSocketFactory
Creates a new
with the default SSL socket configuration. - SslRMIServerSocketFactory(String[], String[], boolean) - Constructor for class javax.rmi.ssl.SslRMIServerSocketFactory
Creates a new
with the specified SSL socket configuration. - SslRMIServerSocketFactory(SSLContext, String[], String[], boolean) - Constructor for class javax.rmi.ssl.SslRMIServerSocketFactory
Creates a new
with the specifiedSSLContext
and SSL socket configuration. - SSLServerSocket - Class in
This class extends
and provides secure server sockets using protocols such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. - SSLServerSocket() - Constructor for class
Used only by subclasses.
- SSLServerSocket(int) - Constructor for class
Used only by subclasses.
- SSLServerSocket(int, int) - Constructor for class
Used only by subclasses.
- SSLServerSocket(int, int, InetAddress) - Constructor for class
Used only by subclasses.
- SSLServerSocketFactory - Class in
s createSSLServerSocket
s. - SSLServerSocketFactory() - Constructor for class
Constructor is used only by subclasses.
- sslSession() - Method in interface
Returns an
containing theSSLSession
in effect for this response. - SSLSession - Interface in
In SSL, sessions are used to describe an ongoing relationship between two entities.
- SSLSessionBindingEvent - Class in
This event is propagated to a SSLSessionBindingListener.
- SSLSessionBindingEvent(SSLSession, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SSLSessionBindingEvent.
- SSLSessionBindingListener - Interface in
This interface is implemented by objects which want to know when they are being bound or unbound from a SSLSession.
- SSLSessionContext - Interface in
represents a set ofSSLSession
s associated with a single entity. - SSLSocket - Class in
This class extends
and provides secure sockets using protocols such as the "Secure Sockets Layer" (SSL) or IETF "Transport Layer Security" (TLS) protocols. - SSLSocket() - Constructor for class
Used only by subclasses.
- SSLSocket(String, int) - Constructor for class
Used only by subclasses.
- SSLSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class
Used only by subclasses.
- SSLSocket(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class
Used only by subclasses.
- SSLSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class
Used only by subclasses.
- SSLSocketFactory - Class in
s createSSLSocket
s. - SSLSocketFactory() - Constructor for class
Constructor is used only by subclasses.
- stability() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.AttributeMapperPREVIEW
Returns attribute stability indicator.
- stack() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.StackMapFrameInfoPREVIEW
Returns the expanded stack types.
- stack() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.components.CodeStackTrackerPREVIEW
- Stack<E> - Class in java.util
class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of objects. - Stack() - Constructor for class java.util.Stack
Creates an empty Stack.
- STACK - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.Opcode.KindPREVIEW
Stack operations
- STACK_MAP_TABLE - Static variable in class java.lang.classfile.AttributesPREVIEW
Attribute mapper for the
attribute - STACK_MAPS_WHEN_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.ClassFile.StackMapsOptionPREVIEW
Generate stack maps when required
- stackDepth() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.MonitorInfo
Returns the stack depth at which this monitor was acquired by the owning thread.
- StackFrame - Interface in com.sun.jdi
The state of one method invocation on a thread's call stack.
- stackInstruction(Opcode) - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.CodeBuilderPREVIEW
Generate a stack manipulating instruction
- StackInstructionPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.instructionPREVIEW
Models a stack manipulation instruction in the
array of aCode
attribute. - StackMapFrameInfoPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
Models stack map frame of
attribute 4.7.4. - StackMapFrameInfo.ObjectVerificationTypeInfoPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
A stack value for an object type.
- StackMapFrameInfo.SimpleVerificationTypeInfoPREVIEW - Enum Class in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
A simple stack value.
- StackMapFrameInfo.UninitializedVerificationTypeInfoPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
An uninitialized stack value.
- StackMapFrameInfo.VerificationTypeInfoPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
The type of a stack value.
- StackMapTableAttributePREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
- StackOverflowError - Exception Class in java.lang
Thrown when a stack overflow occurs because an application recurses too deeply.
- StackOverflowError() - Constructor for exception class java.lang.StackOverflowError
Constructs a
with no detail message. - StackOverflowError(String) - Constructor for exception class java.lang.StackOverflowError
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - stackSize(long) - Method in interface java.lang.Thread.Builder.OfPlatform
Sets the desired stack size.
- StackTrace - Annotation Interface in jdk.jfr
Event annotation, determines whether an event by default has a stack trace or not.
- StackTraceElement - Class in java.lang
An element in a stack trace, as returned by
. - StackTraceElement(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class java.lang.StackTraceElement
Creates a stack trace element representing the specified execution point.
- StackTraceElement(String, String, String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class java.lang.StackTraceElement
Creates a stack trace element representing the specified execution point.
- StackWalker - Class in java.lang
A stack walker.
- StackWalker.Option - Enum Class in java.lang
Stack walker option to configure the stack frame information obtained by a
. - StackWalker.StackFrame - Interface in java.lang
object represents a method invocation returned byStackWalker
. - StampedLock - Class in java.util.concurrent.locks
A capability-based lock with three modes for controlling read/write access.
- StampedLock() - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.locks.StampedLock
Creates a new lock, initially in unlocked state.
- STANDALONE - Static variable in class javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys
standalone = "yes" | "no".
- standaloneSet() - Method in interface
Returns true if the standalone attribute is set in the encoding declaration of the document.
- standaloneSet() - Method in class
- standaloneSet() - Method in interface
Checks if standalone was set in the document
- STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class java.text.ListFormat.Type
ListFormat type. - STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class
The local date-time is expressed in terms of the standard offset.
- STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class jdk.javadoc.doclet.Doclet.Option.Kind
A standard option.
- STANDARD - Static variable in class java.awt.font.GlyphMetrics
Indicates a glyph that represents a single standard character.
- STANDARD - Static variable in class java.time.format.DecimalStyle
The standard set of non-localized decimal style symbols.
- STANDARD - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.JobSheets
One or more site specific standard job sheets are printed. e.g. a single start sheet is printed, or both start and end sheets are printed.
- STANDARD_INPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi
Deprecated.Instead of using this field, directly create the equivalent array
{ ImageInputStream.class }
. - STANDARD_OUTPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi
Deprecated.Instead of using this field, directly create the equivalent array
{ ImageOutputStream.class }
. - STANDARD_TIME - Static variable in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
Constant for a mode of start or end time specified as standard time.
- Standard (Plug-in Neutral) Metadata Format Specification - Search tag in package javax.imageio.metadata
- Section
- standardAttribute(Utf8Entry) - Static method in class java.lang.classfile.AttributesPREVIEW
Returns the attribute mapper for a standard attribute.
- StandardCharsets - Class in java.nio.charset
Constant definitions for the standard
. - Standard charsets - Search tag in class java.nio.charset.Charset
- Section
- StandardConstants - Class in
Standard constants definitions
- StandardCopyOption - Enum Class in java.nio.file
Defines the standard copy options.
- StandardDoclet - Class in jdk.javadoc.doclet
This doclet generates HTML-formatted documentation for the specified modules, packages and types.
- StandardDoclet() - Constructor for class jdk.javadoc.doclet.StandardDoclet
Creates an instance of the standard doclet, used to generate HTML-formatted documentation.
- StandardEmitterMBean - Class in
An MBean whose management interface is determined by reflection on a Java interface, and that emits notifications.
- StandardEmitterMBean(Class<?>, boolean, NotificationEmitter) - Constructor for class
Make an MBean whose management interface is specified by
, and where notifications are handled by the givenNotificationEmitter
. - StandardEmitterMBean(Class<?>, NotificationEmitter) - Constructor for class
Make an MBean whose management interface is specified by
, and where notifications are handled by the givenNotificationEmitter
. - StandardEmitterMBean(T, Class<T>, boolean, NotificationEmitter) - Constructor for class
Make an MBean whose management interface is specified by
, with the given implementation and where notifications are handled by the givenNotificationEmitter
. - StandardEmitterMBean(T, Class<T>, NotificationEmitter) - Constructor for class
Make an MBean whose management interface is specified by
, with the given implementation and where notifications are handled by the givenNotificationEmitter
. - standardFormatSupported - Variable in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata
A boolean indicating whether the concrete subclass supports the standard metadata format, set via the constructor.
- StandardJavaFileManager - Interface in
File manager based on
. - StandardJavaFileManager.PathFactory - Interface in
Factory to create
objects from strings. - StandardLocation - Enum Class in
Standard locations of file objects.
- StandardMBean - Class in
An MBean whose management interface is determined by reflection on a Java interface.
- StandardMBean(Class<?>) - Constructor for class
Make a DynamicMBean out of this, using the specified mbeanInterface class.
- StandardMBean(Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class
Make a DynamicMBean out of this, using the specified mbeanInterface class, and choosing whether the resulting MBean is an MXBean.
- StandardMBean(T, Class<T>) - Constructor for class
Make a DynamicMBean out of the object implementation, using the specified mbeanInterface class.
- StandardMBean(T, Class<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class
Make a DynamicMBean out of the object implementation, using the specified mbeanInterface class, and choosing whether the resultant MBean is an MXBean.
- Standard MBean - Search tag in annotation interface
- Section
- Standard MBean - Search tag in annotation interface
- Section
- Standard MBean - Search tag in annotation interface
- Section
- Standard MBean - Search tag in annotation interface
- Section
- Standard MBean - Search tag in annotation interface
- Section
- Standard MBean - Search tag in annotation interface
- Section
- Standard MBeans - Search tag in package
- Section
- standardMetadataFormatName - Static variable in class javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormatImpl
constant containing the standard format name,"javax_imageio_1.0"
. - StandardNamespace - Enum Class in jdk.dynalink
An enumeration of standard namespaces defined by Dynalink.
- StandardOpenOption - Enum Class in java.nio.file
Defines the standard open options.
- StandardOperation - Enum Class in jdk.dynalink
Defines the standard dynamic operations.
- Standard plug-in for GIF image format - Search tag in package javax.imageio
- Section
- Standard Plug-in Notes - Search tag in package javax.imageio
- Section
- StandardProtocolFamily - Enum Class in
Defines the standard families of communication protocols.
- StandardSocketOptions - Class in
Defines the standard socket options.
- StandardWatchEventKinds - Class in java.nio.file
Defines the standard event kinds.
- STANDBY - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
Attribute "standby"
- STAPLE - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Finishings
Bind the document(s) with one or more staples.
- STAPLE_BOTTOM_LEFT - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Finishings
Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the bottom left corner.
- STAPLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Finishings
Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the bottom right corner.
- STAPLE_DUAL_BOTTOM - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Finishings
Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the bottom edge assuming a portrait document (see above).
- STAPLE_DUAL_LEFT - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Finishings
Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the left edge assuming a portrait document (see above).
- STAPLE_DUAL_RIGHT - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Finishings
Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the right edge assuming a portrait document (see above).
- STAPLE_DUAL_TOP - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Finishings
Bind the document(s) with two staples (wire stitches) along the top edge assuming a portrait document (see above).
- STAPLE_TOP_LEFT - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Finishings
Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the top left corner.
- STAPLE_TOP_RIGHT - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Finishings
Bind the document(s) with one or more staples in the top right corner.
- start - Variable in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D.Double
The starting angle of the arc in degrees.
- start - Variable in class java.awt.geom.Arc2D.Float
The starting angle of the arc in degrees.
- start() - Method in class
Starts this server in a new background thread.
- start() - Method in class java.applet.Applet
Deprecated.Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this applet that it should start its execution.
- start() - Method in class java.lang.ProcessBuilder
Starts a new process using the attributes of this process builder.
- start() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Schedules this thread to begin execution.
- start() - Method in class java.util.regex.Matcher
Returns the start index of the previous match.
- start() - Method in interface java.util.regex.MatchResult
Returns the start index of the match.
- start() - Method in class
Starts the counter monitor.
- start() - Method in class
Starts the gauge monitor.
- start() - Method in class
Starts the monitor.
- start() - Method in interface
Starts the monitor.
- start() - Method in class
Starts the string monitor.
- start() - Method in interface
Activates the connector server, that is, starts listening for client connections.
- start() - Method in class
Activates the connector server, that is starts listening for client connections.
- start() - Method in class
Starts the timer.
- start() - Method in interface
Starts the timer.
- start() - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Starts playback of the MIDI data in the currently loaded sequence.
- start() - Method in interface javax.sound.sampled.DataLine
Allows a line to engage in data I/O.
- start() - Method in class javax.swing.Timer
Starts the
, causing it to start sending action events to its listeners. - start() - Method in interface jdk.jfr.consumer.EventStream
Starts processing of actions.
- start() - Method in class jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream
- start() - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Starts this recording.
- start() - Method in record class jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Highlight
Returns the value of the
record component. - start() - Method in class
- start(int) - Method in class java.util.regex.Matcher
Returns the start index of the subsequence captured by the given group during the previous match operation.
- start(int) - Method in interface java.util.regex.MatchResult
Returns the start index of the subsequence captured by the given group during this match.
- start(Runnable) - Method in interface java.lang.Thread.Builder
Creates a new
from the current state of the builder and schedules it to execute. - start(String) - Method in class java.util.regex.Matcher
Returns the start index of the subsequence captured by the given named-capturing group during the previous match operation.
- start(String) - Method in interface java.util.regex.MatchResult
Returns the start index of the subsequence captured by the given named-capturing group during the previous match operation.
- start(String...) - Method in interface jdk.jshell.tool.JavaShellToolBuilder
Run an instance of the Java shell tool as configured by the other methods in this interface.
- start(HTML.Tag, MutableAttributeSet) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.TagAction
Called when a start tag is seen for the type of tag this action was registered to.
- start(Xid, int) - Method in interface javax.transaction.xa.XAResource
Starts work on behalf of a transaction branch specified in
. - start(ExecutionEnv, Map<String, String>, int) - Method in interface jdk.jshell.execution.JdiDefaultExecutionControl.JdiStarter
Start the external process based on the given parameters.
- START - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Status byte for Start message (0xFA, or 250).
- START - Static variable in class javax.sound.sampled.LineEvent.Type
A type of event that is sent when a line begins to engage in active input or output of audio data in response to a
request. - START - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
Attribute "start"
- START_DOCUMENT - Static variable in interface
Indicates an event is a start document
- START_ELEMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing the start of an HTML element. - START_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface
Indicates an event is a start element
- START_PUNCTUATION - Static variable in class java.lang.Character
General category "Ps" in the Unicode specification.
- START_TO_END - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Compare start boundary-point of
to end boundary-point of Range on whichcompareBoundaryPoints
is invoked. - START_TO_START - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Compare start boundary-point of
to start boundary-point of Range on whichcompareBoundaryPoints
is invoked. - startAnimationTimer() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicProgressBarUI
Starts the animation thread, creating and initializing it if necessary.
- startAsync() - Method in interface jdk.jfr.consumer.EventStream
Starts asynchronous processing of actions.
- startAsync() - Method in class jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream
Starts asynchronous processing of actions.
- startAsync() - Method in class
- startAutoScrolling(int) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup
This protected method is implementation specific and should be private.
- startCDATA() - Method in class org.xml.sax.ext.DefaultHandler2
- startCDATA() - Method in interface org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler
Report the start of a CDATA section.
- startCellEditing(EventObject) - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
Returns true to indicate that editing has begun.
- startDocument() - Method in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the beginning of a document.
- startDocument() - Method in interface org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler
Deprecated.Receive notification of the beginning of a document.
- startDocument() - Method in class org.xml.sax.HandlerBase
Deprecated.Receive notification of the beginning of the document.
- startDocument() - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
Receive notification of the beginning of the document.
- startDocument() - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserAdapter
Adapter implementation method; do not call.
- startDocument() - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Filter a start document event.
- startDocument() - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter
Start document event.
- StartDocument - Interface in
An interface for the start document event
- startDrag(Cursor, Transferable) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent
Starts the drag operation given the
for this drag operation and theTransferable
representing the source data for this drag operation. - startDrag(Cursor, Transferable, DragSourceListener) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent
Starts the drag given the initial
to display, theTransferable
object, and theDragSourceListener
to use. - startDrag(Cursor, Image, Point, Transferable, DragSourceListener) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent
Start the drag given the initial
to display, a dragImage
, the offset of theImage
, theTransferable
object, and theDragSourceListener
to use. - startDrag(DragGestureEvent, Cursor, Transferable, DragSourceListener) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
Start a drag, given the
that initiated the drag, the initialCursor
to use, theTransferable
subject data of the drag, and theDragSourceListener
. - startDrag(DragGestureEvent, Cursor, Transferable, DragSourceListener, FlavorMap) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
Start a drag, given the
that initiated the drag, the initialCursor
to use, theTransferable
subject data of the drag, theDragSourceListener
, and theFlavorMap
. - startDrag(DragGestureEvent, Cursor, Image, Point, Transferable, DragSourceListener) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
Start a drag, given the
that initiated the drag, the initialCursor
to use, theImage
to drag, the offset of theImage
origin from the hotspot of theCursor
at the instant of the trigger, the subject data of the drag, and theDragSourceListener
. - startDrag(DragGestureEvent, Cursor, Image, Point, Transferable, DragSourceListener, FlavorMap) - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DragSource
Start a drag, given the
that initiated the drag, the initialCursor
to use, theImage
to drag, the offset of theImage
origin from the hotspot of theCursor
at the instant of the trigger, theTransferable
subject data of the drag, theDragSourceListener
, and theFlavorMap
. - startDragging() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSplitPaneUI
Should be messaged before the dragging session starts, resets lastDragLocation and dividerSize.
- startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.ext.DefaultHandler2
- startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler
Report the start of DTD declarations, if any.
- started(TaskEvent) - Method in interface com.sun.source.util.TaskListener
Invoked when an event has begun.
- STARTED - Enum constant in enum class javax.swing.SwingWorker.StateValue
before invokingdoInBackground
. - startEditing(TreePath, MouseEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Will start editing for node if there is a
. - startEditingAtPath(JTree, TreePath) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Selects the last item in path and tries to edit it.
- startEditingAtPath(JTree, TreePath) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTreeUI
Invokes the
method on each UI handled by this object. - startEditingAtPath(JTree, TreePath) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.TreeUI
Selects the last item in path and tries to edit it.
- startEditingAtPath(TreePath) - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Selects the node identified by the specified path and initiates editing.
- startEditingTimer() - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor
Starts the editing timer.
- startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the beginning of an element.
- startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
Receive notification of the start of an element.
- startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Filter a start element event.
- startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter
Adapt a SAX2 start element event.
- startElement(String, AttributeList) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler
Deprecated.Receive notification of the beginning of an element.
- startElement(String, AttributeList) - Method in class org.xml.sax.HandlerBase
Deprecated.Receive notification of the start of an element.
- startElement(String, AttributeList) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserAdapter
Adapter implementation method; do not call.
- startElement(Element) - Method in interface
The parser will call this method after each
start tag has been scanned, but before the remainder of theElement
is processed. - StartElement - Interface in
The StartElement interface provides access to information about start elements.
- StartElementTree - Interface in com.sun.source.doctree
A tree node for the start of an HTML element.
- startEntity(String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.ext.DefaultHandler2
- startEntity(String) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler
Report the beginning of some internal and external XML entities.
- startFontTag(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.MinimalHTMLWriter
This is no longer used, instead <span> will be written out.
- startGrabbing() - Method in class java.awt.image.PixelGrabber
Request the PixelGrabber to start fetching the pixels.
- startHandler() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassFileTransform.ResolvedTransformPREVIEW
Returns an action to call at the start of transformation.
- startHandshake() - Method in class
Starts an SSL handshake on this connection.
- startIndex - Variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleAttributeSequence
The start index of the text sequence.
- startIndex - Variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleTextSequence
The start index of the text sequence.
- Starting an agent - Search tag in package java.lang.instrument
- Section
- Starting an agent from the command-line interface - Search tag in package java.lang.instrument
- Section
- Starting an agent in a running JVM - Search tag in package java.lang.instrument
- Section
- Starting an agent packaged with an application in an executable JAR file - Search tag in package java.lang.instrument
- Section
- startInstant() - Method in interface java.lang.ProcessHandle.Info
Returns the start time of the process.
- startLabel() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.CodeBuilderPREVIEW
Returns the label associated with the beginning of the current block.
- startLabel() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.TypeAnnotation.LocalVarTargetInfoPREVIEW
The given local variable has a value at indices into the code array in the interval [start_pc, start_pc + length), that is, between start_pc inclusive and start_pc + length exclusive.
- startListening() - Method in class com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService
Listens on an address chosen by the transport service.
- startListening(String) - Method in class com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService
Listens on the specified address for inbound connections.
- startListening(Map<String, ? extends Connector.Argument>) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.connect.ListeningConnector
Listens for one or more connections initiated by target VMs.
- startLocalManagementAgent() - Method in class
Starts the local JMX management agent in the target virtual machine.
- startManagementAgent(Properties) - Method in class
Starts the JMX management agent in the target virtual machine.
- startPc() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.CharacterRangeInfoPREVIEW
Returns the start of the character range region (inclusive).
- startPc() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.LineNumberInfoPREVIEW
Returns the index into the code array at which the code for this line begins.
- startPc() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.LocalVariableInfoPREVIEW
Returns the index into the code array (inclusive) at which the scope of this variable begins.
- startPc() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.attribute.LocalVariableTypeInfoPREVIEW
Returns the index into the code array (inclusive) at which the scope of this variable begins.
- startPipeline(List<ProcessBuilder>) - Static method in class java.lang.ProcessBuilder
Starts a Process for each ProcessBuilder, creating a pipeline of processes linked by their standard output and standard input streams.
- startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
Begin the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.
- startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
Receive notification of the start of a Namespace mapping.
- startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl
Filter a start Namespace prefix mapping event.
- startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter
Adapt a SAX2 start prefix mapping event.
- startProduction(ImageConsumer) - Method in class java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource
Starts production of the filtered image.
- startProduction(ImageConsumer) - Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageProducer
Registers the specified
object as a consumer and starts an immediate reconstruction of the image data which will then be delivered to this consumer and any other consumer which might have already been registered with the producer. - startProduction(ImageConsumer) - Method in class java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource
Adds an ImageConsumer to the list of consumers interested in data for this image and immediately starts delivery of the image data through the ImageConsumer interface.
- startProduction(ImageConsumer) - Method in class java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImageProducer
Adds an ImageConsumer to the list of consumers interested in data for this image, and immediately starts delivery of the image data through the ImageConsumer interface.
- startRecording() - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Starts recording and playback of MIDI data.
- startRecording(long) - Method in interface
Starts the recording with the specified ID.
- startScope() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRangePREVIEW
Returns the start of the instruction range.
- startScope() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariablePREVIEW
Returns the start range of the local variable scope.
- startScope() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariableTypePREVIEW
Returns the start range of the local variable scope.
- startsWith(String) - Method in class java.lang.String
Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix.
- startsWith(String) - Method in interface java.nio.file.Path
Tests if this path starts with a
, constructed by converting the given path string, in exactly the manner specified by thestartsWith(Path)
method. - startsWith(String, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Tests if the substring of this string beginning at the specified index starts with the specified prefix.
- startsWith(Path) - Method in interface java.nio.file.Path
Tests if this path starts with the given path.
- startsWith(List<Rdn>) - Method in class javax.naming.ldap.LdapName
Determines whether the specified RDN sequence forms a prefix of this LDAP name.
- startsWith(Name) - Method in class javax.naming.CompositeName
Determines whether a composite name is a prefix of this composite name.
- startsWith(Name) - Method in class javax.naming.CompoundName
Determines whether a compound name is a prefix of this compound name.
- startsWith(Name) - Method in class javax.naming.ldap.LdapName
Determines whether this LDAP name starts with a specified LDAP name prefix.
- startsWith(Name) - Method in interface javax.naming.Name
Determines whether this name starts with a specified prefix.
- startTag(Element) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLWriter
Writes out a start tag for the element.
- startTag(TagElement) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser
Handle a start tag.
- STARTTAG - Static variable in interface javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTDConstants
The DTD constant corresponds to STARTTAG
- StartTagType - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument.ElementSpec
A possible value for getType.
- startTimer() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI.ComponentHandler
Creates, if necessary, and starts a Timer to check if need to resize the bounds.
- StartTlsRequest - Class in javax.naming.ldap
This class implements the LDAPv3 Extended Request for StartTLS as defined in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport Layer Security The object identifier for StartTLS is and no extended request value is defined.
- StartTlsRequest() - Constructor for class javax.naming.ldap.StartTlsRequest
Constructs a StartTLS extended request.
- StartTlsResponse - Class in javax.naming.ldap
This class implements the LDAPv3 Extended Response for StartTLS as defined in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport Layer Security The object identifier for StartTLS is and no extended response value is defined.
- StartTlsResponse() - Constructor for class javax.naming.ldap.StartTlsResponse
Constructs a StartTLS extended response.
- startVirtualThread(Runnable) - Static method in class java.lang.Thread
Creates a virtual thread to execute a task and schedules it to execute.
- state - Variable in class
Current state of this
object. - state() - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.Future
Returns the computation state.
- state() - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScope.SubtaskPREVIEW
Returns the state of the subtask.
- State<T> - Class in javax.swing.plaf.nimbus
Represents a built in, or custom, state in Nimbus.
- State(String) - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.State
Create a new custom State.
- STATE_FACTORIES - Static variable in interface javax.naming.Context
Constant that holds the name of the environment property for specifying the list of state factories to use.
- stateBits() - Method in class java.util.random.RandomGeneratorFactory
Returns number of bits used by the algorithm to maintain state of seed.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractButton.ButtonChangeListener
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in interface javax.swing.event.ChangeListener
Invoked when the target of the listener has changed its state.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JMenuItem.AccessibleJMenuItem
Supports the change listener interface and fires property changes.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane
Invoked when the target of the listener has changed its state.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JSlider.AccessibleJSlider
Invoked when the target of the listener has changed its state.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JSpinner.AccessibleJSpinner
Invoked when the target of the listener has changed its state.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JSpinner.DefaultEditor
This method is called when the spinner's model's state changes.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.JTabbedPane.ModelListener
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuUI.ChangeHandler
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicProgressBarUI.ChangeHandler
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollBarUI.ModelListener
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI.HSBChangeListener
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI.ViewportChangeHandler
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI.VSBChangeListener
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI.ChangeHandler
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI.TabSelectionHandler
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class javax.swing.ProgressMonitor.AccessibleProgressMonitor
Invoked when the target of the listener has changed its state.
- StateEdit - Class in javax.swing.undo
StateEdit is a general edit for objects that change state.
- StateEdit(StateEditable) - Constructor for class javax.swing.undo.StateEdit
Create and return a new StateEdit.
- StateEdit(StateEditable, String) - Constructor for class javax.swing.undo.StateEdit
Create and return a new StateEdit with a presentation name.
- StateEditable - Interface in javax.swing.undo
StateEditable defines the interface for objects that can have their state undone/redone by a StateEdit.
- StateFactory - Interface in javax.naming.spi
This interface represents a factory for obtaining the state of an object for binding.
- STATELESS - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.AttributeMapper.AttributeStabilityPREVIEW
The attribute contains only pure data, such as timestamps, and can always be bulk-copied.
- Stateless behaviors - Search tag in package
- Section
- stateMask - Variable in class javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel
The bitmask used to store the state of the button.
- Statement - Class in java.beans
object represents a primitive statement in which a single method is applied to a target and a set of arguments - as in"a.setFoo(b)"
. - Statement - Interface in java.sql
The object used for executing a static SQL statement and returning the results it produces.
- Statement(Object, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class java.beans.Statement
Creates a new
object for the specified target object to invoke the method specified by the name and by the array of arguments. - STATEMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.tree.CaseTree.CaseKind
Case is in the form:
case <expression>: <statements>
. - STATEMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree.BodyKind
enum constant for statement lambdas
- STATEMENT - Enum constant in enum class jdk.jshell.Snippet.Kind
A statement.
- STATEMENT - Static variable in class java.awt.PageAttributes.MediaType
An alias for INVOICE.
- STATEMENT_SUBKIND - Enum constant in enum class jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind
A statement.
- statementClosed(StatementEvent) - Method in interface javax.sql.StatementEventListener
The driver calls this method on all
s registered on the connection when it detects that aPreparedStatement
is closed. - statementErrorOccurred(StatementEvent) - Method in interface javax.sql.StatementEventListener
The driver calls this method on all
s registered on the connection when it detects that aPreparedStatement
is invalid. - StatementEvent - Class in javax.sql
is sent to allStatementEventListener
s which were registered with aPooledConnection
. - StatementEvent(PooledConnection, PreparedStatement) - Constructor for class javax.sql.StatementEvent
Constructs a
with the specifiedPooledConnection
. - StatementEvent(PooledConnection, PreparedStatement, SQLException) - Constructor for class javax.sql.StatementEvent
Constructs a
with the specifiedPooledConnection
- StatementEventListener - Interface in javax.sql
An object that registers to be notified of events that occur on PreparedStatements that are in the Statement pool.
- StatementSnippet - Class in jdk.jshell
Snippet for a statement.
- StatementTree - Interface in com.sun.source.tree
A tree node used as the base class for the different kinds of statements.
- states - Variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleStateSet
Each entry in the
represents anAccessibleState
. - STATIC - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind
A method handle for a method invoked as with
- STATIC - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Requires.Modifier
The dependence is mandatory in the static phase, during compilation, but is optional in the dynamic phase, during execution.
- STATIC - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag
- STATIC - Enum constant in enum class javax.lang.model.element.Modifier
The modifier
- STATIC - Static variable in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
value representing thestatic
modifier. - STATIC_GETTER - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind
A method handle for a read accessor for a static field
- STATIC_IMPORT_ON_DEMAND_SUBKIND - Enum constant in enum class jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind
Static-Import-on-Demand Declaration.
- STATIC_INIT - Enum constant in enum class javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind
A static initializer.
- STATIC_PHASE - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag
The module requires flag
with a mask value of0x0040
. - STATIC_SETTER - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind
A method handle for a write accessor for a static field
- StaticClass - Class in jdk.dynalink.beans
Object that allows access to the static members of a class (its static methods, properties, and fields), as well as construction of instances using
operation. - staticFieldVarHandle(MethodHandles.Lookup, String, Class<VarHandle>, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class java.lang.invoke.ConstantBootstraps
Finds a
for a static field. - STATICIMAGEDONE - Static variable in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
The image is complete and there are no more pixels or frames to be delivered.
- staticPermissionsOnly() - Method in class
if this domain contains only static permissions and does not check the currentPolicy
at the time of permission checking. - status() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ThreadReference
Returns the thread's status.
- status() - Method in class java.awt.image.PixelGrabber
Returns the status of the pixels.
- status() - Method in class jdk.jshell.SnippetEvent
The after status.
- status(Snippet) - Method in class jdk.jshell.JShell
Return the status of the snippet.
- STATUS_BAR - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole
is an simple component that can contain multiple labels of status information to the user. - STATUS_MEASUREMENT_IN_PROGRESS - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifGPSTagSet
A value to be used with the "GPSStatus" tag.
- STATUS_MEASUREMENT_INTEROPERABILITY - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifGPSTagSet
A value to be used with the "GPSStatus" tag.
- statusAll(boolean) - Method in class java.awt.MediaTracker
Calculates and returns the bitwise inclusive OR of the status of all media that are tracked by this media tracker.
- statusCode() - Method in interface
Provides the response status code.
- statusCode() - Method in interface
Returns the status code for this response.
- statusID(int, boolean) - Method in class java.awt.MediaTracker
Calculates and returns the bitwise inclusive OR of the status of all media with the specified identifier that are tracked by this media tracker.
- StAXResult - Class in javax.xml.transform.stax
Acts as a holder for an XML
in the form of a StAX writer,i.e. - StAXResult(XMLEventWriter) - Constructor for class javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXResult
Creates a new instance of a
by supplying anXMLEventWriter
. - StAXResult(XMLStreamWriter) - Constructor for class javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXResult
Creates a new instance of a
by supplying anXMLStreamWriter
. - StAXSource - Class in javax.xml.transform.stax
Acts as a holder for an XML
in the form of a StAX reader,i.e. - StAXSource(XMLEventReader) - Constructor for class javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXSource
Creates a new instance of a
by supplying anXMLEventReader
. - StAXSource(XMLStreamReader) - Constructor for class javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXSource
Creates a new instance of a
by supplying anXMLStreamReader
. - StdACChrominance - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGHuffmanTable
The standard AC chrominance Huffman table.
- StdACLuminance - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGHuffmanTable
The standard AC luminance Huffman table.
- StdDCChrominance - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGHuffmanTable
The standard DC chrominance Huffman table.
- StdDCLuminance - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGHuffmanTable
The standard DC luminance Huffman table.
- stderr.encoding - Search tag in java.lang.System.getProperties()
- System Property
- stdout.encoding - Search tag in java.lang.System.getProperties()
- System Property
- STEP_INTO - Static variable in interface com.sun.jdi.request.StepRequest
Step into any newly pushed frames
- STEP_LINE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jdi.request.StepRequest
Step to the next location on a different line
- STEP_MIN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jdi.request.StepRequest
Step to the next available location
- STEP_OUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jdi.request.StepRequest
Step out of the current frame
- STEP_OVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jdi.request.StepRequest
Step over any newly pushed frames
- Step 1: Recursive enumeration - Search tag in package java.lang.module
- Section
- Step 2: Computing the readability graph - Search tag in package java.lang.module
- Section
- StepEvent - Interface in com.sun.jdi.event
Notification of step completion in the target VM.
- StepRequest - Interface in com.sun.jdi.request
Request for notification when a step occurs in the target VM.
- stepRequests() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequestManager
Return an unmodifiable list of the enabled and disabled step requests.
- stillInsideTimerAction() - Constructor for class javax.swing.ToolTipManager.stillInsideTimerAction
Constructs a
. - stop() - Method in class java.applet.Applet
Deprecated.Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this applet that it should stop its execution.
- stop() - Method in interface java.applet.AudioClip
Deprecated.Stops playing this audio clip.
- stop() - Method in class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget.DropTargetAutoScroller
cause autoscrolling to stop
- stop() - Method in class java.lang.Thread
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.This method was originally specified to "stop" a victim thread by causing the victim thread to throw a
. It was inherently unsafe. Stopping a thread caused it to unlock all of the monitors that it had locked (as a natural consequence of theThreadDeath
exception propagating up the stack). If any of the objects previously protected by these monitors were in an inconsistent state, the damaged objects became visible to other threads, potentially resulting in arbitrary behavior. Usages ofstop
should be replaced by code that simply modifies some variable to indicate that the target thread should stop running. The target thread should check this variable regularly, and return from its run method in an orderly fashion if the variable indicates that it is to stop running. If the target thread waits for long periods (on a condition variable, for example), theinterrupt
method should be used to interrupt the wait. For more information, see Why is Thread.stop deprecated and the ability to stop a thread removed?. - stop() - Method in class
Stops the counter monitor.
- stop() - Method in class
Stops the gauge monitor.
- stop() - Method in class
Stops the monitor.
- stop() - Method in interface
Stops the monitor.
- stop() - Method in class
Stops the string monitor.
- stop() - Method in interface
Deactivates the connector server, that is, stops listening for client connections.
- stop() - Method in class
Deactivates the connector server, that is, stops listening for client connections.
- stop() - Method in class
Stops the timer.
- stop() - Method in interface
Stops the timer.
- stop() - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Stops recording, if active, and playback of the currently loaded sequence, if any.
- stop() - Method in interface javax.sound.sampled.DataLine
Stops the line.
- stop() - Method in class javax.swing.Timer
Stops the
, causing it to stop sending action events to its listeners. - stop() - Method in class jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream
Stops the recording stream.
- stop() - Method in class jdk.jfr.Recording
Stops this recording.
- stop() - Method in class jdk.jshell.execution.DirectExecutionControl
Interrupts a running invoke.
- stop() - Method in class jdk.jshell.execution.JdiDefaultExecutionControl
Interrupts a running remote invoke by manipulating remote variables and sending a stop via JDI.
- stop() - Method in class jdk.jshell.execution.RemoteExecutionControl
- stop() - Method in class jdk.jshell.execution.StreamingExecutionControl
- stop() - Method in class jdk.jshell.JShell
Attempt to stop currently running evaluation.
- stop() - Method in interface jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl
Interrupts a running invoke.
- stop() - Method in class
Stops the recording stream.
- stop(int) - Method in class
Stops this server by closing the listening socket and disallowing any new exchanges from being processed.
- stop(ObjectReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ThreadReference
Stops this thread with an asynchronous exception.
- STOP - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Status byte for Stop message (0xFC, or 252).
- STOP - Static variable in class javax.sound.sampled.LineEvent.Type
A type of event that is sent when a line ceases active input or output of audio data in response to a
request, or because the end of media has been reached. - stopAnimationTimer() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicProgressBarUI
Stops the animation thread.
- stopAutoScrolling() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboPopup
This protected method is implementation specific and should be private.
- stopCellEditing() - Method in class javax.swing.AbstractCellEditor
and returns true. - stopCellEditing() - Method in interface javax.swing.CellEditor
Tells the editor to stop editing and accept any partially edited value as the value of the editor.
- stopCellEditing() - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate
Stops editing and returns true to indicate that editing has stopped.
- stopCellEditing() - Method in class javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor
Forwards the message from the
to thedelegate
. - stopCellEditing() - Method in class javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellEditor
If the
will allow editing to stop, therealEditor
is removed and true is returned, otherwise false is returned. - stopEditing() - Method in class javax.swing.JTree
Ends the current editing session.
- stopEditing(JTree) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Stops the current editing session.
- stopEditing(JTree) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.multi.MultiTreeUI
Invokes the
method on each UI handled by this object. - stopEditing(JTree) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.TreeUI
Stops the current editing session.
- stopEditingInCompleteEditing - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI
Set to false when editing and shouldSelectCell() returns true meaning the node should be selected before editing, used in completeEditing.
- stopListening(TransportService.ListenKey) - Method in class com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService
Stop listening for inbound connections.
- stopListening(Map<String, ? extends Connector.Argument>) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.connect.ListeningConnector
Cancels listening for connections.
- STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class jdk.jfr.RecordingState
The recording is stopped and is holding recorded data that can be dumped to disk.
- STOPPED - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterState
Indicates that no jobs can be processed and intervention is required.
- STOPPED_PARTLY - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterStateReason
When a printer controls more than one output device, this reason indicates that one or more output devices are stopped.
- StoppedException() - Constructor for exception class jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl.StoppedException
- STOPPING - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterStateReason
The printer is in the process of stopping the device and will be stopped in a while.
- stopPropagation() - Method in interface
method is used prevent further propagation of an event during event flow. - stopRecording() - Method in interface javax.sound.midi.Sequencer
Stops recording, if active.
- stopRecording(long) - Method in interface
Stops the running recording with the specified ID.
- store() - Method in class
Captures the current state of this MBean instance and writes it out to the persistent store.
- store() - Method in interface
Captures the current state of this MBean instance and writes it out to the persistent store.
- store(OutputStream, char[]) - Method in class
Stores this keystore to the given output stream, and protects its integrity with the given password.
- store(OutputStream, String) - Method in class java.util.Properties
Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this
table to the output stream in a format suitable for loading into aProperties
table using theload(InputStream)
method. - store(Writer, String) - Method in class java.util.Properties
Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this
table to the output character stream in a format suitable for using theload(Reader)
method. - store(KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter) - Method in class
Stores this keystore using the given
. - STORE - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.Opcode.KindPREVIEW
Store into local variable
- STORED - Static variable in class
Compression method for uncompressed entries.
- STORED - Static variable in class
Compression method for uncompressed (STORED) entries.
- storeInstruction(TypeKind, int) - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.CodeBuilderPREVIEW
Generate an instruction to store a value to a local variable
- StoreInstructionPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.instructionPREVIEW
Models a local variable store instruction in the
array of aCode
attribute. - storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in lower case.
- storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in lower case.
- storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in mixed case.
- storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in mixed case.
- storeState(Hashtable<Object, Object>) - Method in interface javax.swing.undo.StateEditable
Upon receiving this message the receiver should place any relevant state into state.
- storeStoreFence() - Static method in class java.lang.invoke.VarHandle
Ensures that stores before the fence will not be reordered with stores after the fence.
- storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in upper case.
- storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in upper case.
- storeToXML(OutputStream, String) - Method in class java.util.Properties
Emits an XML document representing all of the properties contained in this table.
- storeToXML(OutputStream, String, String) - Method in class java.util.Properties
Emits an XML document representing all of the properties contained in this table, using the specified encoding.
- storeToXML(OutputStream, String, Charset) - Method in class java.util.Properties
Emits an XML document representing all of the properties contained in this table, using the specified encoding.
- STR - Static variable in interface java.lang.StringTemplatePREVIEW
PREVIEW instance is conventionally used for the string interpolation of a suppliedStringTemplate
PREVIEW. - strategy - Variable in class javax.swing.text.FlowView
The behavior for keeping the flow updated.
- stream() - Method in class java.util.BitSet
Returns a stream of indices for which this
contains a bit in the set state. - stream() - Method in interface java.util.Collection
Returns a sequential
with this collection as its source. - stream() - Method in class java.util.jar.JarFile
Returns an ordered
over the jar file entries. - stream() - Method in class java.util.Optional
If a value is present, returns a sequential
containing only that value, otherwise returns an emptyStream
. - stream() - Method in class java.util.OptionalDouble
If a value is present, returns a sequential
containing only that value, otherwise returns an emptyDoubleStream
. - stream() - Method in class java.util.OptionalInt
If a value is present, returns a sequential
containing only that value, otherwise returns an emptyIntStream
. - stream() - Method in class java.util.OptionalLong
If a value is present, returns a sequential
containing only that value, otherwise returns an emptyLongStream
. - stream() - Method in class java.util.ServiceLoader
Returns a stream to lazily load available providers of this loader's service.
- stream() - Method in class
Returns an ordered
over the ZIP file entries. - stream(double[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a sequential
with the specified array as its source. - stream(double[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a sequential
with the specified range of the specified array as its source. - stream(int[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a sequential
with the specified array as its source. - stream(int[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a sequential
with the specified range of the specified array as its source. - stream(long[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a sequential
with the specified array as its source. - stream(long[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a sequential
with the specified range of the specified array as its source. - stream(Supplier<? extends Spliterator<T>>, int, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a new sequential or parallel
from aSupplier
. - stream(Spliterator<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a new sequential or parallel
from aSpliterator
. - stream(T[]) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a sequential
with the specified array as its source. - stream(T[], int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Arrays
Returns a sequential
with the specified range of the specified array as its source. - Stream<T> - Interface in
A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
- STREAM_CIPHER - Enum constant in enum class
Symmetric primitive: stream cipher
- STREAM_MAGIC - Static variable in interface
Magic number that is written to the stream header.
- STREAM_VERSION - Static variable in interface
Version number that is written to the stream header.
- Stream.Builder<T> - Interface in
A mutable builder for a
. - streamBytes() - Method in interface
The current number of bytes consumed.
- StreamCorruptedException - Exception Class in
Thrown when control information that was read from an object stream violates internal consistency checks.
- StreamCorruptedException() - Constructor for exception class
Create a StreamCorruptedException and list no reason why thrown.
- StreamCorruptedException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Create a StreamCorruptedException and list a reason why thrown.
- StreamDescriptionProperty - Static variable in interface javax.swing.text.Document
The property name for the description of the stream used to initialize the document.
- StreamFilter - Interface in
This interface declares a simple filter interface that one can create to filter XMLStreamReaders
- StreamHandler - Class in java.util.logging
Stream based logging
. - StreamHandler() - Constructor for class java.util.logging.StreamHandler
Create a
, with no current output stream. - StreamHandler(OutputStream, Formatter) - Constructor for class java.util.logging.StreamHandler
Create a
with a givenFormatter
and output stream. - StreamingExecutionControl - Class in jdk.jshell.execution
An implementation of the
execution engine SPI which streams requests to a remote agent where execution takes place. - StreamingExecutionControl(ObjectOutput, ObjectInput) - Constructor for class jdk.jshell.execution.StreamingExecutionControl
Creates an instance.
- Stream Metadata - Search tag in package javax.imageio.metadata
- Section
- Stream Metadata DTD - Search tag in package javax.imageio.metadata
- Section
- streamNumber() - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.MessageInfo
Returns the stream number that the message was received on, if the message has been received, otherwise the stream number that the message is to be sent on.
- streamNumber() - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SendFailedNotification
Returns the stream number that the message was to be sent on.
- streamNumber(int) - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.MessageInfo
Sets the stream number that the message is to be sent on.
- Stream operations and pipelines - Search tag in package
- Section
- streamPos - Variable in class
The current read position within the stream.
- StreamPrintService - Class in javax.print
This class extends
and represents a print service that prints data in different formats to a client-provided output stream. - StreamPrintService(OutputStream) - Constructor for class javax.print.StreamPrintService
Constructs a
object. - StreamPrintServiceFactory - Class in javax.print
is the factory forStreamPrintService
instances, which can print to an output stream in a particular document format described as a mime type. - StreamPrintServiceFactory() - Constructor for class javax.print.StreamPrintServiceFactory
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- StreamReaderDelegate - Class in
This is the base class for deriving an XMLStreamReader filter This class is designed to sit between an XMLStreamReader and an application's XMLStreamReader.
- StreamReaderDelegate() - Constructor for class
Construct an empty filter with no parent.
- StreamReaderDelegate(XMLStreamReader) - Constructor for class
Construct an filter with the specified parent.
- StreamResult - Class in
Acts as an holder for a transformation result, which may be XML, plain Text, HTML, or some other form of markup.
- StreamResult() - Constructor for class
Zero-argument default constructor.
- StreamResult(File) - Constructor for class
Construct a StreamResult from a File.
- StreamResult(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Construct a StreamResult from a byte stream.
- StreamResult(Writer) - Constructor for class
Construct a StreamResult from a character stream.
- StreamResult(String) - Constructor for class
Construct a StreamResult from a URL.
- StreamSource - Class in
Acts as an holder for a transformation Source in the form of a stream of XML markup.
- StreamSource() - Constructor for class
Zero-argument default constructor.
- StreamSource(File) - Constructor for class
Construct a StreamSource from a File.
- StreamSource(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Construct a StreamSource from a byte stream.
- StreamSource(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
Construct a StreamSource from a byte stream.
- StreamSource(Reader) - Constructor for class
Construct a StreamSource from a character reader.
- StreamSource(Reader, String) - Constructor for class
Construct a StreamSource from a character reader.
- StreamSource(String) - Constructor for class
Construct a StreamSource from a URL.
- StreamSupport - Class in
Low-level utility methods for creating and manipulating streams.
- StreamTokenizer - Class in
class takes an input stream and parses it into "tokens", allowing the tokens to be read one at a time. - StreamTokenizer(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.As of JDK version 1.1, the preferred way to tokenize an input stream is to convert it into a character stream, for example:
Reader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(r);
- StreamTokenizer(Reader) - Constructor for class
Create a tokenizer that parses the given character stream.
- STRENGTH - Static variable in class
The name of a property that specifies the cipher strength to use.
- strict - Variable in class javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser
This flag determines whether or not the Parser will be strict in enforcing SGML compatibility.
- STRICT - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag
- STRICT - Enum constant in enum class java.time.format.ResolverStyle
Style to resolve dates and times strictly.
- STRICT - Enum constant in enum class javax.xml.catalog.CatalogResolver.NotFoundAction
Indicates that the resolver should throw a CatalogException as defined by the
property. - STRICT - Static variable in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
value representing thestrictfp
modifier. - STRICT_FIELD - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag
The access flag
, with a mask value of0x0800
. - STRICTFP - Enum constant in enum class javax.lang.model.element.Modifier
The modifier
- StrictMath - Class in java.lang
The class
contains methods for performing basic numeric operations such as the elementary exponential, logarithm, square root, and trigonometric functions. - STRIKE - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <strike>
- StrikeThrough - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Name of the Strikethrough attribute.
- STRIKETHROUGH - Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
Attribute key for strikethrough.
- STRIKETHROUGH_ON - Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
A single strikethrough.
- String - Class in java.lang
class represents character strings. - String() - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Initializes a newly created
object so that it represents an empty character sequence. - String(byte[]) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Constructs a new
by decoding the specified array of bytes using thedefault charset
. - String(byte[], int) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Deprecated.This method does not properly convert bytes into characters. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to do this is via the
constructors that take aCharset
, charset name, or that use thedefault charset
. - String(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Constructs a new
by decoding the specified subarray of bytes using thedefault charset
. - String(byte[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Deprecated.This method does not properly convert bytes into characters. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to do this is via the
constructors that take aCharset
, charset name, or that use thedefault charset
. - String(byte[], int, int, String) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Constructs a new
by decoding the specified subarray of bytes using the specified charset. - String(byte[], int, int, Charset) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Constructs a new
by decoding the specified subarray of bytes using the specified charset. - String(byte[], String) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Constructs a new
by decoding the specified array of bytes using the specified charset. - String(byte[], Charset) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Constructs a new
by decoding the specified array of bytes using the specified charset. - String(char[]) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Allocates a new
so that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character array argument. - String(char[], int, int) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Allocates a new
that contains characters from a subarray of the character array argument. - String(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Allocates a new
that contains characters from a subarray of the Unicode code point array argument. - String(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Initializes a newly created
object so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the argument; in other words, the newly created string is a copy of the argument string. - String(StringBuffer) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Allocates a new string that contains the sequence of characters currently contained in the string buffer argument.
- String(StringBuilder) - Constructor for class java.lang.String
Allocates a new string that contains the sequence of characters currently contained in the string builder argument.
- STRING - Enum constant in enum class javax.xml.xpath.XPathEvaluationResult.XPathResultType
The XPath 1.0 String data type.
- STRING - Static variable in class
instance describing values whose Java class name isjava.lang.String
. - STRING - Static variable in class javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants
The XPath 1.0 string data type.
- STRING(String) - Constructor for class javax.print.DocFlavor.STRING
Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print data representation class name of
. - STRING_LITERAL - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing a string literal expression of typeString
. - STRING_TO_COMPARE_VALUE_DIFFERED - Static variable in class
Notification type denoting that the observed attribute has differed from the "string to compare" value.
- STRING_TO_COMPARE_VALUE_MATCHED - Static variable in class
Notification type denoting that the observed attribute has matched the "string to compare" value.
- STRING_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.xpath.XPathResult
The result is a string as defined by .
- StringBuffer - Class in java.lang
A thread-safe, mutable sequence of characters.
- StringBuffer() - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuffer
Constructs a string buffer with no characters in it and an initial capacity of 16 characters.
- StringBuffer(int) - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuffer
Constructs a string buffer with no characters in it and the specified initial capacity.
- StringBuffer(CharSequence) - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuffer
Constructs a string buffer that contains the same characters as the specified
. - StringBuffer(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuffer
Constructs a string buffer initialized to the contents of the specified string.
- StringBufferInputStream - Class in
Deprecated.This class does not properly convert characters into bytes. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to create a stream from a string is via the
class. - StringBufferInputStream(String) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Creates a string input stream to read data from the specified string.
- StringBuilder - Class in java.lang
A mutable sequence of characters.
- StringBuilder() - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuilder
Constructs a string builder with no characters in it and an initial capacity of 16 characters.
- StringBuilder(int) - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuilder
Constructs a string builder with no characters in it and an initial capacity specified by the
argument. - StringBuilder(CharSequence) - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuilder
Constructs a string builder that contains the same characters as the specified
. - StringBuilder(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.StringBuilder
Constructs a string builder initialized to the contents of the specified string.
- StringCharacterIterator - Class in java.text
implements theCharacterIterator
protocol for aString
. - StringCharacterIterator(String) - Constructor for class java.text.StringCharacterIterator
Constructs an iterator with an initial index of 0.
- StringCharacterIterator(String, int) - Constructor for class java.text.StringCharacterIterator
Constructs an iterator with the specified initial index.
- StringCharacterIterator(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class java.text.StringCharacterIterator
Constructs an iterator over the given range of the given string, with the index set at the specified position.
- StringConcatException - Exception Class in java.lang.invoke
StringConcatException is thrown by
when linkage invariants are violated. - StringConcatException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.lang.invoke.StringConcatException
Constructs an exception with a message
- StringConcatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class java.lang.invoke.StringConcatException
Constructs an exception with a message and a linked throwable
- StringConcatFactory - Class in java.lang.invoke
Methods to facilitate the creation of String concatenation methods, that can be used to efficiently concatenate a known number of arguments of known types, possibly after type adaptation and partial evaluation of arguments.
- StringContent - Class in javax.swing.text
An implementation of the AbstractDocument.Content interface that is a brute force implementation that is useful for relatively small documents and/or debugging.
- StringContent() - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.StringContent
Creates a new StringContent object.
- StringContent(int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.StringContent
Creates a new StringContent object, with the initial size specified.
- stringEntry(Utf8Entry) - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.constantpool.ConstantPoolBuilderPREVIEW
Returns A
PREVIEW referencing the provided UTF8 entry. - stringEntry(String) - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.constantpool.ConstantPoolBuilderPREVIEW
Returns A
PREVIEW describing the provided value. - StringEntryPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.constantpoolPREVIEW
Models a
constant in the constant pool of a classfile. - stringFlavor - Static variable in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
representing a Java Unicode String class, where: - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - Exception Class in java.lang
Thrown by
methods to indicate that an index is either negative or greater than the size of the string. - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException() - Constructor for exception class java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs a
with no detail message. - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(int) - Constructor for exception class java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs a new
class with an argument indicating the illegal index. - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - StringJoiner - Class in java.util
is used to construct a sequence of characters separated by a delimiter and optionally starting with a supplied prefix and ending with a supplied suffix. - StringJoiner(CharSequence) - Constructor for class java.util.StringJoiner
Constructs a
with no characters in it, with noprefix
, and a copy of the supplieddelimiter
. - StringJoiner(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Constructor for class java.util.StringJoiner
Constructs a
with no characters in it using copies of the suppliedprefix
. - StringMonitor - Class in
Defines a monitor MBean designed to observe the values of a string attribute.
- StringMonitor() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
- StringMonitorMBean - Interface in
Exposes the remote management interface of the string monitor MBean.
- stringPropertyNames() - Method in class java.util.Properties
Returns an unmodifiable set of keys from this property list where the key and its corresponding value are strings, including distinct keys in the default property list if a key of the same name has not already been found from the main properties list.
- StringReader - Class in
A character stream whose source is a string.
- StringReader(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new string reader.
- StringRefAddr - Class in javax.naming
This class represents the string form of the address of a communications end-point.
- StringRefAddr(String, String) - Constructor for class javax.naming.StringRefAddr
Constructs a new instance of StringRefAddr using its address type and contents.
- StringReference - Interface in com.sun.jdi
A string object from the target VM.
- StringSelection - Class in java.awt.datatransfer
which implements the capability required to transfer aString
. - StringSelection(String) - Constructor for class java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection
Creates a
capable of transferring the specifiedString
. - StringTemplatePREVIEW - Interface in java.lang
PREVIEW is the run-time representation of a string template or text block template in a template expression. - StringTemplate.Processor<R,
E> PREVIEW - Interface in java.lang -
This interface describes the methods provided by a generalized string template processor.
- StringTemplate.Processor.LinkagePREVIEW - Interface in java.lang
Built-in policies using this additional interface have the flexibility to specialize the composition of the templated string by returning a customized
PREVIEW. - StringTemplateTreePREVIEW - Interface in com.sun.source.tree
A tree node for a string template expression.
- stringToColor(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet
Converts a color string such as "RED" or "#NNNNNN" to a Color.
- StringTokenizer - Class in java.util
The string tokenizer class allows an application to break a string into tokens.
- StringTokenizer(String) - Constructor for class java.util.StringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.
- StringTokenizer(String, String) - Constructor for class java.util.StringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.
- StringTokenizer(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class java.util.StringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.
- stringToValue(String) - Method in class javax.swing.JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter
returning an arbitrary Object. - stringToValue(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatter
Converts the passed in String into an instance of
by way of the constructor that takes a String argument. - stringToValue(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.InternationalFormatter
Returns the
representation of theString
. - stringToValue(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter
Parses the text, returning the appropriate Object representation of the String
. - stringValue() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.AnnotationValue.OfStringPREVIEW
Returns the constant.
- stringValue() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.constantpool.StringEntryPREVIEW
Returns the string value for this entry.
- stringValue() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.constantpool.Utf8EntryPREVIEW
Returns the string value for this entry.
- StringValueExp - Class in
Represents strings that are arguments to relational constraints.
- StringValueExp() - Constructor for class
Basic constructor.
- StringValueExp(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
representing the given string. - stringValueOf(boolean) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector.BooleanArgument
Return the string representation of the
parameter. - stringValueOf(int) - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector.IntegerArgument
Return the string representation of the
parameter. - stringWidth(String) - Method in class java.awt.FontMetrics
Returns the total advance width for showing the specified
in thisFont
. - StringWriter - Class in
A character stream that collects its output in a string buffer, which can then be used to construct a string.
- StringWriter() - Constructor for class
Create a new string writer using the default initial string-buffer size.
- StringWriter(int) - Constructor for class
Create a new string writer using the specified initial string-buffer size.
- strip() - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a string whose value is this string, with all leading and trailing white space removed.
- stripAnnotations(T) - Method in interface javax.lang.model.util.Types
Returns a type mirror equivalent to the argument, but with no annotations.
- stripExtensions() - Method in class java.util.Locale
Returns a copy of this
with no extensions. - stripIndent() - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a string whose value is this string, with incidental white space removed from the beginning and end of every line.
- stripLeading() - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a string whose value is this string, with all leading white space removed.
- stripTrailing() - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a string whose value is this string, with all trailing white space removed.
- stripTrailingZeros() - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns a
which is numerically equal to this one but with any trailing zeros removed from the representation. - Stroke - Interface in java.awt
interface allows aGraphics2D
object to obtain aShape
that is the decorated outline, or stylistic representation of the outline, of the specifiedShape
. - STROKE - Static variable in class java.awt.font.ShapeGraphicAttribute
A key indicating the shape should be stroked with a 1-pixel wide stroke.
- StrokeBorder - Class in javax.swing.border
A class which implements a border of an arbitrary stroke.
- StrokeBorder(BasicStroke) - Constructor for class javax.swing.border.StrokeBorder
Creates a border of the specified
. - StrokeBorder(BasicStroke, Paint) - Constructor for class javax.swing.border.StrokeBorder
Creates a border of the specified
. - STRONG - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.tree.ModuleTree.ModuleKind
Strong module.
- STRONG - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.ClassOption
Specifies that a hidden class has a strong relationship with the class loader marked as its defining loader, as a normal class or interface has with its own defining loader.
- STRONG - Enum constant in enum class java.util.WeakHashMap.ValuePolicy
If the key is a value object, retain the key and value until removed.
- STRONG - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <strong>
- Struct - Interface in java.sql
The standard mapping in the Java programming language for an SQL structured type.
- STRUCT - Enum constant in enum class java.sql.JDBCType
Identifies the generic SQL type
. - STRUCT - Static variable in class java.sql.Types
The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type
. - structLayout(MemoryLayout...) - Static method in interface java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout
Creates a struct layout with the given member layouts.
- StructLayout - Interface in java.lang.foreign
A group layout whose member layouts are laid out one after the other.
- StructuredTaskScope<T>PREVIEW - Class in java.util.concurrent
A basic API for structured concurrency.
- StructuredTaskScope() - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScopePREVIEW
Creates an unnamed structured task scope that creates virtual threads.
- StructuredTaskScope(String, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScopePREVIEW
Creates a structured task scope with the given name and thread factory.
- StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailurePREVIEW - Class in java.util.concurrent
- StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnSuccess<T>PREVIEW - Class in java.util.concurrent
that captures the result of the first subtask to complete successfullyPREVIEW. - StructuredTaskScope.Subtask<T>PREVIEW - Interface in java.util.concurrent
Represents a subtask forked with
PREVIEW. - StructuredTaskScope.Subtask.StatePREVIEW - Enum Class in java.util.concurrent
Represents the state of a subtask.
- StructureViolationExceptionPREVIEW - Exception Class in java.util.concurrent
Thrown when a structure violation is detected.
- StructureViolationException() - Constructor for exception class java.util.concurrent.StructureViolationExceptionPREVIEW
Constructs a
with no detail message. - StructureViolationException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.util.concurrent.StructureViolationExceptionPREVIEW
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - StubNotFoundException - Exception Class in java.rmi
is thrown if a valid stub class could not be found for a remote object when it is exported. - StubNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.StubNotFoundException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - StubNotFoundException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class java.rmi.StubNotFoundException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message and nested exception. - style - Variable in class java.awt.Font
The style of this
, as passed to the constructor. - Style - Search tag in class java.text.CompactNumberFormat
- Section
- Style - Interface in javax.swing.text
A collection of attributes to associate with an element in a document.
- STYLE - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute
Attribute "style"
- STYLE - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <style>
- STYLE_RULE - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRule
The rule is a
. - styleChanged(Style) - Method in class javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument
Called when any of this document's styles have changed.
- StyleConstants - Class in javax.swing.text
A collection of well known or common attribute keys and methods to apply to an AttributeSet or MutableAttributeSet to get/set the properties in a typesafe manner.
- StyleConstants.CharacterConstants - Class in javax.swing.text
This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known attributes that contribute to a character style.
- StyleConstants.ColorConstants - Class in javax.swing.text
This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known attributes that contribute to a color.
- StyleConstants.FontConstants - Class in javax.swing.text
This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known attributes that contribute to a font.
- StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants - Class in javax.swing.text
This is a typesafe enumeration of the well-known attributes that contribute to a paragraph style.
- StyleContext - Class in javax.swing.text
A pool of styles and their associated resources.
- StyleContext() - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.StyleContext
Creates a new StyleContext object.
- StyleContext.NamedStyle - Class in javax.swing.text
A collection of attributes, typically used to represent character and paragraph styles.
- StyleContext.SmallAttributeSet - Class in javax.swing.text
This class holds a small number of attributes in an array.
- StyledDocument - Interface in javax.swing.text
Interface for a generic styled document.
- StyledEditorKit - Class in javax.swing.text
This is the set of things needed by a text component to be a reasonably functioning editor for some type of text document.
- StyledEditorKit() - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit
Creates a new EditorKit used for styled documents.
- StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction - Class in javax.swing.text
An action to set paragraph alignment.
- StyledEditorKit.BoldAction - Class in javax.swing.text
An action to toggle the bold attribute.
- StyledEditorKit.FontFamilyAction - Class in javax.swing.text
An action to set the font family in the associated JEditorPane.
- StyledEditorKit.FontSizeAction - Class in javax.swing.text
An action to set the font size in the associated JEditorPane.
- StyledEditorKit.ForegroundAction - Class in javax.swing.text
An action to set foreground color.
- StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction - Class in javax.swing.text
An action to toggle the italic attribute.
- StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction - Class in javax.swing.text
An action that assumes it's being fired on a JEditorPane with a StyledEditorKit (or subclass) installed.
- StyledEditorKit.UnderlineAction - Class in javax.swing.text
An action to toggle the underline attribute.
- StyledTextAction(String) - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.StyledTextAction
Creates a new StyledTextAction from a string action name.
- StyleSheet - Class in javax.swing.text.html
Support for defining the visual characteristics of HTML views being rendered.
- StyleSheet - Interface in org.w3c.dom.stylesheets
interface is the abstract base interface for any type of style sheet. - StyleSheet() - Constructor for class javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet
Construct a StyleSheet
- StyleSheet.BoxPainter - Class in javax.swing.text.html
Class to carry out some of the duties of CSS formatting.
- StyleSheet.ListPainter - Class in javax.swing.text.html
Class to carry out some of the duties of CSS list formatting.
- StyleSheetList - Interface in org.w3c.dom.stylesheets
interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of style sheets. - sub(byte) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector.
- sub(byte, VectorMask<Byte>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(double) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector.
- sub(double, VectorMask<Double>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(float) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector.
- sub(float, VectorMask<Float>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(int) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector.
- sub(int, VectorMask<Integer>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(long) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector.
- sub(long, VectorMask<Long>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(short) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector.
- sub(short, VectorMask<Short>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Subtracts an input scalar from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(Vector<E>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.Vector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector.
- sub(Vector<E>, VectorMask<E>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.Vector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(Vector<Byte>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector.
- sub(Vector<Byte>, VectorMask<Byte>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ByteVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(Vector<Double>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector.
- sub(Vector<Double>, VectorMask<Double>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.DoubleVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(Vector<Float>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector.
- sub(Vector<Float>, VectorMask<Float>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.FloatVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(Vector<Integer>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector.
- sub(Vector<Integer>, VectorMask<Integer>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.IntVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(Vector<Long>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector.
- sub(Vector<Long>, VectorMask<Long>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.LongVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector under the control of a mask.
- sub(Vector<Short>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector.
- sub(Vector<Short>, VectorMask<Short>) - Method in class jdk.incubator.vector.ShortVector
Subtracts a second input vector from this vector under the control of a mask.
- SUB - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <sub>
- SUB - Static variable in class jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators
. - SUBCLASS_IMPLEMENTATION_PERMISSION - Static variable in interface
Enable overriding of readObject and writeObject.
- subclasses() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ClassType
Gets the currently loaded, direct subclasses of this class.
- Subclasses with policies for common cases - Search tag in class java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScope
- Section
- Subclassing - Search tag in class java.text.Format
- Section
- subdivide(double[], int, double[], int, double[], int) - Static method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Subdivides the cubic curve specified by the coordinates stored in the
array at indicessrcoff
through (srcoff
+ 7) and stores the resulting two subdivided curves into the two result arrays at the corresponding indices. - subdivide(double[], int, double[], int, double[], int) - Static method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Subdivides the quadratic curve specified by the coordinates stored in the
array at indicessrcoff
+ 5 and stores the resulting two subdivided curves into the two result arrays at the corresponding indices. - subdivide(CubicCurve2D, CubicCurve2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Subdivides this cubic curve and stores the resulting two subdivided curves into the left and right curve parameters.
- subdivide(CubicCurve2D, CubicCurve2D, CubicCurve2D) - Static method in class java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D
Subdivides the cubic curve specified by the
parameter and stores the resulting two subdivided curves into theleft
curve parameters. - subdivide(QuadCurve2D, QuadCurve2D) - Method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Subdivides this
and stores the resulting two subdivided curves into theleft
curve parameters. - subdivide(QuadCurve2D, QuadCurve2D, QuadCurve2D) - Static method in class java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D
Subdivides the quadratic curve specified by the
parameter and stores the resulting two subdivided curves into theleft
curve parameters. - SUBFILE_TYPE_FULL_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.BaselineTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SubfileType" tag.
- SUBFILE_TYPE_REDUCED_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.BaselineTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SubfileType" tag.
- SUBFILE_TYPE_SINGLE_PAGE - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.BaselineTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SubfileType" tag.
- subinterfaces() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.InterfaceType
Gets the currently prepared interfaces which directly extend this interface.
- subInterfaces() - Method in class
Get a Stream of all subinterfaces (also known as virtual interfaces) attached to this network interface.
- Subject - Class in
represents a grouping of related information for a single entity, such as a person. - Subject() - Constructor for class
Create an instance of a
with an emptySet
of Principals and empty Sets of public and private credentials. - Subject(boolean, Set<? extends Principal>, Set<?>, Set<?>) - Constructor for class
Create an instance of a
with Principals and credentials. - SUBJECT_DISTANCE_RANGE_CLOSE_VIEW - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SubjectDistanceRange" tag.
- SUBJECT_DISTANCE_RANGE_DISTANT_VIEW - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SubjectDistanceRange" tag.
- SUBJECT_DISTANCE_RANGE_MACRO - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SubjectDistanceRange" tag.
- SUBJECT_DISTANCE_RANGE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.ExifTIFFTagSet
A value to be used with the "SubjectDistanceRange" tag.
- SubjectDelegationPermission - Class in
Permission required by an authentication identity to perform operations on behalf of an authorization identity.
- SubjectDelegationPermission(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SubjectDelegationPermission with the specified name.
- SubjectDelegationPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SubjectDelegationPermission object with the specified name.
- SubjectDomainCombiner - Class in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.This class is only useful in conjunction with the Security Manager, which is deprecated and subject to removal in a future release. Consequently, this class is also deprecated and subject to removal. There is no replacement for the Security Manager or this class.
- SubjectDomainCombiner(Subject) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Associate the provided
with thisSubjectDomainCombiner
. - subkey(Object, SQLType) - Method in interface java.sql.ShardingKeyBuilder
This method will be called to add a subkey into a Sharding Key object being built.
- subKind() - Method in class jdk.jshell.Snippet
Return the
of snippet. - subList(int, int) - Method in class java.util.AbstractList
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified
, inclusive, andtoIndex
, exclusive. - subList(int, int) - Method in class java.util.ArrayList
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified
, inclusive, andtoIndex
, exclusive. - subList(int, int) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList
Returns a view of the portion of this list between
, inclusive, andtoIndex
, exclusive. - subList(int, int) - Method in interface java.util.List
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified
, inclusive, andtoIndex
, exclusive. - subList(int, int) - Method in class java.util.Vector
Returns a view of the portion of this List between fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
- subMap(K, boolean, K, boolean) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentNavigableMap
- subMap(K, boolean, K, boolean) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap
- subMap(K, boolean, K, boolean) - Method in interface java.util.NavigableMap
Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys range from
. - subMap(K, boolean, K, boolean) - Method in class java.util.TreeMap
- subMap(K, K) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentNavigableMap
- subMap(K, K) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap
- subMap(K, K) - Method in interface java.util.NavigableMap
Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys range from
, inclusive, totoKey
, exclusive. - subMap(K, K) - Method in interface java.util.SortedMap
Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys range from
, inclusive, totoKey
, exclusive. - subMap(K, K) - Method in class java.util.TreeMap
- SUBMISSION_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.JobStateReason
The job was not completely submitted for some unforeseen reason.
- SubmissionPublisher<T> - Class in java.util.concurrent
that asynchronously issues submitted (non-null) items to current subscribers until it is closed. - SubmissionPublisher() - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.SubmissionPublisher
Creates a new SubmissionPublisher using the
for async delivery to subscribers (unless it does not support a parallelism level of at least two, in which case, a new Thread is created to run each task), with maximum buffer capacity ofFlow.defaultBufferSize()
, and no handler for Subscriber exceptions in methodonNext
. - SubmissionPublisher(Executor, int) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.SubmissionPublisher
Creates a new SubmissionPublisher using the given Executor for async delivery to subscribers, with the given maximum buffer size for each subscriber, and no handler for Subscriber exceptions in method
. - SubmissionPublisher(Executor, int, BiConsumer<? super Flow.Subscriber<? super T>, ? super Throwable>) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.SubmissionPublisher
Creates a new SubmissionPublisher using the given Executor for async delivery to subscribers, with the given maximum buffer size for each subscriber, and, if non-null, the given handler invoked when any Subscriber throws an exception in method
. - submit() - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFormElement
Submits the form.
- submit(Runnable) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService
- submit(Runnable) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future representing that task.
- submit(Runnable) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
- submit(Runnable) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
- submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService
- submit(Runnable, T) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future representing that task.
- submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
- submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
- submit(Runnable, V) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.CompletionService
Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future representing that task.
- submit(Runnable, V) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService
- submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService
- submit(Callable<T>) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
Submits a value-returning task for execution and returns a Future representing the pending results of the task.
- submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
- submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
- submit(Callable<V>) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.CompletionService
Submits a value-returning task for execution and returns a Future representing the pending results of the task.
- submit(Callable<V>) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService
- submit(ForkJoinTask<T>) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
Submits a ForkJoinTask for execution.
- submit(T) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.SubmissionPublisher
Publishes the given item to each current subscriber by asynchronously invoking its
method, blocking uninterruptibly while resources for any subscriber are unavailable. - SUBMIT - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.FormView
Deprecated.As of 1.3, value now comes from UIManager property FormView.submitButtonText
- submitData(String) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.FormView
This method is responsible for submitting the form data.
- subpath(int, int) - Method in interface java.nio.file.Path
Returns a relative
that is a subsequence of the name elements of this path. - subprotocols(String, String...) - Method in interface
Sets a request for the given subprotocols.
- subsamplingXOffset - Variable in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
A horizontal offset to be applied to the subsampling grid before subsampling.
- subsamplingYOffset - Variable in class javax.imageio.IIOParam
A vertical offset to be applied to the subsampling grid before subsampling.
- subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in interface java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher
Adds the given Subscriber if possible.
- subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.SubmissionPublisher
Adds the given Subscriber unless already subscribed.
- Subscript - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Name of the Subscript attribute.
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuilder
Returns a new character sequence that is a subsequence of this sequence.
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in interface java.lang.CharSequence
Returns a
that is a subsequence of this sequence. - subSequence(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a character sequence that is a subsequence of this sequence.
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in class java.nio.CharBuffer
Creates a new character buffer that represents the specified subsequence of this buffer, relative to the current position.
- subSequence(int, int) - Method in class javax.swing.text.Segment
Returns a
that is a subsequence of this sequence. - subSet(E, boolean, E, boolean) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet
- subSet(E, boolean, E, boolean) - Method in interface java.util.NavigableSet
Returns a view of the portion of this set whose elements range from
. - subSet(E, boolean, E, boolean) - Method in class java.util.TreeSet
- subSet(E, E) - Method in class java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet
- subSet(E, E) - Method in interface java.util.NavigableSet
Returns a view of the portion of this set whose elements range from
, inclusive, totoElement
, exclusive. - subSet(E, E) - Method in interface java.util.SortedSet
Returns a view of the portion of this set whose elements range from
, inclusive, totoElement
, exclusive. - subSet(E, E) - Method in class java.util.TreeSet
- Subset(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.Character.Subset
Constructs a new
instance. - SUBSIZED - Static variable in interface java.util.Spliterator
Characteristic value signifying that all Spliterators resulting from
will be bothSpliterator.SIZED
. - substituteColorModel(ColorModel, ColorModel) - Method in class java.awt.image.RGBImageFilter
Registers two ColorModel objects for substitution.
- SUBSTITUTION_PERMISSION - Static variable in interface
Enable substitution of one object for another during serialization/deserialization.
- substring(int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuilder
Returns a new
that contains a subsequence of characters currently contained in this character sequence. - substring(int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a string that is a substring of this string.
- substring(int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- substring(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuilder
Returns a new
that contains a subsequence of characters currently contained in this sequence. - substring(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.String
Returns a string that is a substring of this string.
- substring(int, int) - Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- substringData(int, int) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.CharacterData
Extracts a range of data from the node.
- subtract(Area) - Method in class java.awt.geom.Area
Subtracts the shape of the specified
from the shape of thisArea
. - subtract(BigDecimal) - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns a
whose value is(this - subtrahend)
, and whose scale ismax(this.scale(), subtrahend.scale())
. - subtract(BigDecimal, MathContext) - Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
Returns a
whose value is(this - subtrahend)
, with rounding according to the context settings. - subtract(BigInteger) - Method in class java.math.BigInteger
Returns a BigInteger whose value is
(this - val)
. - subtract(Duration) - Method in class javax.xml.datatype.Duration
Computes a new duration whose value is
. - SUBTRACT - Static variable in class javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec.XPathType.Filter
The subtract filter operation.
- subtractExact(int, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the difference of the arguments, throwing an exception if the result overflows an
. - subtractExact(int, int) - Static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
Returns the difference of the arguments, throwing an exception if the result overflows an
. - subtractExact(long, long) - Static method in class java.lang.Math
Returns the difference of the arguments, throwing an exception if the result overflows a
. - subtractExact(long, long) - Static method in class java.lang.StrictMath
Returns the difference of the arguments, throwing an exception if the result overflows a
. - subtractFrom(Temporal) - Method in interface java.time.chrono.ChronoPeriod
Subtracts this period from the specified temporal object.
- subtractFrom(Temporal) - Method in class java.time.Duration
Subtracts this duration from the specified temporal object.
- subtractFrom(Temporal) - Method in class java.time.Period
Subtracts this period from the specified temporal object.
- subtractFrom(Temporal) - Method in interface java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount
Subtracts this object from the specified temporal object.
- SUBTREE_SCOPE - Static variable in class
Search the entire subtree rooted at the named object.
- SUBTREE_SCOPE - Static variable in interface javax.naming.event.EventContext
Constant for expressing interest in events concerning objects in the subtree of the object named by the target, including the object named by the target.
- SUBWINDOW_OF - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRelation
Indicates that an object is a subwindow of one or more objects.
- SUBWINDOW_OF_PROPERTY - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRelation
Indicates the
relation between two or more objects has changed. - Success(HttpPrincipal) - Constructor for class
Creates a
instance with givenPrincipal
. - SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class java.util.concurrent.Future.State
The task completed with a result.
- SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScope.Subtask.StatePREVIEW
The subtask completed successfully with a result.
- SUCCESS_NO_INFO - Static variable in interface java.sql.Statement
The constant indicating that a batch statement executed successfully but that no count of the number of rows it affected is available.
- SUFFICIENT - Static variable in class
. - suffix() - Method in class java.util.HexFormat
Returns the suffix used for each hexadecimal value in formatted hexadecimal strings.
- SUFFIX - Static variable in class java.text.NumberFormat.Field
Constant identifying the suffix field.
- suffixes - Variable in class javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderWriterSpi
An array of strings to be returned from
, initiallynull
. - sum() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.DoubleAdder
Returns the current sum.
- sum() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder
Returns the current sum.
- sum() - Method in interface
Returns the sum of elements in this stream.
- sum() - Method in interface
Returns the sum of elements in this stream.
- sum() - Method in interface
Returns the sum of elements in this stream.
- sum(double, double) - Static method in class java.lang.Double
Adds two
values together as per the + operator. - sum(float, float) - Static method in class java.lang.Float
Adds two
values together as per the + operator. - sum(int, int) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Adds two integers together as per the + operator.
- sum(long, long) - Static method in class java.lang.Long
Adds two
values together as per the + operator. - sum(Spring, Spring) - Static method in class javax.swing.Spring
: a spring representings1
in series. - summarizingDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class
Returns a
which applies andouble
-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary statistics for the resulting values. - summarizingInt(ToIntFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class
Returns a
which applies anint
-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary statistics for the resulting values. - summarizingLong(ToLongFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class
Returns a
which applies anlong
-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary statistics for the resulting values. - Summary - Search tag in class java.util.Formatter
- Section
- Summary - Search tag in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument
- Section
- SUMMARY - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing an@summary
tag. - Summary of attributes - Search tag in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
- Section
- Summary of regular-expression constructs - Search tag in class java.util.regex.Pattern
- Section
- summaryStatistics() - Method in interface
Returns a
describing various summary data about the elements of this stream. - summaryStatistics() - Method in interface
Returns an
describing various summary data about the elements of this stream. - summaryStatistics() - Method in interface
Returns a
describing various summary data about the elements of this stream. - SummaryTree - Interface in com.sun.source.doctree
A tree node for an
inline tag. - summingDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class
Returns a
that produces the sum of a double-valued function applied to the input elements. - summingInt(ToIntFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class
Returns a
that produces the sum of an integer-valued function applied to the input elements. - summingLong(ToLongFunction<? super T>) - Static method in class
Returns a
that produces the sum of a long-valued function applied to the input elements. - sumThenReset() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.DoubleAdder
Equivalent in effect to
followed byDoubleAdder.reset()
. - sumThenReset() - Method in class java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder
Equivalent in effect to
followed byLongAdder.reset()
. - - Search tag in module jdk.httpserver
- System Property
- - Search tag in module jdk.httpserver
- System Property
- - Search tag in module jdk.httpserver
- System Property
- - Search tag in module jdk.httpserver
- System Property
- - Search tag in module jdk.httpserver
- System Property
- - Search tag in module jdk.httpserver
- System Property
- - Search tag in module jdk.httpserver
- System Property
- - Search tag in class
- System Property
- SUNDANESE - Enum constant in enum class java.awt.font.NumericShaper.Range
The Sundanese range with the Sundanese digits.
- SUNDANESE - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Sundanese".
- SUNDANESE - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Sundanese" Unicode character block.
- SUNDANESE_SUPPLEMENT - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Sundanese Supplement" Unicode character block.
- SUNDAY - Enum constant in enum class java.time.DayOfWeek
The singleton instance for the day-of-week of Sunday.
- SUNDAY - Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
Value of the
field indicating Sunday. - SUNDAY_START - Static variable in class java.time.temporal.WeekFields
The common definition of a week that starts on Sunday and the first week has a minimum of 1 day.
- SUP - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag
Tag <sup>
- SUPER - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.Signature.TypeArg.WildcardIndicatorPREVIEW
lower-bounded indicator
- SUPER - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag
The access flag
with a mask value of0x0020
. - SUPER_WILDCARD - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing a lower-bounded wildcard type argument. - superclass() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ClassType
Gets the superclass of this class.
- superclass() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassModelPREVIEW
Returns the superclass of this class, if there is one.
- SuperclassPREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfilePREVIEW
Models the superclass of a class.
- superclassEntry() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassReaderPREVIEW
Returns the constant pool entry describing the name of the superclass, if any.
- superclassEntry() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.SuperclassPREVIEW
Returns the superclass.
- superclassSignature() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassSignaturePREVIEW
Returns the instantiation of the superclass in this signature.
- superinterfaces() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.InterfaceType
Gets the interfaces directly extended by this interface.
- superinterfaceSignatures() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassSignaturePREVIEW
Returns the instantiation of the interfaces in this signature.
- superLayout(Container) - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalComboBoxUI.MetalComboBoxLayoutManager
Lays out the parent container.
- superOf(Signature.RefTypeSig) - Static method in interface java.lang.classfile.Signature.TypeArgPREVIEW
Returns a lower-bounded type arg.
- Superscript - Static variable in class javax.swing.text.StyleConstants
Name of the Superscript attribute.
- SUPERSCRIPT - Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
Attribute key for superscripting and subscripting.
- SUPERSCRIPT_SUB - Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
Standard subscript.
- SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER - Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
Standard superscript.
- SUPERSCRIPTS_AND_SUBSCRIPTS - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Superscripts and Subscripts" Unicode character block.
- SUPERSEDED - Enum constant in enum class
This reason indicates that the certificate has been superseded.
- superShardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface java.sql.ConnectionBuilder
Specifies a
to be used when creating a connection - superShardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface javax.sql.PooledConnectionBuilder
Specifies a
to be used when creating a connection - superShardingKey(ShardingKey) - Method in interface javax.sql.XAConnectionBuilder
Specifies a
to be used when creating a connection - supertypeIndex() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.TypeAnnotation.SupertypeTargetPREVIEW
JVMS: A supertype_index value of 65535 specifies that the annotation appears on the superclass in an extends clause of a class declaration.
- SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_A - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-A" Unicode character block.
- SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_B - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-B" Unicode character block.
- SUPPLEMENTAL_ARROWS_C - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Supplemental Arrows-C" Unicode character block.
- SUPPLEMENTAL_MATHEMATICAL_OPERATORS - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Supplemental Mathematical Operators" Unicode character block.
- SUPPLEMENTAL_PUNCTUATION - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Supplemental Punctuation" Unicode character block.
- SUPPLEMENTAL_SYMBOLS_AND_PICTOGRAPHS - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs" Unicode character block.
- SUPPLEMENTARY_PRIVATE_USE_AREA_A - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Supplementary Private Use Area-A" Unicode character block.
- SUPPLEMENTARY_PRIVATE_USE_AREA_B - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Supplementary Private Use Area-B" Unicode character block.
- supplier() - Method in interface
A function that creates and returns a new mutable result container.
- Supplier<T> - Interface in java.util.function
Represents a supplier of results.
- supplyAsync(Supplier<U>) - Static method in class java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is asynchronously completed by a task running in the
with the value obtained by calling the given Supplier. - supplyAsync(Supplier<U>, Executor) - Static method in class java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
Returns a new CompletableFuture that is asynchronously completed by a task running in the given executor with the value obtained by calling the given Supplier.
- SUPPORT_DTD - Static variable in class
The property that requires the parser to support DTDs
- SUPPORTED - Static variable in class javax.print.attribute.standard.ColorSupported
The printer is capable of some type of color printing, such as highlight color or full process color.
- SupportedAnnotationTypes - Annotation Interface in javax.annotation.processing
An annotation used to indicate what annotation interfaces an annotation processor supports.
- supportedFileAttributeViews() - Method in class java.nio.file.FileSystem
Returns the set of the
of the file attribute views supported by thisFileSystem
. - supportedOptions() - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpChannel
Returns a set of the socket options supported by this channel.
- supportedOptions() - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpMultiChannel
Returns a set of the socket options supported by this channel.
- supportedOptions() - Method in class com.sun.nio.sctp.SctpServerChannel
Returns a set of the socket options supported by this channel.
- supportedOptions() - Method in class
Returns a set of the socket options supported by this socket.
- supportedOptions() - Method in class
Returns a set of SocketOptions supported by this impl and by this impl's socket (DatagramSocket or MulticastSocket)
- supportedOptions() - Method in class
Returns a set of the socket options supported by this server socket.
- supportedOptions() - Method in class
Returns a set of the socket options supported by this socket.
- supportedOptions() - Method in class
Returns a set of SocketOptions supported by this impl and by this impl's socket (Socket or ServerSocket)
- supportedOptions() - Method in interface java.nio.channels.NetworkChannel
Returns a set of the socket options supported by this channel.
- supportedOptions(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- SupportedOptions - Annotation Interface in javax.annotation.processing
An annotation used to indicate what options an annotation processor supports.
- SupportedSourceVersion - Annotation Interface in javax.annotation.processing
An annotation used to indicate the latest source version an annotation processor supports.
- SupportedValuesAttribute - Interface in javax.print.attribute
is a tagging interface which a printing attribute class implements to indicate the attribute describes the supported values for another attribute. - Supported-Values Attributes - Search tag in package javax.print.attribute.standard
- Section
- supportsAcceptTimeout() - Method in class com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService.Capabilities
Tell whether or not this transport service supports a timeout while waiting for a target VM to connect.
- supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports
with add column. - supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports
with drop column. - supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the ANSI92 entry level SQL grammar.
- supportsANSI92FullSQL() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the ANSI92 full SQL grammar supported.
- supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the ANSI92 intermediate SQL grammar supported.
- supportsAttachTimeout() - Method in class com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService.Capabilities
Tell whether or not this transport service supports a timeout when attaching to a target VM.
- supportsBatchUpdates() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports batch updates.
- supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether a catalog name can be used in a data manipulation statement.
- supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether a catalog name can be used in an index definition statement.
- supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether a catalog name can be used in a privilege definition statement.
- supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether a catalog name can be used in a procedure call statement.
- supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether a catalog name can be used in a table definition statement.
- supportsColumnAliasing() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports column aliasing.
- supportsConvert() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the JDBC scalar function
for the conversion of one JDBC type to another. - supportsConvert(int, int) - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the JDBC scalar function
for conversions between the JDBC types fromType and toType. - supportsCoreSQLGrammar() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the ODBC Core SQL grammar.
- supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports correlated subqueries.
- supportsCrossJoin() - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.JoinRowSet
Indicates if CROSS_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementation
- supportsCustomEditor() - Method in interface java.beans.PropertyEditor
Determines whether this property editor supports a custom editor.
- supportsCustomEditor() - Method in class java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
Determines whether the propertyEditor can provide a custom editor.
- supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports both data definition and data manipulation statements within a transaction.
- supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports only data manipulation statements within a transaction.
- supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether, when table correlation names are supported, they are restricted to being different from the names of the tables.
- supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports expressions in
lists. - supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the ODBC Extended SQL grammar.
- supportsFileAttributeView(Class<? extends FileAttributeView>) - Method in class java.nio.file.FileStore
Tells whether or not this file store supports the file attributes identified by the given file attribute view.
- supportsFileAttributeView(String) - Method in class java.nio.file.FileStore
Tells whether or not this file store supports the file attributes identified by the given file attribute view.
- supportsFullJoin() - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.JoinRowSet
Indicates if FULL_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementation
- supportsFullOuterJoins() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports full nested outer joins.
- supportsGetGeneratedKeys() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether auto-generated keys can be retrieved after a statement has been executed
- supportsGroupBy() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports some form of
clause. - supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports using columns not included in the
statement in aGROUP BY
clause provided that all of the columns in theSELECT
statement are included in theGROUP BY
clause. - supportsGroupByUnrelated() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports using a column that is not in the
statement in aGROUP BY
clause. - supportsHandshakeTimeout() - Method in class com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService.Capabilities
Tells whether or not this transport service supports a timeout when handshaking with the target VM.
- supportsInnerJoin() - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.JoinRowSet
Indicates if INNER_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementation
- supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility.
- supportsLeftOuterJoin() - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.JoinRowSet
Indicates if LEFT_OUTER_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementation
- supportsLikeEscapeClause() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports specifying a
escape clause. - supportsLimitedOuterJoins() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database provides limited support for outer joins.
- supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the ODBC Minimum SQL grammar.
- supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive and as a result stores them in mixed case.
- supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive and as a result stores them in mixed case.
- supportsMulticast() - Method in class
Returns whether a network interface supports multicasting or not.
- supportsMultipleConnections() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.connect.ListeningConnector
Indicates whether this listening connector supports multiple connections for a single argument map.
- supportsMultipleConnections() - Method in class com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService.Capabilities
Tells whether or not this transport service can support multiple concurrent connections to a single address that it is listening on.
- supportsMultipleOpenResults() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether it is possible to have multiple
objects returned from aCallableStatement
object simultaneously. - supportsMultipleResultSets() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports getting multiple
objects from a single call to the methodexecute
. - supportsMultipleTransactions() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database allows having multiple transactions open at once (on different connections).
- supportsNamedParameters() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports named parameters to callable statements.
- supportsNonNullableColumns() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether columns in this database may be defined as non-nullable.
- supportsNormalTermination() - Method in class java.lang.Process
if the implementation ofProcess.destroy()
is to normally terminate the process, Returnsfalse
if the implementation ofdestroy
forcibly and immediately terminates the process. - supportsNormalTermination() - Method in interface java.lang.ProcessHandle
if the implementation ofProcessHandle.destroy()
normally terminates the process. - supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports keeping cursors open across commits.
- supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports keeping cursors open across rollbacks.
- supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports keeping statements open across commits.
- supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports keeping statements open across rollbacks.
- supportsOrderByUnrelated() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports using a column that is not in the
statement in anORDER BY
clause. - supportsOuterJoins() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports some form of outer join.
- supportsParameter(Object) - Method in class
Test whether this Service can use the specified parameter.
- supportsPositionedDelete() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports positioned
statements. - supportsPositionedUpdate() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports positioned
statements. - supportsPredictionResistance() - Method in enum class
Returns whether this capability supports prediction resistance.
- supportsRefCursors() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports REF CURSOR.
- supportsReseeding() - Method in enum class
Returns whether this capability supports reseeding.
- supportsResultSetConcurrency(int, int) - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the given concurrency type in combination with the given result set type.
- supportsResultSetHoldability(int) - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the given result set holdability.
- supportsResultSetType(int) - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the given result set type.
- supportsRightOuterJoin() - Method in interface javax.sql.rowset.JoinRowSet
Indicates if RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN is supported by a JoinRowSet implementation
- supportsSavepoints() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports savepoints.
- supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether a schema name can be used in a data manipulation statement.
- supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether a schema name can be used in an index definition statement.
- supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether a schema name can be used in a privilege definition statement.
- supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether a schema name can be used in a procedure call statement.
- supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether a schema name can be used in a table definition statement.
- supportsSelectForUpdate() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports
statements. - supportsSharding() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports sharding.
- supportsStandardImageMetadataFormat - Variable in class javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderWriterSpi
A boolean indicating whether this plug-in supports the standard metadata format for image metadata, initially
. - supportsStandardStreamMetadataFormat - Variable in class javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderWriterSpi
A boolean indicating whether this plug-in supports the standard metadata format for stream metadata, initially
. - supportsStatementPooling() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports statement pooling.
- supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports invoking user-defined or vendor functions using the stored procedure escape syntax.
- supportsStoredProcedures() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports stored procedure calls that use the stored procedure escape syntax.
- supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports subqueries in comparison expressions.
- supportsSubqueriesInExists() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports subqueries in
expressions. - supportsSubqueriesInIns() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports subqueries in
expressions. - supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports subqueries in quantified expressions.
- supportsTableCorrelationNames() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports table correlation names.
- supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int) - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports the given transaction isolation level.
- supportsTransactions() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports transactions.
- supportsUnion() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports SQL
. - supportsUnionAll() - Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
Retrieves whether this database supports SQL
. - supportsUpdatableView() - Method in class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncProvider
Returns whether this
implementation can perform synchronization between aRowSet
object and the SQLVIEW
in the data source from which theRowSet
object got its data. - supportsUrgentData() - Method in class
Returns whether or not this SocketImpl supports sending urgent data.
- SuppressWarnings - Search tag in module jdk.compiler
- Section
- SuppressWarnings - Annotation Interface in java.lang
Indicates the warnings to be suppressed at compile time in the annotated element, and in all elements contained in the annotated element.
- SURROGATE - Static variable in class java.lang.Character
General category "Cs" in the Unicode specification.
- SURROGATES_AREA - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Deprecated.Instead of
, useCharacter.UnicodeBlock.HIGH_SURROGATES
, andCharacter.UnicodeBlock.LOW_SURROGATES
. These constants match the block definitions of the Unicode Standard. TheCharacter.UnicodeBlock.of(char)
methods return the standard constants. - surroundContents(Node) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
Reparents the contents of the Range to the given node and inserts the node at the position of the start of the Range.
- suspend() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ThreadGroupReference
Suspends all threads in this thread group.
- suspend() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ThreadReference
Suspends this thread.
- suspend() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine
Suspends the execution of the application running in this virtual machine.
- SUSPEND_ALL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest
Suspend all threads when the event occurs
- SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest
Suspend only the thread which generated the event when the event occurs
- SUSPEND_NONE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest
Suspend no threads when the event occurs
- suspendCount() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.ThreadReference
Returns the number of pending suspends for this thread.
- suspendPolicy() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.event.EventSet
Returns the policy used to suspend threads in the target VM for this event set.
- suspendPolicy() - Method in interface com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest
Returns a value which describes the threads to suspend when the requested event occurs in the target VM.
- SUTTON_SIGNWRITING - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Sutton SignWriting" Unicode character block.
- sval - Variable in class
If the current token is a word token, this field contains a string giving the characters of the word token.
- SW_RESIZE_CURSOR - Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
The south-west-resize cursor type.
- SW_RESIZE_CURSOR - Static variable in class java.awt.Frame
Deprecated.replaced by
. - swap() - Method in interface java.lang.classfile.CodeBuilderPREVIEW
Generate an instruction to swap the top two operand stack values
- swap(List<?>, int, int) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Swaps the elements at the specified positions in the specified list.
- SWAP - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.classfile.OpcodePREVIEW
Swap the top two operand stack values
- SWAP - Static variable in interface java.lang.classfile.ClassFilePREVIEW
The integer value used to encode the SWAP instruction.
- SWAP_COLORS - Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
Attribute key for swapping foreground and background
. - SWAP_COLORS_ON - Static variable in class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
Swap foreground and background.
- SWING_COMPONENT - Static variable in class javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole
A Swing component, but nothing else is known about it.
- Swing's Serialization policy - Search tag in package javax.swing
- Section
- Swing's Threading Policy - Search tag in package javax.swing
- Section
- Swing Components Supporting Action - Search tag in interface javax.swing.Action
- Section
- SwingConstants - Interface in javax.swing
A collection of constants generally used for positioning and orienting components on the screen.
- SwingContainer - Annotation Interface in javax.swing
An annotation used to specify some swing-related information for the automatically generated
classes. - SwingEventMonitor - Class in
by adding a suite of listeners conditionally installed on every Swing component instance in the Java Virtual Machine. - SwingEventMonitor() - Constructor for class
Constructs a
. - SwingPropertyChangeSupport - Class in javax.swing.event
This subclass of
is almost identical in functionality. - SwingPropertyChangeSupport(Object) - Constructor for class javax.swing.event.SwingPropertyChangeSupport
Constructs a SwingPropertyChangeSupport object.
- SwingPropertyChangeSupport(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class javax.swing.event.SwingPropertyChangeSupport
Constructs a SwingPropertyChangeSupport object.
- SwingUtilities - Class in javax.swing
A collection of utility methods for Swing.
- SwingWorker<T,
V> - Class in javax.swing -
An abstract class to perform lengthy GUI-interaction tasks in a background thread.
- SwingWorker() - Constructor for class javax.swing.SwingWorker
Constructs this
. - SwingWorker.StateValue - Enum Class in javax.swing
Values for the
bound property. - SWITCH - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind
Used for instances of
. - SWITCH_EXPRESSION - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind
Used for instances of
. - SwitchBootstraps - Class in java.lang.runtime
Bootstrap methods for linking
call sites that implement the selection functionality of theswitch
statement. - SwitchCasePREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.instructionPREVIEW
Models a single case in a
instruction. - SwitchExpressionTree - Interface in com.sun.source.tree
A tree node for a
expression. - SwitchPoint - Class in java.lang.invoke
is an object which can publish state transitions to other threads. - SwitchPoint() - Constructor for class java.lang.invoke.SwitchPoint
Creates a new switch point.
- SwitchTree - Interface in com.sun.source.tree
A tree node for a
statement. - SYLOTI_NAGRI - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Syloti_Nagri".
- SYLOTI_NAGRI - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Syloti Nagri" Unicode character block.
- Symbolic information - Search tag in package java.lang.classfile
- Section
- Symbolic Links - Search tag in package java.nio.file
- Section
- SymbolLookup - Interface in java.lang.foreign
A symbol lookup retrieves the address of a symbol in one or more libraries.
- SYMBOLS_AND_PICTOGRAPHS_EXTENDED_A - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A" Unicode character block.
- SYMBOLS_FOR_LEGACY_COMPUTING - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Symbols for Legacy Computing" Unicode character block.
- sync() - Method in class java.awt.Toolkit
Synchronizes this toolkit's graphics state.
- sync() - Method in class
Force all system buffers to synchronize with the underlying device.
- sync() - Method in class java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences
Implements the
method as per the specification inPreferences.sync()
. - sync() - Method in class java.util.prefs.Preferences
Ensures that future reads from this preference node and its descendants reflect any changes that were committed to the persistent store (from any VM) prior to the
invocation. - SYNC - Enum constant in enum class java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption
Requires that every update to the file's content or metadata be written synchronously to the underlying storage device.
- SYNC_FLUSH - Static variable in class
Compression flush mode used to flush out all pending output; may degrade compression for some compression algorithms.
- syncAll(MutableCallSite[]) - Static method in class java.lang.invoke.MutableCallSite
Performs a synchronization operation on each call site in the given array, forcing all other threads to throw away any cached values previously loaded from the target of any of the call sites.
- syncAllWidths - Variable in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI.ButtonAreaLayout
The value represents if the width of children should be synchronized.
- SyncFactory - Class in javax.sql.rowset.spi
The Service Provider Interface (SPI) mechanism that generates
instances to be used by disconnectedRowSet
objects. - SyncFactoryException - Exception Class in javax.sql.rowset.spi
Indicates an error with
mechanism. - SyncFactoryException() - Constructor for exception class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncFactoryException
Creates new
without detail message. - SyncFactoryException(String) - Constructor for exception class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncFactoryException
Constructs an
with the specified detail message. - SyncFailedException - Exception Class in
Signals that a sync operation has failed.
- SyncFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs an SyncFailedException with a detail message.
- Synchronization - Search tag in class java.text.ChoiceFormat
- Section
- Synchronization - Search tag in class java.text.DateFormat
- Section
- Synchronization - Search tag in class java.text.DecimalFormat
- Section
- Synchronization - Search tag in class java.text.Format
- Section
- Synchronization - Search tag in class java.text.MessageFormat
- Section
- Synchronization - Search tag in class java.text.NumberFormat
- Section
- Synchronization - Search tag in class java.text.SimpleDateFormat
- Section
- Synchronization Information and Deadlock Detection - Search tag in interface
- Section
- Synchronization Statistics - Search tag in class
- Section
- synchronize(Line[], boolean) - Method in interface javax.sound.sampled.Mixer
Synchronizes two or more lines.
- SYNCHRONIZE - Enum constant in enum class java.nio.file.attribute.AclEntryPermission
Permission to access file locally at the server with synchronous reads and writes.
- SYNCHRONIZED - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind
Used for instances of
. - SYNCHRONIZED - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag
The access flag
, corresponding to the source modifiersynchronized
, with a mask value of0x0020
. - SYNCHRONIZED - Enum constant in enum class javax.lang.model.element.Modifier
The modifier
- SYNCHRONIZED - Static variable in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
value representing thesynchronized
modifier. - synchronizedCollection(Collection<T>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) collection backed by the specified collection.
- Synchronized I/O File Integrity - Search tag in package java.nio.file
- Section
- synchronizedList(List<T>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) list backed by the specified list.
- synchronizedMap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) map backed by the specified map.
- synchronizedNavigableMap(NavigableMap<K, V>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) navigable map backed by the specified navigable map.
- synchronizedNavigableSet(NavigableSet<T>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) navigable set backed by the specified navigable set.
- synchronizedSet(Set<T>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) set backed by the specified set.
- synchronizedSortedMap(SortedMap<K, V>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) sorted map backed by the specified sorted map.
- synchronizedSortedSet(SortedSet<T>) - Static method in class java.util.Collections
Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) sorted set backed by the specified sorted set.
- SynchronizedTree - Interface in com.sun.source.tree
A tree node for a
statement. - synchronizedView(AttributeSet) - Static method in class javax.print.attribute.AttributeSetUtilities
Creates a synchronized view of the given attribute set.
- synchronizedView(DocAttributeSet) - Static method in class javax.print.attribute.AttributeSetUtilities
Creates a synchronized view of the given doc attribute set.
- synchronizedView(PrintJobAttributeSet) - Static method in class javax.print.attribute.AttributeSetUtilities
Creates a synchronized view of the given print job attribute set.
- synchronizedView(PrintRequestAttributeSet) - Static method in class javax.print.attribute.AttributeSetUtilities
Creates a synchronized view of the given print request attribute set.
- synchronizedView(PrintServiceAttributeSet) - Static method in class javax.print.attribute.AttributeSetUtilities
Creates a synchronized view of the given print service attribute set.
- Synchronizers - Search tag in package java.util.concurrent
- Section
- SynchronousQueue<E> - Class in java.util.concurrent
A blocking queue in which each insert operation must wait for a corresponding remove operation by another thread, and vice versa.
- SynchronousQueue() - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue
Creates a
with nonfair access policy. - SynchronousQueue(boolean) - Constructor for class java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue
Creates a
with the specified fairness policy. - SyncMode(String) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.Sequencer.SyncMode
Constructs a synchronization mode.
- SyncProvider - Class in javax.sql.rowset.spi
The synchronization mechanism that provides reader/writer capabilities for disconnected
objects. - SyncProvider() - Constructor for class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncProvider
Creates a default
object. - SyncProviderException - Exception Class in javax.sql.rowset.spi
Indicates an error with the
mechanism. - SyncProviderException() - Constructor for exception class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncProviderException
Creates a new
object without a detail message. - SyncProviderException(String) - Constructor for exception class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncProviderException
Constructs a
object with the specified detail message. - SyncProviderException(SyncResolver) - Constructor for exception class javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncProviderException
Constructs a
object with the specifiedSyncResolver
instance. - SyncResolver - Interface in javax.sql.rowset.spi
Defines a framework that allows applications to use a manual decision tree to decide what should be done when a synchronization conflict occurs.
- syncScrollPaneWithViewport() - Method in class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicScrollPaneUI
Synchronizes the
. - syncSpi() - Method in class java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences
This method is invoked with this node locked.
- syncWithScrollPane(JScrollPane) - Method in class javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout
This method is invoked after the ScrollPaneLayout is set as the LayoutManager of a
. - SYNTAX_ERR - Static variable in exception class org.w3c.dom.DOMException
If an invalid or illegal string is specified.
- Synth - Search tag in package javax.swing.plaf.synth
- Section
- SynthButtonUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthButtonUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthButtonUI
Constructs a
. - SynthCheckBoxMenuItemUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthCheckBoxMenuItemUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthCheckBoxMenuItemUI
Constructs a
. - SynthCheckBoxUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthCheckBoxUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthCheckBoxUI
Constructs a
. - SynthColorChooserUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthColorChooserUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthColorChooserUI
Constructs a
. - SynthComboBoxUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthComboBoxUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthComboBoxUI
Constructs a
. - SynthConstants - Interface in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Constants used by Synth.
- SynthContext - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
An immutable transient object containing contextual information about a
. - SynthContext(JComponent, Region, SynthStyle, int) - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthContext
Creates a SynthContext with the specified values.
- SynthDesktopIconUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for a minimized internal frame on a desktop.
- SynthDesktopIconUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthDesktopIconUI
Constructs a
. - SynthDesktopPaneUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthDesktopPaneUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthDesktopPaneUI
Constructs a
. - SynthEditorPaneUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthEditorPaneUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthEditorPaneUI
Constructs a
. - synthesizedElement(Element) - Method in class javax.swing.text.html.HTMLWriter
if the element is a synthesized element. - Synthesizer - Interface in javax.sound.midi
generates sound. - SYNTHETIC - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Exports.Modifier
The export was not explicitly or implicitly declared in the source of the module declaration.
- SYNTHETIC - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Modifier
The module was not explicitly or implicitly declared.
- SYNTHETIC - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Opens.Modifier
The open package was not explicitly or implicitly declared in the source of the module declaration.
- SYNTHETIC - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Requires.Modifier
The dependence was not explicitly or implicitly declared in the source of the module declaration.
- SYNTHETIC - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag
The access flag
with a mask value of0x1000
. - SYNTHETIC - Enum constant in enum class javax.lang.model.util.Elements.Origin
A synthetic construct is one that is neither implicitly nor explicitly declared in the source code.
- SYNTHETIC - Static variable in class java.lang.classfile.AttributesPREVIEW
Attribute mapper for the
attribute - SyntheticAttributePREVIEW - Interface in java.lang.classfile.attributePREVIEW
Models the
attribute 4.7.8, which can appear on classes, methods, and fields. - SynthFormattedTextFieldUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthFormattedTextFieldUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthFormattedTextFieldUI
Constructs a
. - SynthGraphicsUtils - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Wrapper for primitive graphics calls.
- SynthGraphicsUtils() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthGraphicsUtils
Creates a
. - SynthIcon - Interface in javax.swing.plaf.synth
An icon that is passed a
. - SynthInternalFrameUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthInternalFrameUI(JInternalFrame) - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthInternalFrameUI
Constructs a
. - SynthLabelUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthLabelUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLabelUI
Constructs a
. - SynthListUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthListUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthListUI
Constructs a
. - SynthLookAndFeel - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
SynthLookAndFeel provides the basis for creating a customized look and feel.
- SynthLookAndFeel() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel
Creates a SynthLookAndFeel.
- SynthMenuBarUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthMenuBarUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthMenuBarUI
Constructs a
. - SynthMenuItemUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthMenuItemUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthMenuItemUI
Constructs a
. - SynthMenuUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthMenuUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthMenuUI
Constructs a
. - SynthOptionPaneUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthOptionPaneUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthOptionPaneUI
Constructs a
. - SynthPainter - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
is used for painting portions ofJComponent
s. - SynthPainter() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPainter
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- SynthPanelUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthPanelUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPanelUI
Constructs a
. - SynthPasswordFieldUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthPasswordFieldUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPasswordFieldUI
Constructs a
. - SynthPopupMenuUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthPopupMenuUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthPopupMenuUI
Constructs a
. - SynthProgressBarUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthProgressBarUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthProgressBarUI
Constructs a
. - SynthRadioButtonMenuItemUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthRadioButtonMenuItemUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthRadioButtonMenuItemUI
Constructs a
. - SynthRadioButtonUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthRadioButtonUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthRadioButtonUI
Constructs a
. - SynthRootPaneUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthRootPaneUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthRootPaneUI
Constructs a
. - SynthScrollBarUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthScrollBarUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollBarUI
Constructs a
. - SynthScrollPaneUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthScrollPaneUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthScrollPaneUI
Constructs a
. - SynthSeparatorUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthSeparatorUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthSeparatorUI
Constructs a
. - SynthSliderUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthSliderUI(JSlider) - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthSliderUI
Constructs a
. - SynthSpinnerUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthSpinnerUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthSpinnerUI
Constructs a
. - SynthSplitPaneUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthSplitPaneUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthSplitPaneUI
Constructs a
. - SynthStyle - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
is a set of style properties. - SynthStyle() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyle
Constructs a SynthStyle.
- SynthStyleFactory - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Factory used for obtaining
s. - SynthStyleFactory() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyleFactory
Creates a
. - SynthTabbedPaneUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthTabbedPaneUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTabbedPaneUI
Constructs a
. - SynthTableHeaderUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthTableHeaderUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableHeaderUI
Constructs a
. - SynthTableUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthTableUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTableUI
Constructs a
. - SynthTextAreaUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the look and feel for a plain text editor in the Synth look and feel.
- SynthTextAreaUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTextAreaUI
Constructs a
. - SynthTextFieldUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthTextFieldUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTextFieldUI
Constructs a
. - SynthTextPaneUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the look and feel for a styled text editor in the Synth look and feel.
- SynthTextPaneUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTextPaneUI
Constructs a
. - SynthToggleButtonUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthToggleButtonUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthToggleButtonUI
Constructs a
. - SynthToolBarUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthToolBarUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthToolBarUI
Constructs a
. - SynthToolTipUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthToolTipUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthToolTipUI
Constructs a
. - SynthTreeUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthTreeUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthTreeUI
Constructs a
. - SynthUI - Interface in javax.swing.plaf.synth
SynthUI is used to fetch the SynthContext for a particular Component.
- SynthViewportUI - Class in javax.swing.plaf.synth
Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for
. - SynthViewportUI() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthViewportUI
Constructs a
. - SYRIAC - Enum constant in enum class java.lang.Character.UnicodeScript
Unicode script "Syriac".
- SYRIAC - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Syriac" Unicode character block.
- SYRIAC_SUPPLEMENT - Static variable in class java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
Constant for the "Syriac Supplement" Unicode character block.
- SysexMessage - Class in javax.sound.midi
object represents a MIDI system exclusive message. - SysexMessage() - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage
Constructs a new
. - SysexMessage(byte[]) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage
Constructs a new
. - SysexMessage(byte[], int) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage
Constructs a new
and sets the data for the message. - SysexMessage(int, byte[], int) - Constructor for class javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage
Constructs a new
and sets the data for the message. - system() - Static method in interface java.time.InstantSource
Obtains a source that returns the current instant using the best available system clock.
- system(ZoneId) - Static method in class java.time.Clock
Obtains a clock that returns the current instant using the best available system clock.
- System - Class in java.lang
class contains several useful class fields and methods. - SYSTEM - Static variable in interface javax.swing.text.html.parser.DTDConstants
The DTD constant corresponds to SYSTEM
- SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage
Status byte for System Exclusive message (0xF0, or 240).
- SYSTEM_MODULES - Enum constant in enum class
Location to search for system modules.
- SYSTEM_PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.source.doctree.DocTree.Kind
Used for instances of
representing an@systemProperty
tag. - SYSTEM_RESET - Static variable in class javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage
Status byte for System Reset message (0xFF, or 255).
- System.Logger - Interface in java.lang
instances log messages that will be routed to the underlying logging framework theLoggerFinder
uses. - System.Logger.Level - Enum Class in java.lang
System loggers levels.
- System.LoggerFinder - Class in java.lang
service is responsible for creating, managing, and configuring loggers to the underlying framework it uses. - systemAboutToSleep(SystemSleepEvent) - Method in interface java.awt.desktop.SystemSleepListener
Called when the system is about to sleep.
- systemAwoke(SystemSleepEvent) - Method in interface java.awt.desktop.SystemSleepListener
Called after the system has awoken from sleeping.
- SystemColor - Class in java.awt
A class to encapsulate symbolic colors representing the color of native GUI objects on a system.
- systemDefault() - Static method in class java.time.ZoneId
Gets the system default time-zone.
- systemDefaultZone() - Static method in class java.time.Clock
Obtains a clock that returns the current instant using the best available system clock, converting to date and time using the default time-zone.
- SystemEventListener - Interface in java.awt.desktop
Common interface for all event listener sub-types.
- SystemFlavorMap - Class in java.awt.datatransfer
The SystemFlavorMap is a configurable map between "natives" (Strings), which correspond to platform-specific data formats, and "flavors" (DataFlavors), which correspond to platform-independent MIME types.
- SystemMenuBar() - Constructor for class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SystemMenuBar
Constructs a
. - systemNodeForPackage(Class<?>) - Static method in class java.util.prefs.Preferences
Returns the preference node from the system preference tree that is associated (by convention) with the specified class's package.
- System Properties - Search tag in module java.xml
- Section
- SystemPropertyTree - Interface in com.sun.source.doctree
A tree node for an
inline tag. - systemRoot() - Static method in class java.util.prefs.Preferences
Returns the root preference node for the system.
- systemRoot() - Method in interface java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory
Returns the system root preference node.
- SystemSleepEvent - Class in java.awt.desktop
Event sent when the system enters and exits power save sleep.
- SystemSleepEvent() - Constructor for class java.awt.desktop.SystemSleepEvent
Constructs a
. - SystemSleepListener - Interface in java.awt.desktop
Implementors receive notification as the system is entering sleep, and after the system wakes.
- SystemTray - Class in java.awt
class represents the system tray for a desktop. - systemUTC() - Static method in class java.time.Clock
Obtains a clock that returns the current instant using the best available system clock, converting to date and time using the UTC time-zone.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Restricted Methods|Serialized Form|System Properties